Example #1
def rrtstar(g, start, goal, max_iter=10000):
    nodes = {start: {'cost': 0, 'parent': None}}
    for i in range(max_iter):
        # Pick a random point in the grid
        q = (random.randrange(g.width), random.randrange(g.height))
        # Find the cell in the tree closest to random point
        dists = {n: grid.dist(q, n) for n in nodes}
        closest_tree_node = min(dists, key=lambda k: dists[k])
        # Find a neighbour of closest that is even closer to q
        dists = {n: grid.dist(q, n) for n in g.neighbours(*closest_tree_node)}
        best_new_node = min(dists, key=lambda k: dists[k])
        if best_new_node in nodes:
            continue # skip nodes if they are already in the tree
        # Find the neighbour of the best cell with the lowest cost
        costs = {n: nodes[n]['cost'] + grid.cost(best_new_node, n) for n in
            g.neighbours(*best_new_node) if n in nodes}
        best_parent = min(costs, key=lambda k: costs[k])
        # Add new node
        cost = nodes[best_parent]['cost'] + grid.cost(best_parent,
        nodes[best_new_node] = {'cost': cost, 'parent': best_parent}
        if best_new_node == goal:
            return _reconstruct_path(goal, nodes), _build_edge_list(nodes)
        # Check the neighbours if their cost can be decreased by
        # connecting to the new node
        for n in g.neighbours(*best_new_node):
            if n not in nodes:
            if nodes[n]['cost'] > cost + grid.cost(best_new_node, n):
                nodes[n]['parent'] = best_new_node
                nodes[n]['cost'] = cost + grid.cost(best_new_node, n)
                _update_child_cost(nodes, n)
    print('no path')
    return None, _build_edge_list(nodes)
Example #2
def __expand_space(grid, fringe, visited, g, h, parent, curr):
    for n in neighbors(grid, curr):
        if n not in visited:
            if n not in fringe:
                g[n] = float('inf')
                parent[n] = None
            if g[curr] + cost(grid, curr, n) < g[n]:
                g[n] = g[curr] + cost(grid, curr, n)
                parent[n] = curr
                fringe[n] = g[n] + h(n)
Example #3
def update_shortest_path(grid, nodes, edges, node):
    for n in g.neighbours(*node):
        if n in nodes and nodes[n] + grid.cost(n, node) < nodes[node]:
            # remove current edge
            for parent in nodes:
                if (parent, node) in edges:
                    edges.remove((parent, node))
            # set new edge
            edges.append((n, node))
            nodes[node] = nodes[n] + grid.cost(n, node)
    # update all children
    update_costs(grid, nodes, edges, node)
Example #4
def astar(g, start, goal):
    closed = set()
    open_list = []
    heapq.heappush(open_list, (0, start))
    g_scores = {start: 0}
    came_from = {}

    while open_list != []:
        prio, current = heapq.heappop(open_list)
        if current == goal:
            return reconstruct(came_from, goal)

        for n in g.neighbours(*current):
            if n in closed:
                continue # skip already evaluated neighbours

            g_score = g_scores[current] + grid.cost(current, n)
            if n in g_scores and g_score > g_scores[n]:
                continue # This is not a better path

            # Add the neighbour on the heap
            came_from[n] = current
            g_scores[n] = g_score
            heapq.heappush(open_list, (g_score + grid.dist(n, goal), n))
    return None
Example #5
def update_costs(grid, nodes, edges, node):
    update = []
    for s, e in edges:
        if e == node:
            nodes[node] = nodes[s] + grid.cost(s, node)
        if s == node:
    for n in update:
        update_costs(grid, nodes, edges, n)
Example #6
def path_cost(grid, parent, curr):
    p = path(parent, curr)
    c = 0
    prev = None
    for s in p:
        if prev:
            c = c + cost(grid, prev, s)
        prev = s
    return c
Example #7
def __expand_space_integrated(grid, o, c_a, c_i, g, anchor, inad, bp, w1, w2, curr):
    for k in o:
        if curr in o[k]:
    for n in neighbors(grid, curr):
        if n not in g:
            g[n] = float('inf')
            bp[n] = None
        g_new = g[curr] + cost(grid, curr, n)
        if g[n] > g[curr] + cost(grid, curr, n):
            g[n] = g_new
            bp[n] = curr
            if n not in c_a:
                o[anchor][n] = key(g, anchor, n, w1)
                if n not in c_i:
                    for i in inad:
                        if key(g, i, n, w1) <= w2*o[anchor][n]:
                            o[i][n] = key(g, i, n, w1)
Example #8
def iddfs_rec(g, pos, goal, path, max_cost, cost):
    if cost > max_cost:
        return None
    if pos == goal:
        return path

    for n in g.neighbours(*pos):
        if n in path:
            continue # don't follow loops
        p = iddfs_rec(g, n, goal, path + [n], max_cost,
            cost + grid.cost(pos, n))
        if p != None:
            return p
    return None
Example #9
    def test_cost(self):
        def approx_equal(f1, f2):
            return abs(f1 - f2) < .01

        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[0, 0]),
        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[0, 1]),
        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[1, 1]),
        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[1, 0]),
        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[0, 2]),
        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[1, 2]),
        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[2, 2]),
        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[2, 1]),
        assert approx_equal(cost(self.grid, self.grid[1, 1], self.grid[2, 0]),
Example #10
    def h_favor_highways_smart(grid, s, goal, *args, **kwargs):
        # Only useful for searching for highways beyond manhattan distance bc we only need to compare manhattan distance
        # d_x = s.coords[0] - goal.coords[0]
        # d_y = s.coords[1] - goal.coords[1]
        m_d = manhattan_distance(s, goal)
        c = h(grid, s, goal, *args, **kwargs)
        for n in neighbors(grid, s):
            if is_horizontal(s, n) or is_vertical(s, n):
                if s.is_highway() and n.is_highway():
                    m_d_n = manhattan_distance(n, goal)
                    if m_d < m_d_n:
                        c = cost(grid, s, n) * m_d
            # In order to take into account searching for highways beyond the manhattan distance,
            # we would need to know the parent of s
            # if s.parent is n:
            #    continue

        return c
Example #11
def rrtstar(g, start, goal, max_iter=10000):
    nodes = {start: 0}
    edges = []
    for i in range(max_iter):
        q = (random.randrange(g.width), random.randrange(g.height))
        # Find closest node to the sample
        closest = start
        dist = grid.dist(closest, q)
        for n in nodes:
            if grid.dist(n, q) < dist:
                closest = n
                dist = grid.dist(n, q)

        # Find grid cell that is most in direction of sample
        c = g.neighbours(*closest)[0]
        dist = grid.dist(c, q)
        for n in g.neighbours(*closest):
            if grid.dist(n, q) < dist:
                c = n
                dist = grid.dist(n, q)
        if c in nodes:
            continue # skip already visited cells

        # find the neighbour with the lowest cost
        cost = nodes[closest]
        for n in g.neighbours(*c):
            if n in nodes and nodes[n] < cost:
                cost = nodes[n]
                closest = n

        nodes[c] = nodes[closest] + grid.cost(closest, c)
        edges.append((closest, c))

        # Update edges from other nodes
        for n in g.neighbours(*c):
            if n in nodes:
                update_shortest_path(grid, nodes, edges, n)

        if c == goal:
            print('arrived at goal')
            return (reconstruct(edges, start, goal), edges)
    print('No path found')
    return None, edges
Example #12
def _update_child_cost(nodes, parent):
    for node in nodes:
        if nodes[node]['parent'] == parent:
            nodes[node]['cost'] = nodes[parent]['cost'] + grid.cost(parent,
            _update_child_cost(nodes, node)
Example #13
#astar with dijkstra and heuristic
import grid
import math
from Queue import PriorityQueue

def heuristic(a, b):
    return math.fabs(a.x - b.x) + math.abs(a.y - b.y)

frontier = PriorityQueue()
frontier.put(start, 0)
came_from = {}
cost_so_far = {}
came_from[start] = None
cost_so_far[start] = 0

while not frontier.empty():
    current = frontier.get()
    if current == goal:
    for next in graph.neighbors(current):
        new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + grid.cost(
            current, next)  #TODO: implement on grid.py cost
        if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
            cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
            priority = new_cost + heuristic(goal, next)
            frontier.put(next, priority)
            came_from[next] = current
Example #14
 def test_cost_for_diagonal_move_is_sqrt_two(self):
     answer = math.sqrt(2)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((0, 0), (1, 1)), answer)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((8, 2), (7, 1)), answer)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((9, 6), (8, 7)), answer)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((2, 3), (3, 2)), answer)
Example #15
 def test_cost_for_cardinal_move_is_one(self):
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((0, 0), (1, 0)), 1)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((7, 1), (7, 2)), 1)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((9, 4), (8, 4)), 1)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((6, 2), (6, 1)), 1)
Example #16
#astar with dijkstra and heuristic
import grid
import math
from Queue import PriorityQueue

def heuristic(a,b):
	return math.fabs(a.x-b.x)+math.abs(a.y-b.y)

frontier = PriorityQueue()
frontier.put(start, 0)
came_from = {}
cost_so_far = {}
came_from[start] = None
cost_so_far[start] = 0

while not frontier.empty():
	current = frontier.get()
	if current == goal:
	for next in graph.neighbors(current):
		new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + grid.cost(current, next) #TODO: implement on grid.py cost
		if next not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[next]:
			cost_so_far[next] = new_cost
			priority = new_cost+heuristic(goal,next)
			came_from[next] = current
Example #17
 def test_cost_is_zero_for_same_cell(self):
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((0, 0), (0, 0)), 0)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((7, 8), (7, 8)), 0)
     self.assertEqual(grid.cost((2, 5), (2, 5)), 0)