def page_activated(self, advancing): if advancing: if self.main.plan.state.objectCreationParams.get("CreateInDB", True): self._copy_db.set_active(True) else: self._copy_db.set_active(False) self.refresh_table_list() for k in self.main.plan.state.dataBulkTransferParams.keys(): del self.main.plan.state.dataBulkTransferParams[k] if sys.platform == "win32": filename = mforms.Utilities.get_special_folder(mforms.Desktop)+"\\copy_migrated_tables.cmd" else: filename = mforms.Utilities.get_special_folder(mforms.Desktop)+"/" self.CopyScript_entry.set_value(filename) self.CopyScript_check_duplicate = True source_os = self.main.plan.migrationSource.get_os() if not source_os: self.BulkCopyScript_radiobutton.set_enabled(False) bulk_copy_filename = '' grt.send_warning('Cannot get operating system of source server.') elif source_os == "windows": bulk_copy_filename = os.path.join(mforms.Utilities.get_special_folder(mforms.Desktop), 'bulk_copy_tables.cmd') else: bulk_copy_filename = os.path.join(mforms.Utilities.get_special_folder(mforms.Desktop), '') self.BulkCopyScript_entry.set_value(bulk_copy_filename) self.BulkCopyScript_check_duplicate = True WizardPage.page_activated(self, advancing)
def page_activated(self, advancing): if advancing: if self.main.plan.state.objectCreationParams.get("CreateInDB", True): self._copy_db.set_active(True) else: self._copy_db.set_active(False) self.refresh_table_list() for k in self.main.plan.state.dataBulkTransferParams.keys(): del self.main.plan.state.dataBulkTransferParams[k] if sys.platform == "win32": filename = mforms.Utilities.get_special_folder(mforms.Desktop) + "\\copy_migrated_tables.cmd" else: filename = mforms.Utilities.get_special_folder(mforms.Desktop) + "/" self.copy_script_entry.set_value(filename) self.copy_script_check_duplicate = True source_os = self.main.plan.migrationSource.get_os() if not source_os: self.bulk_copy_script_radiobutton.set_enabled(False) bulk_copy_filename = "" grt.send_warning("Cannot get operating system of source server.") elif source_os == "windows": bulk_copy_filename = os.path.join( mforms.Utilities.get_special_folder(mforms.Desktop), "bulk_copy_tables.cmd" ) else: bulk_copy_filename = os.path.join( mforms.Utilities.get_special_folder(mforms.Desktop), "" ) self.bulk_copy_script_entry.set_value(bulk_copy_filename) self.bulk_copy_script_check_duplicate = True WizardPage.page_activated(self, advancing)
def execute_script(connection, script, log): connection = get_connection(connection) ranges = grt.modules.MysqlSqlFacade.getSqlStatementRanges(script) for start, length in ranges: if grt.query_status(): raise grt.UserInterrupt() statement = script[start:start+length] try: grt.send_info("Execute statement", statement) grt.log_debug3("DbMySQLFE", "Execute %s\n" % statement) connection.execute(statement) except db_utils.QueryError, exc: if log: entry = grt.classes.GrtLogEntry() entry.owner = log = str(exc) entry.entryType = 2 log.entries.append(entry) grt.send_warning("%s" % exc) grt.log_error("DbMySQLFE", "Exception executing '%s': %s\n" % (statement, exc)) return False except Exception, exc: if log: entry = grt.classes.GrtLogEntry() entry.owner = log = "Exception: " + str(exc) entry.entryType = 2 log.entries.append(entry) grt.send_warning("Exception caught: %s" % exc) grt.log_error("DbMySQLFE", "Exception executing '%s': %s\n" % (statement, exc)) return False
def execute_script(connection, script, log): connection = get_connection(connection) ranges = grt.modules.MysqlSqlFacade.getSqlStatementRanges(script) for start, length in ranges: if grt.query_status(): raise grt.UserInterrupt() statement = script[start:start + length] try: grt.send_info("Execute statement", statement) grt.log_debug3("DbMySQLFE", "Execute %s\n" % statement) connection.execute(statement) except db_utils.QueryError, exc: if log: entry = grt.classes.GrtLogEntry() entry.owner = log = str(exc) entry.entryType = 2 log.entries.append(entry) grt.send_warning("%s" % exc) grt.log_error("DbMySQLFE", "Exception executing '%s': %s\n" % (statement, exc)) return False except Exception, exc: if log: entry = grt.classes.GrtLogEntry() entry.owner = log = "Exception: " + str(exc) entry.entryType = 2 log.entries.append(entry) grt.send_warning("Exception caught: %s" % exc) grt.log_error("DbMySQLFE", "Exception executing '%s': %s\n" % (statement, exc)) return False
def reverseEngineerTablePK(cls, connection, table): """Reverse engineers the primary key(s) for the given table.""" schema = table.owner catalog = schema.owner query = """SELECT tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME, kcu.COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tc JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS kcu ON kcu.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = tc.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME = tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA = tc.TABLE_SCHEMA AND kcu.TABLE_NAME = tc.TABLE_NAME WHERE tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='PRIMARY KEY' AND tc.TABLE_CATALOG = '%s' AND tc.TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s' AND tc.TABLE_NAME = '%s' ORDER BY tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME, kcu.ORDINAL_POSITION""" % (,,, ) if ( len(table.columns) == 0 ): # Table must have columns reverse engineered before we can rev eng its primary key(s) grt.send_error( "%s reverseEngineerTablePK: Reverse engineer of table %s was attempted but the table has " "no columns attribute" % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), ) return 1 fk_rows = cls.execute_query(connection, query).fetchall() if fk_rows: index = grt.classes.db_Index() = fk_rows[0][0] index.isPrimary = 1 index.unique = 1 index.indexType = "PRIMARY" for _, pk_col in fk_rows: table_column = find_object_with_name(table.columns, pk_col) if not table_column: grt.send_warning( '%s reverseEngineerTablePK: Could not find column "%s" in table "%s" referenced ' 'by primary key constraint "%s". The primary key will not be added.' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), pk_col,, ) return 0 index_column = grt.classes.db_IndexColumn() = + "." + pk_col index_column.referencedColumn = table_column index.columns.append(index_column) table.primaryKey = index table.addIndex(index) return 0
def reverseEngineerTableIndices(cls, connection, table): schema = table.owner if len(table.columns) == 0: grt.send_error('%s: reverseEngineerTableIndices', 'Reverse engineer of table %s.%s was attempted but the table has no columns attribute' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(),, ) return 1 # Table must have columns reverse engineered before we can rev eng its indices all_indices_query = """SELECT c2.relname, i.indisunique::int, i.indisclustered::int, i.indnatts, i.indkey FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_class c2, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_index i WHERE c.oid = i.indrelid AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid AND c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = '%s' AND c.relname = '%s' AND i.indisprimary = False ORDER BY c2.relname""" % (, index_columns_query = """SELECT a.attname FROM unnest(ARRAY%r) attrid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON attrid=a.attnum JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = a.attrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = '%s' AND c.relname = '%s'""" index_rows = cls.execute_query(connection, all_indices_query).fetchall() for index_name, is_unique, is_clustered, column_count, column_refs in index_rows: index = grt.classes.db_Index() = index_name index.isPrimary = 0 index.unique = is_unique index.indexType = ('UNIQUE' if is_unique else 'INDEX') #index.clustered = is_clustered # Get the columns for the index: cols = [ int(col) for col in column_refs.split() ] if column_count != len(cols): grt.send_warning('%s: reverseEngineerTableIndices' % cls.getTargetDBMSName(), 'Reverse engineer of index %s.%s was attempted but the referenced columns count differs ' 'from the number of its referenced columns. Skipping index!' % (, index_name) ) continue for (column_name, ) in cls.execute_query(connection, index_columns_query % (cols,, column = find_object_with_name(table.columns, column_name) if column: index_column = grt.classes.db_IndexColumn() = index_name + '.' + column_name #index_column.descend = is_descending_key index_column.referencedColumn = column index.columns.append(index_column) else: grt.send_warning('%s: reverseEngineerTableIndices' % cls.getTargetDBMSName(), 'Reverse engineer of index %s.%s was attempted but the referenced column %s ' 'could not be found on table %s. Skipping index!' % (, index_name, column_name, ) continue table.addIndex(index) return 0
def reverseEngineerTableColumns(cls, connection, table): schema = table.owner catalog = schema.owner query = """SELECT COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_DEFAULT, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, NUMERIC_PRECISION, NUMERIC_SCALE, DATETIME_PRECISION, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_CATALOG='%s' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='%s' AND TABLE_NAME='%s' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION""" % (,,, ) table_columns = cls.execute_query(connection, query) for ( column_name, column_default, is_nullable, type_name, char_max_length, precision, scale, datetime_precision, charset, collation, ) in table_columns: column = grt.classes.db_Column() = column_name column.isNotNull = is_nullable == "NO" column.length = char_max_length column.precision = precision if precision is not None else -1 column.scale = scale if scale is not None else -1 column.defaultValue = column_default if column_default is not None else "" datatype = cls.getColumnDatatype(connection, table, column, type_name) if isinstance(datatype, grt.classes.db_SimpleDatatype): column.simpleType = datatype elif isinstance(datatype, grt.classes.db_UserDatatype): column.userType = datatype else: column.simpleType = cls.getColumnDatatype(connection, table, column, "VARCHAR") column.length = 255 msg = ( 'Column datatype "%s" for column "%s" in table "%s.%s" is unknown, reverse engineering as VARCHAR(255)' % (type_name,,, ) grt.send_warning("%s reverseEngineerTableColumns: " % cls.getTargetDBMSName() + msg) table.addColumn(column) return 0
def reverseEngineerTablePK(cls, connection, table): """Reverse engineers the primary key(s) for the given table.""" schema = table.owner catalog = schema.owner query = """SELECT tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME, kcu.COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tc JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS kcu ON kcu.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = tc.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME = tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND kcu.TABLE_SCHEMA = tc.TABLE_SCHEMA AND kcu.TABLE_NAME = tc.TABLE_NAME WHERE tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='PRIMARY KEY' AND tc.TABLE_CATALOG = '%s' AND tc.TABLE_SCHEMA = '%s' AND tc.TABLE_NAME = '%s' ORDER BY tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME, kcu.ORDINAL_POSITION""" % (,, if len( table.columns ) == 0: # Table must have columns reverse engineered before we can rev eng its primary key(s) grt.send_error( '%s reverseEngineerTablePK: Reverse engineer of table %s was attempted but the table has ' 'no columns attribute' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), return 1 fk_rows = cls.execute_query(connection, query).fetchall() if fk_rows: index = grt.classes.db_Index() = fk_rows[0][0] index.isPrimary = 1 index.unique = 1 index.indexType = 'PRIMARY' for _, pk_col in fk_rows: table_column = find_object_with_name(table.columns, pk_col) if not table_column: grt.send_warning( '%s reverseEngineerTablePK: Could not find column "%s" in table "%s" referenced ' 'by primary key constraint "%s". The primary key will not be added.' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), pk_col,, return 0 index_column = grt.classes.db_IndexColumn() = + '.' + pk_col index_column.referencedColumn = table_column index.columns.append(index_column) table.primaryKey = index table.addIndex(index) return 0
def reverseEngineerTableColumns(cls, connection, table): query = """SELECT UPPER(sd.domain_name), sc.column_name, sc.nulls, sc.width, sc.scale, sc."default" FROM SYSTABCOL sc JOIN SYSDOMAIN sd ON sc.domain_id=sd.domain_id JOIN SYSTAB st ON sc.table_id=st.table_id JOIN SYSUSER su ON st.creator=su.user_id WHERE st.table_name='%s' AND su.user_name='%s' ORDER BY sc.column_id""" % (,, ) for datatype, col_name, nullable, width, scale, default_value in cls.execute_query(connection, query): column = grt.classes.db_Column() = col_name or "" column.isNotNull = nullable in ["N", "n"] column.collationName = "" # TODO: find a way to get the column's collation if datatype.startswith("UNSIGNED "): datatype = datatype[9:] column.flags.append("UNSIGNED") is_simple_datatype, datatype_object = cls.find_datatype_object(table.owner.owner, datatype) if not datatype_object: is_simple_datatype, datatype_object = cls.find_datatype_object(table.owner.owner, "VARCHAR") width = 255 msg = 'Column datatype "%s" for column "%s" in table "%s.%s" reverse engineered as VARCHAR(255)' % ( datatype,,,, ) grt.send_warning("SQL Anywhere reverseEngineerTableColumns", msg) if is_simple_datatype: column.simpleType = datatype_object else: column.userType = datatype_object column.defaultValue = str(default_value) if default_value is not None else "" group = if is_simple_datatype else width = int(width) if width is not None else -1 if group.upper() == "NUMERIC": column.length = -1 column.precision = width column.scale = scale else: column.length = width column.precision = column.scale = -1 table.addColumn(column)
def reverseEngineerTableColumns(cls, connection, table): schema = table.owner catalog = schema.owner simple_datatypes_list = [ for datatype in catalog.simpleDatatypes ] user_datatypes_list = [ for datatype in catalog.userDatatypes ] odbc_datatypes = dict( (dtype.data_type, dtype.type_name) for dtype in cls.get_connection(connection).cursor().getTypeInfo()) table_columns = cls.get_connection(connection).cursor().columns( for column_info in table_columns: column = grt.classes.db_Column() = column_info[3] # column_name column.isNotNull = column_info[17] != 'YES' # is_nullable column.length = column_info[6] # column_size column.scale = column_info[8] # decimal_digits column.precision = column_info[6] # column_size datatype = None try: type_name = odbc_datatypes[column_info[4]].upper() # data_type datatype = simple_datatypes_list.index(type_name) except (KeyError, ValueError): try: user_datatype = catalog.userDatatypes[ user_datatypes_list.index(type_name)] except (ValueError, TypeError, NameError): user_datatype = None datatype = simple_datatypes_list.index('VARCHAR') column.length = 255 msg = 'Column datatype "%s" for column "%s" in table "%s.%s" reverse engineered as VARCHAR(255)' % ( type_name,,, grt.send_warning('%s reverseEngineerTableColumns: ' % cls.getTargetDBMSName() + msg) else: datatype = None column.userType = user_datatype if isinstance(datatype, int): column.simpleType = catalog.simpleDatatypes[datatype] table.addColumn(column) return 0
def doFetchSchemaNames(self, only_these_catalogs=[]): """Fetch list of schema names in catalog.schema format and stores them in the migration.sourceSchemataNames node""" grt.send_progress(0.0, "Checking connection...") self.connect() if self.rdbms.doesSupportCatalogs: grt.send_progress(0.1, "Fetching catalog names...") self.state.sourceSchemataNames.remove_all() catalog_names = self.getCatalogNames() if only_these_catalogs: inexistent_catalogs = set(only_these_catalogs).difference( catalog_names) if inexistent_catalogs: grt.send_warning( 'The following catalogs where not found: ' + ', '.join(list(inexistent_catalogs))) catalog_names = list( set(only_these_catalogs).difference( inexistent_catalogs)) or self.getCatalogNames() self._catalog_names = catalog_names grt.send_progress(0.1, "Fetching schema names...") i = 0.0 accumulated_progress = 0.1 step_progress_share = 1.0 / (len(catalog_names) + 1e-10) for catalog in catalog_names: grt.send_progress(accumulated_progress, 'Fetching schema names from %s...' % catalog) schema_names = self.getSchemaNames(catalog) for schema in schema_names: self.state.sourceSchemataNames.append("%s.%s" % (catalog, schema)) accumulated_progress += 0.9 * step_progress_share else: # The rdbms doesn't support catalogs grt.send_progress(0.1, "Fetching schema names...") schema_names = self.getSchemaNames('') if only_these_catalogs: # Here only_these_catalogs would rather mean only these schemata inexistent_schemata = set(only_these_catalogs).difference( schema_names) if inexistent_schemata: grt.send_warning( 'The following schemata where not found: ' + ', '.join(list(inexistent_schemata))) schema_names = list( set(only_these_catalogs).difference( inexistent_schemata)) or self.getSchemaNames('') self._catalog_names = [] self.state.sourceSchemataNames.remove_all() for schema in schema_names: self.state.sourceSchemataNames.append('def.%s' % schema) grt.send_progress(1.0, "Finished")
def reverseEngineerTableColumns(cls, connection, table): query = """SELECT UPPER(sd.domain_name), sc.column_name, sc.nulls, sc.width, sc.scale, sc."default" FROM SYSTABCOL sc JOIN SYSDOMAIN sd ON sc.domain_id=sd.domain_id JOIN SYSTAB st ON sc.table_id=st.table_id JOIN SYSUSER su ON st.creator=su.user_id WHERE st.table_name='%s' AND su.user_name='%s' ORDER BY sc.column_id""" % (, for datatype, col_name, nullable, width, scale, default_value in cls.execute_query( connection, query): column = grt.classes.db_Column() = col_name or '' column.isNotNull = nullable in ['N', 'n'] column.collationName = '' # TODO: find a way to get the column's collation if datatype.startswith('UNSIGNED '): datatype = datatype[9:] column.flags.append('UNSIGNED') is_simple_datatype, datatype_object = cls.find_datatype_object( table.owner.owner, datatype) if not datatype_object: is_simple_datatype, datatype_object = cls.find_datatype_object( table.owner.owner, 'VARCHAR') width = 255 msg = 'Column datatype "%s" for column "%s" in table "%s.%s" reverse engineered as VARCHAR(255)' % ( datatype,,, grt.send_warning('SQL Anywhere reverseEngineerTableColumns', msg) if is_simple_datatype: column.simpleType = datatype_object else: column.userType = datatype_object column.defaultValue = str( default_value) if default_value is not None else '' group = if is_simple_datatype else width = int(width) if width is not None else -1 if group.upper() == 'NUMERIC': column.length = -1 column.precision = width column.scale = scale else: column.length = width column.precision = column.scale = -1 table.addColumn(column)
def secondary_default_value_validation(self, state, source_column, target_column): # Only 1 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP column can exist and it has to be the 1st TIMESTAMP column in the table if target_column.simpleType: if == 'TIMESTAMP' and target_column.defaultValue == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP': for column in target_column.owner.columns: if column == target_column: break if column.simpleType and == 'TIMESTAMP': # column.defaultValue == 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP': state.addMigrationLogEntry(1, source_column, target_column, 'DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP can only be used in the first TIMESTAMP column of the table. ' 'Default value removed.') target_column.defaultValue = '' else: grt.send_warning('Could not migrate datatype of column %s in table %s.%s' % (,,
def process_fk(catalog, table, fk_name, fk_rows): foreign_key = grt.classes.db_ForeignKey() if fk_name in cls._connections[connection.__id__]['fk_names']: while True: suffix = '_%06d' % random.randint(0, 999999) if fk_name + suffix not in cls._connections[connection.__id__]['fk_names']: break fk_name += suffix = fk_name foreign_key.owner = table foreign_key.deleteRule = get_delete_action(fk_rows[0].grbit) foreign_key.updateRule = get_update_action(fk_rows[0].grbit) foreign_key.modelOnly = 0 # Find the referenced table: foreign_key.referencedTable = find_object_with_name(catalog.schemata[0].tables, fk_rows[0].szReferencedObject) if not foreign_key.referencedTable: grt.send_error('Migration: reverseEngineerTableFKs: Table "%s" not found in schemata "%s"' % (fk_rows[0].szReferencedObject, catalog.schemata[0].name) ) return 1 for fk_row in fk_rows: column = find_object_with_name(table.columns, fk_row.szColumn) if not column: grt.send_error('Migration: reverseEngineerTableFKs: Column "%s" not found in table "%s"' % (fk_row.szColumn, ) continue ref_column = find_object_with_name(foreign_key.referencedTable.columns, fk_row.szReferencedColumn) if not ref_column: grt.send_error('Migration: reverseEngineerTableFKs: Column "%s" not found in table "%s"' % (fk_row.szReferencedColumn, ) continue foreign_key.columns.append(column) foreign_key.referencedColumns.append(ref_column) # Find and delete indexes that are identical to FKs for index in reversed(table.indices): if table.primaryKey != index and len(index.columns) == len(foreign_key.columns): match = True for i, col in enumerate(index.columns): if foreign_key.columns[i] != col.referencedColumn: match = False break if match: grt.send_warning("Migration: reverseEngineerTable: Skipping duplicate index %s from table %s\n" % (, table.indices.remove(index) cls._connections[connection.__id__]['fk_names'][] = table table.foreignKeys.append(foreign_key)
def reverseEngineerTriggers(connection, schema): execute_query(connection, 'USE %s' % # catalog tables_with_triggers_query = """SELECT name, deltrig, instrig, updtrig FROM sysobjects WHERE uid = USER_ID(?) AND type='U' AND(deltrig != 0 OR instrig != 0 OR updtrig != 0)""" trigger_details_query = """SELECT AS trigger_name, AS trigger_id, sc.text AS trigger_definition FROM syscomments sc JOIN sysobjects so ON WHERE IN (%s) ORDER BY, sc.colid""" triggers = {} for row in execute_query(connection, tables_with_triggers_query, if row[1] != 0: triggers.setdefault(row[1], [row[0], ''])[1] += ';DELETE' if row[2] != 0: triggers.setdefault(row[2], [row[0], ''])[1] += ';INSERT' if row[3] != 0: triggers.setdefault(row[3], [row[0], ''])[1] += ';UPDATE' step = 1.0 / (len(getTriggerNames(connection,, + 1e-10) all_triggers = execute_query(connection, trigger_details_query % ', '.join(str(trig_id) for trig_id in triggers)) if triggers else None trigger_name2id = {} def register_trigger_name(row): trigger_name2id[row[0]] = row[1] if all_triggers: for idx, trigger_name, trigger_definition in join_multiline_content('trigger_name', 'trigger_definition', all_triggers, register_trigger_name): grt.send_progress(idx * step, 'Reverse engineering trigger %s.%s' % (, trigger_name)) trigger = grt.classes.db_sybase_Trigger() = trigger_name or '' trigger.sqlDefinition = trigger_definition trigger.timing = 'AFTER' # All Sybase ASE triggers are fired after the data is changed # trigger.orientation = 'ROW' # TODO: This needs extra analysis trigger.enabled = 1 # TODO: Figure out how to tell the actual value trigger_table, trigger_events = triggers[trigger_name2id[trigger_name]] trigger.event = trigger_events.strip(';') # It would take values as 'INSERT;UPDATE' trigger.owner = find_object_with_name(schema.tables, trigger_table) if trigger.owner: trigger.owner.triggers.append(trigger) else: grt.send_warning('Sybase reverseEngineerTriggers', 'Parent table not found for trigger "%s"' % grt.send_progress(1.0, 'Finished reverse engineering of triggers for the %s schema.' % return 0
def doFetchSchemaNames(self, only_these_catalogs=[]): """Fetch list of schema names in catalog.schema format and stores them in the migration.sourceSchemataNames node""" grt.send_progress(0.0, "Checking connection...") self.connect() if self.rdbms.doesSupportCatalogs > 0: grt.send_progress(0.1, "Fetching catalog names...") self.state.sourceSchemataNames.remove_all() catalog_names = self.getCatalogNames() if only_these_catalogs: inexistent_catalogs = set(only_these_catalogs).difference(catalog_names) if inexistent_catalogs: grt.send_warning('The following catalogs were not found: ' + ', '.join(list(inexistent_catalogs))) catalog_names = list(set(only_these_catalogs).difference(inexistent_catalogs)) or self.getCatalogNames() self._catalog_names = catalog_names grt.send_progress(0.1, "Fetching schema names...") accumulated_progress = 0.1 step_progress_share = 1.0 / (len(catalog_names) + 1e-10) for catalog in catalog_names: if not catalog: continue grt.send_progress(accumulated_progress, 'Fetching schema names from %s...' % catalog) schema_names = self.getSchemaNames(catalog) for schema in schema_names: if not schema: continue self.state.sourceSchemataNames.append("%s.%s" % (self._db_module.quoteIdentifier(catalog), self._db_module.quoteIdentifier(schema))) accumulated_progress += 0.9 * step_progress_share elif self.rdbms.doesSupportCatalogs == 0: # The rdbms doesn't support catalogs grt.send_progress(0.1, "Fetching schema names...") schema_names = self.getSchemaNames('') if only_these_catalogs: # Here only_these_catalogs would rather mean only these schemata inexistent_schemata = set(only_these_catalogs).difference(schema_names) if inexistent_schemata: grt.send_warning('The following schemas where not found: ' + ', '.join(list(inexistent_schemata))) schema_names = list(set(only_these_catalogs).difference(inexistent_schemata)) or self.getSchemaNames('') self._catalog_names = [] self.state.sourceSchemataNames.remove_all() for schema in schema_names: self.state.sourceSchemataNames.append('%s.%s' % (self._db_module.quoteIdentifier('def'), self._db_module.quoteIdentifier(schema))) else: # no schema either self._catalog_names = [] self.state.sourceSchemataNames.remove_all() for schema in self.getSchemaNames(''): self.state.sourceSchemataNames.append(self._db_module.quoteIdentifier(schema)) grt.send_progress(1.0, "Finished")
def reverseEngineerTableColumns(cls, connection, table): schema = table.owner catalog = schema.owner query = """SELECT COLUMN_NAME, COLUMN_DEFAULT, IS_NULLABLE, DATA_TYPE, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, NUMERIC_PRECISION, NUMERIC_SCALE, DATETIME_PRECISION, CHARACTER_SET_NAME, COLLATION_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_CATALOG='%s' AND TABLE_SCHEMA='%s' AND TABLE_NAME='%s' ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION""" % (,, table_columns = cls.execute_query(connection, query) for (column_name, column_default, is_nullable, type_name, char_max_length, precision, scale, datetime_precision, charset, collation) in table_columns: column = grt.classes.db_Column() = column_name column.isNotNull = is_nullable == 'NO' column.length = char_max_length column.precision = precision if precision is not None else -1 column.scale = scale if scale is not None else -1 column.defaultValue = column_default if column_default is not None else '' datatype = cls.getColumnDatatype(connection, table, column, type_name) if isinstance(datatype, grt.classes.db_SimpleDatatype): column.simpleType = datatype elif isinstance(datatype, grt.classes.db_UserDatatype): column.userType = datatype else: column.simpleType = cls.getColumnDatatype( connection, table, column, 'VARCHAR') column.length = 255 msg = 'Column datatype "%s" for column "%s" in table "%s.%s" is unknown, reverse engineering as VARCHAR(255)' % ( type_name,,, grt.send_warning('%s reverseEngineerTableColumns: ' % cls.getTargetDBMSName() + msg) table.addColumn(column) return 0
def reverseEngineerTableColumns(cls, connection, table): schema = table.owner catalog = schema.owner simple_datatypes_list = [ for datatype in catalog.simpleDatatypes ] user_datatypes_list = [ for datatype in catalog.userDatatypes ] odbc_datatypes = dict( (dtype.data_type, dtype.type_name) for dtype in cls.get_connection(connection).cursor().getTypeInfo() ) table_columns = cls.get_connection(connection).cursor().columns(,, for column_info in table_columns: column = grt.classes.db_Column() = column_info[3] # column_name column.isNotNull = column_info[17] == 'YES' # is_nullable column.length = column_info[6] # column_size column.scale = column_info[8] # decimal_digits column.precision = column_info[6] # column_size datatype = None try: type_name = odbc_datatypes[column_info[4]].upper() # data_type datatype = simple_datatypes_list.index(type_name) except (KeyError, ValueError): try: user_datatype = catalog.userDatatypes[user_datatypes_list.index(type_name)] except (ValueError, TypeError, NameError): user_datatype = None datatype = simple_datatypes_list.index('VARCHAR') column.length = 255 msg = 'Column datatype "%s" for column "%s" in table "%s.%s" reverse engineered as VARCHAR(255)' % (type_name,,, grt.send_warning('%s reverseEngineerTableColumns: ' % cls.getTargetDBMSName() + msg) else: datatype = None column.userType = user_datatype if isinstance(datatype, int): column.simpleType = catalog.simpleDatatypes[datatype] table.addColumn(column) return 0
def reverseEngineerTablePK(cls, connection, table): """Reverse engineers the primary key for the given table.""" if len(table.columns) == 0: # Table must have columns reverse engineered before we can rev eng its primary key grt.send_error('Migration: reverseEngineerTablePKAndIndices: Reverse engineer of table %s was attempted but the table has no columns attribute' % return 1 pk_index_name = 'PrimaryKey' indices_dict = {} # Map the indices names to their respective columns: for row in cls.get_connection(connection).cursor().statistics( if row.type == constant.SQL_TABLE_STAT: # this entry is not an index continue indices_dict.setdefault(row.index_name, []).append(row) for index_name, row_list in list(indices_dict.items()): index = grt.classes.db_Index() = index_name index.isPrimary = 1 if index_name == pk_index_name else 0 index.unique = not row_list[0].non_unique index.indexType = 'UNIQUE' if index.unique else 'INDEX' # index.hasFilter = False # TODO: Find out if there's a way to determine this skip = False # Get the columns for the index: for row in sorted(row_list, key=lambda elem: elem[7]): # Sorted by ordinal_position column = find_object_with_name(table.columns, row.column_name) if column: # skip indexes on LONGCHAR columns if in ["LONGCHAR"]: grt.send_warning("Migration: reverseEngineerTable: Skipping index %s.%s on a %s column\n" % (,, skip = True else: index_column = grt.classes.db_IndexColumn() = index_name + '.' + row.column_name index_column.referencedColumn = column index.columns.append(index_column) if not column.isNotNull and index.isPrimary: column.isNotNull = 1 grt.send_warning("Migration: reverseEngineerTablePK: column %s.%s was changed to NOT NULL because it's a Primary Key column\n" % (, else: grt.send_warning("Migration: reverseEngineerTablePK: could not find column %s, belonging to key %s. Key will be skipped\n" % (row.column_name, index_name)) skip = True if not skip: table.addIndex(index) if index.isPrimary: table.primaryKey = index return 0
def reverseEngineerTablePK(cls, connection, table): """Reverse engineers the primary key(s) for the given table.""" if len(table.columns) == 0: # Table must have columns reverse engineered before we can rev eng its primary key(s) grt.send_error('Migration: reverseEngineerTablePKAndIndices: Reverse engineer of table %s was attempted but the table has no columns attribute' % return 1 pk_index_name = 'PrimaryKey' indices_dict = {} # Map the indices names to their respective columns: for row in cls.get_connection(connection).cursor().statistics( if row.type == constant.SQL_TABLE_STAT: # this entry is not an index continue indices_dict.setdefault(row.index_name, []).append(row) for index_name, row_list in indices_dict.iteritems(): index = grt.classes.db_Index() = index_name index.isPrimary = 1 if index_name == pk_index_name else 0 index.unique = not row_list[0].non_unique index.indexType = 'UNIQUE' if index.unique else 'INDEX' # index.hasFilter = False # TODO: Find out if there's a way to determine this skip = False # Get the columns for the index: for row in sorted(row_list, key=lambda elem: elem[7]): # Sorted by ordinal_position column = find_object_with_name(table.columns, row.column_name) if column: # skip indexes on LONGCHAR columns if in ["LONGCHAR"]: grt.send_warning("Migration: reverseEngineerTable: Skipping index %s.%s on a %s column\n" % (,, skip = True else: index_column = grt.classes.db_IndexColumn() = index_name + '.' + row.column_name index_column.referencedColumn = column index.columns.append(index_column) if not column.isNotNull and index.isPrimary: column.isNotNull = 1 grt.send_warning("Migration: reverseEngineerTablePK: column %s.%s was changed to NOT NULL because it's a Primary Key column\n" % (, else: grt.send_warning("Migration: reverseEngineerTablePK: could not find column %s, belonging to key %s. Key will be skipped\n" % (row.column_name, index_name)) skip = True if not skip: table.addIndex(index) if index.isPrimary: table.primaryKey = index return 0
def reverseEngineerTableColumns(connection, table): schema = table.owner catalog = schema.owner execute_query(connection, 'USE %s' % quoteIdentifier( query = """SELECT ISNULL(, '') AS COLUMN_NAME, AS DATA_TYPE, C.length AS CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, C.prec AS NUMERIC_PRECISION, C.scale AS NUMERIC_SCALE, CONVERT(BIT, (C.status & 0x08)) AS IS_NULLABLE, CONVERT(BIT, (C.status & 0x80)) AS IS_IDENTITY_COLUMN, K.text AS COLUMN_DEFAULT FROM syscolumns C, systypes T, sysobjects A, syscomments K WHERE USER_NAME(A.uid) = ? AND = AND = OBJECT_ID(?) AND C.usertype *= T.usertype AND C.cdefault *= ORDER BY C.colid""" rows = execute_query(connection, query,, sybase_rdbms_instance = get_sybase_rdbms_instance() sybase_simple_datatypes_list = [ for datatype in sybase_rdbms_instance.simpleDatatypes ] user_datatypes_list = [ for datatype in catalog.userDatatypes ] col_names = [ col_description[0] for col_description in rows.description ] for row in rows: row_values = dict( nameval for nameval in zip(col_names, row) ) column = grt.classes.db_sybase_Column() = row_values['COLUMN_NAME'] or '' column.isNotNull = not row_values['IS_NULLABLE'] column.collationName = row_values.get('COLLATION_NAME', '') # TODO: find a way to get the column's collation column.length = row_values['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'] or 0 column.precision = row_values['NUMERIC_PRECISION'] if row_values['NUMERIC_PRECISION'] is not None else -1 column.scale = row_values['NUMERIC_SCALE'] if row_values['NUMERIC_SCALE'] is not None else -1 column.comment = row_values.get('COLUMN_COMMENT', '') # TODO: find a way to get the column's comments column.identity = row_values['IS_IDENTITY_COLUMN'] or 0 user_datatype = None try: datatype = sybase_simple_datatypes_list.index( row_values['DATA_TYPE'].upper() ) except ValueError: try: user_datatype = catalog.userDatatypes[user_datatypes_list.index( row_values['DATA_TYPE'].upper() )] except (ValueError, TypeError): user_datatype = None datatype = sybase_simple_datatypes_list.index('VARCHAR') column.length = 255 msg = 'Column datatype "%s" for column "%s" in table "%s.%s" reverse engineered as VARCHAR(255)' % (row_values['DATA_TYPE'].upper(),,, grt.send_warning('Sybase reverseEngineerTableColumns', msg) else: datatype = None column.userType = user_datatype if datatype is not None: column.simpleType = sybase_rdbms_instance.simpleDatatypes[datatype] default_value = row_values['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] if default_value is not None and default_value.startswith('DEFAULT '): column.defaultValue = default_value[8:] table.addColumn(column) # TODO: charset name return 0
def reverseEngineerUserDatatypes(connection, catalog): base_types = dict( ( (34,'IMAGE'), (35,'TEXT'), (36,'EXTENDED TYPE'), (37,'TIMESTAMP'), (38,'INTN'), (39,'VARCHAR'), (45,'BINARY'), (47,'CHAR'), (48,'TINYINT'), (49,'DATE'), (50,'BIT'), (51,'TIME'), (52,'SMALLINT'), (55,'DECIMAL'), (56,'INT'), (58,'SMALLDATETIME'), (59,'REAL'), (60,'MONEY'), (61,'DATETIME'), (62,'FLOAT'), (63,'NUMERIC'), (65,'USMALLINT'), (66,'UINT'), (67,'UBIGINT'), (68,'UINTN'), (106,'DECIMALN'), (108,'NUMERICN'), (109,'FLOATN'), (110,'MONEYN'), (111,'DATETIMN'), (122,'SMALLMONEY'), (123,'DATEN'), (135,'UNICHAR'), (147,'TIMEN'), (155,'UNIVARCHAR'), (169,'TEXT_LOCATOR'), (170,'IMAGE_LOCATOR'), (171,'UNITEXT_LOCATOR'), (174,'UNITEXT'), (187,'BIGDATETIMEN'), (188,'BIGTIMEN'), (189,'BIGDATETIME'), (190,'BIGTIME'), (191,'BIGINT'), ) ) query = """SELECT name, length, prec, scale, allownulls, type FROM systypes WHERE accessrule != NULL""" execute_query(connection, 'USE %s' % quoteIdentifier( sybase_rdbms_instance = get_sybase_rdbms_instance() catalog.userDatatypes.remove_all() for name, length, precision, scale, is_nullable, base_type in execute_query(connection, query): datatype = grt.classes.db_sybase_UserDatatype() = name.upper() datatype.characterMaximumLength = length datatype.numericPrecision = precision datatype.numericScale = scale datatype.isNullable = is_nullable simple_type = find_object_with_name(sybase_rdbms_instance.simpleDatatypes, base_types[base_type]) if simple_type: datatype.actualType = simple_type else: grt.send_warning('Sybase reverseEngineerUserDatatypes', 'Could not found base type "%s" for user defined type "%s"' % (base_type, name) ) catalog.userDatatypes.append(datatype) return 0
def reverseEngineer(connection, catalog_name, schemata_list, context): catalog = grt.classes.db_mysql_Catalog() = catalog_name catalog.simpleDatatypes.remove_all() catalog.simpleDatatypes.extend(connection.driver.owner.simpleDatatypes) table_names_per_schema = {} routine_names_per_schema = {} trigger_names_per_schema = {} def filter_warnings(mtype, text, detail): # filter out parser warnings about stub creation/reuse from the message stream, since # they're harmless if mtype == "WARNING" and (" stub " in text or "Stub " in text): grt.send_info(text) return True return False version = getServerVersion(connection) get_tables = context.get("reverseEngineerTables", True) get_triggers = context.get("reverseEngineerTriggers", True) and (version.majorNumber, version.minorNumber, version.releaseNumber) >= (5, 1, 21) get_views = context.get("reverseEngineerViews", True) get_routines = context.get("reverseEngineerRoutines", True) # calculate total workload 1st # 10% of the progress is for preparation grt.send_progress(0, "Preparing...") total = 0 i = 0.0 for schema_name in schemata_list: check_interruption() if get_tables and get_views: table_names = getAllTableNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) elif get_tables: table_names = getTableNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) elif get_views: table_names = getViewNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) else: table_name = [] total += len(table_names) table_names_per_schema[schema_name] = table_names check_interruption() if get_routines: procedure_names = getProcedureNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) check_interruption() function_names = getFunctionNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) check_interruption() total += len(procedure_names) total += len(function_names) routine_names_per_schema[schema_name] = procedure_names, function_names else: routine_names_per_schema[schema_name] = [], [] if get_triggers: trigger_names = getTriggerNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) total += len(trigger_names) else: trigger_names = [] trigger_names_per_schema[schema_name] = trigger_names grt.send_progress(0.1 * (i/len(schemata_list)), "Preparing...") i += 1.0 def wrap_sql(sql, schema): return "USE `%s`;\n%s"%(escape_sql_identifier(schema), sql) def wrap_routine_sql(sql): return "DELIMITER $$\n"+sql i = 0.0 for schema_name in schemata_list: schema = grt.classes.db_mysql_Schema() schema.owner = catalog = schema_name catalog.schemata.append(schema) context = grt.modules.MySQLParserServices.createParserContext(catalog.characterSets, getServerVersion(connection), getServerMode(connection), 1) options = {} if get_tables or get_views: grt.send_info("Reverse engineering tables from %s" % schema_name) for table_name in table_names_per_schema[schema_name]: check_interruption() grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Retrieving table %s.%s..." % (schema_name, table_name)) result = execute_query(connection, "SHOW CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s`" % (escape_sql_identifier(schema_name), escape_sql_identifier(table_name))) i += 0.5 grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Reverse engineering %s.%s..." % (schema_name, table_name)) if result and result.nextRow(): sql = result.stringByIndex(2) grt.push_message_handler(filter_warnings) grt.begin_progress_step(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), 0.1 + 0.9 * ((i+0.5) / total)) grt.modules.MySQLParserServices.parseSQLIntoCatalogSql(context, catalog, wrap_sql(sql, schema_name), options) grt.end_progress_step() grt.pop_message_handler() i += 0.5 else: raise Exception("Could not fetch table information for %s.%s" % (schema_name, table_name)) if get_triggers: grt.send_info("Reverse engineering triggers from %s" % schema_name) for trigger_name in trigger_names_per_schema[schema_name]: check_interruption() grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Retrieving trigger %s.%s..." % (schema_name, trigger_name)) result = execute_query(connection, "SHOW CREATE TRIGGER `%s`.`%s`" % (escape_sql_identifier(schema_name), escape_sql_identifier(trigger_name))) i += 0.5 grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Reverse engineering %s.%s..." % (schema_name, trigger_name)) if result and result.nextRow(): sql = result.stringByName("SQL Original Statement") grt.begin_progress_step(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), 0.1 + 0.9 * ((i+0.5) / total)) grt.modules.MySQLParserServices.parseSQLIntoCatalogSql(context, catalog, wrap_sql(wrap_routine_sql(sql), schema_name), options) grt.end_progress_step() i += 0.5 else: raise Exception("Could not fetch trigger information for %s.%s" % (schema_name, trigger_name)) if get_routines: grt.send_info("Reverse engineering stored procedures from %s" % schema_name) procedure_names, function_names = routine_names_per_schema[schema_name] for name in procedure_names: check_interruption() grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Retrieving stored procedure %s.%s..." % (schema_name, name)) result = execute_query(connection, "SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE `%s`.`%s`" % (escape_sql_identifier(schema_name), escape_sql_identifier(name))) i += 0.5 grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Reverse engineering %s.%s..." % (schema_name, name)) if result and result.nextRow(): sql = result.stringByName("Create Procedure") grt.begin_progress_step(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), 0.1 + 0.9 * ((i+0.5) / total)) grt.modules.MySQLParserServices.parseSQLIntoCatalogSql(context, catalog, wrap_sql(wrap_routine_sql(sql), schema_name), options) grt.end_progress_step() i += 0.5 else: raise Exception("Could not fetch procedure information for %s.%s" % (schema_name, name)) grt.send_info("Reverse engineering functions from %s" % schema_name) for name in function_names: check_interruption() grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Retrieving function %s.%s..." % (schema_name, name)) result = execute_query(connection, "SHOW CREATE FUNCTION `%s`.`%s`" % (escape_sql_identifier(schema_name), escape_sql_identifier(name))) i += 0.5 grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Reverse engineering %s.%s..." % (schema_name, name)) if result and result.nextRow(): sql = result.stringByName("Create Function") grt.begin_progress_step(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), 0.1 + 0.9 * ((i+0.5) / total)) grt.modules.MySQLParserServices.parseSQLIntoCatalogSql(context, catalog, wrap_sql(wrap_routine_sql(sql), schema_name), options) grt.end_progress_step() i += 0.5 else: raise Exception("Could not fetch function information for %s.%s" % (schema_name, name)) grt.send_progress(1.0, "Reverse engineered %i objects" % total) # check for any stub tables left empty_schemas = [] for schema in catalog.schemata: schema_has_stub_tables = False for table in reversed(schema.tables): if table.isStub: grt.send_warning("Table %s was referenced from another table, but was not reverse engineered" % schema.tables.remove(table) schema_has_stub_tables = True if not schema.tables and not schema.views and not schema.routines and schema_has_stub_tables: empty_schemas.append(schema) for schema in empty_schemas: catalog.schemata.remove(schema) return catalog
def reverseEngineerTableFKs(cls, connection, table): """Reverse engineers the foreign keys for the given table.""" catalog = table.owner.owner schema = table.owner query = """SELECT kcu1.COLUMN_NAME, rc.CONSTRAINT_NAME, kcu2.TABLE_SCHEMA, kcu2.TABLE_NAME, kcu2.COLUMN_NAME, rc.UPDATE_RULE, rc.DELETE_RULE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS rc JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tc ON rc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE kcu1 ON kcu1.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = rc.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG AND kcu1.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = rc.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND kcu1.CONSTRAINT_NAME = rc.CONSTRAINT_NAME JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE kcu2 ON kcu2.CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = rc.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG AND kcu2.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = rc.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA AND kcu2.CONSTRAINT_NAME = rc.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND kcu1.ORDINAL_POSITION = kcu2.ORDINAL_POSITION AND kcu1.TABLE_CATALOG = ? AND kcu1.TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND kcu1.TABLE_NAME = ? ORDER BY kcu1.CONSTRAINT_NAME, kcu1.ORDINAL_POSITION""" if len(table.columns) == 0: grt.send_error('%s reverseEngineerTableFKs: Reverse engineering of table ' '%s was attempted but the table has no columns attribute' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), return 1 # Table must have columns reverse engineered before we can rev eng its foreign keys cursor = cls.execute_query(connection, query,,, current_fk = None table.foreignKeys.remove_all() for col_name, fk_name, ref_schema, ref_table, ref_col, upd_rule, del_rule in cursor: if not current_fk or fk_name != if current_fk: table.foreignKeys.append(current_fk) foreign_key = grt.classes.db_ForeignKey() = fk_name foreign_key.owner = table foreign_key.deleteRule = del_rule.upper() foreign_key.updateRule = upd_rule.upper() foreign_key.modelOnly = 0 referenced_schema = find_object_with_name(catalog.schemata, ref_schema) if not referenced_schema: grt.send_warning('%s reverseEngineerTableFKs: Could not find referenced schema "%s" ' 'for foreign key constraint "%s"' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), ref_schema, fk_name)) continue referenced_table = find_object_with_name(referenced_schema.tables, ref_table) if not referenced_table: grt.send_warning('%s reverseEngineerTableFKs: Could not find referenced table "%s.%s" ' 'for foreign key constraint "%s"' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), ref_schema, ref_table, fk_name)) continue if len(referenced_table.columns) == 0: grt.send_error('%s reverseEngineerTableFKs: Reverse engineering of table ' '%s was attempted but the table has no columns attribute' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), return 1 # Table must have columns reverse engineered before we can rev eng its foreign keys foreign_key.referencedTable = referenced_table current_fk = foreign_key column = find_object_with_name(table.columns, col_name) if not column: grt.send_warning('%s reverseEngineerTableFKs: Could not find column "%s.%s.%s" ' 'for foreign key constraint "%s"' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(),,, col_name, fk_name)) continue current_fk.columns.append(column) referenced_column = find_object_with_name(current_fk.referencedTable.columns, ref_col) if not referenced_column: grt.send_warning('%s reverseEngineerTableFKs: Could not find referenced column "%s.%s.%s" ' 'for foreign key constraint "%s"' % (cls.getTargetDBMSName(), ref_schema, ref_table, ref_col, fk_name)) continue current_fk.referencedColumns.append(referenced_column) # Store the last fk: if current_fk: table.foreignKeys.append(current_fk) return 0
def _merge_schemata(self, prefix=''): catalog = self.main.plan.migrationSource.catalog schema = catalog.schemata[0] # preserve the original name of the catalog schema.oldName = module_db = self.main.plan.migrationSource.module_db() # otypes is something like ['tables', 'views', 'routines']: otypes = [ suptype[0] for suptype in self.main.plan.migrationSource.supportedObjectTypes ] # Update names for the objects of this first schema: if prefix: actual_prefix = ( if prefix == 'schema_name' else schema.__id__) + '_' for otype in otypes: for obj in getattr(schema, otype): # this will be used later during datacopy to refer to the original object to copy from obj.oldName = module_db.quoteIdentifier(schema.oldName)+"."+module_db.quoteIdentifier( oname = = actual_prefix + grt.send_info("Object %s was renamed to %s" % (oname, else: for otype in otypes: for obj in getattr(schema, otype): # this will be used later during datacopy to refer to the original object to copy from obj.oldName = module_db.quoteIdentifier("."+module_db.quoteIdentifier( = if not prefix: known_names = dict( (otype, set( for obj in getattr(schema, otype))) for otype in otypes) for other_schema in list(catalog.schemata)[1:]: if other_schema.defaultCharacterSetName != schema.defaultCharacterSetName: grt.send_warning('While merging schema %s into %s: Default charset for schemata differs (%s vs %s). Setting default charset to %s' % (,, other_schema.defaultCharacterSetName, schema.defaultCharacterSetName, schema.defaultCharacterSetName)) self.main.plan.state.addMigrationLogEntry(0, other_schema, None, 'While merging schema %s into %s: Default charset for schemata differs (%s vs %s). Setting default charset to %s' % (,, other_schema.defaultCharacterSetName, schema.defaultCharacterSetName, schema.defaultCharacterSetName)) if other_schema.defaultCollationName != schema.defaultCollationName: grt.send_warning('While merging schema %s into %s: Default collation for schemata differs (%s vs %s). Setting default collation to %s' % (,, other_schema.defaultCollationName, schema.defaultCollationName, schema.defaultCollationName)) self.main.plan.state.addMigrationLogEntry(0, other_schema, None, 'While merging schema %s into %s: Default collation for schemata differs (%s vs %s). Setting default collation to %s' % (,, other_schema.defaultCollationName, schema.defaultCollationName, schema.defaultCollationName)) for otype in otypes: other_objects = getattr(other_schema, otype) if not prefix: repeated_object_names = known_names[otype].intersection( for obj in other_objects) if repeated_object_names: objects_dict = dict( (, obj) for obj in other_objects ) for repeated_object_name in repeated_object_names: objects_dict[repeated_object_name].name += '_' + grt.send_warning('The name of the %(otype)s "%(oname)s" conflicts with other %(otype)s names: renamed to "%(onewname)s"' % { 'otype':otype[:-1], 'oname':repeated_object_name, 'onewname':objects_dict[repeated_object_name].name }) self.main.plan.state.addMigrationLogEntry(0, other_schema, None, 'The name of the %(otype)s "%(oname)s" conflicts with other %(otype)s names: renamed to "%(onewname)s"' % { 'otype':otype[:-1], 'oname':repeated_object_name, 'onewname':objects_dict[repeated_object_name].name } ) known_names[otype].update(other_objects) else: actual_prefix = ( if prefix == 'schema_name' else schema.__id__) + '_' getattr(schema, otype).extend(other_objects) for obj in other_objects: # this will be used later during datacopy to refer to the original object to copy from obj.oldName = module_db.quoteIdentifier("."+module_db.quoteIdentifier( obj.owner = schema if prefix: oname = = actual_prefix + grt.send_info("Object %s was renamed to %s" % (oname, # Keep only the merged schema: catalog.schemata.remove_all() catalog.schemata.append(schema)
def _merge_schemata(self, prefix=''): catalog = self.main.plan.migrationSource.catalog schema = catalog.schemata[0] # preserve the original name of the catalog schema.oldName = module_db = self.main.plan.migrationSource.module_db() # otypes is something like ['tables', 'views', 'routines']: otypes = [ suptype[0] for suptype in self.main.plan.migrationSource.supportedObjectTypes ] # Update names for the objects of this first schema: if prefix: actual_prefix = ( if prefix == 'schema_name' else schema.__id__) + '_' for otype in otypes: for obj in getattr(schema, otype): # this will be used later during datacopy to refer to the original object to copy from obj.oldName = module_db.quoteIdentifier( schema.oldName) + "." + module_db.quoteIdentifier( oname = = actual_prefix + grt.send_info("Object %s was renamed to %s" % (oname, else: for otype in otypes: for obj in getattr(schema, otype): # this will be used later during datacopy to refer to the original object to copy from obj.oldName = module_db.quoteIdentifier( + "." + module_db.quoteIdentifier( = if not prefix: known_names = dict( (otype, set( for obj in getattr(schema, otype))) for otype in otypes) for other_schema in list(catalog.schemata)[1:]: if other_schema.defaultCharacterSetName != schema.defaultCharacterSetName: grt.send_warning( 'While merging schema %s into %s: Default charset for schemas differs (%s vs %s). Setting default charset to %s' % (,, other_schema.defaultCharacterSetName, schema.defaultCharacterSetName, schema.defaultCharacterSetName)) self.main.plan.state.addMigrationLogEntry( 0, other_schema, None, 'While merging schema %s into %s: Default charset for schemas differs (%s vs %s). Setting default charset to %s' % (,, other_schema.defaultCharacterSetName, schema.defaultCharacterSetName, schema.defaultCharacterSetName)) if other_schema.defaultCollationName != schema.defaultCollationName: grt.send_warning( 'While merging schema %s into %s: Default collation for schemas differs (%s vs %s). Setting default collation to %s' % (,, other_schema.defaultCollationName, schema.defaultCollationName, schema.defaultCollationName)) self.main.plan.state.addMigrationLogEntry( 0, other_schema, None, 'While merging schema %s into %s: Default collation for schemas differs (%s vs %s). Setting default collation to %s' % (,, other_schema.defaultCollationName, schema.defaultCollationName, schema.defaultCollationName)) for otype in otypes: other_objects = getattr(other_schema, otype) if not prefix: repeated_object_names = known_names[otype].intersection( for obj in other_objects) if repeated_object_names: objects_dict = dict( (, obj) for obj in other_objects) for repeated_object_name in repeated_object_names: objects_dict[ repeated_object_name].name += '_' + grt.send_warning( 'The name of the %(otype)s "%(oname)s" conflicts with other %(otype)s names: renamed to "%(onewname)s"' % { 'otype': otype[:-1], 'oname': repeated_object_name, 'onewname': objects_dict[repeated_object_name].name }) self.main.plan.state.addMigrationLogEntry( 0, other_schema, None, 'The name of the %(otype)s "%(oname)s" conflicts with other %(otype)s names: renamed to "%(onewname)s"' % { 'otype': otype[:-1], 'oname': repeated_object_name, 'onewname': objects_dict[repeated_object_name].name }) known_names[otype].update(other_objects) else: actual_prefix = ( if prefix == 'schema_name' else schema.__id__) + '_' getattr(schema, otype).extend(other_objects) for obj in other_objects: # this will be used later during datacopy to refer to the original object to copy from obj.oldName = module_db.quoteIdentifier( + "." + module_db.quoteIdentifier( obj.owner = schema if prefix: oname = = actual_prefix + grt.send_info("Object %s was renamed to %s" % (oname, # Keep only the merged schema: catalog.schemata.remove_all() catalog.schemata.append(schema)
def reverseEngineer(cls, connection, catalog_name, schemata_list, context): grt.send_progress(0, "Reverse engineering catalog information") cls.check_interruption() catalog = cls.reverseEngineerCatalog(connection, catalog_name) # calculate total workload 1st grt.send_progress(0.1, 'Preparing...') table_count_per_schema = {} view_count_per_schema = {} routine_count_per_schema = {} trigger_count_per_schema = {} total_count_per_schema = {} get_tables = context.get("reverseEngineerTables", True) get_triggers = context.get("reverseEngineerTriggers", True) get_views = context.get("reverseEngineerViews", True) get_routines = context.get("reverseEngineerRoutines", True) # 10% of the progress is for preparation total = 1e-10 # total should not be zero to avoid DivisionByZero exceptions i = 0.0 accumulated_progress = 0.1 for schema_name in schemata_list: cls.check_interruption() table_count_per_schema[schema_name] = len(cls.getTableNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name)) if get_tables else 0 view_count_per_schema[schema_name] = len(cls.getViewNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name)) if get_views else 0 cls.check_interruption() routine_count_per_schema[schema_name] = len(cls.getProcedureNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name)) + len(cls.getFunctionNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name)) if get_routines else 0 trigger_count_per_schema[schema_name] = len(cls.getTriggerNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name)) if get_triggers else 0 total_count_per_schema[schema_name] = (table_count_per_schema[schema_name] + view_count_per_schema[schema_name] + routine_count_per_schema[schema_name] + trigger_count_per_schema[schema_name] + 1e-10) total += total_count_per_schema[schema_name] grt.send_progress(accumulated_progress + 0.1 * (i / (len(schemata_list) + 1e-10) ), "Gathered stats for %s" % schema_name) i += 1.0 # Now take 60% in the first pass of reverse engineering: accumulated_progress = 0.2 for schema_name in schemata_list: schema_progress_share = 0.6 * (total_count_per_schema.get(schema_name, 0.0) / total) schema = find_object_with_name(catalog.schemata, schema_name) if schema: # Reverse engineer tables: step_progress_share = schema_progress_share * (table_count_per_schema[schema_name] / (total_count_per_schema[schema_name] + 1e-10)) if get_tables: cls.check_interruption() grt.send_info('Reverse engineering tables from %s' % schema_name) grt.begin_progress_step(accumulated_progress, accumulated_progress + step_progress_share) # Remove previous first pass marks that may exist if the user goes back and attempt rev eng again: progress_flags = cls._connections[connection.__id__].setdefault('_rev_eng_progress_flags', set()) progress_flags.discard('%s_tables_first_pass' % schema_name) cls.reverseEngineerTables(connection, schema) grt.end_progress_step() accumulated_progress += step_progress_share grt.send_progress(accumulated_progress, 'First pass of table reverse engineering for schema %s completed!' % schema_name) # Reverse engineer views: step_progress_share = schema_progress_share * (view_count_per_schema[schema_name] / (total_count_per_schema[schema_name] + 1e-10)) if get_views: cls.check_interruption() grt.send_info('Reverse engineering views from %s' % schema_name) grt.begin_progress_step(accumulated_progress, accumulated_progress + step_progress_share) cls.reverseEngineerViews(connection, schema) grt.end_progress_step() accumulated_progress += step_progress_share grt.send_progress(accumulated_progress, 'Reverse engineering of views for schema %s completed!' % schema_name) # Reverse engineer routines: step_progress_share = schema_progress_share * (routine_count_per_schema[schema_name] / (total_count_per_schema[schema_name] + 1e-10)) if get_routines: cls.check_interruption() grt.send_info('Reverse engineering routines from %s' % schema_name) grt.begin_progress_step(accumulated_progress, accumulated_progress + step_progress_share) grt.begin_progress_step(0.0, 0.5) cls.reverseEngineerProcedures(connection, schema) cls.check_interruption() grt.end_progress_step() grt.begin_progress_step(0.5, 1.0) reverseEngineerFunctions(connection, schema) grt.end_progress_step() grt.end_progress_step() accumulated_progress += step_progress_share grt.send_progress(accumulated_progress, 'Reverse engineering of routines for schema %s completed!' % schema_name) # Reverse engineer triggers: step_progress_share = schema_progress_share * (trigger_count_per_schema[schema_name] / (total_count_per_schema[schema_name] + 1e-10)) if get_triggers: cls.check_interruption() grt.send_info('Reverse engineering triggers from %s' % schema_name) grt.begin_progress_step(accumulated_progress, accumulated_progress + step_progress_share) cls.reverseEngineerTriggers(connection, schema) grt.end_progress_step() accumulated_progress = 0.8 grt.send_progress(accumulated_progress, 'Reverse engineering of triggers for schema %s completed!' % schema_name) else: # No schema with the given name was found grt.send_warning('The schema %s was not found in the catalog %s. Skipping it.' % (schema_name, catalog_name) ) # Now the second pass for reverse engineering tables: if get_tables: total_tables = sum(table_count_per_schema[] for schema in catalog.schemata if in schemata_list) for schema in catalog.schemata: if not in schemata_list: continue cls.check_interruption() step_progress_share = 0.2 * (table_count_per_schema[] / (total_tables + 1e-10)) grt.send_info('Reverse engineering foreign keys for tables in schema %s' % grt.begin_progress_step(accumulated_progress, accumulated_progress + step_progress_share) cls.reverseEngineerTables(connection, schema) grt.end_progress_step() accumulated_progress += step_progress_share grt.send_progress(accumulated_progress, 'Second pass of table reverse engineering for schema %s completed!' % schema_name) grt.send_progress(1.0, 'Reverse engineering completed!') return catalog
def reverseEngineerTableColumns(connection, table): schema = table.owner catalog = schema.owner execute_query(connection, 'USE %s' % quoteIdentifier( query = """SELECT ISNULL(, '') AS COLUMN_NAME, AS DATA_TYPE, C.length AS CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, C.prec AS NUMERIC_PRECISION, C.scale AS NUMERIC_SCALE, CONVERT(BIT, (C.status & 0x08)) AS IS_NULLABLE, CONVERT(BIT, (C.status & 0x80)) AS IS_IDENTITY_COLUMN, K.text AS COLUMN_DEFAULT FROM syscolumns C, systypes T, sysobjects A, syscomments K WHERE USER_NAME(A.uid) = ? AND = AND = OBJECT_ID(?) AND C.usertype *= T.usertype AND C.cdefault *= ORDER BY C.colid""" rows = execute_query(connection, query,, sybase_rdbms_instance = get_sybase_rdbms_instance() sybase_simple_datatypes_list = [ for datatype in sybase_rdbms_instance.simpleDatatypes ] user_datatypes_list = [ for datatype in catalog.userDatatypes] col_names = [col_description[0] for col_description in rows.description] for row in rows: row_values = dict(nameval for nameval in zip(col_names, row)) column = grt.classes.db_sybase_Column() = row_values['COLUMN_NAME'] or '' column.isNotNull = not row_values['IS_NULLABLE'] column.collationName = row_values.get( 'COLLATION_NAME', '') # TODO: find a way to get the column's collation column.length = row_values['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'] or 0 column.precision = row_values['NUMERIC_PRECISION'] if row_values[ 'NUMERIC_PRECISION'] is not None else -1 column.scale = row_values['NUMERIC_SCALE'] if row_values[ 'NUMERIC_SCALE'] is not None else -1 column.comment = row_values.get( 'COLUMN_COMMENT', '') # TODO: find a way to get the column's comments column.identity = row_values['IS_IDENTITY_COLUMN'] or 0 user_datatype = None try: datatype = sybase_simple_datatypes_list.index( row_values['DATA_TYPE'].upper()) except ValueError: try: user_datatype = catalog.userDatatypes[ user_datatypes_list.index(row_values['DATA_TYPE'].upper())] except (ValueError, TypeError): user_datatype = None datatype = sybase_simple_datatypes_list.index('VARCHAR') column.length = 255 msg = 'Column datatype "%s" for column "%s" in table "%s.%s" reverse engineered as VARCHAR(255)' % ( row_values['DATA_TYPE'].upper(),,, grt.send_warning('Sybase reverseEngineerTableColumns', msg) else: datatype = None column.userType = user_datatype if datatype is not None: column.simpleType = sybase_rdbms_instance.simpleDatatypes[datatype] default_value = row_values['COLUMN_DEFAULT'] if default_value is not None and default_value.startswith('DEFAULT '): column.defaultValue = default_value[8:] table.addColumn(column) # TODO: charset name return 0
def reverseEngineer(connection, catalog_name, schemata_list, context): catalog = grt.classes.db_mysql_Catalog() = catalog_name catalog.simpleDatatypes.remove_all() catalog.simpleDatatypes.extend(connection.driver.owner.simpleDatatypes) table_names_per_schema = {} routine_names_per_schema = {} trigger_names_per_schema = {} def filter_warnings(mtype, text, detail): # filter out parser warnings about stub creation/reuse from the message stream, since # they're harmless if mtype == "WARNING" and (" stub " in text or "Stub " in text): grt.send_info(text) return True return False version = getServerVersion(connection) get_tables = context.get("reverseEngineerTables", True) get_triggers = context.get("reverseEngineerTriggers", True) and (version.majorNumber, version.minorNumber, version.releaseNumber) >= (5, 1, 21) get_views = context.get("reverseEngineerViews", True) get_routines = context.get("reverseEngineerRoutines", True) # calculate total workload 1st # 10% of the progress is for preparation grt.send_progress(0, "Preparing...") total = 0 i = 0.0 for schema_name in schemata_list: check_interruption() if get_tables and get_views: table_names = getAllTableNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) elif get_tables: table_names = getTableNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) elif get_views: table_names = getViewNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) else: table_name = [] total += len(table_names) table_names_per_schema[schema_name] = table_names check_interruption() if get_routines: procedure_names = getProcedureNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) check_interruption() function_names = getFunctionNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) check_interruption() total += len(procedure_names) total += len(function_names) routine_names_per_schema[schema_name] = procedure_names, function_names else: routine_names_per_schema[schema_name] = [], [] if get_triggers: trigger_names = getTriggerNames(connection, catalog_name, schema_name) total += len(trigger_names) else: trigger_names = [] trigger_names_per_schema[schema_name] = trigger_names grt.send_progress(0.1 * (i/len(schemata_list)), "Preparing...") i += 1.0 def wrap_sql(sql, schema): return "USE `%s`;\n%s"%(escape_sql_identifier(schema), sql) def wrap_routine_sql(sql): return "DELIMITER $$\n"+sql i = 0.0 for schema_name in schemata_list: schema = grt.classes.db_mysql_Schema() schema.owner = catalog = schema_name catalog.schemata.append(schema) if get_tables or get_views: grt.send_info("Reverse engineering tables from %s" % schema_name) for table_name in table_names_per_schema[schema_name]: check_interruption() grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Retrieving table %s.%s..." % (schema_name, table_name)) result = execute_query(connection, "SHOW CREATE TABLE `%s`.`%s`" % (escape_sql_identifier(schema_name), escape_sql_identifier(table_name))) i += 0.5 grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Reverse engineering %s.%s..." % (schema_name, table_name)) if result and result.nextRow(): sql = result.stringByIndex(2) grt.push_message_handler(filter_warnings) grt.begin_progress_step(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), 0.1 + 0.9 * ((i+0.5) / total)) grt.modules.MysqlSqlFacade.parseSqlScriptString(catalog, wrap_sql(sql, schema_name)) grt.end_progress_step() grt.pop_message_handler() i += 0.5 else: raise Exception("Could not fetch table information for %s.%s" % (schema_name, table_name)) if get_triggers: grt.send_info("Reverse engineering triggers from %s" % schema_name) for trigger_name in trigger_names_per_schema[schema_name]: check_interruption() grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Retrieving trigger %s.%s..." % (schema_name, trigger_name)) result = execute_query(connection, "SHOW CREATE TRIGGER `%s`.`%s`" % (escape_sql_identifier(schema_name), escape_sql_identifier(trigger_name))) i += 0.5 grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Reverse engineering %s.%s..." % (schema_name, trigger_name)) if result and result.nextRow(): sql = result.stringByName("SQL Original Statement") grt.begin_progress_step(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), 0.1 + 0.9 * ((i+0.5) / total)) grt.modules.MysqlSqlFacade.parseSqlScriptString(catalog, wrap_sql(wrap_routine_sql(sql), schema_name)) grt.end_progress_step() i += 0.5 else: raise Exception("Could not fetch trigger information for %s.%s" % (schema_name, trigger_name)) if get_routines: grt.send_info("Reverse engineering stored procedures from %s" % schema_name) procedure_names, function_names = routine_names_per_schema[schema_name] for name in procedure_names: check_interruption() grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Retrieving stored procedure %s.%s..." % (schema_name, name)) result = execute_query(connection, "SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE `%s`.`%s`" % (escape_sql_identifier(schema_name), escape_sql_identifier(name))) i += 0.5 grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Reverse engineering %s.%s..." % (schema_name, name)) if result and result.nextRow(): sql = result.stringByName("Create Procedure") grt.begin_progress_step(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), 0.1 + 0.9 * ((i+0.5) / total)) grt.modules.MysqlSqlFacade.parseSqlScriptString(catalog, wrap_sql(wrap_routine_sql(sql), schema_name)) grt.end_progress_step() i += 0.5 else: raise Exception("Could not fetch procedure information for %s.%s" % (schema_name, name)) grt.send_info("Reverse engineering functions from %s" % schema_name) for name in function_names: check_interruption() grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Retrieving function %s.%s..." % (schema_name, name)) result = execute_query(connection, "SHOW CREATE FUNCTION `%s`.`%s`" % (escape_sql_identifier(schema_name), escape_sql_identifier(name))) i += 0.5 grt.send_progress(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), "Reverse engineering %s.%s..." % (schema_name, name)) if result and result.nextRow(): sql = result.stringByName("Create Function") grt.begin_progress_step(0.1 + 0.9 * (i / total), 0.1 + 0.9 * ((i+0.5) / total)) grt.modules.MysqlSqlFacade.parseSqlScriptString(catalog, wrap_sql(wrap_routine_sql(sql), schema_name)) grt.end_progress_step() i += 0.5 else: raise Exception("Could not fetch function information for %s.%s" % (schema_name, name)) grt.send_progress(1.0, "Reverse engineered %i objects" % total) # check for any stub tables left empty_schemas = [] for schema in catalog.schemata: schema_has_stub_tables = False for table in reversed(schema.tables): if table.isStub: grt.send_warning("Table %s was referenced from another table, but was not reverse engineered" % schema.tables.remove(table) schema_has_stub_tables = True if not schema.tables and not schema.views and not schema.routines and schema_has_stub_tables: empty_schemas.append(schema) for schema in empty_schemas: catalog.schemata.remove(schema) return catalog
def reverseEngineerUserDatatypes(connection, catalog): base_types = dict(( (34, 'IMAGE'), (35, 'TEXT'), (36, 'EXTENDED TYPE'), (37, 'TIMESTAMP'), (38, 'INTN'), (39, 'VARCHAR'), (45, 'BINARY'), (47, 'CHAR'), (48, 'TINYINT'), (49, 'DATE'), (50, 'BIT'), (51, 'TIME'), (52, 'SMALLINT'), (55, 'DECIMAL'), (56, 'INT'), (58, 'SMALLDATETIME'), (59, 'REAL'), (60, 'MONEY'), (61, 'DATETIME'), (62, 'FLOAT'), (63, 'NUMERIC'), (65, 'USMALLINT'), (66, 'UINT'), (67, 'UBIGINT'), (68, 'UINTN'), (106, 'DECIMALN'), (108, 'NUMERICN'), (109, 'FLOATN'), (110, 'MONEYN'), (111, 'DATETIMN'), (122, 'SMALLMONEY'), (123, 'DATEN'), (135, 'UNICHAR'), (147, 'TIMEN'), (155, 'UNIVARCHAR'), (169, 'TEXT_LOCATOR'), (170, 'IMAGE_LOCATOR'), (171, 'UNITEXT_LOCATOR'), (174, 'UNITEXT'), (187, 'BIGDATETIMEN'), (188, 'BIGTIMEN'), (189, 'BIGDATETIME'), (190, 'BIGTIME'), (191, 'BIGINT'), )) query = """SELECT name, length, prec, scale, allownulls, type FROM systypes WHERE accessrule != NULL""" execute_query(connection, 'USE %s' % quoteIdentifier( sybase_rdbms_instance = get_sybase_rdbms_instance() catalog.userDatatypes.remove_all() for name, length, precision, scale, is_nullable, base_type in execute_query( connection, query): datatype = grt.classes.db_sybase_UserDatatype() = name.upper() datatype.characterMaximumLength = length datatype.numericPrecision = precision datatype.numericScale = scale datatype.isNullable = is_nullable simple_type = find_object_with_name( sybase_rdbms_instance.simpleDatatypes, base_types[base_type]) if simple_type: datatype.actualType = simple_type else: grt.send_warning( 'Sybase reverseEngineerUserDatatypes', 'Could not found base type "%s" for user defined type "%s"' % (base_type, name)) catalog.userDatatypes.append(datatype) return 0