Example #1
def build_python(target, source, env):
    '''Build SCons targets using a Python script

    This function executes a Python script to build objects specified
    by target using the objects specified by source.

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the Python script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, 'python')
    log_file = target_dir + '/sconscript.log'

    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)

    os.system('python %s %s > %s' % (source_file, cl_arg, log_file))

    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
Example #2
def build_lyx(target, source, env):
    '''Compile a pdf from a LyX file

    This function is a SCons builder that compiles a .lyx file
    as a pdf and places it at the path specified by target. 

    target: string or list 
        The target of the SCons command. This should be the path
        of the pdf that the builder is instructed to compile. 
    source: string or list
        The source of the SCons command. This should
        be the .lyx file that the function will compile as a PDF.

    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, 'lyx')
    newpdf = source_file.replace('.lyx', '.pdf')
    log_file = target_dir + '/sconscript.log'

    os.system('lyx -e pdf2 %s > %s' % (source_file, log_file))

    shutil.move(newpdf, target_file)
    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)
    return None
Example #3
def build_tables(target, source, env):
    '''Build a SCons target by filling a table

    This function uses the tablefill function from gslab_fill to produced a 
    filled table from (i) an empty table in a LyX file and (ii) text files 
    containing data to be used in filling the table. 

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the LyX file specifying the table format. The subsequent 
        sources should be the text files containing the data with which the
        tables are to be filled. 
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    misc.check_code_extension(str(target[0]), 'lyx')
    tablefill(input    = ' '.join([str(a) for a in source[1:len(source)]]), 
              template = str(source[0]), 
              output   = str(target[0]))
    return None
Example #4
def build_lyx(target, source, env):
    '''Compile a pdf from a LyX file

    This function is a SCons builder that compiles a .lyx file
    as a pdf and places it at the path specified by target. 

    target: string or list 
        The target of the SCons command. This should be the path
        of the pdf that the builder is instructed to compile. 
    source: string or list
        The source of the SCons command. This should
        be the .lyx file that the function will compile as a PDF.
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2

    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)

    source_file = str(source[0])
    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, '.lyx')

    # Set up target file and log file
    newpdf = source_file[:-4] + '.pdf'
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, 'lyx')
    newpdf = source_file.replace('.lyx', '.pdf')
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    # System call
        command = 'lyx -e pdf2 %s > %s' % (source_file, log_file)
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
        # Move rendered pdf to the target
        shutil.move(newpdf, target_file)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("lyx", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    # Close log
    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
Example #5
    def test_make_list_if_string(self):
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(['test', 'test']),
                         ['test', 'test'])
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string('test'), ['test'])
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(['test']), ['test'])

        # We expect the function to raise Type Errors when it receives
        # inputs that are not strings or lists
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(1), 1)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(None), None)
Example #6
def build_stata(target, source, env):
    '''Build targets with a Stata command
    This function executes a Stata script to build objects specified
    by target using the objects specified by source.

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the Stata .do script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2

    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    start_time = misc.current_time()

    # Set up source file and the original location of the log
    source_file = str(source[0])
    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, '.do')
    loc_log = os.path.basename(source_file).replace('.do', '.log')

    # Set up log file destination
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    # Set up command line arguments
    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)

    executable = misc.get_stata_executable(env)
    command_skeleton = misc.get_stata_command(executable)

        command = command_skeleton % (source_file, cl_arg)
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("Stata", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    shutil.move(loc_log, log_file)
    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
Example #7
def build_r(target, source, env):
    '''Build SCons targets using an R script

    This function executes an R script to build objects specified
    by target using the objects specified by source.

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the R script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2
    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, 'r')
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)

    if cl_arg != '':
        if misc.is_unix():  # R has platform-specific cl_arg syntax
            cl_arg = "'--args %s'" % cl_arg
            cl_arg = "\"--args %s\"" % cl_arg

    # System call
        command = 'R CMD BATCH --no-save %s %s %s' % (cl_arg, source_file,
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("R", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
Example #8
def collect_builder_logs(parent_dir, excluded_dirs = []):
    ''' Recursively return dictionary of files named sconscript*.log 
        in parent_dir and nested directories.
        Also return timestamp from those sconscript.log 
        (snippet from SO 3964681)

        excluded_dirs (str or list of str):
            list of directories to be excluded from the search
    builder_log_collect = {}

    # Store paths to logs in a list, found from platform-specific command line tool 
    rel_parent_dir = os.path.relpath(parent_dir)
    log_name = '*sconscript*.log'
    excluded_dirs = misc.make_list_if_string(excluded_dirs)

    log_paths = misc.finder(rel_parent_dir, log_name, excluded_dirs)

    # Read the file at each path to a log and store output complete-time in a dict at filename
    for log_path in log_paths:
        with open(log_path, 'rU') as f:
                s = f.readlines()[1] # line 0 = log start time, line 1 = log end time
            except IndexError:
                s = ''
            s = s[s.find('{') + 1: s.find('}')] # find {} time identifier 
                builder_log_end_time = datetime.strptime(s, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            except ValueError: # if the code breaks, there's no time identifier
                beginning_of_time    = datetime.min
                builder_log_end_time = beginning_of_time
        builder_log_collect[log_path]  = builder_log_end_time

    return builder_log_collect
Example #9
def build_python(target, source, env):
    '''Build SCons targets using a Python script

    This function executes a Python script to build objects specified
    by target using the objects specified by source.

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the Python script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2

    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, '.py')
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)

    # System call
        command = 'python %s %s > %s' % (source_file, cl_arg, log_file)
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("Python", command)
        raise ExecCallError('%s\n%s' % (message, ex.output))

    # Close log
    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
Example #10
 def __init__(self,
              name='GSLab Builder',
     Fill builder with information about build step.
     target: string or list 
         The target(s) of the SCons command.
     source: string or list
         The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
         should be the script that the builder is intended to execute. 
     env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2
     name: string
         Name of builder-type. Use to refer to builder in error messages and env.
     valid_extensions: iterable
         Valid (case-insensitive) extensions for first element of source list.
     default_exec: string
         Executable used to execute first element of source list.
         Override by passing value through env.
     exec_opts: string
         Options used to execute first element of source list.
     # Store keyword args
     self.name = name
     self.valid_extensions = valid_extensions
     self.exec_opts = exec_opts
     # Build system call and store components
     self.source_file = str(misc.make_list_if_string(source)[0])
     self.target = [str(t) for t in misc.make_list_if_string(target)]
     self.target_dir = misc.get_directory(self.target[0])
     if 'executable_names' not in env:
         env['executable_names'] = {}
     self.executable = misc.get_executable(name, env['executable_names'])
     self.env = env
     self.system_call = '%s %s %s' % (self.executable, self.exec_opts,
     return None
Example #11
def build_anything(target, source, action, env, warning=True, **kw):
    Anything builder-generator. The generator will create a custom builder 
    that runs `action` and add it as a SCons node, similar to the native env.Command.
    Using gslab_scons.build_anything will utilize our logging mechanism
    and error catching similar to our other builders.
    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command. The log ends up in the 
        directory of the first specified target.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. 
    action: string
        The code to be run by the generated builder.
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2.
        You *** MUST *** manually pass `env = env` when calling this in SConscript,
        since this is not a Scons.env method like env.Command.
        Special parameters that can be added when using the builder
        log_ext: string
            Instead of logging to `sconscript.log` in the target dir, 
            the builder will log to `sconscript_<log_ext>.log`.
        origin_log_file: string
            Sometimes, your command may produce a log file in an undesirable location.
            Specifying the that location in this argument leads the builder to append
            the content of origin_log_file to log_file and delete origin_log_file.            
            The builder will crash if this file doesn't exist at the end of the command.
        warning: Boolean
            Turns off warnings if warning = False. 
    import SCons.Builder
    builder_attributes = {'name': 'Anything Builder'}
    target = [t for t in misc.make_list_if_string(target) if t]
    source = [s for s in misc.make_list_if_string(source) if s]
    local_env = env.Clone()
    for k, v in kw.items():
        local_env[k] = v
    builder = AnythingBuilder(target, source, action, local_env, warning,
    bkw = {
        'action': builder.build_anything,
        'target_factory': local_env.fs.Entry,
        'source_factory': local_env.fs.Entry,
    bld = SCons.Builder.Builder(**bkw)
    return bld(local_env, target, source)
Example #12
 def __init__(self, target, source, action, env, warning=True, name=''):
     target = [self.to_str(t) for t in misc.make_list_if_string(target)]
     source = [self.to_str(s) for s in misc.make_list_if_string(source)]
     self.action = action
     super(AnythingBuilder, self).__init__(target, source, env, name=name)
         origin_log_file = env['origin_log_file']
     except KeyError:
         origin_log_file = None
     self.origin_log_file = origin_log_file
     if '>' in action and warning == True:
         warning_message = '\nThere is a redirection operator > in ' \
                           'your prescribed action key.\n' \
                           'The Anything Builder\'s logging mechanism '\
                           'may not work as intended.'
     return None
Example #13
 def add_source_file(self, source):
     Add source file to execute as the first element of source.
     If source is an empty list, then the source file is ''.
     if bool(source):
         sources = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
         source_file = str(sources[0])
         source_file = ''
     self.source_file = os.path.normpath("%s" % source_file)
     return None
Example #14
    def test_make_list_if_string(self):
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(['test', 'test']),
                         ['test', 'test'])
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string('test'), ['test'])
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(['test']), ['test'])

        # We expect objects that are neither strings nor lists to be
        # returned without being manipulated.
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(1), 1)
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(TypeError), TypeError)
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(False), False)
        self.assertEqual(misc.make_list_if_string(None), None)
Example #15
 def check_code_extension(self):
     Raise an exception if the extension in executing script
     does not mach extension in valid_extensions attribute.
     extensions = misc.make_list_if_string(self.valid_extensions)
     if extensions == []:
         return None
     matches = [True for extension in extensions 
                if self.source_file.lower().endswith("%s" % extension)]
     if not matches:
         message = 'First argument, %s, must be a file of type %s.' % (self.source_file, extensions)
         raise BadExtensionError(message)
     return None
Example #16
    def add_command_line_arg(self):
        Store arguments to pass to the executing script on the command line.

        Return the content of env['CL_ARG'] as a string with spaces separating entries. 
        If env['CL_ARG'] doesn't exist, return an empty string.
            cl_arg = self.env['CL_ARG']
        except KeyError:
            cl_arg = ''
            cl_arg = misc.make_list_if_string(cl_arg)
            cl_arg = ' '.join([str(s) for s in cl_arg])
        except TypeError:
            cl_arg = str(cl_arg)
        self.cl_arg = "%s" % cl_arg
        return None
Example #17
def build_matlab(target, source, env):
    '''Build targets with a MATLAB command
    This function executes a MATLAB function to build objects 
    specified by target using the objects specified by source.
    It requires MATLAB to be callable from the command line 
    via `matlab`.

    Accessing command line arguments from within matlab is 
    possible via the `command_line_arg = getenv('CL_ARG')`. 

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the MATLAB .M script that the builder is intended to execute. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2

    if misc.is_unix():
        options = '-nosplash -nodesktop'
    elif sys.platform == 'win32':
        options = '-nosplash -minimize -wait'
        raise PrerequisiteError("Unsupported OS")

    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, '.m')
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    # Set up command line arguments
    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)
    os.environ['CL_ARG'] = cl_arg

    # Run MATLAB on source file
    shutil.copy(source_file, 'source.m')
        command = 'matlab %s -r source > %s' % (options, log_file)
        subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        message = misc.command_error_msg("Matlab", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None
Example #18
def build_stata(target, source, env):
    '''Build targets with a Stata command
    This function executes a Stata script to build objects specified
    by target using the objects specified by source.

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the Stata .do script that the builder is intended to 

    Note: the user can specify a flavour by typing `scons sf=StataMP` 
    (By default, SCons will try to find each flavour). 
    cl_arg = misc.command_line_args(env)

    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, 'stata')
    log_file = target_dir + '/sconscript.log'
    loc_log = os.path.basename(source_file).replace('.do', '.log')

    user_flavor = env['user_flavor']
    if user_flavor is not None:
        if misc.is_unix():
            command = misc.stata_command_unix(user_flavor, cl_arg)
        elif sys.platform == 'win32':
            command = misc.stata_command_win(user_flavor, cl_arg)
        flavors = ['stata-mp', 'stata-se', 'stata']
        if misc.is_unix():
            for flavor in flavors:
                if misc.is_in_path(flavor):
                    command = misc.stata_command_unix(flavor, cl_arg)
        elif sys.platform == 'win32':
                key_exist = os.environ['STATAEXE'] is not None
                command = misc.stata_command_win("%%STATAEXE%%")
            except KeyError:
                flavors = [(f.replace('-', '') + '.exe') for f in flavors]
                if misc.is_64_windows():
                    flavors = [f.replace('.exe', '-64.exe') for f in flavors]
                for flavor in flavors:
                    if misc.is_in_path(flavor):
                        command = misc.stata_command_win(flavor, cl_arg)

        subprocess.check_output(command % source_file,
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        raise BadExecutableError('Could not find executable.')

    shutil.move(loc_log, log_file)
    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)
    return None
Example #19
def build_tables(target, source, env):
    '''Build a SCons target by filling a table

    This function uses the tablefill function from gslab_fill to produced a 
    filled table from (i) an empty table in a LyX/Tex file and (ii) text files 
    containing data to be used in filling the table. 

    target: string or list 
        The target(s) of the SCons command.
    source: string or list
        The source(s) of the SCons command. The first source specified
        should be the LyX/Tex file specifying the table format. The subsequent 
        sources should be the text files containing the data with which the
        tables are to be filled. 
    env: SCons construction environment, see SCons user guide 7.2
    # Prelims
    source = misc.make_list_if_string(source)
    target = misc.make_list_if_string(target)

    start_time = misc.current_time()

    # Set up source file (table format)
    source_file = str(source[0])
    misc.check_code_extension(source_file, ['.lyx', '.tex'])

    # Set up input string (list of data tables)
    input_string = ' '.join([str(i) for i in source[1:]])

    # Set up target file (filled table)
    target_file = str(target[0])
    target_dir = misc.get_directory(target_file)
    misc.check_code_extension(target_file, ['.lyx', '.tex'])
        log_ext = '_%s' % env['log_ext']
    except KeyError:
        log_ext = ''
    log_file = os.path.join(target_dir, ('sconscript%s.log' % log_ext))

    # Command call
    output = tablefill(input=input_string,

    with open(log_file, 'wb') as f:

    # Close log
    if "traceback" in str.lower(output):  # if tablefill.py returns an error
        command = """tablefill(input    = %s, 
                         template = %s, 
                         output   = %s)""" % (input_string, source_file,
        message = misc.command_error_msg("tablefill.py", command)
        raise ExecCallError(message)

    end_time = misc.current_time()
    log_timestamp(start_time, end_time, log_file)

    return None