Example #1
def get_location(index):
    #Setting globals for editing
    global x
    global y
    global direction

    #Selecting Random Values for row, column and direction
    x = random.randint(1, 10)
    y = random.randint(1, 10)
    direction = random.randint(1, 2)

    #Loop sets a number to a character for place vessel to 'decode' the direction
    if direction == 1:
        direction = 'v'
        direction = 'h'

    #This loop makes sure the end of the vessel does not go over the edge of the board.
    if (direction == 'h') and (-1 < x <
                               (grid.GRID_WIDTH - grid.VESSEL_SIZE[index])
                               ) and (-1 < y < grid.GRID_HEIGHT):

        #If has_overlap returns True then get location is called.
        if grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):

        #If it returns not true(false), then we place the vessel.
        if not grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
            grid.place_vessel(index, direction, x, y)

    #Same as previous function, except with vertical/y direction.
    elif direction == 'v' and (-1 < y <
                               (grid.GRID_HEIGHT - grid.VESSEL_SIZE[index])
                               ) and (-1 < x < grid.GRID_WIDTH):

        if grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):

        if not grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
            grid.place_vessel(index, direction, x, y)

    #Recursive statement, to retry if fails.
Example #2
def validate_location(index):

    global x  # this function can edit x
    global y  # this function can edit y
    # check if string is a single letter or smaller than a three digit number, if not, asks for input again, then checks

    #check if strings are appropriate length
    if (len(x) == 1) and (len(y) < 3):
        x = (ord(x) - ord('A'))
        y = (int(y) - 1)

        # checks if location is on the board and if the ship will fit, if not asks for input again and checks again
        if (direction == 'h') and (-1 < x <
                                   (grid.GRID_WIDTH - grid.VESSEL_SIZE[index])
                                   ) and (-1 < y < grid.GRID_HEIGHT):
            if grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
                print("Location Invalid")

            if not grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
                grid.place_vessel(index, direction, x, y)

        elif direction == 'v' and (-1 < y <
                                   (grid.GRID_HEIGHT - grid.VESSEL_SIZE[index])
                                   ) and (-1 < x < grid.GRID_WIDTH):
            if grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
                print("Location Invalid")

            if not grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
                grid.place_vessel(index, direction, x, y)

            print('The location you entered is not on the board!')
            validate_location(index)  # recursive

            'Please enter a LETTER (between A-J) and a NUMBER (between 1-10!)')
        validate_location(index)  # recursive
Example #3
def get_location(index):
	#Setting globals for editing
	global x
	global y
	global direction
	#Selecting Random Values for row, column and direction
	x = random.randint(1, 10)
	y = random.randint(1, 10)
	direction = random.randint(1,2)
	#Loop sets a number to a character for place vessel to 'decode' the direction
	if direction == 1:
		direction = 'v'
		direction = 'h'
	#This loop makes sure the end of the vessel does not go over the edge of the board.
	if (direction == 'h') and (-1 < x < (grid.GRID_WIDTH - grid.VESSEL_SIZE[index])) and (-1 < y < grid.GRID_HEIGHT):
		#If has_overlap returns True then get location is called.
		if grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
		#If it returns not true(false), then we place the vessel.		
		if not grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
			grid.place_vessel(index, direction, x, y)
	#Same as previous function, except with vertical/y direction.
	elif direction == 'v' and (-1 < y < (grid.GRID_HEIGHT - grid.VESSEL_SIZE[index])) and (-1 < x < grid.GRID_WIDTH):  
		if grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
		if not grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
			grid.place_vessel(index, direction, x, y)
	#Recursive statement, to retry if fails.
def validate_location(index):
	global x # this function can edit x
	global y # this function can edit y
	# check if string is a single letter or smaller than a three digit number, if not, asks for input again, then checks
	#check if strings are appropriate length
	if (len(x) == 1) and (len(y) < 3):
		x = (ord(x) - ord('A'))
		y = (int(y) - 1)
		# checks if location is on the board and if the ship will fit, if not asks for input again and checks again
		if (direction == 'h') and (-1 < x < (grid.GRID_WIDTH - grid.VESSEL_SIZE[index])) and (-1 < y < grid.GRID_HEIGHT):
			if grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
				print("Location Invalid")
			if not grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
				grid.place_vessel(index, direction, x, y)
		elif direction == 'v' and (-1 < y < (grid.GRID_HEIGHT - grid.VESSEL_SIZE[index])) and (-1 < x < grid.GRID_WIDTH):  
			if grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
				print("Location Invalid")
			if not grid.has_overlap(index, x, y, direction):
				grid.place_vessel(index, direction, x, y)
			print('The location you entered is not on the board!')
			validate_location(index) # recursive
		print('Please enter a LETTER (between A-J) and a NUMBER (between 1-10!)')
		validate_location(index) # recursive