def _split_column_metric_domain_kwargs(
        domain_kwargs: Dict,
        domain_type: MetricDomainTypes,
    ) -> SplitDomainKwargs:
        """Split domain_kwargs for column domain types into compute and accessor domain kwargs.

            domain_kwargs: A dictionary consisting of the domain kwargs specifying which data to obtain
            domain_type: an Enum value indicating which metric domain the user would
            like to be using.

            compute_domain_kwargs, accessor_domain_kwargs split from domain_kwargs
            The union of compute_domain_kwargs, accessor_domain_kwargs is the input domain_kwargs
        assert (domain_type == MetricDomainTypes.COLUMN
                ), "This method only supports MetricDomainTypes.COLUMN"

        compute_domain_kwargs: Dict = copy.deepcopy(domain_kwargs)
        accessor_domain_kwargs: Dict = {}

        if "column" not in compute_domain_kwargs:
            raise ge_exceptions.GreatExpectationsError(
                "Column not provided in compute_domain_kwargs")

        # Checking if case-sensitive and using appropriate name
        if self.active_batch_data.use_quoted_name:
            accessor_domain_kwargs["column"] = quoted_name(
                compute_domain_kwargs.pop("column"), quote=True)
            accessor_domain_kwargs["column"] = compute_domain_kwargs.pop(

        return SplitDomainKwargs(compute_domain_kwargs, accessor_domain_kwargs)
    def get_compute_domain(
        domain_kwargs: dict,
        domain_type: Union[str, MetricDomainTypes],
        accessor_keys: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[DataFrame, dict, dict]:
        """Uses a given batch dictionary and domain kwargs (which include a row condition and a condition parser)
        to obtain and/or query a batch. Returns in the format of a Spark DataFrame.

            domain_kwargs (dict) - A dictionary consisting of the domain kwargs specifying which data to obtain
            domain_type (str or MetricDomainTypes) - an Enum value indicating which metric domain the user would
            like to be using, or a corresponding string value representing it. String types include "identity",
            "column", "column_pair", "table" and "other". Enum types include capitalized versions of these from the
            class MetricDomainTypes.
            accessor_keys (str iterable) - keys that are part of the compute domain but should be ignored when
            describing the domain and simply transferred with their associated values into accessor_domain_kwargs.

            A tuple including:
              - a DataFrame (the data on which to compute)
              - a dictionary of compute_domain_kwargs, describing the DataFrame
              - a dictionary of accessor_domain_kwargs, describing any accessors needed to
                identify the domain within the compute domain
        data = self.get_domain_records(
        # Extracting value from enum if it is given for future computation
        domain_type = MetricDomainTypes(domain_type)

        compute_domain_kwargs = copy.deepcopy(domain_kwargs)
        accessor_domain_kwargs = {}
        table = domain_kwargs.get("table", None)
        if table:
            raise ValueError(
                "SparkDFExecutionEngine does not currently support multiple named tables."

        # Warning user if accessor keys are in any domain that is not of type table, will be ignored
        if (
            domain_type != MetricDomainTypes.TABLE
            and accessor_keys is not None
            and len(list(accessor_keys)) > 0
                'Accessor keys ignored since Metric Domain Type is not "table"'

        if domain_type == MetricDomainTypes.TABLE:
            if accessor_keys is not None and len(list(accessor_keys)) > 0:
                for key in accessor_keys:
                    accessor_domain_kwargs[key] = compute_domain_kwargs.pop(key)
            if len(compute_domain_kwargs.keys()) > 0:
                # Warn user if kwarg not "normal".
                unexpected_keys: set = set(compute_domain_kwargs.keys()).difference(
                if len(unexpected_keys) > 0:
                    unexpected_keys_str: str = ", ".join(
                        map(lambda element: f'"{element}"', unexpected_keys)
                        f'Unexpected key(s) {unexpected_keys_str} found in domain_kwargs for domain type "{domain_type.value}".'
            return data, compute_domain_kwargs, accessor_domain_kwargs

        elif domain_type == MetricDomainTypes.COLUMN:
            if "column" not in compute_domain_kwargs:
                raise GreatExpectationsError(
                    "Column not provided in compute_domain_kwargs"

            accessor_domain_kwargs["column"] = compute_domain_kwargs.pop("column")

        elif domain_type == MetricDomainTypes.COLUMN_PAIR:
            if not (
                "column_A" in compute_domain_kwargs
                and "column_B" in compute_domain_kwargs
                raise GreatExpectationsError(
                    "column_A or column_B not found within compute_domain_kwargs"

            accessor_domain_kwargs["column_A"] = compute_domain_kwargs.pop("column_A")
            accessor_domain_kwargs["column_B"] = compute_domain_kwargs.pop("column_B")

        elif domain_type == MetricDomainTypes.MULTICOLUMN:
            if "column_list" not in domain_kwargs:
                raise ge_exceptions.GreatExpectationsError(
                    "column_list not found within domain_kwargs"

            column_list = compute_domain_kwargs.pop("column_list")

            if len(column_list) < 2:
                raise ge_exceptions.GreatExpectationsError(
                    "column_list must contain at least 2 columns"

            accessor_domain_kwargs["column_list"] = column_list

        return data, compute_domain_kwargs, accessor_domain_kwargs