Example #1
def test_expand_user(value, expect):
    struct = pwd.struct_passwd(
        ['tester', 'x', 1234, 1000, 'Test User', '/home/tester', '/bin/sh'])
    flexmock(os) \
        .should_receive('geteuid') \
    flexmock(pwd) \
        .should_receive('getpwuid') \
    flexmock(pwd) \
        .should_receive('getpwnam') \
    flexmock(grp) \
        .should_receive('getgrnam') \
        .and_return(grp.struct_group(['gx', 'x', 100, []]))
    flexmock(grp) \
        .should_receive('getgrall') \
            grp.struct_group(['g1', 'x', 101, []]),
            grp.struct_group(['g2', 'x', 102, ['tester']]),
            grp.struct_group(['.g-$ +3', 'x', 103, ['net+tester']]),
                'x', 104, ['tester']]),

    result = expand_user({'global': {'user': value}})
    assert result == expect
Example #2
def getgrnam(name):
    if name == 'staff':
        return grp.struct_group(('staff', '*', 20, ['root']))
    elif name == 'wheel':
        return grp.struct_group(('wheel', '*', 0, ['root']))
        raise KeyError(f'getgrnam(): name not found: {name}')
Example #3
def test_expand_user_non_posix():
    longname  = '[email protected]'
    shortname = longname[:32]
    posixname = 'This_is-not_a-posix-username.It-'

    struct = pwd.struct_passwd(
        [longname, 'x', 1234, 1000, 'Test User', '/home/tester', '/bin/sh'])
    flexmock(pwd) \
        .should_receive('getpwnam') \
    flexmock(grp) \
        .should_receive('getgrnam') \
        .and_return(grp.struct_group(['gx', 'x', 100, []]))
    flexmock(grp) \
        .should_receive('getgrall') \
            grp.struct_group(['g1', 'x', 101, [longname]]),
            grp.struct_group(['g2', 'x', 102, [shortname]]),
            grp.struct_group(['g3', 'x', 103, [posixname]]),

    result = expand_user({'global': {'user': '******' + longname}})
    expect = dict(
        groups=[{'name': 'gx', 'gid': 100},
                {'name': 'g1', 'gid': 101}])
    assert result == expect
Example #4
def UserAdd_Group(User, GroupFile='/etc/group'):

	# 1. temporary file
	fd, TempGroupFile  = mkstemp(prefix='group',  dir='/tmp')

	# 2. add new group entry
	pw = pwd.getpwnam(User)
	gr = grp.struct_group(
		sequence = (

	grall = grp.getgrall()
	grall.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.gr_gid, b.gr_gid))

	# 3. write groups to temporary file
	with fdopen(fd, 'w+') as fh:
		for gr in grall:
			if gr.gr_name in ['www-data', 'jail'] and User not in gr.gr_mem:
			fh.write(':'.join(map(GroupItem, gr))+'\n')

	# 4. activate new group file
	rename(TempGroupFile, GroupFile)
	chown(GroupFile, 0, 0)
	chmod(GroupFile, 0644)
Example #5
    def _test_restore_vtpm(
        mock_exists.return_value = exists
        mock_isdir.return_value = True
        mock_getpwnam.return_value = pwd.struct_passwd(
            ('swtpm', '*', 1234, 1234, None, '/home/test', '/bin/bash'))
        mock_getgrnam.return_value = grp.struct_group(('swtpm', '*', 4321, []))


        if not exists:
            mock_chmod.assert_called_once_with(libvirt_utils.VTPM_DIR, 0o711)

        mock_chown.assert_called_with('dummy', 1234, 4321, recursive=True)
        mock_move.assert_called_with('dummy', libvirt_utils.VTPM_DIR)
 def test_format_info(self):
     Tests the formatting of returned group information
     data = grp.struct_group(("wheel", "*", 0, ["root"]))
     ret = {"passwd": "*", "gid": 0, "name": "wheel", "members": ["root"]}
     self.assertEqual(mac_group._format_info(data), ret)
Example #7
 def test_format_info(self):
     Tests the formatting of returned group information
     data = grp.struct_group(('wheel', '*', 0, ['root']))
     ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
     self.assertDictEqual(groupadd._format_info(data), ret)
Example #8
 def test_format_info(self):
     Tests the formatting of returned group information
     data = grp.struct_group(('wheel', '*', 0, ['root']))
     ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
     self.assertDictEqual(groupadd._format_info(data), ret)
Example #9
def load_groups(dirpath):
    # check if we need to reload cache
    group_file = os.path.join(dirpath, "etc/group")
    group_stamp = os.stat(group_file).st_mtime
    if group_stamp <= groups_lastupdate.get(dirpath, -1):
    groups[dirpath] = group = {}
    gids[dirpath] = gid = {}
    f = open(group_file)
    for line in f:
        arr = line.rstrip().split(":")
        if len(arr) != 4:
            # Skip any line we can't make sense of.
            arr[2] = int(arr[2])
        except ValueError:
            # Skip any line we can't make sense of.
        gr_entry = grp.struct_group(arr)

        group[gr_entry.gr_name] = gr_entry
        # Traditional systems allow multiple groups to have the same
        # group id, so only the first one should be mapped to the
        # current pw_entry.
        gid.setdefault(gr_entry.gr_gid, gr_entry)

    groups_lastupdate[dirpath] = group_stamp
Example #10
 def test_format_info(self):
     Tests the formatting of returned group information
     data = grp.struct_group(("wheel", "*", 0, ["root"]))
     ret = {"passwd": "*", "gid": 0, "name": "test", "members": ["root"]}
     self.assertDictEqual(groupadd._format_info(data), ret)
def load_groups(dirpath):
        # check if we need to reload cache
        group_file = os.path.join(dirpath, "etc/group")
        group_stamp = os.stat(group_file).st_mtime
        if group_stamp <= groups_lastupdate.get(dirpath, -1):
        groups[dirpath] = group = {}
        gids[dirpath] = gid = {}
        f = file(group_file)
        for line in f:
                arr = line.rstrip().split(":")
                if len(arr) != 4:
                        # Skip any line we can't make sense of.
                        arr[2] = int(arr[2])
                except ValueError:
                        # Skip any line we can't make sense of.
                gr_entry = grp.struct_group(arr)

                group[gr_entry.gr_name] = gr_entry
                # Traditional systems allow multiple groups to have the same
                # group id, so only the first one should be mapped to the
                # current pw_entry.
                gid.setdefault(gr_entry.gr_gid, gr_entry)

        groups_lastupdate[dirpath] = group_stamp
Example #12
def assert_create_user_and_group(mock_check_call, gid_exists, uid_exists):
    mock_pwent = pwd.struct_passwd((
        'someuser',  # login name
        'hunter2',  # password
        834,  # uid
        835,  # gid
        'Some User',  # user name
        '/home/someuser',  # home directory
        '/bin/sh'))  # login shell

    mock_grent = grp.struct_group((
        'users',  # group name
        '*',  # password
        835,  # gid
        ['someuser']))  # members

    exception = subprocess.CalledProcessError(
        cmd='some command',

    mock_check_call.side_effect = [
        None if gid_exists else exception, None if uid_exists else exception

    with temporary_dir() as d:
        with mock.patch.object(FileSystemImageSandbox,
                               return_value=(mock_pwent, mock_grent)):

            sandbox = FileSystemImageSandbox(os.path.join(d, 'sandbox'),

    assert len(mock_check_call.mock_calls) == 2
Example #13
class ConfigPermissions(unittest.TestCase):
    conf = {'dir': '', 'user': '', 'group': ''}
    pwd_root = pwd.struct_passwd(
        ('root', 'x', 0, 0, 'root', '/root', '/bin/bash'))
    grp_root = grp.struct_group(('root', 'x', 0, []))

    def test_no_user(self):
        with patch.object(pwd, 'getpwnam', side_effect=KeyError()):
            with patch.object(grp, 'getgrnam', return_value=self.grp_root):
                res = test_manila.config_permission(self.conf)
        self.assertEqual(res.result, Result.SKIP)

    def test_no_group(self):
        with patch.object(pwd, 'getpwnam', return_value=self.pwd_root):
            with patch.object(grp, 'getgrnam', side_effect=KeyError()):
                res = test_manila.config_permission(self.conf)
        self.assertEqual(res.result, Result.SKIP)

    def test_good_perm(self):
        with patch.object(pwd, 'getpwnam', return_value=self.pwd_root):
            with patch.object(grp, 'getgrnam', return_value=self.grp_root):
                with patch.object(utils,
                    res = test_manila.config_permission(self.conf)
        self.assertEqual(res.result, Result.PASS)

    def test_bad_perm(self):
        with patch.object(pwd, 'getpwnam', return_value=self.pwd_root):
            with patch.object(grp, 'getgrnam', return_value=self.grp_root):
                with patch.object(utils,
                    res = test_manila.config_permission(self.conf)
        self.assertEqual(res.result, Result.FAIL)
Example #14
class MacGroupTestCase(TestCase):
    TestCase for the salt.modules.mac_group module
    mock_group = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'wheel', 'members': ['root']}
    mock_getgrall = [grp.struct_group(('foo', '*', 20, ['test']))]

     # 'add' function tests: 4
     #  Only tested error handling
     #  Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_group))
    def test_add_group_exists(self):
        Tests if the group already exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_group.add, 'wheel')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_whitespace(self):
        Tests if there is whitespace in the group name
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.add, 'white space')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_underscore(self):
        Tests if the group name starts with an underscore or not
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.add, '_Test')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_gid_int(self):
        Tests if the gid is an int or not
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.add, 'foo', 'foo')

    def test_info_whitespace(self):
        Tests if there is whitespace in the group name
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.info, 'white space')

    @patch('grp.getgrall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrall))
    def test_info(self):
        Tests the return of group information
        ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}
        self.assertEqual(mac_group.info('foo'), ret)

    def test_format_info(self):
        Tests the formatting of returned group information
        data = grp.struct_group(('wheel', '*', 0, ['root']))
        ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'wheel', 'members': ['root']}
        self.assertEqual(mac_group._format_info(data), ret)
Example #15
 def test_getent(self):
     Tests the return of information on all groups
     getgrnam = grp.struct_group(("foo", "*", 20, ["test"]))
     with patch("grp.getgrall", MagicMock(return_value=[getgrnam])):
         ret = [{"passwd": "*", "gid": 20, "name": "foo", "members": ["test"]}]
         self.assertEqual(groupadd.getent(), ret)
Example #16
 def test_info(self):
     Tests the return of group information
     getgrnam = grp.struct_group(('foo', '*', 20, ['test']))
     with patch('grp.getgrnam', MagicMock(return_value=getgrnam)):
         ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}
         self.assertEqual(groupadd.info('foo'), ret)
Example #17
 def test_info(self):
     Tests the return of group information
     mock_getgrall = [grp.struct_group(("foo", "*", 20, ["test"]))]
     with patch("grp.getgrall", MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrall)):
         ret = {"passwd": "*", "gid": 20, "name": "foo", "members": ["test"]}
         self.assertEqual(mac_group.info("foo"), ret)
Example #18
 def test_info(self):
     Tests the return of group information
     getgrnam = grp.struct_group(("foo", "*", 20, ["test"]))
     with patch("grp.getgrnam", MagicMock(return_value=getgrnam)):
         ret = {"passwd": "*", "gid": 20, "name": "foo", "members": ["test"]}
         self.assertEqual(groupadd.info("foo"), ret)
Example #19
 def test_getent(self):
     Tests the return of information on all groups
     getgrnam = grp.struct_group(('foo', '*', 20, ['test']))
     with patch('grp.getgrall', MagicMock(return_value=[getgrnam])):
         ret = [{'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}]
         self.assertEqual(groupadd.getent(), ret)
Example #20
 def test_format_info(self):
     Tests the formatting of returned group information
     group = {"passwd": "*", "gid": 0, "name": "test", "members": ["root"]}
     with patch("salt.modules.groupadd._format_info", MagicMock(return_value=group)):
         data = grp.struct_group(("wheel", "*", 0, ["root"]))
         ret = {"passwd": "*", "gid": 0, "name": "test", "members": ["root"]}
         self.assertDictEqual(groupadd._format_info(data), ret)
Example #21
 def test_format_info(self):
     Tests the formatting of returned group information
     group = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
     with patch('salt.modules.groupadd._format_info', MagicMock(return_value=group)):
         data = grp.struct_group(('wheel', '*', 0, ['root']))
         ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
         self.assertDictEqual(groupadd._format_info(data), ret)
Example #22
    def test_chugid_and_umask(self):

        running_user = this_user()
        running_group = grp.getgrgid(os.getgid()).gr_name

        gids = {30: "expectedgroup", 20: running_group}
        getgrnams = {
            grp.struct_group(("expectedgroup", "*", 30, ["expecteduser"])),
            grp.struct_group((running_group, "*", 20, [running_user])),
        getpwnams = {
            pwd.struct_passwd(("expecteduser", "x", 30, 30, "-", "-", "-")),
            pwd.struct_passwd((running_user, "x", 20, 20, "-", "-", "-")),

        def getgrnam(group):
            return getgrnams[group]

        def getpwnam(user):
            return getpwnams[user]

        def getgrgid(gid):
            return getgrnams[gids[gid]]

        with patch("grp.getgrgid", getgrgid):
            with patch("grp.getgrnam", getgrnam):
                with patch("pwd.getpwnam", getpwnam):
                    with patch("salt.utils.user.chugid") as chugid_mock:
Example #23
 def parseRecords(self):
     group_info = self.results[0].split(':')
     group_info[2] = int(group_info[2])
     members = group_info[3]
     if members != '':
         members = members.split(',')
         members = []
     group_info[3] = members
     self.group = struct_group(group_info)
Example #24
 def test_info(self):
     Tests the return of group information
     mock_getgrall = [grp.struct_group(('foo', '*', 20, ['test']))]
     with patch('grp.getgrall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrall)):
         ret = {
             'passwd': '*',
             'gid': 20,
             'name': 'foo',
             'members': ['test']
         self.assertEqual(mac_group.info('foo'), ret)
Example #25
def assert_create_user_and_group(mock_check_call,
  mock_pwent = pwd.struct_passwd((
    'someuser',        # login name
    'hunter2',         # password
    834,               # uid
    835,               # gid
    'Some User',       # user name
    '/home/someuser',  # home directory
    '/bin/sh'))        # login shell

  mock_grent = grp.struct_group((
    'users',        # group name
    '*',            # password
    835,            # gid
    ['someuser']))  # members

  returncode = 0
  if gid_exists or uid_exists:
    returncode = FileSystemImageSandbox._USER_OR_GROUP_ID_EXISTS
  elif group_name_exists or user_name_exists:
    returncode = FileSystemImageSandbox._USER_OR_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS

  exception = subprocess.CalledProcessError(
      cmd='some command',

  mock_check_call.side_effect = [
      exception if gid_exists or group_name_exists else None,
      exception if uid_exists or user_name_exists else None]

  with temporary_dir() as d:
    with mock.patch.object(
            return_value=(mock_pwent, mock_grent)):

      sandbox = FileSystemImageSandbox(
          os.path.join(d, 'sandbox'),

  assert len(mock_check_call.mock_calls) == 2
  assert len(mock_verify.mock_calls) == 1
    def test_06__get_group_from_host(self, mock_grgid, mock_grname):
        """Test06 NixAuthentication()._get_group_from_host()."""
        hgr = grp.struct_group(["root", "*", "0", str([])])
        mock_grgid.return_value = hgr
        auth = NixAuthentication()
        (name, gid, mem) = auth._get_group_from_host(0)
        self.assertEqual(name, hgr.gr_name)
        self.assertEqual(gid, str(hgr.gr_gid))
        self.assertEqual(mem, hgr.gr_mem)

        mock_grname.return_value = hgr
        auth = NixAuthentication()
        (name, gid, mem) = auth._get_group_from_host("root")
        self.assertEqual(name, hgr.gr_name)
        self.assertEqual(gid, str(hgr.gr_gid))
        self.assertEqual(mem, hgr.gr_mem)
Example #27
def _getgrall(root=None):
    Alternative implemetantion for getgrall, that use only /etc/group
    root = root or "/"
    passwd = os.path.join(root, "etc/group")
    with salt.utils.files.fopen(passwd) as fp_:
        for line in fp_:
            line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line)
            comps = line.strip().split(":")
            if len(comps) < 4:
                log.debug("Ignoring group line: %s", line)
            # Generate a getgrall compatible output
            comps[2] = int(comps[2])
            comps[3] = comps[3].split(",") if comps[3] else []
            yield grp.struct_group(comps)
Example #28
def _getgrnam(name, root=None):
    Alternative implementation for getgrnam, that use only /etc/group
    root = root or "/"
    passwd = os.path.join(root, "etc/group")
    with salt.utils.files.fopen(passwd) as fp_:
        for line in fp_:
            line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line)
            comps = line.strip().split(":")
            if len(comps) < 4:
                log.debug("Ignoring group line: %s", line)
            if comps[0] == name:
                # Generate a getpwnam compatible output
                comps[2] = int(comps[2])
                comps[3] = comps[3].split(",") if comps[3] else []
                return grp.struct_group(comps)
    raise KeyError("getgrnam(): name not found: {}".format(name))
Example #29
    def get_group_map(self, key_by_gid=False):
        Returns dictionary where keys are remote group names and values are
        grp.struct_grp objects from the standard grp module

        key_by_gid=True will use the integer gid as the returned dictionary's
        keys instead of the group's name
        grp_file = self.ssh.remote_file('/etc/group', 'r')
        groups = [l.strip().split(':') for l in grp_file.readlines()]
        grp_map = {}
        for group in groups:
            name, passwd, gid, mems = group
            gid = int(gid)
            mems = mems.split(',')
            key = name
            if key_by_gid:
                key = gid
            grp_map[key] = grp.struct_group([name, passwd, gid, mems])
        return grp_map
Example #30
    def get_group_map(self, key_by_gid=False):
        Returns dictionary where keys are remote group names and values are
        grp.struct_grp objects from the standard grp module

        key_by_gid=True will use the integer gid as the returned dictionary's
        keys instead of the group's name
        grp_file = self.ssh.remote_file('/etc/group', 'r')
        groups = [l.strip().split(':') for l in grp_file.readlines()]
        grp_map = {}
        for group in groups:
            name, passwd, gid, mems = group
            gid = int(gid)
            mems = mems.split(',')
            key = name
            if key_by_gid:
                key = gid
            grp_map[key] = grp.struct_group([name, passwd, gid, mems])
        return grp_map
Example #31
def assert_create_user_and_group(
    mock_check_call, mock_verify, gid_exists, uid_exists, group_name_exists, user_name_exists
    mock_pwent = pwd.struct_passwd(
            "someuser",  # login name
            "hunter2",  # password
            834,  # uid
            835,  # gid
            "Some User",  # user name
            "/home/someuser",  # home directory
    )  # login shell

    mock_grent = grp.struct_group(("users", "*", 835, ["someuser"]))  # group name  # password  # gid  # members

    returncode = 0
    if gid_exists or uid_exists:
        returncode = FileSystemImageSandbox._USER_OR_GROUP_ID_EXISTS
    elif group_name_exists or user_name_exists:
        returncode = FileSystemImageSandbox._USER_OR_GROUP_NAME_EXISTS

    exception = subprocess.CalledProcessError(returncode=returncode, cmd="some command", output=None)

    mock_check_call.side_effect = [
        exception if gid_exists or group_name_exists else None,
        exception if uid_exists or user_name_exists else None,

    with temporary_dir() as d:
        with mock.patch.object(FileSystemImageSandbox, "get_user_and_group", return_value=(mock_pwent, mock_grent)):

            sandbox = FileSystemImageSandbox(
                os.path.join(d, "sandbox"), user="******", sandbox_mount_point="/some/path"

    assert len(mock_check_call.mock_calls) == 2
    assert len(mock_verify.mock_calls) == 1
Example #32
    def get_groups(self):
        """Returns a list of groups on the computer.

        Each group is represented as a dict with the keys: C{name},
        C{gid} and C{members}.
        user_names = set([x["username"] for x in self.get_users()])
        groups = []
        found_groupnames = set()
        for group in self.get_group_data():
            if not isinstance(group, struct_group):
                group = struct_group(group)
            if group.gr_name in found_groupnames:
            member_names = user_names.intersection(group.gr_mem)
                "name": group.gr_name,
                "gid": group.gr_gid,
                "members": sorted(list(member_names))
        return groups
Example #33
def process(user_pks, pwall, spwall, grpall, set_sudo, user_ids):
    '''Generate the passwd, shadow, and sudo fragments for IAM users.

    :param user_pks: Mapping of username (``str``) to public keys (``list`` of
                     ``str``) retrieved from IAM.
    :type user_pks: dict

    :param pwall: A list of ``pwd.struct_passwd`` including all password
                  entries found by NSS. Should include those users identified
                  by libnss-extrausers.
    :type pwall: list
    username_index = dict(
        (user.pw_name, user) for user in pwall if is_iam_user(user))
    susername_index = dict(
        (user[0], user) for user in spwall if user[0] in username_index)
    group_index = dict(
        (group[0], group) for group in grpall if is_iam_group(group))
    next_uid = MIN_USER_UID

    passwd, shadow, sudo, group = [], [], [], []

    # Users that have been removed from IAM will keep their UIDs around in the
    # event that user IDs have.  In practice, I don't anticipate this behavior
    # to be problematic since there is an abundance of UIDs available in the
    # default configuration UID range for all but the largest admin user pools.
    #for old_username in set(username_index.keys()) - set(user_pks.keys()):
    #    passwd.append(username_index[old_username])
    #    shadow.append(susername_index[old_username])
    LOG.info("Not appending old users")

    for username in user_pks.keys():

        next_uid = aws_to_unix_id(user_ids[username])
        LOG.info("Calculated UID for %s is %s", next_uid, username)

        if set_sudo is True:
            sudo.append('{} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'.format(username))

        if username in username_index:

                    (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - EPOCH).days,

            group.append(grp.struct_group((username, 'x', next_uid, '')))

    if set_sudo is True:
            '# Created by {} on {}'.format(__file__,

    return (sorted(passwd_to_line(x) for x in passwd),
                   for x in shadow), [x.encode('utf-8') for x in sudo],
                '' if isinstance(y, list) and len(y) == 0 else str(y)
                for y in x).encode('utf-8') for x in group))
Example #34
class MacUserTestCase(TestCase):
    TestCase for the salt.modules.mac_user modules

    mac_user.__context__ = {}
    mac_user.__grains__ = {}
    mac_user.__salt__ = {}

    mock_pwall = [
        pwd.struct_passwd(('_amavisd', '*', 83, 83, 'AMaViS Daemon',
                           '/var/virusmails', '/usr/bin/false')),
        pwd.struct_passwd(('_appleevents', '*', 55, 55, 'AppleEvents Daemon',
                           '/var/empty', '/usr/bin/false')),
        pwd.struct_passwd(('_appowner', '*', 87, 87, 'Application Owner',
                           '/var/empty', '/usr/bin/false'))
    mock_pwnam = pwd.struct_passwd(
        ('_TEST_GROUP', '*', 83, 83, 'AMaViS Daemon', '/var/virusmails',
    mock_getgrgid = grp.struct_group(('_TEST_GROUP', '*', 83, []))
    mock_getgrall = [
        grp.struct_group(('accessibility', '*', 90, [])),
        grp.struct_group(('admin', '*', 80, ['root', 'admin']))
    mock_info_ret = {
        'shell': '/bin/bash',
        'name': 'test',
        'gid': 4376,
        'groups': ['TEST_GROUP'],
        'home': '/var/test',
        'fullname': 'TEST USER',
        'uid': 4376

    def test_osmajor(self):
        Tests version of OS X
        with patch.dict(mac_user.__grains__, {
                'kernel': 'Darwin',
                'osrelease': '10.9.1'
            self.assertEqual(mac_user._osmajor(), 10.9)

    @skipIf(True, 'Waiting on some clarifications from bug report')
    def test_flush_dscl_cache(self):
        # TODO: Implement tests after clarifications come in

    def test_dscl(self):
        Tests the creation of a dscl node
        mac_mock = MagicMock(return_value={
            'pid': 4948,
            'retcode': 0,
            'stderr': '',
            'stdout': ''
        with patch.dict(mac_user.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mac_mock}):
            with patch.dict(mac_user.__grains__, {
                    'kernel': 'Darwin',
                    'osrelease': '10.9.1'
                self.assertEqual(mac_user._dscl('username'), {
                    'pid': 4948,
                    'retcode': 0,
                    'stderr': '',
                    'stdout': ''

    @patch('pwd.getpwall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwall))
    def test_first_avail_uid(self):
        Tests the availability of the next uid
        self.assertEqual(mac_user._first_avail_uid(), 501)

    @skipIf(True, 'Test not implemented yet')
    def test_add(self):
        # TODO: Implement this guy last

    @skipIf(True, 'Test not implemented yet')
    def test_delete(self):
        # TODO: Implement after chgroups is tested

    @patch('pwd.getpwall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwall))
    def test_getent(self):
        Tests the list of information for all users
        ret = [{
            'shell': '/usr/bin/false',
            'name': '_amavisd',
            'gid': 83,
            'groups': ['TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/virusmails',
            'fullname': 'AMaViS Daemon',
            'uid': 83
        }, {
            'shell': '/usr/bin/false',
            'name': '_appleevents',
            'gid': 55,
            'groups': ['TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/empty',
            'fullname': 'AppleEvents Daemon',
            'uid': 55
        }, {
            'shell': '/usr/bin/false',
            'name': '_appowner',
            'gid': 87,
            'groups': ['TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/empty',
            'fullname': 'Application Owner',
            'uid': 87
        self.assertEqual(mac_user.getent(), ret)

    def test_chuid_int(self):
        Tests if the uid is an int
        with self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError):
            mac_user.chuid('foo', 'foo')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chuid_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not
        with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError):
            mac_user.chuid('foo', 4376)

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_chuid_same_uid(self):
        Tests if the user's uid is the same as as the argument
        self.assertTrue(mac_user.chuid('foo', 4376))

    def test_chgid_int(self):
        Tests if the gid is an int
        with self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError):
            mac_user.chgid('foo', 'foo')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chgid_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not
        with self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError):
            mac_user.chgid('foo', 4376)

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_chgid_same_gid(self):
        Tests if the user's gid is the same as as the argument
        self.assertTrue(mac_user.chgid('foo', 4376))

    def test_info(self):
        Tests the return of user information
        mock_pwnam = pwd.struct_passwd(
            ('test', '*', 0, 0, 'TEST USER', '/var/test', '/bin/bash'))
        ret = {
            'shell': '/bin/bash',
            'name': 'test',
            'gid': 0,
            'groups': ['_TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/test',
            'fullname': 'TEST USER',
            'uid': 0
        with patch('pwd.getpwnam', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwnam)):
            self.assertEqual(mac_user.info('root'), ret)

    def test_format_info(self):
        Tests the formatting of returned user information
        data = pwd.struct_passwd(('_TEST_GROUP', '*', 83, 83, 'AMaViS Daemon',
                                  '/var/virusmails', '/usr/bin/false'))
        ret = {
            'shell': '/usr/bin/false',
            'name': '_TEST_GROUP',
            'gid': 83,
            'groups': ['_TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/virusmails',
            'fullname': 'AMaViS Daemon',
            'uid': 83
        self.assertEqual(mac_user._format_info(data), ret)

    @patch('pwd.getpwnam', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwnam))
    @patch('grp.getgrgid', MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrgid))
    @patch('grp.getgrall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrall))
    def test_list_groups(self):
        Tests the list of groups the user belongs to
        self.assertEqual(mac_user.list_groups('name'), ['_TEST_GROUP'])

    @patch('pwd.getpwall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwall))
    def test_list_users(self):
        Tests the list of all users
        ret = ['_amavisd', '_appleevents', '_appowner']
        self.assertEqual(mac_user.list_users(), ret)
Example #35
class GroupAddTestCase(TestCase):
    TestCase for salt.modules.groupadd
    groupadd.__grains__ = {}
    groupadd.__salt__ = {}
    groupadd.__context__ = {}
    mock_group = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
    mock_getgrnam = grp.struct_group(('foo', '*', 20, ['test']))

    # 'add' function tests: 1

    def test_add(self):
        Tests if specified group was added
        mock = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock}):
            self.assertTrue(groupadd.add('test', 100))

        with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, {'kernel': 'Linux'}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock}):
                self.assertTrue(groupadd.add('test', 100, True))

    # 'info' function tests: 1

    @patch('grp.getgrnam', MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrnam))
    def test_info(self):
        Tests the return of group information
        ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}
        self.assertEqual(groupadd.info('foo'), ret)

    # '_format_info' function tests: 1

    def test_format_info(self):
        Tests the formatting of returned group information
        data = grp.struct_group(('wheel', '*', 0, ['root']))
        ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
        self.assertDictEqual(groupadd._format_info(data), ret)

    # 'getent' function tests: 1

    @patch('grp.getgrall', MagicMock(return_value=[mock_getgrnam]))
    def test_getent(self):
        Tests the return of information on all groups
        ret = [{'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}]
        self.assertEqual(groupadd.getent(), ret)

    # 'chgid' function tests: 2

    def test_chgid_gid_same(self):
        Tests if the group id is the same as argument
        mock_pre_gid = MagicMock(return_value=10)
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__,
                        {'file.group_to_gid': mock_pre_gid}):
            self.assertTrue(groupadd.chgid('test', 10))

    def test_chgid(self):
        Tests the gid for a named group was changed
        mock_pre_gid = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        mock_cmdrun = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__,
                        {'file.group_to_gid': mock_pre_gid}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.run': mock_cmdrun}):
                self.assertFalse(groupadd.chgid('test', 500))

    # 'delete' function tests: 1

    def test_delete(self):
        Tests if the specified group was deleted
        mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock_ret}):

    # 'adduser' function tests: 1

    def test_adduser(self):
        Tests if specified user gets added in the group.
        mock = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, {'kernel': 'Linux'}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock}):
                self.assertFalse(groupadd.adduser('test', 'root'))

        with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, {'kernel': ''}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock}):
                self.assertFalse(groupadd.adduser('test', 'root'))

    # 'deluser' function tests: 1

    def test_deluser(self):
        Tests if specified user gets deleted from the group.
        mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
        mock_info = MagicMock(return_value={'passwd': '*',
                                              'gid': 0,
                                              'name': 'test',
                                              'members': ['root']})
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, {'kernel': 'Linux'}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock_ret,
                                                'group.info': mock_info}):
                self.assertFalse(groupadd.deluser('test', 'root'))

        mock_stdout = MagicMock(return_value={'cmd.run_stdout': 1})
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, {'kernel': 'OpenBSD'}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock_ret,
                                                'group.info': mock_info,
                                                'cmd.run_stdout': mock_stdout}):
                self.assertTrue(groupadd.deluser('foo', 'root'))

    # 'deluser' function tests: 1

    def test_members(self):
        Tests if members of the group, get replaced with a provided list.
        mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
        mock_info = MagicMock(return_value={'passwd': '*',
                                              'gid': 0,
                                              'name': 'test',
                                              'members': ['root']})
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, {'kernel': 'Linux'}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock_ret,
                                                'group.info': mock_info}):
                self.assertFalse(groupadd.members('test', ['foo']))

        mock_stdout = MagicMock(return_value={'cmd.run_stdout': 1})
        mock = MagicMock()
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, {'kernel': 'OpenBSD'}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock_ret,
                                                'group.info': mock_info,
                                                 'cmd.run_stdout': mock_stdout,
                                                 'cmd.run': mock}):
                self.assertFalse(groupadd.members('foo', ['root']))
Example #36
class MacGroupTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin):
    TestCase for the salt.modules.mac_group module
    def setup_loader_modules(self):
        return {mac_group: {}}

    mock_group = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
    mock_getgrall = [grp.struct_group(('foo', '*', 20, ['test']))]

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        for attrname in ('mock_group', 'mock_getgrall'):
            delattr(cls, attrname)

    # 'add' function tests: 6

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_group))
    def test_add_group_exists(self):
        Tests if the group already exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_group.add, 'test')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_whitespace(self):
        Tests if there is whitespace in the group name
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.add, 'white space')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_underscore(self):
        Tests if the group name starts with an underscore or not
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.add, '_Test')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_gid_int(self):
        Tests if the gid is an int or not
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.add, 'foo', 'foo')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_gid_exists(self):
        Tests if the gid is already in use or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_group.add, 'foo', 3456)

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group._list_gids', MagicMock(return_value=[]))
    def test_add(self):
        Tests if specified group was added
        mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        with patch.dict(mac_group.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock_ret}):
            self.assertTrue(mac_group.add('test', 500))

    # 'delete' function tests: 4

    def test_delete_whitespace(self):
        Tests if there is whitespace in the group name
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.delete, 'white space')

    def test_delete_underscore(self):
        Tests if the group name starts with an underscore or not
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.delete, '_Test')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_delete_group_exists(self):
        Tests if the group to be deleted exists or not

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_group))
    def test_delete(self):
        Tests if the specified group was deleted
        mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        with patch.dict(mac_group.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock_ret}):

    # 'info' function tests: 2

    def test_info_whitespace(self):
        Tests if there is whitespace in the group name
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.info, 'white space')

    @patch('grp.getgrall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrall))
    def test_info(self):
        Tests the return of group information
        ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}
        self.assertEqual(mac_group.info('foo'), ret)

    # '_format_info' function tests: 1

    def test_format_info(self):
        Tests the formatting of returned group information
        data = grp.struct_group(('wheel', '*', 0, ['root']))
        ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'wheel', 'members': ['root']}
        self.assertEqual(mac_group._format_info(data), ret)

    # 'getent' function tests: 1

    @patch('grp.getgrall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrall))
    def test_getent(self):
        Tests the return of information on all groups
        ret = [{'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}]
        self.assertEqual(mac_group.getent(), ret)

    # 'chgid' function tests: 4

    def test_chgid_gid_int(self):
        Tests if gid is an integer or not
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_group.chgid, 'foo', 'foo')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chgid_group_exists(self):
        Tests if the group id exists or not
        mock_pre_gid = MagicMock(return_value='')
        with patch.dict(mac_group.__salt__,
                        {'file.group_to_gid': mock_pre_gid}):
            self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_group.chgid, 'foo',

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_group))
    def test_chgid_gid_same(self):
        Tests if the group id is the same as argument
        mock_pre_gid = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        with patch.dict(mac_group.__salt__,
                        {'file.group_to_gid': mock_pre_gid}):
            self.assertTrue(mac_group.chgid('test', 0))

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_group.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_group))
    def test_chgid(self):
        Tests the gid for a named group was changed
        mock_pre_gid = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        with patch.dict(mac_group.__salt__,
                        {'file.group_to_gid': mock_pre_gid}):
            with patch.dict(mac_group.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock_ret}):
                self.assertTrue(mac_group.chgid('test', 500))
Example #37
 def _getgrnam(self, real, name):
     return grp.struct_group((name, ) + self._groups[name])
Example #38
            line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line)
            comps = line.strip().split(':')
            if len(comps) < 4:
                log.debug('Ignoring group line: %s', line)
            if comps[0] == name:
                # Generate a getpwnam compatible output
                comps[2] = int(comps[2])
                comps[3] = comps[3].split(',') if comps[3] else []
                return grp.struct_group(comps)
    raise KeyError('getgrnam(): name not found: {}'.format(name))

def _getgrall(root=None):
    Alternative implemetantion for getgrall, that use only /etc/group
    root = root or '/'
    passwd = os.path.join(root, 'etc/group')
    with salt.utils.files.fopen(passwd) as fp_:
        for line in fp_:
            line = salt.utils.stringutils.to_unicode(line)
            comps = line.strip().split(':')
            if len(comps) < 4:
                log.debug('Ignoring group line: %s', line)
            # Generate a getgrall compatible output
            comps[2] = int(comps[2])
            comps[3] = comps[3].split(',') if comps[3] else []
            yield grp.struct_group(comps)
Example #39
class GroupAddTestCase(TestCase):
    TestCase for salt.modules.groupadd
    groupadd.__grains__ = {}
    groupadd.__salt__ = {}
    groupadd.__context__ = {}
    mock_group = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
    mock_getgrnam = grp.struct_group(('foo', '*', 20, ['test']))

    # 'add' function tests: 1

    def test_add(self):
        Tests if specified group was added
        mock = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock}):
            self.assertTrue(groupadd.add('test', 100))

        with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, {'kernel': 'Linux'}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock}):
                self.assertTrue(groupadd.add('test', 100, True))

    # 'info' function tests: 1

    @patch('grp.getgrnam', MagicMock(return_value=mock_getgrnam))
    def test_info(self):
        Tests the return of group information
        ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}
        self.assertEqual(groupadd.info('foo'), ret)

    # '_format_info' function tests: 1

    def test_format_info(self):
        Tests the formatting of returned group information
        data = grp.struct_group(('wheel', '*', 0, ['root']))
        ret = {'passwd': '*', 'gid': 0, 'name': 'test', 'members': ['root']}
        self.assertDictEqual(groupadd._format_info(data), ret)

    # 'getent' function tests: 1

    @patch('grp.getgrall', MagicMock(return_value=[mock_getgrnam]))
    def test_getent(self):
        Tests the return of information on all groups
        ret = [{'passwd': '*', 'gid': 20, 'name': 'foo', 'members': ['test']}]
        self.assertEqual(groupadd.getent(), ret)

    # 'chgid' function tests: 2

    def test_chgid_gid_same(self):
        Tests if the group id is the same as argument
        mock_pre_gid = MagicMock(return_value=10)
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__,
                        {'file.group_to_gid': mock_pre_gid}):
            self.assertTrue(groupadd.chgid('test', 10))

    def test_chgid(self):
        Tests the gid for a named group was changed
        mock_pre_gid = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        mock_cmdrun = MagicMock(return_value=0)
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__,
                        {'file.group_to_gid': mock_pre_gid}):
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.run': mock_cmdrun}):
                self.assertFalse(groupadd.chgid('test', 500))

    # 'delete' function tests: 1

    def test_delete(self):
        Tests if the specified group was deleted
        mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
        with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock_ret}):

    # 'adduser' function tests: 1

    def test_adduser(self):
        Tests if specified user gets added in the group.
        os_version_list = [
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux',
                    'os_family': 'RedHat',
                    'osmajorrelease': '5'
                'cmd': ('gpasswd', '-a', 'root', 'test')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux',
                    'os_family': 'Suse',
                    'osmajorrelease': '11'
                'cmd': ('usermod', '-A', 'test', 'root')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux'
                'cmd': ('gpasswd', '--add', 'root', 'test')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'OTHERKERNEL'
                'cmd': ('usermod', '-G', 'test', 'root')

        for os_version in os_version_list:
            mock = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
            with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, os_version['grains']):
                with patch.dict(groupadd.__salt__, {'cmd.retcode': mock}):
                    self.assertFalse(groupadd.adduser('test', 'root'))
                        os_version['cmd'], python_shell=False)

    # 'deluser' function tests: 1

    def test_deluser(self):
        Tests if specified user gets deleted from the group.
        os_version_list = [
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux',
                    'os_family': 'RedHat',
                    'osmajorrelease': '5'
                'cmd': ('gpasswd', '-d', 'root', 'test')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux',
                    'os_family': 'Suse',
                    'osmajorrelease': '11'
                'cmd': ('usermod', '-R', 'test', 'root')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux'
                'cmd': ('gpasswd', '--del', 'root', 'test')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'OpenBSD'
                'cmd': 'usermod -S foo root'

        for os_version in os_version_list:
            mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
            mock_stdout = MagicMock(return_value='test foo')
            mock_info = MagicMock(return_value={
                'passwd': '*',
                'gid': 0,
                'name': 'test',
                'members': ['root']

            with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, os_version['grains']):
                with patch.dict(
                        groupadd.__salt__, {
                            'cmd.retcode': mock_ret,
                            'group.info': mock_info,
                            'cmd.run_stdout': mock_stdout
                    self.assertFalse(groupadd.deluser('test', 'root'))
                        os_version['cmd'], python_shell=False)

    # 'deluser' function tests: 1

    def test_members(self):
        Tests if members of the group, get replaced with a provided list.
        os_version_list = [
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux',
                    'os_family': 'RedHat',
                    'osmajorrelease': '5'
                'cmd': ('gpasswd', '-M', 'foo', 'test')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux',
                    'os_family': 'Suse',
                    'osmajorrelease': '11'
                'cmd': ('groupmod', '-A', 'foo', 'test')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'Linux'
                'cmd': ('gpasswd', '--members', 'foo', 'test')
                'grains': {
                    'kernel': 'OpenBSD'
                'cmd': 'usermod -G test foo'

        for os_version in os_version_list:
            mock_ret = MagicMock(return_value={'retcode': 0})
            mock_stdout = MagicMock(return_value={'cmd.run_stdout': 1})
            mock_info = MagicMock(return_value={
                'passwd': '*',
                'gid': 0,
                'name': 'test',
                'members': ['root']
            mock = MagicMock(return_value=True)

            with patch.dict(groupadd.__grains__, os_version['grains']):
                with patch.dict(
                        groupadd.__salt__, {
                            'cmd.retcode': mock_ret,
                            'group.info': mock_info,
                            'cmd.run_stdout': mock_stdout,
                            'cmd.run': mock
                    self.assertFalse(groupadd.members('test', 'foo'))
                        os_version['cmd'], python_shell=False)
Example #40
class MacUserTestCase(TestCase):
    TestCase for the salt.modules.mac_user modules

    mac_user.__context__ = {}
    mac_user.__grains__ = {}
    mac_user.__salt__ = {}

    mock_pwall = [
        pwd.struct_passwd(('_amavisd', '*', 83, 83, 'AMaViS Daemon',
                           '/var/virusmails', '/usr/bin/false')),
        pwd.struct_passwd(('_appleevents', '*', 55, 55, 'AppleEvents Daemon',
                           '/var/empty', '/usr/bin/false')),
        pwd.struct_passwd(('_appowner', '*', 87, 87, 'Application Owner',
                           '/var/empty', '/usr/bin/false'))
    mock_pwnam = pwd.struct_passwd(
        ('_TEST_GROUP', '*', 83, 83, 'AMaViS Daemon', '/var/virusmails',
    mock_getgrgid = grp.struct_group(('_TEST_GROUP', '*', 83, []))
    mock_getgrall = [
        grp.struct_group(('accessibility', '*', 90, [])),
        grp.struct_group(('admin', '*', 80, ['root', 'admin']))
    mock_info_ret = {
        'shell': '/bin/bash',
        'name': 'test',
        'gid': 4376,
        'groups': ['TEST_GROUP'],
        'home': '/Users/foo',
        'fullname': 'TEST USER',
        'uid': 4376

    @skipIf(True, 'Waiting on some clarifications from bug report #10594')
    def test_flush_dscl_cache(self):
        # TODO: Implement tests after clarifications come in

    def test_dscl(self):
        Tests the creation of a dscl node
        mac_mock = MagicMock(return_value={
            'pid': 4948,
            'retcode': 0,
            'stderr': '',
            'stdout': ''
        with patch.dict(mac_user.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mac_mock}):
            with patch.dict(
                    mac_user.__grains__, {
                        'kernel': 'Darwin',
                        'osrelease': '10.9.1',
                        'osrelease_info': (10, 9, 1)
                self.assertEqual(mac_user._dscl('username'), {
                    'pid': 4948,
                    'retcode': 0,
                    'stderr': '',
                    'stdout': ''

    @patch('pwd.getpwall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwall))
    def test_first_avail_uid(self):
        Tests the availability of the next uid
        self.assertEqual(mac_user._first_avail_uid(), 501)

    # 'add' function tests: 4
    # Only tested error handling
    # Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_add_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_user.add, 'test')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_whitespace(self):
        Tests if there is whitespace in the user name
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_user.add, 'foo bar')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_uid_int(self):
        Tests if the uid is an int
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_user.add, 'foo', 'foo')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_add_gid_int(self):
        Tests if the gid is an int
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_user.add, 'foo', 20, 'foo')

    # 'delete' function tests: 2
    # Only tested pure logic of function
    # Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    def test_delete_whitespace(self):
        Tests if there is whitespace in the user name
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_user.delete, 'foo bar')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_delete_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not

    @patch('pwd.getpwall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwall))
    def test_getent(self):
        Tests the list of information for all users
        ret = [{
            'shell': '/usr/bin/false',
            'name': '_amavisd',
            'gid': 83,
            'groups': ['TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/virusmails',
            'fullname': 'AMaViS Daemon',
            'uid': 83
        }, {
            'shell': '/usr/bin/false',
            'name': '_appleevents',
            'gid': 55,
            'groups': ['TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/empty',
            'fullname': 'AppleEvents Daemon',
            'uid': 55
        }, {
            'shell': '/usr/bin/false',
            'name': '_appowner',
            'gid': 87,
            'groups': ['TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/empty',
            'fullname': 'Application Owner',
            'uid': 87
        self.assertEqual(mac_user.getent(), ret)

    # 'chuid' function tests: 3
    # Only tested pure logic of function
    # Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    def test_chuid_int(self):
        Tests if the uid is an int
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_user.chuid, 'foo', 'foo')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chuid_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_user.chuid, 'foo', 4376)

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_chuid_same_uid(self):
        Tests if the user's uid is the same as as the argument
        self.assertTrue(mac_user.chuid('foo', 4376))

    # 'chgid' function tests: 3
    # Only tested pure logic of function
    # Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    def test_chgid_int(self):
        Tests if the gid is an int
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_user.chgid, 'foo', 'foo')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chgid_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_user.chgid, 'foo', 4376)

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_chgid_same_gid(self):
        Tests if the user's gid is the same as as the argument
        self.assertTrue(mac_user.chgid('foo', 4376))

    # 'chshell' function tests: 2
    # Only tested pure logic of function
    # Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chshell_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_user.chshell, 'foo',

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_chshell_same_shell(self):
        Tests if the user's shell is the same as the argument
        self.assertTrue(mac_user.chshell('foo', '/bin/bash'))

    # 'chhome' function tests: 2
    # Only tested pure logic of function
    # Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chhome_user_exists(self):
        Test if the user exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_user.chhome, 'foo',

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_chhome_same_home(self):
        Tests if the user's home is the same as the argument
        self.assertTrue(mac_user.chhome('foo', '/Users/foo'))

    # 'chfullname' function tests: 2
    # Only tested pure logic of function
    # Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chfullname_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_user.chfullname, 'test',
                          'TEST USER')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_chfullname_same_name(self):
        Tests if the user's full name is the same as the argument
        self.assertTrue(mac_user.chfullname('test', 'TEST USER'))

    # 'chgroups' function tests: 3
    # Only tested pure logic of function
    # Full functionality tests covered in integration testing

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value={}))
    def test_chgroups_user_exists(self):
        Tests if the user exists or not
        self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, mac_user.chgroups, 'foo',

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
    def test_chgroups_bad_groups(self):
        Test if there is white space in groups argument
        self.assertRaises(SaltInvocationError, mac_user.chgroups, 'test',
                          'bad group')

    @patch('salt.modules.mac_user.info', MagicMock(return_value=mock_info_ret))
           MagicMock(return_value=('wheel', 'root')))
    def test_chgroups_same_desired(self):
        Tests if the user's list of groups is the same as the arguments
        mock_primary = MagicMock(return_value='wheel')
        with patch.dict(mac_user.__salt__,
                        {'file.gid_to_group': mock_primary}):
            self.assertTrue(mac_user.chgroups('test', 'wheel,root'))

    def test_info(self):
        Tests the return of user information
        mock_pwnam = pwd.struct_passwd(
            ('test', '*', 0, 0, 'TEST USER', '/var/test', '/bin/bash'))
        ret = {
            'shell': '/bin/bash',
            'name': 'test',
            'gid': 0,
            'groups': ['_TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/test',
            'fullname': 'TEST USER',
            'uid': 0
        with patch('pwd.getpwnam', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwnam)):
            self.assertEqual(mac_user.info('root'), ret)

    def test_format_info(self):
        Tests the formatting of returned user information
        data = pwd.struct_passwd(('_TEST_GROUP', '*', 83, 83, 'AMaViS Daemon',
                                  '/var/virusmails', '/usr/bin/false'))
        ret = {
            'shell': '/usr/bin/false',
            'name': '_TEST_GROUP',
            'gid': 83,
            'groups': ['_TEST_GROUP'],
            'home': '/var/virusmails',
            'fullname': 'AMaViS Daemon',
            'uid': 83
        self.assertEqual(mac_user._format_info(data), ret)

    @patch('pwd.getpwall', MagicMock(return_value=mock_pwall))
    def test_list_users(self):
        Tests the list of all users
        ret = ['_amavisd', '_appleevents', '_appowner']
        self.assertEqual(mac_user.list_users(), ret)
Example #41
    def setUp(self):
        import grp

        grp.getgrnam = minimock.Mock("grp.getgrnam", tracker=None)
        grp.getgrnam.mock_returns = grp.struct_group(("fakegroup", "x", -1, ["fakeuser"]))
        self.acl = AclFilter.ACL()