def show(self, text): LOGGER.debug(text) if text != self.last_text: #grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString( self.last_text = text
if __name__ == "__main__": grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() while True: # GPIO.output(led,GPIO.HIGH) # time.sleep(1) # GPIO.output(led,GPIO.LOW) # time.sleep(1) # print 'led' temperature = grove_temperature_sensor.read_temperature() grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString('Temp:{0:0.1f} *C'.format(temperature)) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(5, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString("SeeedStudio") print 'Temp \n {0:0.2f} *C'.format(temperature) rqsString = dweetIO + myName + '?' + myKey + '=' + '{0:0.1f} '.format( temperature) # +'/' + myKey + '=' + '{0:0.1f} *C'.format(sensor.read_temperature()) # rqsString = dweetIO + myName + '?' + "{'Temperatuer':'23C','ADC':'123'}" print rqsString rqs = requests.get(rqsString) print rqs.status_code print rqs.headers print rqs.content if temperature >= THRESHOLD_TEMPERATURE:
if options.withAccel: adxl345 = ADXL345() axes = adxl345.getAxes(True) print("starting display") grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setVerticalMode() while True: if options.withAccel: time.sleep(0.2) # only update as often as necessary axes = adxl345.getAxes(True) if options.printDebug: print("accel: x = %.3fG, y = %.3fG, z = %.3fG" % (axes['x'], axes['y'], axes['z'])) grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString("x = %.3fG" % (axes['x'])) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(1, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString("y = %.3fG" % (axes['y'])) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(2, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString("z = %.3fG" % (axes['z'])) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(3, 0)
import time import grove_oled import pyowm APIKey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' placeName = 'Toronto,CA' #change this to your city name owm = pyowm.OWM(APIKey) grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() while True: observation = owm.weather_at_place(placeName) weatherData = observation.get_weather() temperature = weatherData.get_temperature(unit='celsius')['temp'] humidity = weatherData.get_humidity() weatherCondition = weatherData.get_status() #printing weather on the OLED grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0,0) grove_oled.oled_putString(placeName) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(2,0) grove_oled.oled_putString('Temp :'+ str(temperature) +'C') grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(4,0) grove_oled.oled_putString('Humid:'+ str(humidity) +'%') grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(6,0) grove_oled.oled_putString("- Weather -") grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(8,0) grove_oled.oled_putString(weatherCondition) time.sleep(1800) #check weather after every 30 mins
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' # Connect the OLED to any I2C port eg. I2C-1 # Can be found at I2C address 0x3c import grove_oled import time grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setVerticalMode() time.sleep(.1) for i in range(0, 12): grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(i, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString(" L O L I N ")
#!/usr/bin/env python # # GrovePi Example for using the Grove OLED Display 96*96 ( # # The GrovePi connects the Raspberry Pi and Grove sensors. You can learn more about GrovePi here: # # Have a question about this example? Ask on the forums here: # # LICENSE: # These files have been made available online through a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0]( license. # Connect the OLED to any I2C port eg. I2C-1 # Can be found at I2C address 0x3c import grove_oled import time grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setVerticalMode() time.sleep(.1) for i in range(0, 12): grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(i, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString("Hello World")
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ''' # Connect the OLED to any I2C port eg. I2C-1 # Can be found at I2C address 0x3c import grove_oled import time grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setVerticalMode() time.sleep(.1) for i in range(0,12): grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(i,0) grove_oled.oled_putString("Hello World")
print("Reading: {0:0.1f}; a[t]: {1:0.3f}; b[t]: {2:0.3f}".format(x, a, b)) # Do long blink if temperature change is more than 1 unit/min blinktime = blinklong if abs(b) >= SENSOR_THRESHOLD / 60.0 * PERIOD else blinkshort if abs(b) < 0.001: blinks([pin0, pin1], blinktime) trend += '-' elif b < 0: blink(pin0, blinktime) trend += '\\' else: blink(pin1, blinktime) trend += '/' if len(trend) > 12: trend = trend[-12:] grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString(printreading.format(x)) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(1, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString(trend) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(2, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString("Location:") grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(3, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString(os.getenv("LOCATION", "unknown")) message.ts = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) = {'Temperature': x} if i % SENDPERIOD == 0: try: response = messages_api.send_message(message) print(response) except ApiException as e: print("Error sending message to ARTIK Cloud:{}".format(str(e))) error_count += 1
# dht(pin,module_type), change module_type number to use other kind of dht # module_type: # DHT11 0 # DHT22 1 # DHT21 2 # DHT2301 3 from grovepi import * import grove_oled #from grove_oled import * dht_sensor_port = 7 # Connect the DHt sensor to port 7 grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setVerticalMode() time.sleep(.1) while True: try: [ temp,hum ] = dht(dht_sensor_port,1) #Get the temperature and Humidity from the DHT sensor print "temp =", temp, "C\thumadity =", hum,"%" t = str(temp) h = str(hum) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0,0) grove_oled.oled_putString("Temp:" + t + "C") grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(1,0) grove_oled.oled_putString("Humi:" + h + "%") except (IOError,TypeError) as e: print "Error"
sensor_file = open(SENSOR_FILENAME, "w") sensor_file.write('{0:0.1f},{1:0.1f},{2:0d}'.format( temperature, humidity, int(time.time()))) sensor_file.close() # We are going to look to a file for any message to display on our OLED try: message_file = open(MESSAGE_FILENAME, "r") except IOError: if (countdown == 0): if (clear == 1): grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() clear = 0 grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString('Temp:{0:0.1f}C'.format(temperature)) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(1, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString('Hum: {0:0.1f}%'.format(humidity)) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(5, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString("SpaceTime") else: countdown = countdown - 1 else: message = message_file.readline() print('message = ' + message) message_file.close() os.remove(MESSAGE_FILENAME) grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString(message)
import time import grove_oled import pyowm APIKey = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' placeName = 'Toronto,CA' #change this to your city name owm = pyowm.OWM(APIKey) grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() while True: observation = owm.weather_at_place(placeName) weatherData = observation.get_weather() temperature = weatherData.get_temperature(unit='celsius')['temp'] humidity = weatherData.get_humidity() weatherCondition = weatherData.get_status() #printing weather on the OLED grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString(placeName) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(2, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString('Temp :' + str(temperature) + 'C') grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(4, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString('Humid:' + str(humidity) + '%') grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(6, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString("- Weather -") grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(8, 0) grove_oled.oled_putString(weatherCondition) time.sleep(1800) #check weather after every 30 mins
if __name__=="__main__": grove_oled.oled_init() grove_oled.oled_setNormalDisplay() grove_oled.oled_clearDisplay() while True: # GPIO.output(led,GPIO.HIGH) # time.sleep(1) # GPIO.output(led,GPIO.LOW) # time.sleep(1) # print 'led' temperature = grove_temperature_sensor.read_temperature() grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(0,0) grove_oled.oled_putString('Temp:{0:0.1f} *C'.format(temperature)) grove_oled.oled_setTextXY(5,0) grove_oled.oled_putString("SeeedStudio") print 'Temp \n {0:0.2f} *C'.format(temperature) rqsString = dweetIO + myName + '?' + myKey + '=' + '{0:0.1f} '.format(temperature) # +'/' + myKey + '=' + '{0:0.1f} *C'.format(sensor.read_temperature()) # rqsString = dweetIO + myName + '?' + "{'Temperatuer':'23C','ADC':'123'}" print rqsString rqs = requests.get(rqsString) print rqs.status_code print rqs.headers print rqs.content if temperature >= THRESHOLD_TEMPERATURE : GPIO.output(Buzzer,GPIO.HIGH)