def _getGrid(params, config): """ Gets the grid for the map """ # Get the bounding box bbox = _getBbox(params) # Get the image width and height try: width = int(params.getParamValue("width")) height = int(params.getParamValue("height")) if width < 1 or width > config.maxImageWidth: raise WMSException("Image width must be between 1 and " + str(config.maxImageWidth) + " pixels inclusive") if height < 1 or height > config.maxImageHeight: raise WMSException("Image height must be between 1 and " + str(config.maxImageHeight) + " pixels inclusive") except ValueError: raise WMSException("Invalid integer provided for WIDTH or HEIGHT") # Get the Grid object crs = params.getParamValue("crs") if grids.getSupportedCRSs().has_key(crs): GridClass = grids.getSupportedCRSs()[crs] # see return GridClass(bbox, width, height) else: raise InvalidCRS(crs)
def getCapabilities(req, params, config, lastUpdateTime): """ Returns the Capabilities document. req = mod_python request object or WMS.FakeModPythonRequest object params = wmsUtils.RequestParser object containing the request parameters config = ConfigParser object containing configuration info for this WMS lastUpdateTime = time at which cache of data and metadata was last updated """ version = params.getParamValue("version", "") format = params.getParamValue("format", "") # TODO: deal with version and format # Check the UPDATESEQUENCE (used for cache consistency) updatesequence = params.getParamValue("updatesequence", "") if updatesequence != "": try: us = iso8601.parse(updatesequence) if round(us) == round(lastUpdateTime): # Equal to the nearest second raise CurrentUpdateSequence(updatesequence) elif us > lastUpdateTime: raise InvalidUpdateSequence(updatesequence) except ValueError: # Client didn't supply a valid ISO8601 date # According to the spec, InvalidUpdateSequence is not the # right error code here so we use a generic exception raise WMSException("UPDATESEQUENCE must be a valid ISO8601 date") output = StringIO() output.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n") output.write("<WMS_Capabilities version=\"" + wmsUtils.getWMSVersion() + "\"") # UpdateSequence is accurate to the nearest second output.write(" updateSequence=\"%s\"" % iso8601.tostring(round(lastUpdateTime))) output.write(" xmlns=\"\"") output.write(" xmlns:xlink=\"\"") # The next two lines should be commented out if you wish to load this document # in Cadcorp SIS from behind the University of Reading firewall output.write(" xmlns:xsi=\"\"") output.write(" xsi:schemaLocation=\"\"") output.write(">") output.write("<Service>") output.write("<Name>WMS</Name>") output.write("<Title>%s</Title>" % config.title) output.write("<Abstract>%s</Abstract>" % config.abstract) output.write("<KeywordList>") for keyword in config.keywords: output.write("<Keyword>%s</Keyword>" % keyword) output.write("</KeywordList>") output.write("<OnlineResource xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"%s\"/>" % config.url) output.write("<ContactInformation>") output.write("<ContactPersonPrimary>") output.write("<ContactPerson>%s</ContactPerson>" % config.contactName) output.write("<ContactOrganization>%s</ContactOrganization>" % config.contactOrg) output.write("</ContactPersonPrimary>") output.write("<ContactVoiceTelephone>%s</ContactVoiceTelephone>" % config.contactTel) output.write("<ContactElectronicMailAddress>%s</ContactElectronicMailAddress>" % config.contactEmail) output.write("</ContactInformation>") output.write("<Fees>none</Fees>") output.write("<AccessConstraints>none</AccessConstraints>") output.write("<LayerLimit>%d</LayerLimit>" % getmap.getLayerLimit()) output.write("<MaxWidth>%d</MaxWidth>" % config.maxImageWidth) output.write("<MaxHeight>%d</MaxHeight>" % config.maxImageHeight) output.write("</Service>") output.write("<Capability>") output.write("<Request>") output.write("<GetCapabilities>") output.write("<Format>text/xml</Format>") url = "http://%s%s?" % (req.server.server_hostname, req.unparsed_uri.split("?")[0]) output.write("<DCPType><HTTP><Get><OnlineResource xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + url + "\"/></Get></HTTP></DCPType>") output.write("</GetCapabilities>") output.write("<GetMap>") for format in getmap.getSupportedImageFormats(): output.write("<Format>%s</Format>" % format) output.write("<DCPType><HTTP><Get><OnlineResource xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + url + "\"/></Get></HTTP></DCPType>") output.write("</GetMap>") if config.allowFeatureInfo: output.write("<GetFeatureInfo>") for format in getfeatureinfo.getSupportedFormats(): output.write("<Format>%s</Format>" % format) output.write("<DCPType><HTTP><Get><OnlineResource xlink:type=\"simple\" xlink:href=\"" + url + "\"/></Get></HTTP></DCPType>") output.write("</GetFeatureInfo>") output.write("</Request>") # TODO: support more exception types output.write("<Exception>") for ex_format in getmap.getSupportedExceptionFormats(): output.write("<Format>%s</Format>" % ex_format) output.write("</Exception>") # Write the top-level container layer output.write("<Layer>") output.write("<Title>%s</Title>" % config.title) # TODO: add styles for crs in grids.getSupportedCRSs().keys(): output.write("<CRS>" + crs + "</CRS>") # Now for the dataset layers datasets = config.datasets for dsid in datasets.keys(): # Write a container layer for this dataset. Container layers # do not have a Name output.write("<Layer>") output.write("<Title>%s</Title>" % datasets[dsid].title) # Now write the displayable data layers vars = datareader.getVariableMetadata(datasets[dsid].location) for vid in vars.keys(): output.write("<Layer") if config.allowFeatureInfo and datasets[dsid].queryable: output.write(" queryable=\"1\"") output.write(">") output.write("<Name>%s%s%s</Name>" % (dsid, wmsUtils.getLayerSeparator(), vid)) output.write("<Title>%s</Title>" % vars[vid].title) output.write("<Abstract>%s</Abstract>" % vars[vid].abstract) # Set the bounding box minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat = vars[vid].bbox output.write("<EX_GeographicBoundingBox>") output.write("<westBoundLongitude>%s</westBoundLongitude>" % str(minLon)) output.write("<eastBoundLongitude>%s</eastBoundLongitude>" % str(maxLon)) output.write("<southBoundLatitude>%s</southBoundLatitude>" % str(minLat)) output.write("<northBoundLatitude>%s</northBoundLatitude>" % str(maxLat)) output.write("</EX_GeographicBoundingBox>") output.write("<BoundingBox CRS=\"CRS:84\" ") output.write("minx=\"%f\" maxx=\"%f\" miny=\"%f\" maxy=\"%f\"/>" % (minLon, maxLon, minLat, maxLat)) # Set the level dimension if vars[vid].zvalues is not None: output.write("<Dimension name=\"elevation\" units=\"%s\"" % vars[vid].zunits) # Use the first value in the array as the default # If the default value is removed, you also need to edit # the data reading code (e.g. to # disallow default z values output.write(" default=\"%s\">" % vars[vid].zvalues[0]) firstTime = 1 for z in vars[vid].zvalues: if firstTime: firstTime = 0 else: output.write(",") output.write(str(z)) output.write("</Dimension>") # Set the time dimension if vars[vid].tvalues is not None: output.write("<Dimension name=\"time\" units=\"ISO8601\">") # If we change this to support the "current" attribute # we must also change the data reading code firstTime = 1 for t in vars[vid].tvalues: if firstTime: firstTime = 0 else: output.write(",") output.write(iso8601.tostring(t)) output.write("</Dimension>") output.write("</Layer>") # end of variable Layer output.write("</Layer>") # end of dataset layer output.write("</Layer>") # end of top-level container layer output.write("</Capability>") output.write("</WMS_Capabilities>") req.content_type="text/xml" req.write(output.getvalue()) output.close() # Free the buffer return