Example #1
def test_cache_subset(mocker):

    ir_swap = IRSwap('Pay', '10y', 'DKK')

    values = [
        {'date': '2019-10-07', 'value': 0.01},
        {'date': '2019-10-08', 'value': 0.01}
    mocker.return_value = [[values]]

    dates = (dt.date(2019, 10, 7), dt.date(2019, 10, 8))
    with HistoricalPricingContext(dates=dates, use_cache=True) as hpc:
        pricing_key = hpc.pricing_key
        price_f = ir_swap.price()

    cached = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, risk.Price, pricing_key)
    assert len(cached) == len(dates)

    cached_scalar = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, risk.Price, PricingContext(pricing_date=dates[0]).pricing_key)
    assert isinstance(cached_scalar, float)

    dates = dates + (dt.date(2019, 10, 9),)
    pricing_key = HistoricalPricingContext(dates=dates).pricing_key
    cached2 = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, risk.Price, pricing_key)
    assert cached2 is None

    cached3 = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, risk.Price, pricing_key, return_partial=True)
    assert len(cached3) < len(dates)

    values = [
        {'date': '2019-10-07', 'marketDataType': 'IR', 'assetId': 'USD', 'pointClass': 'Swap',
         'point': '1y', 'value': 0.01},
        {'date': '2019-10-07', 'marketDataType': 'IR', 'assetId': 'USD', 'pointClass': 'Swap',
         'point': '2y', 'value': 0.015},
        {'date': '2019-10-08', 'marketDataType': 'IR', 'assetId': 'USD', 'pointClass': 'Swap',
         'point': '1y', 'value': 0.01},
        {'date': '2019-10-08', 'marketDataType': 'IR', 'assetId': 'USD', 'pointClass': 'Swap',
         'point': '2y', 'value': 0.015},
        {'date': '2019-10-09', 'marketDataType': 'IR', 'assetId': 'USD', 'pointClass': 'Swap',
         'point': '1y', 'value': 0.01},
        {'date': '2019-10-09', 'marketDataType': 'IR', 'assetId': 'USD', 'pointClass': 'Swap',
         'point': '2y', 'value': 0.015}
    mocker.return_value = [[values]]

    with HistoricalPricingContext(dates=dates, use_cache=True) as hpc:
        pricing_key = hpc.pricing_key
        risk_f = ir_swap.calc(risk.IRDelta)

    risk_frame = risk_f.result()

    assert isinstance(risk_frame, pd.DataFrame)
    assert len(risk_frame.index.unique()) == len(dates)
    cached4 = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, risk.IRDelta, pricing_key)
    assert len(cached4.index.unique()) == len(dates)

    cached5 = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, risk.IRDelta, PricingContext(pricing_date=dates[0]).pricing_key)
    assert len(cached5.index.unique()) == len(cached5)
def test_pricing_context(mocker):
    swap1 = IRSwap('Pay', '1y', 'EUR', name='EUR1y')
    future_date = business_day_offset(dt.date.today(), 10, roll='forward')
    with MockCalc(mocker):
        with RollFwd(date='10b', realise_fwd=True):
            market = swap1.market()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # cannot pass in future date into pricing context, use RollFwd instead
        with PricingContext(pricing_date=future_date):
            _ = swap1.calc(risk.Price)

        # cannot pass in market dated in the future into pricing context, use RollFwd instead
        with PricingContext(market=CloseMarket(date=future_date)):
            _ = swap1.calc(risk.Price)

        with PricingContext(market=OverlayMarket(base_market=CloseMarket(date=future_date, location='NYC'),
            _ = swap1.calc(risk.Price)
Example #3
def test_cache_subset(mocker):

    ir_swap = IRSwap('Pay', '10y', 'DKK')

    values = [{'$type': 'Risk', 'val': 0.01}]
    mocker.return_value = [[[values]], [[values]]]

    dates = (dt.date(2019, 10, 7), dt.date(2019, 10, 8))
    with HistoricalPricingContext(dates=dates, use_cache=True):
        price_f = ir_swap.price()

    for date in dates:
        risk_key = PricingContext(pricing_date=date)._PricingContext__risk_key(
            risk.Price, ir_swap.provider)
        cached_scalar = PricingCache.get(risk_key, ir_swap)
        assert cached_scalar
        assert isinstance(cached_scalar, float)

    risk_key = PricingContext(
        pricing_date=dt.date(2019, 10, 9))._PricingContext__risk_key(
            risk.Price, ir_swap.provider)
    cached2 = PricingCache.get(risk_key, ir_swap)
    assert cached2 is None

    values = [{
        'asset': [0.01, 0.015],
        'points': [{
            'type': 'IR',
            'asset': 'USD',
            'class_': 'Swap',
            'point': '1y'
        }, {
            'type': 'IR',
            'asset': 'USD',
            'class_': 'Swap',
            'point': '2y'

    # Check that we can return the same values from the cache, after calculating once (with return values set to None)

    for return_values in ([[[values]], [[values]], [[values]]], None):
        mocker.return_value = return_values

        with HistoricalPricingContext(dates=dates, use_cache=True):
            risk_f = ir_swap.calc(risk.IRDelta)

        risk_frame = risk_f.result()

        assert isinstance(risk_frame, pd.DataFrame)
        assert len(risk_frame.index.unique()) == len(dates)
Example #4
def test_cache_subset(mocker):

    ir_swap = IRSwap('Pay', '10y', 'DKK')

    values = [{
        'date': '2019-10-07',
        'value': 0.01
    }, {
        'date': '2019-10-08',
        'value': 0.01
    mocker.return_value = [[values]]

    dates = (dt.date(2019, 10, 7), dt.date(2019, 10, 8))
    with HistoricalPricingContext(dates=dates, use_cache=True):
        market_data_location = PricingContext.current.market_data_location
        price_f = ir_swap.price()

    cached = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, market_data_location, risk.Price, dates)
    assert len(cached) == len(dates)

    cached_scalar = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, market_data_location, risk.Price,
    assert isinstance(cached_scalar, float)

    dates = dates + (dt.date(2019, 10, 9), )
    cached2 = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, market_data_location, risk.Price,
    assert len(cached2)
    assert len(cached2) < len(dates)

    values = [{
        'date': '2019-10-07',
        'marketDataType': 'IR',
        'assetId': 'USD',
        'pointClass': 'Swap',
        'point': '1y',
        'value': 0.01
    }, {
        'date': '2019-10-07',
        'marketDataType': 'IR',
        'assetId': 'USD',
        'pointClass': 'Swap',
        'point': '2y',
        'value': 0.015
    }, {
        'date': '2019-10-08',
        'marketDataType': 'IR',
        'assetId': 'USD',
        'pointClass': 'Swap',
        'point': '1y',
        'value': 0.01
    }, {
        'date': '2019-10-08',
        'marketDataType': 'IR',
        'assetId': 'USD',
        'pointClass': 'Swap',
        'point': '2y',
        'value': 0.015
    }, {
        'date': '2019-10-09',
        'marketDataType': 'IR',
        'assetId': 'USD',
        'pointClass': 'Swap',
        'point': '1y',
        'value': 0.01
    }, {
        'date': '2019-10-09',
        'marketDataType': 'IR',
        'assetId': 'USD',
        'pointClass': 'Swap',
        'point': '2y',
        'value': 0.015
    mocker.return_value = [[values]]

    with HistoricalPricingContext(dates=dates, use_cache=True):
        market_data_location = PricingContext.current.market_data_location
        risk_f = ir_swap.calc(risk.IRDelta)
    risk_frame = risk_f.result()

    assert isinstance(risk_frame, pd.DataFrame)
    assert len(risk_frame.index.unique()) == len(dates)
    cached3 = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, market_data_location, risk.IRDelta,
    assert len(cached3.index.unique()) == len(dates)

    cached4 = PricingCache.get(ir_swap, market_data_location, risk.IRDelta,
    assert len(cached4.index.unique()) == len(cached4)