def gamefour(): members = groups.get_group_for_user(db, int(current_user.get_id())) group = groups.Group(db, members) return render_template('game4.html', group_name=group.group_name, group=[ db.users.find_one({'username': str(x)})['name'] for x in members ])
def gameone(): members = groups.get_group_for_user(db, int(current_user.get_id())) group = groups.Group(db, members) error = 0 if request.args.get('error'): error = 1 return render_template('game1.html', error=error, opponent=group.opponent, group_name=group.group_name, group=[ db.users.find_one({'username': str(x)})['name'] for x in members ])
def on_group_message_received( self, chat_message: chatting.IncomingGroupChatMessage): global lastResponse global messagelist #if chat_message.body.lower() == "members": # msg='' # for member in [x.jid == for x in groups].members: # msg += member+"\n" # self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, msg[:-1]) if chat_message.body.lower() == "groups": msg = '' for grp in groups: msg += + "\n" self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, msg[:-1]) if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("ety "): query = chat_message.body[4:] ws = WiktionarySearch(query) if (ws.existe()): self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, ws.getEty()) else: self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "no") if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("group "): name, hashtag = chat_message.body[6:].split(" ") jid = chat_message.group_jid groups.append(group.Group(name, jid, hashtag)) if chat_message.group_jid in [x.jid for x in groups]: g1 = list(filter(lambda x: x.jid == chat_message.group_jid, groups))[0] self.client.request_info_of_users(chat_message.from_jid) while lastResponse[0] != 'peerinfo': pass now = g1.newMsg( chat_message.body.replace(" ", "_"), lastResponse[1].split("(")[0][:-1].replace(" ", "_"), str( + "/" + str(now.month) + "/" + str(now.year) + " " + str(now.hour) + ":" + str(now.minute)) lastResponse = ['', '', ''] file = open("groupdb", "w") for gp in groups: file.write("_" + + " " + + " " + gp.jid + "\n") for message in gp.messages: file.write(message[0] + " " + "\"" + message[1] + "\"" + " " + message[2] + "\n") file.close() if chat_message.body.lower() == "messages": self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, str( list( filter(lambda x: x.jid == chat_message.group_jid, groups))[0].messages)) # mention set if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("assign "): name, username = chat_message.body[7:].split(' ', 1) if not ' ' in username: users.append([name, username]) self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "Assigned @" + name + " to " + username) mentions = open("mentions", "a") mentions.write(name + " " + username + "\n") mentions.close() else: self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "Incorrect input.") # mention detector if "@" in chat_message.body: if len(chat_message.body[chat_message.body.find("@"):].split( " ")) == 1: mention = chat_message.body[chat_message.body.find("@") + 1:] else: mention = chat_message.body[chat_message.body.find("@") + 1:].split(" ")[0] if mention in [x[0] for x in users]: mentionusr = users[users.index( list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == mention, users))[0])][1] if mentionusr[-1] == "\n": mentionusr = mentionusr[:-1] #self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "detected a mention") self.client.request_info_of_users(chat_message.from_jid) while lastResponse[0] != 'peerinfo': pass self.client.send_chat_message( self.client.get_jid(mentionusr), lastResponse[1].split("(")[0] + "in " + str( list( filter(lambda x: x.jid == chat_message.group_jid, groups))[0].name) + ":\n" + "\"" + chat_message.body + "\"") lastResponse = ['', ''] else: self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "@" + mention + " not assigned.") if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("msgs "): if len(chat_message.body.split(" ")) == 2: self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "You requested the list of occurences of the word " + chat_message.body.split(" ")[1]) if len(chat_message.body.split(" ")) == 3: self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "You requested the list of messages by " + chat_message.body.split(" ")[1] + " with the word " + chat_message.body.split(" ")[2]) #messgs = list(filter(lambda x: x.jid == chat_message.group_jid, groups))[0].messages # topic detector for noun in open("nouns", "r"): for word in nltk.word_tokenize(chat_message.body.lower()): if noun[:-1] == word or nouns[:-1] == word: print(word + " is a noun.") if word in [x[1] for x in nouns]: nouns[nouns.index( list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == word, nouns))[0])][0] += 1 else: nouns.append([1, word]) if chat_message.body.lower() == "topic": self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, str(nouns[nouns.index( list( filter(lambda x: x[0] == max([x[0] for x in nouns]), nouns))[0])])) if chat_message.body.lower() == "nouns": nounsstr = '' for noun in nouns: nounsstr += noun[1] + ": " + str(noun[0]) + "\n" self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, nounsstr) if len(messagelist) <= 10: messagelist.append(chat_message.body) else: arrTranslate(messagelist) messagelist[9] = chat_message.body print(chat_message.from_jid + " says: " + chat_message.body) #for verb in open("verbsList", "r"): # if " "+verb[:-1]+" " in chat_message.body.lower(): # print(verb[:-1]+" is a verb.") if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("who up"): self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, msgTwist(chat_message.body)) if chat_message.body.lower() == "dum": newmsg = msgTwist('') self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, newmsg) if chat_message.body.lower() == "test": self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "working") self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, chat_message.group_jid) if chat_message.body.startswith('jid'): self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, self.client.get_jid(chat_message.body[3:])) if chat_message.body.startswith("Request"): self.client.request_info_of_users(chat_message.body[7:]) if chat_message.body.startswith("Clean"): for _ in range(int(chat_message.body[5:])): self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, cleanStr) if chat_message.body == "Quit": self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "leaving then") self.client.leave_group(chat_message.group_jid) # maths function plotter if chat_message.body.startswith("Plot "): self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "Plotting " + chat_message.body[5:]) plotter.plot(chat_message.body[5:]) self.client.send_chat_image(chat_message.group_jid, "temporaryplot.png") os.remove("temporaryplot.png") os.remove("temporaryplot_send.png") # wolfram engine if chat_message.body.startswith("Wolf "): self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "WolframAlpha not supported yet") #image storer if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("store as "): global imagelist if "." in chat_message.body: name = chat_message.body[9:chat_message.body.find(".")] filename = name.lower() + chat_message.body[chat_message.body. find("."):] else: name = chat_message.body[9:] filename = name.lower() + ".jpeg" imageurl = imagelist[len(imagelist) - 1] image = open("images/" + filename, "wb") image.write(requests.get(imageurl).content) image.close() storelog = open("images/storelog.txt", "r+") storelog.write(name + " " + "images/" + filename + "\n") storelog.close() self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "Stored image as " + name) if chat_message.body.lower() == "imagelist": head = "images/storelog.txt\n\n" body = '' for line in open("images/storelog.txt"): body += str(line) self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, head + body) #image retriever for line in open("images/storelog.txt"): if chat_message.body.lower() == line.split(" ", 1)[0].lower(): self.client.send_chat_image(chat_message.group_jid, line.split(" ", 1)[1][:-1]) os.remove(line.split(" ", 1)[0] + "_send.jpg") if chat_message.body.lower() == "wiki": self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "The 'Wiki' prefix interfaces Kik with Wikipedia\n\nCommands:\nWiki [query]\nRegular search, returns first paragraph.\n\nWiki [query] toc\nReturns table of contents, select a section with their number.\n\nWiki [query] \"[string]\"\nReturns list of occurrences. say 'Next' to browse it." ) ############################################################################################################################################### #sep api if chat_message.body.lower() == "sep": self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "The 'sep' command interfaces Kik with the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy\n\nCommands:\n\nSep [query]\nTries to find entry, if it doesn't it returns first 5 related results..\n\nSep s [query]\nReturns 5 first search results." ) if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("sep "): # main sep output = '' if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("sep s "): # sep search sep = SepEntry(chat_message.body[6:]) output = 'First 5 results:\n\n' sep.setSearchList() for result in sep.searchList: output += boldnums[result[0] - 1] + ". " + result[1] + "\n" print(sep.searchList) output = output[:-1] self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, output) lastResponse = [ 'sepList', sep, 5, sep.searchList, round(time.time()) ] else: # sep normal sep = SepEntry(chat_message.body[4:]) if sep.setArticleSoup(): self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, sep.getFirstParagraph(1)) lastResponse = [ 'sepArt', sep, len(sep.toc), sep.toc, round(time.time()) ] else: self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "Didn't find an entry for " + + ", related results:") for result in sep.searchList: output += boldnums[result[0] - 1] + ". " + result[1] + "\n" output = output[:-1] self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, output) lastResponse = [ 'sepList', sep, 5, sep.searchList, round(time.time()) ] # interaction if lastResponse[0] == "sepList" and round(time.time( )) - lastResponse[4] < 90: # search, sepList interaction for num in range(5): if chat_message.body == str(num + 1): entry = lastResponse[3][num][2] sep = SepEntry(entry) sep.setArticleSoup() self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, sep.getFirstParagraph(1)) lastResponse = [ 'sepArt', sep, len(sep.toc), sep.toc, round(time.time()) ] if lastResponse[0] == 'sepArt' and round(time.time( )) - lastResponse[4] < 90: # article, toc interaction if chat_message.body.lower() == "toc": #toc request self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "You requested the table of contents for " + lastResponse[1].name) print(lastResponse[3]) body = '' for section in lastResponse[3]: body += section[1] + section[2] + "\n" self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, body) lastResponse = [ 'sepToc', lastResponse[1], lastResponse[2], lastResponse[3], round(time.time()) ] if lastResponse[0] == 'sepToc' and round( time.time()) - lastResponse[4] < 90: for section in lastResponse[3]: #toc select if chat_message.body == str(section[1][0]): self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "You selected " + section[2]) self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, str(lastResponse[1].getSection(int( chat_message.body)))) ######################################################################################################################################################### #wikipedia engine if chat_message.body.lower().startswith("wiki "): lastResponse global foundlist foundlist = [] global tocnumbers, toctexts, toc, soup, contents, req if "toc" in chat_message.body: req = chat_message.body[5:chat_message.body.find("toc") - 1] contents, soup, toctexts, tocnumbers, toc, found = req) elif "\"" in chat_message.body: req = chat_message.body[5:chat_message.body.find("\"") - 1] contents, soup, toctexts, tocnumbers, toc, found = req) else: req = chat_message.body[5:] contents, soup, toctexts, tocnumbers, toc, found = req) result = '' # Format output if found: header = "Table of contents:\n" else: header = "'" + req + "' may refer to:\n" # indentation maxlen = 0 indentnum = 0 tabnum = 0 largest = '^.' numhier = [ '^.$', ] for x in tocnumbers: if len(x) > maxlen: maxlen = len(x) indentnum = round(maxlen / 2) for i in range(indentnum): largest += '\..' numhier.append(largest + '$') ################################################ if found: for x in toc: for i in numhier: if re.match(i, x): tabnum = round((round(len(i)) - 3) / 3) result += '\t' * tabnum + "(" + str(x) + ")" + str( toc[x]) + "\n" result = result[:-1] else: if toc != []: for x in range(len(contents)): if x < len(contents) - 1: result += str(contents[x + 1][1]) + "\n" for i in range(len(contents[x + 1])): if x + 1 <= len(contents[x + 1]): result += '\t' + '(' + str( i + 1) + ')' + clean( contents[x + 1][2]) + '\n' result = result[:-1] else: print("No toc") ################################################ if "toc" in chat_message.body and found: self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, header + result) elif "\"" in chat_message.body: searchstring = chat_message.body[chat_message.body.find("\"") + 1:-1] for x in contents: if searchstring.lower() in x[2].lower(): foundlist.append( "..." + x[2][x[2].lower().find(searchstring.lower()) - 150:x[2].lower().find(searchstring.lower()) + 150] + "...") self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "Found '" + searchstring + "' " + str(len(foundlist)) + " times.") self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "First occurence (radius: 150):\n\n" + "'" + clean(foundlist[0]) + "'") lastResponse = [ 'foundlist', [0, len(foundlist)], foundlist, round(time.time()) ] print(lastResponse) elif found: self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, contents[0]) else: self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, header + result) if chat_message.body == "Next": if round(time.time()) - lastResponse[3] < 90: if (lastResponse[0] == "paragraph"): self.client.send_chat_message( chat_mesage.grop_jid, lastResponse[2][lastResponse[1] + 1]) lastResponse[1] = lastResponse[1] + 1 if round(time.time()) - lastResponse[3] < 90: if (lastResponse[0] == "foundlist"): if (lastResponse[1][0] + 1 < lastResponse[1][1]): self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, clean(lastResponse[2][lastResponse[1][0] + 1])) lastResponse = [ 'foundlist', [lastResponse[1][0] + 1, len(foundlist)], foundlist, round(time.time()) ] else: self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, "That's it.") if tocnumbers: for x in tocnumbers: if chat_message.body == x: #self.client.send_chat_message(chat_message.group_jid, str(toctexts[tocnumbers.index(x)])) for j in range(len(contents)): if j + 1 <= len(contents): if contents[j + 1][0] == x: try: self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, clean(contents[j + 1][2])) except: self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, "That paragraph is too long, maybe later." ) if toctexts[tocnumbers.index(x)] in chat_message.body: self.client.send_chat_message( chat_message.group_jid, str(toctexts[tocnumbers.index(x)]))
messagelist = [] messages = [] nouns = [] groups = [] users = [] mentions = open("mentions", "r") for mention in mentions: users.append(mention.split(" ")) mentions.close() for line in open("groupdb", "r"): if line.startswith("_"): name, hash, jid = line.split(" ") name = name[1:] jid = jid[:-1] groups.append(group.Group(name, jid, hash)) else: usr, body, date = line.split(" ", 2) date = date[:-1] groups[len(groups) - 1].newMsg(body, usr, date) def main(): bot = EchoBot() def clean(x): string = x search ="<[^>]*>", string) if search: if search.span()[0] == 0:
def gamethree(): members = groups.get_group_for_user(db, int(current_user.get_id())) group = groups.Group(db, members) return render_template('game3.html', group_name=group.group_name)
def group_list(self): ret = [] for group in self._get('/users/me/groups'): ret.append(groups.Group(self, group)) return ret
def get_group_by_id(self, group_id): group = self._get('/groups/%s' % group_id) return groups.Group(self, group)
def create_groups(): for group in config_tree['groups']: groups.codec_groups.append(groups.Group(group))