Example #1
    def save_report(self, report_dir, report_template):
        """save a runner results to file.
        report_dir = os.path.abspath(report_dir)

        # Report directory cannot already exist
        if os.path.exists(report_dir):
                f"{report_dir} already exists, please remove before using.")

        dest = copy_template(report_template, report_dir)
        if not dest:
            bot.exit(f"Error writing to {dest}.")
        return dest
Example #2
    def get_function(self, funcname):
        """Given a function name, return it. Exit on error if not found.
        # Import the function
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(self.filename))
        module = ".".join(funcname.split(".")[:-1])
        funcname = funcname.split(".")[-1]
            module = import_module(module)
            func = getattr(module, funcname)
            if func is None:
                bot.exit(f"Cannot find {funcname}.")
            bot.exit(f"Cannot import grid function {funcname}")

        return func
Example #3
    def _savepaths_valid(self, filename, allowed=None):
        """For some file to be written, check that the directory exists, and 
           a proper extension is used.
        allowed = allowed or [".json", ".pkl"]
        regexp = "(%s)$" % ("|".join(allowed))

        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
        if not os.path.exists(dirname):
            bot.exit(f"{dirname} does not exist, skipping save.")

        elif not re.search(regexp, filename):
            bot.warning("%s must have extensions in %s, skipping save." %
                        (filename, ",".join(allowed)))
            return False
        return True
Example #4
def expand_args(args):
    """Given a grid of arguments, expand special cases into longer lists
       of arguments.
       E.g., convert an entry with these keys:


       In the case that a grid has a string identifier to point to a key
       in the lookup, we use that listing of values instead that should
       already be calculated.
    for param, settings in args.items():

        # If settings is a dictionary, it has to be special case
        if isinstance(settings, dict):

            # If any settings defined not allowed, do not continue
            if (set(settings.keys()).difference(GRIDTEST_GRIDEXPANDERS)
                    and param != "self"):
                bot.exit(f"Invalid key in grid settings {settings}")

            # List of values just for param
            values = []

            # Case 1: min, max, and by
            if "min" in settings and "max" in settings and "by" in settings:
                values += custom_range(settings["min"], settings["max"],
            elif "min" in settings and "max" in settings:
                values += custom_range(settings["min"], settings["max"])

            # Case 2: Add a custom listing to the values
            elif "list" in settings:
                values += settings["list"]

            # Case 3: self refers to a previously generated object (dict allowed)
            elif param == "self":
                values = settings

            args[param] = values
            args[param] = settings

    return args
Example #5
    def apply_function(self, funcname, args):
        """Given a function (a name, or a dictionary to derive name and other
           options from) run some set of input variables (that are taken by
           the function) through it to derive a result. The result returned
           is used to set another variable. If a count is defined, we
           run the function (count) times and return a list. Otherwise, we
           run it once.

            - funcname (str or dict) : the function name or definition
            - args (dict) : lookup of arguments for the function
        # Default count is 1, args == args piped into function
        count = 1
        args = deepcopy(args or {})

        # If funcname is a dictionary, derive values from it
        if isinstance(funcname, dict):

            # If there is a count, we need to multiple it by that
            if "count" in funcname:
                count = funcname["count"]

            # The user wants to map some defined arg to a different argument
            if "args" in funcname:
                for oldkey, newkey in funcname["args"].items():
                    if oldkey in args:
                        args[newkey] = args[oldkey]

            # The function name is required
            if "func" not in funcname:
                bot.exit(f"{funcname} is missing func key with function name.")
            funcname = funcname["func"]

        # Get function and args that are allowed for the function
        func = (funcname if not isinstance(funcname, str) else
        funcargs = intersect_args(func, args)

        # Run the args through the function
        if count == 1:
            return func(**funcargs)
        return [func(**funcargs) for c in range(count)]
Example #6
    def run(self, tests, cleanup=True):
        """run will execute a test for each entry in the list of tests.
           the result of the test, and error codes, are saved with the test.
               - tests (gridtest.main.test.GridTest) : the GridTest object

        # Keep track of some progress for the user
        total = len(tests)
        progress = 1

        # Cut out early if no tests
        if not tests:

        results = []
        to_cleanup = []

            prefix = "[%s/%s]" % (progress, total)
            if self.show_progress:
                bot.show_progress(0, total, length=35, prefix=prefix)
            pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.workers, init_worker)

            for name, task in tests.items():

                # If a class is returned, needs to be in path too
                sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(task.filename))

                # Get the function name from the tester
                params = {
                    "funcname": task.get_funcname(),
                    "module": task.module,
                    "filename": task.filename,
                    "metrics": task.params.get("metrics", []),
                    "args": task.params.get("args", {}),
                    "returns": task.params.get("returns"),

                if not self.show_progress:
                    bot.info(f"Running test {name}")
                result = pool.apply_async(multi_wrapper,
                                          multi_package(test_basic, [params]))

                # result returns [passed, result, out, error]
                # Store the test with the result
                results.append((task, result))

            while results:
                pair = results.pop()
                test, result = pair
                if self.show_progress:
                progress += 1
                prefix = "[%s/%s]" % (progress, total)

                # Update the task with the result
                passed, result, out, err, raises = result.get()
                test.out = out
                test.err = err
                test.success = passed
                test.result = result
                test.raises = raises


        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            bot.error("Keyboard interrupt detected, terminating workers!")

            bot.exit("Error running task.")
Example #7
    def get_tests(self, regexp=None, verbose=False, cleanup=True):
        """get tests based on a regular expression.

            - regexp (str) : if provided, only include those tests that match.
        tests = {}

        for parent, section in self.config.items():
            for name, module in section.get("tests", {}).items():

                if regexp and not re.search(regexp, name):

                # Get either the file path, module name, or relative path
                filename = extract_modulename(section.get("filename", ""),

                idx = 0

                # Use idx to index each test with parameters
                for entry in module:
                    grid = None

                    # Grid and args cannot both be defined
                    if "args" in entry and "grid" in entry:
                        bot.exit(f"{name} has defined both a grid and args.")

                    # If we find a grid, it has to reference an existing grid
                    if "grid" in entry and entry["grid"] not in self.grids:
                            f"{name} needs grid {entry['grid']} but not found in grids."

                    # If we find a grid, it has to reference an existing grid
                    if "grid" in entry and entry["grid"] in self.grids:
                        grid = self.grids[entry["grid"]]
                        params = deepcopy(entry)
                        for key in ["grid", "instance"]:
                            if key in params:
                                del params[key]

                    # A class function is tested over it's instance grid
                    instance_grid = [{}]

                    # If entry is defined without a grid, we need to generate it
                    if not grid:
                        grid = Grid(name=name,

                        # If the grid has an instance, add the correct args to it
                        if "self" in grid.args and "grid" in grid.args["self"]:
                            instance_grid = self.grids.get(
                                grid.args["self"]["grid"], [{}])

                    # If the grid is cached, we already have parameter sets
                    argsets = grid
                    if grid.cache:
                        argsets = grid.argsets

                    # iterate over argsets for a grid, get overlapping args
                    for extra_args in instance_grid:
                        for argset in argsets:
                            updated = deepcopy(grid.params)

                            # Add instance args, if needed
                            updated["args"] = argset
                            if extra_args:
                                updated["args"]["self"] = extra_args

                            tests["%s.%s" % (name, idx)] = GridTest(
                            print(f"generating test {idx}", end="\r")
                            idx += 1
        return tests