def check_clicked(): global radius_circle_eye, counter_seed, lose, win, array_point, array_size_point, array_full_point, array_id_line, next_symbol, reducing, start, reset if not input.get_mouse().WasButtonDown(gs.InputDevice.Button0) and input.mouse_button_down(): counter_seed = 0 lose = False win = False array_point = [] array_size_point = [] array_full_point = [] array_id_line = [] next_symbol = True reducing = 0.0 start = True reset = True
# check all full all_checked = True for is_full in array_full_point: if not is_full: all_checked = False if all_checked: reducing = 5.0 next_symbol = True if start: render.text2d(3.0*size_pixel.x, size.y/7*6, "Finish the ritual to close\nthe demon's portal !", 6.5*size_pixel.x, gameboy_palette[2], font_path="Early GameBoy.ttf") render.text2d(31.25*size_pixel.x, size.y/7*1.5, "Easy", 8.5*size_pixel.x, gameboy_palette[2], font_path="Early GameBoy.ttf") render.text2d(31.25*size_pixel.x, size.y/7*1, "Hard", 8.5*size_pixel.x, gameboy_palette[2], font_path="Early GameBoy.ttf") render.text2d(31.25*size_pixel.x, 10, "Exit", 8.5*size_pixel.x, gameboy_palette[2], font_path="Early GameBoy.ttf") if not input.get_mouse().WasButtonDown(gs.InputDevice.Button0) and input.mouse_button_down(): easy_rect = gs.fRect(31.25*size_pixel.x, size.y/7*1.5, 31.25*size_pixel.x + 31.25*size_pixel.x, size.y/7*1.5 + 8.5*size_pixel.x) hard_rect = gs.fRect(31.25*size_pixel.x, size.y/7*1, 31.25*size_pixel.x + 31.25*size_pixel.x, size.y/7*1 + 8.5*size_pixel.x) exit_rect = gs.fRect(31.25*size_pixel.x, 10, 31.25*size_pixel.x + 31.25*size_pixel.x, 10 + 8.5*size_pixel.x) if easy_rect.Inside(input.get_mouse_pos()[0], input.get_mouse_pos()[1]): start = False reset = False reduce_speed = 15 increase_speed = 15 if hard_rect.Inside(input.get_mouse_pos()[0], input.get_mouse_pos()[1]): start = False reset = False reduce_speed = 10 increase_speed = 25 if exit_rect.Inside(input.get_mouse_pos()[0], input.get_mouse_pos()[1]): exit = True