Example #1
File: graph.py Project: cloax/bulbs
class Graph(object):
    The primary interface to graph databases on the Rexster REST server.

    Instantiates the database :class:`~bulbs.rest.Resource` object using 
    the specified database URL and sets up proxy objects to the database.
    :keyword db_url: The URL to the specific database on Rexster. 
    :ivar vertices: :class:`~bulbs.element.VertexProxy` object for the Resource.
    :ivar edges: :class:`~bulbs.element.EdgeProxy` object for the Resource.
    :ivar indices: :class:`~bulbs.index.IndexProxy` object for the Resource.
    :ivar gremlin: :class:`~bulbs.gremlin.Gremlin` object for the Resource.


    >>> from bulbs.graph import Graph
    >>> g = Graph()
    >>> james = g.vertices.create({'name':'James'})
    >>> julie = g.vertices.create({'name':'Julie'})
    >>> g.edges.create(james,"knows",julie)


    def __init__(self,db_url=config.DATABASE_URL):
        self.resource = Resource(db_url)
        self.vertices = VertexProxy(self.resource)
        self.edges = EdgeProxy(self.resource)
        self.indices = IndexProxy(self.resource)
        self.gremlin = Gremlin(self.resource)

    #def __rshift__(self,b):
    #    return list(self)

    def V(self):
        Returns all the vertices of the graph.

        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> vertices = g.V

        :rtype: List of :class:`~bulbs.element.Vertex` objects. 

        vertices = self.gremlin.query("g.V",Vertex,raw=True)
        return list(vertices)
    def E(self):
        Returns all the edges of the graph. 

        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> edges = g.E

        :rtype: List of :class:`~bulbs.element.Edge` objects.

        edges = self.gremlin.query("g.E",Edge,raw=True)
        return list(edges)

    def idxV(self,**kwds):
        Looks up a key/value pair in the vertex index and
        returns a generator containing the vertices matching the key and value.

        :keyword pair: The key/value pair to match on.
        :keyword raw: Boolean. If True, return the raw Response object. 
                      Defaults to False.


        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> vertices = g.idxV(name="James")

        :rtype: Generator of :class:`~bulbs.element.Vertex` objects.

        You can turn the generator into a list by doing::

        >>> vertices = g.idxV(name="James")
        >>> vertices = list(vertices)

        return self._idx("vertices",**kwds)
    #def _initialize_results(self,results,raw):
    #    if raw is True:
    #        return (result for result in results)
    #    else:
    #        return (Vertex(self.resource,result) for result in results)
    def idxE(self,**kwds):
        Looks up a key/value pair in the edge index and 
        returns a generator containing the edges matching the key and value.

        :keyword pair: The key/value pair to match on.
        :keyword raw: Boolean. If True, return the raw Response object. 
                      Defaults to False.


        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> edges = g.idxE(label="knows")

        :rtype: Generator of :class:`~bulbs.element.Edge` objects.

        You can turn the generator into a list by doing::

        >>> edges = g.idxE(label="knows")
        >>> edges = list(edges)

        return self._idx("edges",**kwds)

    def _idx(self,index_name,**kwds):
        Returns the Rexster Response object of the index look up.
        :param index_name: The name of the index.

        :param pair: The key/value pair to match on. 
        :keyword raw: Boolean. If True, return the raw Response object. 
                      Defaults to False.

        raw = kwds.pop("raw",False)
        key, value = kwds.popitem()
        target = "%s/indices/%s" % (self.resource.db_name,index_name)
        params = dict(key=key,value=value)
        resp = self.resource.get(target,params)
        if raw:
            return resp
        if resp.results:
            class_map = dict(vertices=Vertex,edges=Edge)
            element_class = class_map[index_name]
            return (element_class(self.resource,result) for result in resp.results)

    def load_graphml(self,url):
        Loads a GraphML file into the database, and returns the Rexster 
        response object.

        :param url: The URL of the GraphML file to load.

        script = "g.loadGraphML('%s')" % url
        resp = self.gremlin.execute(script)
        return resp

    def save_graphml(self):
        Returns a GraphML file representing the entire database.


        script = """
        new File('data/graphml').getText();
        results = self.gremlin.execute(script)
        return results[0]

    def clear(self):
        Deletes all the elements in the graph.


        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> g.clear()

        .. admonition:: WARNING 

           g.clear() will delete all your data!

        target = self.resource.db_name
        resp = self.resource.delete(target,params=None)
        return resp
Example #2
class Graph(object):
    The primary interface to graph databases on the Rexster REST server.

    Instantiates the database :class:`~bulbs.rest.Resource` object using 
    the specified database URL and sets up proxy objects to the database.
    :keyword db_url: The URL to the specific database on Rexster. 
    :ivar vertices: :class:`~bulbs.element.VertexProxy` object for the Resource.
    :ivar edges: :class:`~bulbs.element.EdgeProxy` object for the Resource.
    :ivar indices: :class:`~bulbs.index.IndexProxy` object for the Resource.
    :ivar gremlin: :class:`~bulbs.gremlin.Gremlin` object for the Resource.


    >>> from bulbs.graph import Graph
    >>> g = Graph()
    >>> james = g.vertices.create({'name':'James'})
    >>> julie = g.vertices.create({'name':'Julie'})
    >>> g.edges.create(james,"knows",julie)

    def __init__(self, db_url=config.DATABASE_URL):
        self.resource = Resource(db_url)
        self.vertices = VertexProxy(self.resource)
        self.edges = EdgeProxy(self.resource)
        self.indices = IndexProxy(self.resource)
        self.gremlin = Gremlin(self.resource)

    #def __rshift__(self,b):
    #    return list(self)

    def V(self):
        Returns all the vertices of the graph.

        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> vertices = g.V

        :rtype: List of :class:`~bulbs.element.Vertex` objects. 

        vertices = self.gremlin.query("g.V", Vertex, raw=True)
        return list(vertices)

    def E(self):
        Returns all the edges of the graph. 

        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> edges = g.E

        :rtype: List of :class:`~bulbs.element.Edge` objects.

        edges = self.gremlin.query("g.E", Edge, raw=True)
        return list(edges)

    def idxV(self, **kwds):
        Looks up a key/value pair in the vertex index and
        returns a generator containing the vertices matching the key and value.

        :keyword pair: The key/value pair to match on.
        :keyword raw: Boolean. If True, return the raw Response object. 
                      Defaults to False.


        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> vertices = g.idxV(name="James")

        :rtype: Generator of :class:`~bulbs.element.Vertex` objects.

        You can turn the generator into a list by doing::

        >>> vertices = g.idxV(name="James")
        >>> vertices = list(vertices)

        return self._idx("vertices", **kwds)

    #def _initialize_results(self,results,raw):
    #    if raw is True:
    #        return (result for result in results)
    #    else:
    #        return (Vertex(self.resource,result) for result in results)

    def idxE(self, **kwds):
        Looks up a key/value pair in the edge index and 
        returns a generator containing the edges matching the key and value.

        :keyword pair: The key/value pair to match on.
        :keyword raw: Boolean. If True, return the raw Response object. 
                      Defaults to False.


        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> edges = g.idxE(label="knows")

        :rtype: Generator of :class:`~bulbs.element.Edge` objects.

        You can turn the generator into a list by doing::

        >>> edges = g.idxE(label="knows")
        >>> edges = list(edges)

        return self._idx("edges", **kwds)

    def _idx(self, index_name, **kwds):
        Returns the Rexster Response object of the index look up.
        :param index_name: The name of the index.

        :param pair: The key/value pair to match on. 
        :keyword raw: Boolean. If True, return the raw Response object. 
                      Defaults to False.

        raw = kwds.pop("raw", False)
        key, value = kwds.popitem()
        target = "%s/indices/%s" % (self.resource.db_name, index_name)
        params = dict(key=key, value=value)
        resp = self.resource.get(target, params)
        if raw:
            return resp
        if resp.results:
            class_map = dict(vertices=Vertex, edges=Edge)
            element_class = class_map[index_name]
            return (element_class(self.resource, result)
                    for result in resp.results)

    def load_graphml(self, url):
        Loads a GraphML file into the database, and returns the Rexster 
        response object.

        :param url: The URL of the GraphML file to load.

        script = "g.loadGraphML('%s')" % url
        resp = self.gremlin.execute(script)
        return resp

    def save_graphml(self):
        Returns a GraphML file representing the entire database.


        script = """
        new File('data/graphml').getText();
        results = self.gremlin.execute(script)
        return results[0]

    def clear(self):
        Deletes all the elements in the graph.


        >>> g = Graph()
        >>> g.clear()

        .. admonition:: WARNING 

           g.clear() will delete all your data!

        target = self.resource.db_name
        resp = self.resource.delete(target, params=None)
        return resp