def main(): print("\t\tWitaj w grze 'Blackjack'!\n") names = [] number = gry.ask_number("Podaj liczbę graczy (1 - 7): ", low = 1, high = 8) for i in range(number): name = input("Wprowadź nazwę " + str(i+1) + ". gracza: ") while not name: print("błąd, nie wpowadzono nazwy gracza") name = input("Wprowadź nazwę " + str(i+1) + ". gracza: ") names.append(name) print() game = BJ_Game(names) # because low money mean that players can be kick from game, main function was rebuilt too (exercise 3) again = None while again != "n": # checking if there are any players left (exercise 3) if game.get_players(): again = gry.ask_yes_no("\nCzy chcesz zagrać ponownie? (T/N): ") # new method to fill cards amount if needed (exercise 1) game.fill_cards() else: print("\nWszyscy gracze odpadli. " ) again = "n"
def menu(self, player): forest = Forest(player) desert = Desert(player) mountains = Mountains(player) finish = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to finish the game? (t for Yes / n for No)") decision = "" while finish != "t": while decision not in ("desert", "forest", "mountains"): decision = input( "Where would you like to go? (desert / forest / mountains)" ) choice = "" while choice != "back": choice = "" if decision == "desert": choice = desert.choice() if choice == "oaza": choice = desert.oaza() elif choice == "piramid": choice = desert.piramid() elif choice == "tomb": choice = desert.tomb() decision == "" elif decision == "forest": choice = forest.choice() if choice == "cabine": choice = forest.cabine() elif choice == "cave": choice = forest.cave() elif choice == "lake": choice = forest.lake() decision == "" elif decision == "mountains": choice = mountains.choice() if choice == "cliff": mountains.cliff() elif choice == "peak": mountains.peak() elif choice == "lake": mountains.lake() decision == "" decision = "" finish = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to finish the game? (t for Yes / n for No)")
def main(): print("Witaj w grze blackjack") names = [] number = gry.ask_number("Podaj liczbę graczy (1 - 7): ", low=1, high=8) for i in range(number): name = input("Wprowadź nazwę gracza: ") names.append(name) print() game = BJ_Game(names) again = None while again != "n": again = gry.ask_yes_no("\nCzy chcesz zagrać ponownie?: ")
def piramid(self): print("Another graveyard, let's better go outside.") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the desert or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (oaza / tomb)").lower() while choice not in ("oaza", "tomb"): choice = input("Where do you want to go (oaza / tomb)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def cabine(self): print("It is dark and scary place. Something bad happened here...") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the forest or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (cave / lake)").lower() while choice not in ("cave", "lake"): choice = input("Where do you want to go (cave / lake)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def main(): names = [] number = gry.ask_number("Podaj liczbe graczy (1 - 7)", 1, 8) for i in range(number): name = input("Podaj imie gracza") names.append(name) print() game = BJ_Game(names) again = None while again != "n": again = gry.ask_yes_no("\nCzy chcesz zagrac ponownie? (T/N): ")
def oaza(self): print("Finally you can rest, drink water and eat fruity fruit") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the desert or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (tomb / piramid)").lower() while choice not in ("tomb", "piramid"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (tomb / piramid)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def main(): print("Welcome in to the War game") names = [] number = gry.ask_number("How many players (1 - 10: ", low=1, high=10) for i in range(number): name = input("Name of the player: ") names.append(name) game = Game(names) again = None while again != "n": again = gry.ask_yes_no( "\Do you wanna play again? Type 't' for yes or 'n' for no.")
def tomb(self): print("Someone died in here...") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the desert or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (oaza / piramid)").lower() while choice not in ("oaza", "piramid"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (oaza / piramid)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def cave(self): print("There are a lot of rats and spiders in here...") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the forest or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (cabine / lake)").lower() while choice not in ("cabine", "lake"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (cabine / lake)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def lake(self): print("You can notice few dead fishes in the dirty water...") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the forest or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (cave / cabine)").lower() while choice not in ("cave", "lake"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (cave / cabine)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def cliff(self): print( "Watch out, if you would fall down here, our mission would be finished." ) yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the mountains or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (peak / lake)").lower() while choice not in ("cave", "lake"): choice = input("Where do you want to go (peak / lake)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def main(): print("\t Witaj w grze Black Jack! \n") names = [] numbers = gry.ask_number("podaj liczbe graczy od 1 do 7 :", low=1, high=8) for i in range(numbers): name = input("Podaj imie gracza: ") names.append(name) print() game = BJ_Game(names) again = None while again != "n": again = gry.ask_yes_no("\n Czy chcesz zagrac ponownie?")
def main(): print("\t\tWitaj w grze 'Blackjack'!\n") names = [] number = gry.ask_number('Podaj liczbę graczy (1 - 7): ', low=1, high=8) for i in range(number): name = input('Wprowadź nazwę gracza: ') names.append(name) print() game = BJGame(names) again = None while again != 'n': again = gry.ask_yes_no('\nCzy chcesz zagrać ponownie?: ')
def lake(self): print( "Clear and blue water reminds you your childhood and fishing with your grandpa." ) yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the mountains or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (peak / cliff)").lower() while choice not in ("cave", "lake"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (peak / cliff)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def peak(self): print( "The view is really nice, you can see the enviroment is very peacefull." ) yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to check different places in the mountains or step back? \ (t for Yes / n for No)") choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input("Where do you want to go (lake / cliff)").lower() while choice not in ("cave", "lake"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (lake / cliff)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def choice(self): print( "You entered big mountains.",, "from the distance you can see really high peak, \ mountain lake and big cliff") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to discover this place or step back? (t for Yes / n for No)" ) choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input( "Where do you want to go (peak / lake / cliff)").lower() while choice not in ("peak / lake / cliff"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (peak / lake / cliff)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def choice(self): print( "You entered mysterious Forest",, "from the distance you can see small cabine, \ dark cave and dirty lake") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to discover this place or step back? (t for Yes / n for No)" ) choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input( "Where do you want to go (cabine / cave / lake)").lower() while choice not in ("cabine", "cave", "lake"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (cabine / cave / lake)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def choice(self): print( "You entered big desert",, "from the distance you can see Oaza, \ deadly tomb and large piramid") yesno = gry.ask_yes_no( "Would you like to discover this place or step back? (t for Yes / n for No)" ) choice = "" if yesno == "t": choice = input( "Where do you want to go (oaza / tomb / piramid)").lower() while choice not in ("oaza", "tomb", "piramid"): choice = input( "Where do you want to go (oaza / tomb / piramid)").lower() return choice else: choice = "back" return choice
def main(): print("\t\tWitaj w grze 'Blackjack'!\n") names = [] number = gry.ask_number("Podaj liczbę graczy (1 - 7): ", low = 1, high = 8) for i in range(number): name = input("Wprowadź nazwę " + str(i+1) + ". gracza: ") while not name: print("błąd, nie wpowadzono nazwy gracza") name = input("Wprowadź nazwę " + str(i+1) + ". gracza: ") names.append(name) print() game = BJ_Game(names) again = None while again != "n": again = gry.ask_yes_no("\nCzy chcesz zagrać ponownie? (T/N): ") # new method to fill cards amount if needed (exercise 1) game.fill_cards()
def is_hitting(self): response = gry.ask_yes_no("\n" + + ", chcesz dobrać kartę? (T/N): ") return response == "t"
import random, gry print("Witaj w najprostszej grze na swiecie") again = None while again != 'n': players = [] num = gry.ask_number(question="Podaj liczbe graczy (2-5): ", low=2, high=5) for i in range(num): name = input('Wprowadz nazwe gracza:') score = random.randrange(100) + 1 player = gry.Player(name, score) players.append(player) print('Oto wyniki gry:') for player in players: print(player) again = gry.ask_yes_no("\nCzy chcesz zagrać ponownie? (t/n): ") input("\n\nAby zakończyć program, naciśnij klawisz Enter.")
# Prosta gra import gry, random print("Witam w najprostrzej grze na swiecie!\n") ponownie = None while ponownie != "n": gracze = [] num = gry.ask_number(question = "Podaj liczbe graczy (2 - 5)", low = 2, high = 5) for i in range(num): name = input("Podaj nick ") score = random.randrange(100) + 1 player = gry.Player(name, score) gracze.append(player) print("\nOto wyniki gry: ") for player in gracze: print(player) ponownie = gry.ask_yes_no("\nCzy chcesz zagrać ponownie? (t/n): ") input("\n\nAby zakończyć program, naciśnij klawisz Enter.")
def bet(self): response = gry.ask_yes_no("\n" + + ", czy chcesz obstawiac? (T/N): ") return response == "t"
def is_hitting(self): response = gry.ask_yes_no('\n' + + ', chcesz dobrać kartę? (T/N): ') return response == 't'
def is_hitting(self): response = gry.ask_yes_no("\n" + + ", chcesz dobrac karte? [t / n]") return response == "t"
def is_hitting(self): response = gry.ask_yes_no("\n" + + " Chcesz dobrac kartę (t/n) ? ") return response == "t"