Example #1
    def define_snapshots(self):
        Process each of the discovered volumes to look for any
        associated snapshots

        # process each discovered volume
        for volume_name in self.volume:

            this_volume = self.volume[volume_name]

            cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster snap list %s" % volume_name, \
            # (rc, snap_info) = issueCMD("gluster snap list %s"%(volume_name))

            if cmd.rc == 0:
                # process the snap information
                if not cmd.stdout[0].lower().startswith('no snapshots'):

                    for snap in cmd.stdout:
                        snap_name = snap.strip()

                        if cfg.debug:
                            print "defineSnapshots. Creating a snapshot instance for volume '%s' called '%s'" % (volume_name, snap_name)

                        new_snapshot = Snapshot(snap_name, this_volume, volume_name)

                    this_volume.snapshot_count = len(this_volume.snapshot_list)

            if cfg.debug:
                print "defineSnapshots. Volume '%s' has %d snapshots" % (volume_name, this_volume.snapshot_count)
Example #2
    def define_snapshots(self):
        Process each of the discovered volumes to look for any
        associated snapshots

        # process each discovered volume
        for volume_name in self.volume:

            this_volume = self.volume[volume_name]

            cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster snap list %s" % volume_name)
            # (rc, snap_info) = issueCMD("gluster snap list %s"%(volume_name))

            if cmd.rc == 0:
                # process the snap information
                if not cmd.stdout[0].lower().startswith('no snapshots'):

                    for snap in cmd.stdout:
                        snap_name = snap.strip()

                        if cfg.debug:
                            print "defineSnapshots. Creating a snapshot instance for volume '%s' called '%s'" % (volume_name, snap_name)

                        new_snapshot = Snapshot(snap_name, this_volume, volume_name)

                    this_volume.snapshot_count = len(this_volume.snapshot_list)

            if cfg.debug:
                print "defineSnapshots. Volume '%s' has %d snapshots" % (volume_name, this_volume.snapshot_count)
Example #3
    def define_nodes(self):

        """ define the node objects for this cluster based on gluster pool list output """

        if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            # display a progress message
            sys.stdout.write("Processing nodes" + " " * 20 + "\n\r\x1b[A")

        cmd = GlusterCommand('gluster pool list --xml')

        if cmd.rc != 0:
            print "glusterd did not respond to a peer status request, gstatus"
            print "can not continue.\n"

            # define a list of elements in the xml that we're interested in
        field_list = ['hostname', 'uuid', 'connected']

        xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
        xml_root = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)

        peer_list = xml_root.findall('.//peer')

        for peer in peer_list:
            node_info = get_attr(peer, field_list)
            this_hostname = node_info['hostname']
            alias_list = []

            if this_hostname == 'localhost':
                # output may say localhost, but it could be a reponse from a
                # foreign peer, since the local glusterd could be down
                if GlusterCommand.targetNode == 'localhost':
                    local_ip_list = get_ipv4_addr()  # Grab all IP's
                    for ip in local_ip_list:
                        alias_list += host_aliases(ip)
                    this_hostname = GlusterCommand.targetNode
                    alias_list = host_aliases(this_hostname)
                alias_list = host_aliases(this_hostname)

            # DEBUG ------------------------------------------------------------
            if cfg.debug:
                print "Creating a node object with uuid %s, with names of %s" % (node_info['uuid'], alias_list)
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------

            new_node = Node(node_info['uuid'], node_info['connected'],

            self.ip_list += [ip for ip in alias_list if is_ip(ip)]

            # add this node object to the cluster objects 'dict'
            self.node[node_info['uuid']] = new_node

        self.node_count = Node.node_count()
Example #4
    def calc_connections(self):
        """ Issue a vol status all clients --xml and invoke the volume's
            clientCount method to determine unique clients connected to
            the clusters volume(s) """

        if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            # print a progress message
            sys.stdout.write("Processing gluster client connections" +
                             " " * 20 + "\n\r\x1b[A")

        cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol status all clients --xml",

        # (rc, vol_clients) = issueCMD("gluster vol status all clients --xml")

        # gluster_rc = int([line.replace('<',' ').replace('>',' ').split()[1]
        #               for line in vol_clients if 'opRet' in line][0]) if rc == 0 else rc

        if cmd.rc > 0:
            # unable to get the client connectivity information
            if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
                    "\ngstatus has been unable to get the output of a 'vol status all clients --xml' command"
                print("and can not continue.\n")

        # At this point the command worked, so we can process the results
        xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
            xml_root = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)
        except ExpatError:
            print("Malformed xml, try again later.")

        volumes = xml_root.findall('.//volume')

        for volume_xml in volumes:
            # Find the volume name
            vol_name = volume_xml.find('./volName').text

            # process the volume xml

            # add the volumes unique set of clients to the clusters set
            self.num_connections += self.volume[vol_name].num_connections

        self.num_clients = len(self.client_set)
Example #5
    def get_version(self):
        """ Sets the current version and product identifier for this cluster """
        cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster --version")
        # (rc, versInfo) = issueCMD("gluster --version")

        self.glfs_version = cmd.stdout[0].split()[1]

        if os.path.exists('/etc/redhat-storage-release'):
            with open('/etc/redhat-storage-release', 'r') as RHS_version:
                # example contents - Red Hat Storage Server 3.0
                self.product_name = RHS_version.readline().rstrip()
                lc_name = self.product_name.lower().replace('update', '.')
                self.product_shortname = "RHGS v%s" % (''.join(lc_name.split()[4:]))
            self.product_name = self.product_shortname = "Community"
Example #6
    def get_version(self):
        """ Sets the current version and product identifier for this cluster """
        cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster --version")
        # (rc, versInfo) = issueCMD("gluster --version")

        self.glfs_version = cmd.stdout[0].split()[1]

        if os.path.exists('/etc/redhat-storage-release'):
            with open('/etc/redhat-storage-release', 'r') as RHS_version:
                # example contents - Red Hat Storage Server 3.0
                self.product_name = RHS_version.readline().rstrip()
                lc_name = self.product_name.replace('update', '.')
                self.product_shortname = "RHGS Server v%s" %\
            self.product_name = self.product_shortname = "Community"
Example #7
    def calc_connections(self):
        """ Issue a vol status all clients --xml and invoke the volume's
            clientCount method to determine unique clients connected to
            the clusters volume(s) """

        if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            # print a progress message
            sys.stdout.write("Processing gluster client connections" + " " * 20 + "\n\r\x1b[A")

        cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol status all clients --xml",

        # (rc, vol_clients) = issueCMD("gluster vol status all clients --xml")

        # gluster_rc = int([line.replace('<',' ').replace('>',' ').split()[1]
        #               for line in vol_clients if 'opRet' in line][0]) if rc == 0 else rc

        if cmd.rc > 0:
            # unable to get the client connectivity information
            if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
                print "\ngstatus has been unable to get the output of a 'vol status all clients --xml' command"
                print "and can not continue.\n"

        # At this point the command worked, so we can process the results
        xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
            xml_root = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)
        except ExpatError:
            print "Malformed xml, try again later."

        volumes = xml_root.findall('.//volume')

        for volume_xml in volumes:
            # Find the volume name
            vol_name = volume_xml.find('./volName').text

            # process the volume xml

            # add the volumes unique set of clients to the clusters set
            self.num_connections += self.volume[vol_name].num_connections

        self.num_clients = len(self.client_set)
Example #8
    def initialise(self):
        """ call the node, volume 'generator' to create the child objects
            (bricks are created within the volume logic) """

        self.has_volumes = True if glob(
            '/var/lib/glusterd/vols/*/trusted-*-fuse.vol') else False

        )  # setup GlusterCommand class to have a valid node for commands

        # if has_volumes is populated we have vol files, then it's ok to
        # run the queries to define the node and volume objects
        if self.has_volumes:



            # if this cluster supports snapshots, take a look to see if
            # there are any

            self.snapshot_capable = version_ok(self.glfs_version,

            if self.snapshot_capable:

                self.snapshot_count = Snapshot.snap_count()

            # no volumes in this cluster, print a message and abort
            print("This cluster doesn't have any volumes/daemons running.")
                "The output below shows the current nodes attached to this host.\n"

            cmd = GlusterCommand('gluster pool list', timeout=cfg.CMD_TIMEOUT)
            for line in cmd.stdout:
Example #9
    def initialise(self):
        """ call the node, volume 'generator' to create the child objects
            (bricks are created within the volume logic) """

        self.has_volumes = True if glob('/var/lib/glusterd/vols/*/trusted-*-fuse.vol') else False

        set_active_peer()  # setup GlusterCommand class to have a valid node for commands

        # if has_volumes is populated we have vol files, then it's ok to
        # run the queries to define the node and volume objects
        if self.has_volumes:



            # if this cluster supports snapshots, take a look to see if
            # there are any

            self.snapshot_capable = version_ok(self.glfs_version, cfg.snapshot_support)

            if self.snapshot_capable:

                self.snapshot_count = Snapshot.snap_count()

            # no volumes in this cluster, print a message and abort
            print "This cluster doesn't have any volumes/daemons running."
            print "The output below shows the current nodes attached to this host.\n"

            cmd = GlusterCommand('gluster pool list')
            for line in cmd.stdout:
                print line
Example #10
    def update_state(self, self_heal_backlog):
        """ update the state of the cluster by processing the output of 'vol status' commands

            - vol status all detail --> provides the brick info (up/down, type), plus volume capacity
            - vol status all --> self heal states

        if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            # print a progress message
            sys.stdout.write("Updating volume information" + " " * 20 + "\n\r\x1b[A")

        # WORKAROUND
        # The code issues n vol status requests because issueing a vol status
        # wih the 'all' parameter can give bad xml when nodes are not
        # present in the cluster. By stepping through each volume, the
        # xml, while still buggy can be worked around
        # Process all volumes known to the cluster
        for volume_name in self.volume:

            # 'status' is set from a vol info command. This will show whether the
            # vol is created (0), started (1), or stopped (2). We're only interested
            # in the started state, when issuing the vol status command
            if self.volume[volume_name].status == 1:

                cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol status %s detail --xml" % volume_name)
                # (rc, vol_status) = issueCMD("gluster vol status %s detail --xml"%(volume_name))

                # Need to check opRet element since for xml based gluster commands
                # do NOT pass a return code back to the shell!
                # gluster_rc = int([line.replace('<',' ').replace('>',' ').split()[1]
                #               for line in vol_status if 'opRet' in line][0])

                if cmd.rc == 0:
                    xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
                    xml_obj = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)

                    # Update the volume, to provide capacity and status information

                    # Being unable to get a vol status for a known volume
                    # may indicate a peer transitioning to disconnected state
                    # so issue an error message and abort the script
                    print "\n--> gstatus has been unable to query volume '" + volume_name + "'"
                    print "\nPossible cause: cluster is currently reconverging after a node"
                    print "has entered a disconnected state."
                    print "\nResponse: Rerun gstatus or issue a peer status command to confirm\n"

                # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Issue a vol status then use the output to look for active tasks and self heal
                # state information
                # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol status %s --xml" % volume_name)

                # (rc, vol_status) = issueCMD("gluster vol status %s --xml"%(volume_name))
                # gluster_rc = int([line.replace('<',' ').replace('>',' ').split()[1]
                #           for line in vol_status if 'opRet' in line][0])
                xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
                xml_root = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)

                task_elements = xml_root.findall('.//task')

                for task in task_elements:
                    task_name = task.find('./type').text
                    task_status = task.find('./status').text
                    task.status_str = task.find('./statusStr').text
                    if task_status == '1':

                # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                # If the volume has self_heal enabled, we look at the state of the daemons
                # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                if self.volume[volume_name].self_heal_enabled:

                    if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
                        sys.stdout.write("Analysing Self Heal daemons on %s %s\n\r\x1b[A" % (volume_name, " " * 20))

                    if cmd.rc == 0:

                        # self_heal_list = []

                        node_elements = xml_root.findall('.//node')
                        # print "DEBUG --> node elements in vol status is " + str(len(node_elements))

                        # first get a list of self-heal elements from the xml
                        for node in node_elements:

                            # WORKAROUND
                            # there's a bug in some versions of 3.4, where when a node is missing
                            # the xml returned is malformed returning a node
                            # within a node so we need to check the subelements
                            # to see if they're valid.
                            if node.find('./node'):

                            if node.find('./hostname').text == 'Self-heal Daemon':
                                node_name = node.find('./path').text
                                node_state = node.find('./status').text
                                # uuid = ''

                                # convert the name to a usable uuid
                                if node_name == 'localhost':
                                    uuid = self.get_node(GlusterCommand.targetNode)
                                    uuid = self.get_node(node_name)

                                if not uuid:
                                    # tried to resolve the name but couldn't
                                    print ("Cluster.updateState : Attempting to use a 'path' (%s) for "
                                           "a self heal daemon that" % node_name)
                                    print "does not correspond to a peer node, and can not continue\n"

                                if self.node[uuid].self_heal_enabled:

                                    if node_state == '1':
                                        self.node[uuid].self_heal_active = True
                                        self.node[uuid].self_heal_active = False

                    # update the self heal flags, based on the vol status
                    self.volume[volume_name].set_self_heal_stats()  # high level info

                    if self_heal_backlog:
                        # now get low level info to check for heal backlog

                        if 'UNAVAILABLE' in self.volume[volume_name].self_heal_string:
                            # add message to cluster messages
                                'WARNING -> self heal query did not complete for %s. Debug with -D or use '
                                '-t to increase cmd timeout' % volume_name)

            this_state = self.volume[volume_name].volume_state

            if this_state == 'up':
                self.volume_summary['up'] += 1
            elif 'degraded' in this_state:
                self.volume_summary['degraded'] += 1
            elif 'partial' in this_state:
                self.volume_summary['partial'] += 1
                self.volume_summary['down'] += 1

        self.active_nodes()  # update active node counter
        self.active_bricks()  # update active brick counter

Example #11
    def define_volumes(self):
        """ Create the volume + brick objects """

        if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            # print a progress message
            sys.stdout.write("Building volume objects" + " " * 20 + "\n\r\x1b[A")

        cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol info --xml")
        # (rc, vol_info) = issueCMD("gluster vol info --xml")

        xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
        xml_root = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)

        vol_elements = xml_root.findall('.//volume')

        for vol_object in vol_elements:

            # set up a dict for the initial definition of the volume
            vol_dict = {}

            # build a dict for the initial volume settings. An attribute error results in a default
            # value being assigned (e.g. on older glusterfs disperse related fields are missing)
            for attr in Volume.volume_attr:
                    vol_dict[attr] = vol_object.find('./' + attr).text
                except AttributeError:
                    vol_dict[attr] = '0'

            # create a volume object, for this volume
            new_volume = Volume(vol_dict)
            self.volume[new_volume.name] = new_volume

            if cfg.debug:
                print "defineVolumes. Adding volume %s" % new_volume.name

            # add information about any volume options
            opt_nodes = vol_object.findall('.//option')
            for option in opt_nodes:
                for n in option.getchildren():
                    if n.tag == 'name':
                        key = n.text
                    elif n.tag == 'value':
                        value = n.text
                        new_volume.options[key] = value

                        # Protocols are enabled by default, so we look
                        # for the volume tuning options that turn them
                        # off
                        if key == 'user.cifs':
                            if value in ['disable', 'off', 'false']:
                                new_volume.protocol['SMB'] = 'off'

                        elif key == 'nfs.disable':
                            if value in ['on', 'true']:
                                new_volume.protocol['NFS'] = 'off'

            # get bricks listed against this volume, and create the Brick object(s)
            brick_nodes = vol_object.findall('.//brick')

            # list holding brick paths
            repl = []
            ctr = 1

            for brick in brick_nodes:

                brick_path = brick.text
                (hostname, pathname) = brick_path.split(':')

                if cfg.debug:
                    print "defineVolumes. Adding brick %s to %s" % (brick_path,

                node_uuid = self.get_node(hostname)

                # add this bricks owning node to the volume's attributes
                    new_volume.node[node_uuid] = self.node[node_uuid]

                except KeyError:
                    print "Unable to associate brick %s with a peer in the cluster, possibly due" % brick_path
                    print "to name lookup failures. If the nodes are not registered (fwd & rev)"
                    print "to dns, add local entries for your cluster nodes in the the /etc/hosts file"

                new_brick = Brick(brick_path, self.node[node_uuid], new_volume.name)

                # Add the brick to the cluster and volume
                self.brick[brick_path] = new_brick
                new_volume.brick[brick_path] = new_brick

                # add this brick to the owning node
                brick_owner = self.node[node_uuid]
                brick_owner.brick[brick_path] = new_brick

                if (new_volume.replicaCount > 1) or (new_volume.disperseCount > 0):
                    bricks_per_subvolume = max(new_volume.replicaCount, new_volume.disperseCount)
                    ctr += 1
                    if ctr > bricks_per_subvolume:
                        ctr = 1

                        # add this replica set to the volume's info
                        # drop all elements from temporary list
                        repl = []

            # By default from gluster 3.3 onwards, self heal is enabled for
            # all replicated/disperse volumes. We look at the volume type, and if it
            # is replicated and hasn't had self-heal explicitly disabled the
            # self heal state is inferred against the nodes that contain the
            # bricks for the volume. With this state in place, the updateState
            # method can cross-check to see what is actually happening

            if ('replicate' in new_volume.typeStr.lower()) or ('disperse' in new_volume.typeStr.lower()):

                heal_enabled = True  # assume it's on

                if 'cluster.self-heal-daemon' in new_volume.options:
                    if new_volume.options['cluster.self-heal-daemon'].lower() in ['off', 'false']:
                        heal_enabled = False

                new_volume.self_heal_enabled = heal_enabled

                if heal_enabled:

                    node_set = set()  # use a set to maintain a unique group of nodes

                    for brick_path in new_volume.brick:
                        this_brick = self.brick[brick_path]
                        this_node = this_brick.node
                        this_node.self_heal_enabled = True

                    self.sh_enabled = len(node_set)

        self.volume_count = Volume.volume_count()
        self.brick_count = Brick.brick_count()
Example #12
    def update_self_heal(self, output_mode):
        """ Updates the state of self heal for this volume """

        # first check if this volume is a replicated or disperse volume, if not
        # set the state string to "not applicable"
        if ('replicate'
                not in self.typeStr.lower()) and ('disperse'
                                                  not in self.typeStr.lower()):
            self.self_heal_string = 'N/A'

        # if self-heal is disabled by option...
        if 'cluster.self-heal-daemon' in self.options:
            if self.options['cluster.self-heal-daemon'].lower() in [
                    'off', 'false'
                self.self_heal_string = 'DISABLED'

        if output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
                "Analysing Self Heal backlog for %s %s \n\r\x1b[A" %
                (self.name, " " * 20))

        # On gluster 3.4 & 3.5 vol heal with --xml is not supported so parsing
        # has to be done the old fashioned way :(

        # The command is invoked with a timeout clause too
        cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol heal %s info" % self.name,
        # (rc, vol_heal_output) = issueCMD("gluster vol heal %s info"%(self.name))

        if cmd.rc == 0:

            total_heal_count = 0

            # in gluster 3.4 even though the cluster and bricks are defined with IP addresses
            # the vol heal can return an fqdn for the hostname - so we have to account for that

            for line in cmd.stdout:

                if line.lower().startswith('brick'):
                    (node, path_name) = line.replace(':', ' ').split()[1:]

                    if cfg.debug:
                        print "updateSelfHeal. self heal cmd gave a node name of %s" % node

                    # added trailing '/' to brick path,so remove it!
                    brick_path = node + ":" + path_name.rstrip('/')

                if line.lower().startswith('number'):
                    heal_count = int(line.split(':')[1])


                        self.brick[brick_path].heal_count = heal_count
                        if cfg.debug:
                            print "updateSelfHeal. brick path from self heal matched brick object successfully"

                    except KeyError:

                        if cfg.debug:
                                "updateSelfHeal. brick path from self heal != any brick object, "
                                "processing nodes to locate the brick")

                        # cycle though the nodes associated with this volume
                        match_found = False
                        for uuid in self.node:

                            # if this node does NOT match the node in the brickpath, skip it
                            if node not in self.node[uuid].alias_list:

                            # now convert the brickpath to something usable
                            for alias in self.node[uuid].alias_list:
                                new_path = alias + ":" + path_name.rstrip('/')
                                if new_path in self.brick:
                                    brick_path = new_path
                                    match_found = True

                            if match_found:

                        if cfg.debug:
                            print "updateSelfHeal. using brick path match of %s" % brick_path

                    total_heal_count += heal_count

            self.self_heal_count = total_heal_count
            if total_heal_count > 0:
                self.self_heal_string += "   Heal backlog of %d files" % total_heal_count
                self.self_heal_string += "   All files in sync"

            # vol heal command failed - just flag the problem
            if cfg.debug:
                    "Volume updateSelfHeal. Query for self heal details timed out - "
                    "maybe run again with a larger -t value?")
            self.self_heal_string += " HEAL DATA UNAVAILABLE"
Example #13
    def update_self_heal(self, output_mode):
        """ Updates the state of self heal for this volume """

        # first check if this volume is a replicated or disperse volume, if not
        # set the state string to "not applicable"
        if ('replicate' not in self.typeStr.lower()) and ('disperse' not in self.typeStr.lower()):
            self.self_heal_string = 'N/A'

        # if self-heal is disabled by option...
        if 'cluster.self-heal-daemon' in self.options:
            if self.options['cluster.self-heal-daemon'].lower() in ['off', 'false']:
                self.self_heal_string = 'DISABLED'

        if output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            sys.stdout.write("Analysing Self Heal backlog for %s %s \n\r\x1b[A" % (self.name, " " * 20))

        # On gluster 3.4 & 3.5 vol heal with --xml is not supported so parsing
        # has to be done the old fashioned way :(

        # The command is invoked with a timeout clause too
        cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol heal %s info" % self.name, timeout=cfg.CMD_TIMEOUT)
        # (rc, vol_heal_output) = issueCMD("gluster vol heal %s info"%(self.name))

        if cmd.rc == 0:

            total_heal_count = 0

            # in gluster 3.4 even though the cluster and bricks are defined with IP addresses
            # the vol heal can return an fqdn for the hostname - so we have to account for that

            for line in cmd.stdout:

                if line.lower().startswith('brick'):
                    (node, path_name) = line.replace(':', ' ').split()[1:]

                    if cfg.debug:
                        print "updateSelfHeal. self heal cmd gave a node name of %s" % node

                    # added trailing '/' to brick path,so remove it!
                    brick_path = node + ":" + path_name.rstrip('/')

                if line.lower().startswith('number'):
                    heal_count = int(line.split(':')[1])


                        self.brick[brick_path].heal_count = heal_count
                        if cfg.debug:
                            print "updateSelfHeal. brick path from self heal matched brick object successfully"

                    except KeyError:

                        if cfg.debug:
                            print ("updateSelfHeal. brick path from self heal != any brick object, "
                                   "processing nodes to locate the brick")

                        # cycle though the nodes associated with this volume
                        match_found = False
                        for uuid in self.node:

                            # if this node does NOT match the node in the brickpath, skip it
                            if node not in self.node[uuid].alias_list:

                            # now convert the brickpath to something usable
                            for alias in self.node[uuid].alias_list:
                                new_path = alias + ":" + path_name.rstrip('/')
                                if new_path in self.brick:
                                    brick_path = new_path
                                    match_found = True

                            if match_found:


                            if cfg.debug:
                                print "updateSelfHeal. using brick path match of %s" % brick_path

                            self.brick[brick_path].heal_count = heal_count

                            print "updateSelfHeal.Unable to apply self heal stats due to %s not matching existing" % (
                            print "brick objects, and can not continue."

                    total_heal_count += heal_count

            self.self_heal_count = total_heal_count
            if total_heal_count > 0:
                self.self_heal_string += "   Heal backlog of %d files" % total_heal_count
                self.self_heal_string += "   All files in sync"

            # vol heal command failed - just flag the problem
            if cfg.debug:
                print ("Volume updateSelfHeal. Query for self heal details timed out - "
                       "maybe run again with a larger -t value?")
            self.self_heal_string += " HEAL DATA UNAVAILABLE"
Example #14
    def update_state(self, self_heal_backlog, client_status):
        """ update the state of the cluster by processing the output of 'vol status' commands

            - vol status all detail --> provides the brick info (up/down, type), plus volume capacity
            - vol status all --> self heal states

        if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            # print a progress message
            sys.stdout.write("Updating volume information" + " " * 20 + "\n\r\x1b[A")

        # WORKAROUND
        # The code issues n vol status requests because issueing a vol status
        # wih the 'all' parameter can give bad xml when nodes are not
        # present in the cluster. By stepping through each volume, the
        # xml, while still buggy can be worked around
        # Process all volumes known to the cluster
        for volume_name in self.volume:

            # 'status' is set from a vol info command. This will show whether the
            # vol is created (0), started (1), or stopped (2). We're only interested
            # in the started state, when issuing the vol status command
            if self.volume[volume_name].status == 1:

                cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol status %s detail --xml"%volume_name,
                # (rc, vol_status) = issueCMD("gluster vol status %s detail --xml"%(volume_name))

                # Need to check opRet element since for xml based gluster commands
                # do NOT pass a return code back to the shell!
                # gluster_rc = int([line.replace('<',' ').replace('>',' ').split()[1]
                #               for line in vol_status if 'opRet' in line][0])

                if cmd.rc == 0:
                    xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
                    xml_obj = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)

                    # Update the volume, to provide capacity and status information

                    # Being unable to get a vol status for a known volume
                    # may indicate a peer transitioning to disconnected state
                    # so issue an error message and abort the script
                    print "\n--> gstatus has been unable to query volume '" + volume_name + "'"
                    print "\nPossible cause: cluster is currently reconverging after a node"
                    print "has entered a disconnected state."
                    print "\nResponse: Rerun gstatus or issue a peer status command to confirm\n"

                # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                # Issue a vol status then use the output to look for active tasks and self heal
                # state information
                # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol status %s --xml"%volume_name,

                # (rc, vol_status) = issueCMD("gluster vol status %s --xml"%(volume_name))
                # gluster_rc = int([line.replace('<',' ').replace('>',' ').split()[1]
                #           for line in vol_status if 'opRet' in line][0])
                xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
                xml_root = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)

                task_elements = xml_root.findall('.//task')

                for task in task_elements:
                    task_name = task.find('./type').text
                    task_status = task.find('./status').text
                    task.status_str = task.find('./statusStr').text
                    if task_status == '1':

                # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                # If the volume has self_heal enabled, we look at the state of the daemons
                # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                if self.volume[volume_name].self_heal_enabled:

                    if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
                        sys.stdout.write("Analysing Self Heal daemons on %s %s\n\r\x1b[A" % (volume_name, " " * 20))

                    if cmd.rc == 0:

                        # self_heal_list = []

                        node_elements = xml_root.findall('.//node')
                        # print "DEBUG --> node elements in vol status is " + str(len(node_elements))

                        # first get a list of self-heal elements from the xml
                        for node in node_elements:

                            # WORKAROUND
                            # there's a bug in some versions of 3.4, where when a node is missing
                            # the xml returned is malformed returning a node
                            # within a node so we need to check the subelements
                            # to see if they're valid.
                            if node.find('./node'):

                            if node.find('./hostname').text == 'Self-heal Daemon':
                                node_name = node.find('./path').text
                                node_state = node.find('./status').text
                                # uuid = ''

                                # convert the name to a usable uuid
                                if node_name == 'localhost':
                                    uuid = self.get_node(GlusterCommand.targetNode)
                                    uuid = self.get_node(node_name)

                                if not uuid:
                                    # tried to resolve the name but couldn't
                                    print ("Cluster.updateState : Attempting to use a 'path' (%s) for "
                                           "a self heal daemon that" % node_name)
                                    print "does not correspond to a peer node, and can not continue\n"

                                if self.node[uuid].self_heal_enabled:

                                    if node_state == '1':
                                        self.node[uuid].self_heal_active = True
                                        self.node[uuid].self_heal_active = False

                    # update the self heal flags, based on the vol status
                    self.volume[volume_name].set_self_heal_stats()  # high level info

                    if self_heal_backlog:
                        # now get low level info to check for heal backlog

                        if 'UNAVAILABLE' in self.volume[volume_name].self_heal_string:
                            # add message to cluster messages
                                'WARNING -> self heal query did not complete for %s. Debug with -D or use '
                                '-t to increase cmd timeout' % volume_name)

            this_state = self.volume[volume_name].volume_state

            if this_state == 'up':
                self.volume_summary['up'] += 1
            elif 'degraded' in this_state:
                self.volume_summary['degraded'] += 1
            elif 'partial' in this_state:
                self.volume_summary['partial'] += 1
                self.volume_summary['down'] += 1

        self.active_nodes()  # update active node counter
        self.active_bricks()  # update active brick counter

        if client_status:
Example #15
    def define_volumes(self):
        """ Create the volume + brick objects """

        if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            # print a progress message
            sys.stdout.write("Building volume objects" + " " * 20 + "\n\r\x1b[A")

        cmd = GlusterCommand("gluster vol info --xml", timeout=cfg.CMD_TIMEOUT)
        # (rc, vol_info) = issueCMD("gluster vol info --xml")

        xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
        xml_root = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)

        vol_elements = xml_root.findall('.//volume')

        for vol_object in vol_elements:

            # set up a dict for the initial definition of the volume
            vol_dict = {}

            # build a dict for the initial volume settings. An attribute error results in a default
            # value being assigned (e.g. on older glusterfs disperse related fields are missing)
            for attr in Volume.volume_attr:
                    vol_dict[attr] = vol_object.find('./' + attr).text
                except AttributeError:
                    vol_dict[attr] = '0'

            # create a volume object, for this volume
            new_volume = Volume(vol_dict)
            self.volume[new_volume.name] = new_volume

            if cfg.debug:
                print "defineVolumes. Adding volume %s" % new_volume.name

            # add information about any volume options
            opt_nodes = vol_object.findall('.//option')
            for option in opt_nodes:
                for n in option.getchildren():
                    if n.tag == 'name':
                        key = n.text
                    elif n.tag == 'value':
                        value = n.text
                        new_volume.options[key] = value

                        # Protocols are enabled by default, so we look
                        # for the volume tuning options that turn them
                        # off
                        if key == 'user.cifs':
                            if value in ['disable', 'off', 'false']:
                                new_volume.protocol['SMB'] = 'off'

                        elif key == 'nfs.disable':
                            if value in ['on', 'true']:
                                new_volume.protocol['NFS'] = 'off'

            # get bricks listed against this volume, and create the Brick object(s)
            brick_nodes = vol_object.findall('.//brick')

            # list holding brick paths
            repl = []
            ctr = 1

            for brick in brick_nodes:

                brick_path = brick.text
                (hostname, pathname) = brick_path.split(':')

                if cfg.debug:
                    print "defineVolumes. Adding brick %s to %s" % (brick_path,

                node_uuid = self.get_node(hostname)

                # add this bricks owning node to the volume's attributes
                    new_volume.node[node_uuid] = self.node[node_uuid]

                except KeyError:
                    print "Unable to associate brick %s with a peer in the cluster, possibly due" % brick_path
                    print "to name lookup failures. If the nodes are not registered (fwd & rev)"
                    print "to dns, add local entries for your cluster nodes in the the /etc/hosts file"

                new_brick = Brick(brick_path, self.node[node_uuid], new_volume.name)

                # Add the brick to the cluster and volume
                self.brick[brick_path] = new_brick
                new_volume.brick[brick_path] = new_brick

                # add this brick to the owning node
                brick_owner = self.node[node_uuid]
                brick_owner.brick[brick_path] = new_brick

                if (new_volume.replicaCount > 1) or (new_volume.disperseCount > 0):
                    bricks_per_subvolume = max(new_volume.replicaCount, new_volume.disperseCount)
                    ctr += 1
                    if ctr > bricks_per_subvolume:
                        ctr = 1

                        # add this replica set to the volume's info
                        # drop all elements from temporary list
                        repl = []

            # By default from gluster 3.3 onwards, self heal is enabled for
            # all replicated/disperse volumes. We look at the volume type, and if it
            # is replicated and hasn't had self-heal explicitly disabled the
            # self heal state is inferred against the nodes that contain the
            # bricks for the volume. With this state in place, the updateState
            # method can cross-check to see what is actually happening

            if ('replicate' in new_volume.typeStr.lower()) or ('disperse' in new_volume.typeStr.lower()):

                heal_enabled = True  # assume it's on

                if 'cluster.self-heal-daemon' in new_volume.options:
                    if new_volume.options['cluster.self-heal-daemon'].lower() in ['off', 'false']:
                        heal_enabled = False

                new_volume.self_heal_enabled = heal_enabled

                if heal_enabled:

                    node_set = set()  # use a set to maintain a unique group of nodes

                    for brick_path in new_volume.brick:
                        this_brick = self.brick[brick_path]
                        this_node = this_brick.node
                        this_node.self_heal_enabled = True

                    self.sh_enabled = len(node_set)

        self.volume_count = Volume.volume_count()
        self.brick_count = Brick.brick_count()
Example #16
    def define_nodes(self):

        """ define the node objects for this cluster based on gluster pool list output """

        if self.output_mode == 'console' and not cfg.no_progress_msgs:
            # display a progress message
            sys.stdout.write("Processing nodes" + " " * 20 + "\n\r\x1b[A")

        cmd = GlusterCommand('gluster pool list --xml', timeout=cfg.CMD_TIMEOUT)

        if cmd.rc != 0:
            print "glusterd did not respond to a peer status request, gstatus"
            print "can not continue.\n"

            # define a list of elements in the xml that we're interested in
        field_list = ['hostname', 'uuid', 'connected']

        xml_string = ''.join(cmd.stdout)
        xml_root = ETree.fromstring(xml_string)

        peer_list = xml_root.findall('.//peer')

        for peer in peer_list:
            node_info = get_attr(peer, field_list)
            this_hostname = node_info['hostname']
            alias_list = []

            if this_hostname == 'localhost':
                # output may say localhost, but it could be a reponse from a
                # foreign peer, since the local glusterd could be down
                if GlusterCommand.targetNode == 'localhost':
                    local_ip_list = get_ipv4_addr()  # Grab all IP's
                    for ip in local_ip_list:
                        alias_list += host_aliases(ip)
                    this_hostname = GlusterCommand.targetNode
                    alias_list = host_aliases(this_hostname)
                alias_list = host_aliases(this_hostname)

            # DEBUG ------------------------------------------------------------
            if cfg.debug:
                # Clean up all the empty strings in the list
                self.alias_stripped = [ele for ele in alias_list if ele != '']

                print "Creating a node object with uuid %s, with names of %s"%\
                    (node_info['uuid'], self.alias_stripped)
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------

            new_node = Node(node_info['uuid'], node_info['connected'],

            self.ip_list += [ip for ip in alias_list if is_ip(ip)]

            # add this node object to the cluster objects 'dict'
            self.node[node_info['uuid']] = new_node

        self.node_count = Node.node_count()