class SchemaCls(collections.AFF4Collection.SchemaCls): """Schema of the network object.""" INTERFACES = aff4.Attribute("aff4:interfaces", rdf_client.Interfaces, "Network interfaces.", "Interfaces") CONNECTIONS = aff4.Attribute("aff4:connections", rdf_client.Connections, "Network Connections", "Connections")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Volume.SchemaCls): """Attributes specific to VFSDirectory.""" STAT = aff4.Attribute("aff4:stat", rdf_client.StatEntry, "A StatEntry describing this file.", "stat") PATHSPEC = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:pathspec", rdf_paths.PathSpec, "The pathspec used to retrieve this object from the client.", "pathspec")
class SchemaCls(Approval.SchemaCls): """The Schema for the ClientAccessApproval class.""" LIFETIME = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:approval/lifetime", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "The number of seconds an approval is valid for.", default=0) BREAK_GLASS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:approval/breakglass", rdfvalue.RDFDatetime, "The date when this break glass approval will expire.")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Image.SchemaCls): _CHUNKSIZE = aff4.Attribute("aff4:chunksize", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "Total size of each chunk.", default=32) LAST_CHUNK = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:lastchunk", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "The highest numbered chunk in this object.", default=-1)
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Image.SchemaCls): """The schema for AFF4 files in the GRR VFS.""" STAT = aff4.AFF4Object.VFSDirectory.SchemaCls.STAT CONTENT_LOCK = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:content_lock", rdfvalue.RDFURN, "This lock contains a URN pointing to the flow that is currently " "updating this object.") FINGERPRINT = aff4.Attribute("aff4:fingerprint", rdfvalue.FingerprintResponse, "Protodict containing arrays of hashes.")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): SIZE = aff4.AFF4Stream.SchemaCls.SIZE DESCRIPTION = aff4.Attribute("aff4:description", rdfvalue.RDFString, "This collection's description", "description") VIEW = aff4.Attribute("aff4:rdfview", RDFValueCollectionView, "The list of attributes which will show up in " "the table.", default="")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Image.SchemaCls): """The schema for Blob Images.""" STAT = VFSDirectory.SchemaCls.STAT HASHES = aff4.Attribute("aff4:hashes", HashList, "List of hashes of each chunk in this file.") FINALIZED = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:finalized", rdfvalue.RDFBool, "Once a blobimage is finalized, further writes" " will raise exceptions.")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """AFF4 schema for CronHuntOutputMetadata.""" NUM_PROCESSED_RESULTS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:num_processed_results", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "Number of hunt results already processed by the cron job.", versioned=False, default=0) OUTPUT_PLUGINS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:output_plugins_state", rdf_flows.FlowState, "Pickled output plugins.", versioned=False)
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Image.SchemaCls): """The schema for AFF4 files in the GRR VFS.""" STAT = standard.VFSDirectory.SchemaCls.STAT CONTENT_LOCK = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:content_lock", rdfvalue.RDFURN, "This lock contains a URN pointing to the flow that is currently " "updating this flow.") PATHSPEC = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:pathspec", rdf_paths.PathSpec, "The pathspec used to retrieve this object from the client.")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4ImageBase.SchemaCls): PATHSPEC = VFSDirectory.SchemaCls.PATHSPEC STAT = aff4.AFF4Object.VFSDirectory.SchemaCls.STAT _CHUNKSIZE = aff4.Attribute("aff4:chunksize", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "Total size of each chunk.", default=512 * 1024) LAST_CHUNK = aff4.Attribute("aff4:lastchunk", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "The highest numbered chunk in this object.", default=-1)
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """Schema for AFF4RegexNotificationRule.""" CLIENT_PATH_REGEX = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:change_rule/client_path_regex", rdfvalue.RDFString, "Regex to match the urn.") EVENT_NAME = aff4.Attribute("aff4:change_rule/event_name", rdfvalue.RDFString, "Event to trigger on match.") NOTIFY_ONLY_IF_NEW = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:change_rule/notify_only_if_new", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "If True (1), then notify only when " "the file is created for the first " "time")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """SchemaCls.""" FILESTORE_FILETYPES = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:stats/filestore/filetypes", stats.Graph, "Number of files in the filestore by type") FILESTORE_FILETYPES_SIZE = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:stats/filestore/filetypes_size", stats.GraphFloat, "Total filesize in GB of files in the filestore by type") FILESTORE_FILESIZE_HISTOGRAM = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:stats/filestore/filesize", stats.Graph, "Filesize histogram of files in the filestore")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """The Schema for the Approval class.""" APPROVER = aff4.Attribute("aff4:approval/approver", rdfvalue.RDFString, "An approver for the request.", "approver") REASON = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:approval/reason", rdfvalue.RDFString, "The reason for requesting access to this client.") EMAIL_MSG_ID = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:approval/email_msg_id", rdfvalue.RDFString, "The email thread message ID for this" "approval. Storing this allows for " "conversation threading.")
class SchemaCls(FileStoreImage.SchemaCls): """Schema class for NSRLFile.""" # We do not need child indexes since the NSRL database is quite big. ADD_CHILD_INDEX = False # Make the default SIZE argument as unversioned. SIZE = aff4.Attribute("aff4:size", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "The total size of available data for this stream.", "size", default=0, versioned=False) TYPE = aff4.Attribute("aff4:type", rdfvalue.RDFString, "The name of the AFF4Object derived class.", "type", versioned=False) NSRL = aff4.Attribute("aff4:nsrl", rdf_nsrl.NSRLInformation, versioned=False)
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Image.SchemaCls): """The schema for Blob Images.""" STAT = aff4.AFF4Object.VFSDirectory.SchemaCls.STAT HASHES = aff4.Attribute("aff4:hashes", rdfvalue.HashList, "List of hashes of each chunk in this file.") FINGERPRINT = aff4.Attribute("aff4:fingerprint", rdfvalue.FingerprintResponse, "Protodict containing arrays of hashes.") FINALIZED = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:finalized", rdfvalue.RDFBool, "Once a blobimage is finalized, further writes" " will raise exceptions.")
class SchemaCls(standard.VFSDirectory.SchemaCls): STATS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:stats", rdf_client.ClientStats, "Client Stats.", "Client stats", creates_new_object_version=False)
class SchemaCls(VFSAnalysisFile.SchemaCls): """The schema for AFF4 files in the GRR VFS.""" CONTENT_LOCK = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:content_lock", rdfvalue.RDFURN, "This lock contains a URN pointing to the flow that is currently " "updating this flow.")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Image.SchemaCls): """The schema for AFF4 files in the GRR VFS.""" STAT = standard.VFSDirectory.SchemaCls.STAT CONTENT_LOCK = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:content_lock", rdfvalue.RDFURN, "This lock contains a URN pointing to the flow that is currently " "updating this flow.") PATHSPEC = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:pathspec", rdfvalue.PathSpec, "The pathspec used to retrieve this object from the client.") FINGERPRINT = aff4.Attribute("aff4:fingerprint", rdfvalue.FingerprintResponse, "Protodict containing arrays of hashes.")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """Schema for GlobalNotificationsManager.""" NOTIFICATIONS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:global_notification_storage/notifications", GlobalNotificationSet, "List of currently active notifications", versioned=False)
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """Schema for StatsStoreProcessData.""" METRICS_METADATA = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:stats_store_process_data/metrics_metadata", StatsStoreMetricsMetadata, creates_new_object_version=False, versioned=False)
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4MemoryStream.SchemaCls): """Signed blob attributes.""" BINARY = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:signed_blob", rdfvalue.SignedBlob, "Signed blob proto for deployment to clients." "This is used for signing drivers, binaries " "and python code.")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """Schema for GRRUser.""" PENDING_NOTIFICATIONS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:notification/pending", rdfvalue.NotificationList, "The notifications pending for the user.", default="") SHOWN_NOTIFICATIONS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:notifications/shown", rdfvalue.NotificationList, "Notifications already shown to the user.", default="") GUI_SETTINGS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:gui/settings", rdfvalue.GUISettings, "GUI Settings", default="") PASSWORD = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:user/password", CryptedPassword, "Encrypted Password for the user")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """Attributes specific to VFSDirectory.""" RULES = aff4.Attribute("aff4:rules", rdf_foreman.ForemanRules, "The rules the foreman uses.", versioned=False, creates_new_object_version=False, default=rdf_foreman.ForemanRules())
class SchemaCls(GRRSignedBlob.SchemaCls): INSTALLATION = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:driver/installation", rdfvalue.DriverInstallTemplate, "The driver installation control protobuf.", "installation", default=rdfvalue.DriverInstallTemplate(driver_name="pmem", device_path=r"\\.\pmem"))
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Stream.SchemaCls): FILE_ID = aff4.Attribute("aff4:file_id", rdfvalue.RDFString, "This string uniquely identifies a " "file stored in the file store. Passing " "this id to the file store grants read " "access to the corresponding data.") STAT = standard.VFSDirectory.SchemaCls.STAT
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """The Schema for the Approval class.""" REQUESTOR = aff4.Attribute("aff4:approval/requestor", rdfvalue.RDFString, "Requestor of the approval.") APPROVER = aff4.Attribute("aff4:approval/approver", rdfvalue.RDFString, "An approver for the request.", "approver") SUBJECT = aff4.Attribute("aff4:approval/subject", rdfvalue.RDFURN, "Subject of the approval. I.e. the resource that " "requires approved access.") REASON = aff4.Attribute("aff4:approval/reason", rdfvalue.RDFString, "The reason for requesting access to this client.") EMAIL_MSG_ID = aff4.Attribute("aff4:approval/email_msg_id", rdfvalue.RDFString, "The email thread message ID for this" "approval. Storing this allows for " "conversation threading.") EMAIL_CC = aff4.Attribute("aff4:approval/email_cc", rdfvalue.RDFString, "Comma separated list of email addresses to " "CC on approval emails.") NOTIFIED_USERS = aff4.Attribute("aff4:approval/notified_users", rdfvalue.RDFString, "Comma-separated list of GRR users " "notified about this approval.")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """Schema for ClientFleetStats object.""" GRRVERSION_HISTOGRAM = aff4.Attribute("aff4:stats/grrversion", stats.GraphSeries, "GRR version statistics for active " "clients.") OS_HISTOGRAM = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:stats/os_type", stats.GraphSeries, "Operating System statistics for active clients.") RELEASE_HISTOGRAM = aff4.Attribute("aff4:stats/release", stats.GraphSeries, "Release statistics for active clients.") LAST_CONTACTED_HISTOGRAM = aff4.Attribute("aff4:stats/last_contacted", stats.Graph, "Last contacted time")
class SchemaCls(standard.VFSDirectory.SchemaCls): """Attributes of the timeseries object.""" # Total number of events here SIZE = aff4.AFF4Stream.SchemaCls.SIZE START = aff4.Attribute("aff4:timeline/start", rdfvalue.RDFDatetime, "The timestamp of the first event in this series") END = aff4.Attribute("aff4:timeline/end", rdfvalue.RDFDatetime, "The timestamp of the last event in this series") DESCRIPTION = aff4.Attribute("aff4:description", rdfvalue.RDFString, "This collection's description", "description") TIMELINE = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:timeline/view", TimelineView, "The columns that will be shown in the timeline.", default="")
class SchemaCls(aff4.AFF4Object.SchemaCls): """AFF4 schema for CronHuntOutputMetadata.""" NUM_PROCESSED_RESULTS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:num_processed_results", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "Number of hunt results already processed by the cron job.", versioned=False, default=0) COLLECTION_RAW_OFFSET = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:collection_raw_position", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "Effectively, number of bytes occuppied by NUM_PROCESSED_RESULTS " "processed results in the results collection. Used to optimize " "results collection access and not to iterate over all previously " "processes results all the time.", versioned=False, default=0) OUTPUT_PLUGINS = aff4.Attribute( "aff4:output_plugins_state", rdfvalue.FlowState, "Pickled output plugins.", versioned=False)
class SchemaCls(RDFValueCollection.SchemaCls): """Schema for PackedVersionedCollection.""" DATA = aff4.Attribute("aff4:data", rdfvalue.EmbeddedRDFValue, "The embedded semantic value.", versioned=True) ADDITION_JOURNAL = aff4.Attribute("aff4:addition_journal", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "Journal of Add(), AddAll(), and " "AddToCollection() operations. Every " "element in the journal is the number of " "items added to collection when Add*() " "was called.", versioned=True) COMPACTION_JOURNAL = aff4.Attribute("aff4:compaction_journal", rdfvalue.RDFInteger, "Journal of compactions. Every item in " "the journal is number of elements " "that were compacted during particular " "compaction.")