Example #1
def CT_from_pt(SA, pt):
    r"""Calculates Conservative Temperature of seawater from potential
    temperature (whose reference sea pressure is zero dbar).

    SA : array_like
         Absolute salinity [g kg :sup:`-1`]
    pt : array_like
         potential temperature referenced to a sea pressure of zero dbar
         [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    CT : array_like
         Conservative Temperature [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    See Also


    >>> import gsw
    >>> SA = [34.7118, 34.8915, 35.0256, 34.8472, 34.7366, 34.7324]
    >>> pt = [28.7832, 28.4209, 22.7850, 10.2305, 6.8292, 4.3245]
    >>> gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, pt)
    array([ 28.80992302,  28.43914426,  22.78624661,  10.22616561,
             6.82718342,   4.32356518])

    .. [1] IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation
    of seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
    UNESCO (English), 196 pp. See section 3.3.

    2011-03-29. David Jackett, Trevor McDougall and Paul Barker.

    SA, pt, mask = strip_mask(SA, pt)

    pot_enthalpy = pot_enthalpy_from_pt(SA, pt)

    CT = pot_enthalpy / cp0

    return np.ma.array(CT, mask=mask, copy=False)
Example #2
def CT_from_pt(SA, pt):
    r"""Calculates Conservative Temperature of seawater from potential
    temperature (whose reference sea pressure is zero dbar).

    SA : array_like
         Absolute salinity [g kg :sup:`-1`]
    pt : array_like
         potential temperature referenced to a sea pressure of zero dbar
         [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    CT : array_like
         Conservative Temperature [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    See Also


    >>> import gsw
    >>> SA = [34.7118, 34.8915, 35.0256, 34.8472, 34.7366, 34.7324]
    >>> pt = [28.7832, 28.4209, 22.7850, 10.2305, 6.8292, 4.3245]
    >>> gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, pt)
    array([ 28.80992302,  28.43914426,  22.78624661,  10.22616561,
             6.82718342,   4.32356518])

    .. [1] IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation
    of seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
    UNESCO (English), 196 pp. See section 3.3.

    2011-03-29. David Jackett, Trevor McDougall and Paul Barker.

    SA, pt, mask = strip_mask(SA, pt)

    pot_enthalpy = pot_enthalpy_from_pt(SA, pt)

    CT = pot_enthalpy / cp0

    return np.ma.array(CT, mask=mask, copy=False)
Example #3
def pt_from_CT(SA, CT):
    r"""Calculates potential temperature (with a reference sea pressure of zero
    dbar) from Conservative Temperature.

    SA : array_like
         Absolute salinity [g kg :sup:`-1`]
    CT : array_like
         Conservative Temperature [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    pt : array_like
         potential temperature referenced to a sea pressure of zero dbar
         [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    See Also

    This function uses 1.5 iterations through a modified Newton-Raphson (N-R)
    iterative solution procedure, starting from a rational-function-based
    initial condition for both pt and dCT_dpt.

    >>> import gsw
    >>> SA = [34.7118, 34.8915, 35.0256, 34.8472, 34.7366, 34.7324]
    >>> CT = [28.8099, 28.4392, 22.7862, 10.2262, 6.8272, 4.3236]
    >>> gsw.pt_from_CT(SA, CT)
    array([ 28.78317705,  28.4209556 ,  22.78495347,  10.23053439,
             6.82921659,   4.32453484])

    .. [1] IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation
    of seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
    UNESCO (English), 196 pp. See sections 3.1 and 3.3.

    .. [2] McDougall T. J., D. R. Jackett, P. M. Barker, C. Roberts-Thomson,
    R. Feistel and R. W. Hallberg, 2010:  A computationally efficient 25-term
    expression for the density of seawater in terms of Conservative
    Temperature, and related properties of seawater.

    2011-03-29. Trevor McDougall, David Jackett, Claire Roberts-Thomson and
    Paul Barker.

    SA, CT, mask = strip_mask(SA, CT)

    s1 = SA * 35. / SSO

    a0 = -1.446013646344788e-2
    a1 = -3.305308995852924e-3
    a2 = 1.062415929128982e-4
    a3 = 9.477566673794488e-1
    a4 = 2.166591947736613e-3
    a5 = 3.828842955039902e-3

    b0 = 1.000000000000000e+0
    b1 = 6.506097115635800e-4
    b2 = 3.830289486850898e-3
    b3 = 1.247811760368034e-6

    a5CT = a5 * CT
    b3CT = b3 * CT
    CT_factor = (a3 + a4 * s1 + a5CT)
    pt_num = a0 + s1 * (a1 + a2 * s1) + CT * CT_factor
    pt_den = b0 + b1 * s1 + CT * (b2 + b3CT)
    pt = pt_num / pt_den

    dCT_dpt = pt_den / (CT_factor + a5CT - (b2 + b3CT + b3CT) * pt)

    # 1.5 iterations through the modified Newton-Rapshon iterative method
    CT_diff = CT_from_pt(SA, pt) - CT
    pt_old = pt
    pt = pt_old - CT_diff / dCT_dpt  # 1/2-way through the 1st modified N-R.
    ptm = 0.5 * (pt + pt_old)

    # This routine calls gibbs_pt0_pt0(SA,pt0) to get the second derivative of
    # the Gibbs function with respect to temperature at zero sea pressure.

    dCT_dpt = -(ptm + Kelvin) * gibbs_pt0_pt0(SA, ptm) / cp0
    pt = pt_old - CT_diff / dCT_dpt  # End of 1st full modified N-R iteration.
    CT_diff = CT_from_pt(SA, pt) - CT
    pt_old = pt
    pt = pt_old - CT_diff / dCT_dpt  # 1.5 iterations of the modified N-R.

    return np.ma.array(pt, mask=mask, copy=False)
Example #4
def pot_enthalpy_from_pt(SA, pt):
    r"""Calculates the potential enthalpy of seawater from potential
    temperature (whose reference sea pressure is zero dbar).

    SA : array_like
         Absolute salinity [g kg :sup:`-1`]
    pt : array_like
         potential temperature referenced to a sea pressure of zero dbar
         [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    pot_enthalpy : array_like
                   potential enthalpy [J kg :sup:`-1`]

    See Also


    >>> import gsw
    >>> SA = [34.7118, 34.8915, 35.0256, 34.8472, 34.7366, 34.7324]
    >>> pt = [28.7832, 28.4209, 22.7850, 10.2305, 6.8292, 4.3245]
    >>> gsw.pot_enthalpy_from_pt(SA, pt)
    array([ 115005.40853458,  113525.30870246,   90959.68769935,
             40821.50280454,   27253.21472227,   17259.10131183])

    .. [1] IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation
    of seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
    UNESCO (English), 196 pp. See section 3.2.

    2011-03-29. David Jackett, Trevor McDougall and Paul Barker

    SA, pt, mask = strip_mask(SA, pt)

    x2 = sfac * SA
    x = np.sqrt(x2)
    y = pt * 0.025  # Normalize for F03 and F08

    pot_enthalpy = (61.01362420681071 + y * (168776.46138048015 +
    y * (-2735.2785605119625 + y * (2574.2164453821433 +
    y * (-1536.6644434977543 + y * (545.7340497931629 +
    (-50.91091728474331 - 18.30489878927802 * y) * y))))) +
    x2 * (268.5520265845071 + y * (-12019.028203559312 +
    y * (3734.858026725145 + y * (-2046.7671145057618 +
    y * (465.28655623826234 + (-0.6370820302376359 -
    10.650848542359153 * y) * y)))) +
    x * (937.2099110620707 + y * (588.1802812170108 +
    y * (248.39476522971285 + (-3.871557904936333 -
    2.6268019854268356 * y) * y)) +
    x * (-1687.914374187449 + x * (246.9598888781377 +
    x * (123.59576582457964 - 48.5891069025409 * x)) +
    y * (936.3206544460336 +
    y * (-942.7827304544439 + y * (369.4389437509002 +
    (-33.83664947895248 - 9.987880382780322 * y) * y)))))))

    """The above polynomial for pot_enthalpy is the full expression for
    potential enthalpy in terms of SA and pt, obtained from the Gibbs function
    as below.  It has simply collected like powers of x and y so that it is
    computationally faster than calling the Gibbs function twice as is done in
    the commented code below. When this code below is run, the results are
    identical to calculating pot_enthalpy as above, to machine precision.

    n0, n1 = 0, 1
    g000 = gibbs(n0, n0, n0, SA, pt, 0)
    g010 = gibbs(n0, n1, n0, SA, pt, 0)
    pot_enthalpy = g000 - (Kelvin + pt) * g010

    This is the end of the alternative code
    %timeit gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, pt)
    1000 loops, best of 3: 1.34 ms per loop <- calling gibbs
    1000 loops, best of 3: 254 us per loop <- standard

    return np.ma.array(pot_enthalpy, mask=mask, copy=False)
Example #5
def pt_from_CT(SA, CT):
    r"""Calculates potential temperature (with a reference sea pressure of zero
    dbar) from Conservative Temperature.

    SA : array_like
         Absolute salinity [g kg :sup:`-1`]
    CT : array_like
         Conservative Temperature [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    pt : array_like
         potential temperature referenced to a sea pressure of zero dbar
         [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    See Also

    This function uses 1.5 iterations through a modified Newton-Raphson (N-R)
    iterative solution procedure, starting from a rational-function-based
    initial condition for both pt and dCT_dpt.

    >>> import gsw
    >>> SA = [34.7118, 34.8915, 35.0256, 34.8472, 34.7366, 34.7324]
    >>> CT = [28.8099, 28.4392, 22.7862, 10.2262, 6.8272, 4.3236]
    >>> gsw.pt_from_CT(SA, CT)
    array([ 28.78317705,  28.4209556 ,  22.78495347,  10.23053439,
             6.82921659,   4.32453484])

    .. [1] IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation
    of seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
    UNESCO (English), 196 pp. See sections 3.1 and 3.3.

    .. [2] McDougall T. J., D. R. Jackett, P. M. Barker, C. Roberts-Thomson,
    R. Feistel and R. W. Hallberg, 2010:  A computationally efficient 25-term
    expression for the density of seawater in terms of Conservative
    Temperature, and related properties of seawater.

    2011-03-29. Trevor McDougall, David Jackett, Claire Roberts-Thomson and
    Paul Barker.

    SA, CT, mask = strip_mask(SA, CT)
    SA = np.maximum(SA, 0)

    s1 = SA * 35. / SSO

    a0 = -1.446013646344788e-2
    a1 = -3.305308995852924e-3
    a2 = 1.062415929128982e-4
    a3 = 9.477566673794488e-1
    a4 = 2.166591947736613e-3
    a5 = 3.828842955039902e-3

    b0 = 1.000000000000000e+0
    b1 = 6.506097115635800e-4
    b2 = 3.830289486850898e-3
    b3 = 1.247811760368034e-6

    a5CT = a5 * CT
    b3CT = b3 * CT
    CT_factor = (a3 + a4 * s1 + a5CT)
    pt_num = a0 + s1 * (a1 + a2 * s1) + CT * CT_factor
    pt_den = b0 + b1 * s1 + CT * (b2 + b3CT)
    pt = pt_num / pt_den

    dCT_dpt = pt_den / (CT_factor + a5CT - (b2 + b3CT + b3CT) * pt)

    # 1.5 iterations through the modified Newton-Rapshon iterative method
    CT_diff = CT_from_pt(SA, pt) - CT
    pt_old = pt
    pt = pt_old - CT_diff / dCT_dpt  # 1/2-way through the 1st modified N-R.
    ptm = 0.5 * (pt + pt_old)

    # This routine calls gibbs_pt0_pt0(SA, pt0) to get the second derivative of
    # the Gibbs function with respect to temperature at zero sea pressure.

    dCT_dpt = -(ptm + Kelvin) * gibbs_pt0_pt0(SA, ptm) / cp0
    pt = pt_old - CT_diff / dCT_dpt  # End of 1st full modified N-R iteration.
    CT_diff = CT_from_pt(SA, pt) - CT
    pt_old = pt
    pt = pt_old - CT_diff / dCT_dpt  # 1.5 iterations of the modified N-R.
    # Abs max error of result is 1.42e-14 deg C.
    return np.ma.array(pt, mask=mask, copy=False)
Example #6
def pot_enthalpy_from_pt(SA, pt):
    r"""Calculates the potential enthalpy of seawater from potential
    temperature (whose reference sea pressure is zero dbar).

    SA : array_like
         Absolute salinity [g kg :sup:`-1`]
    pt : array_like
         potential temperature referenced to a sea pressure of zero dbar
         [:math:`^\circ` C (ITS-90)]

    pot_enthalpy : array_like
                   potential enthalpy [J kg :sup:`-1`]

    See Also


    >>> import gsw
    >>> SA = [34.7118, 34.8915, 35.0256, 34.8472, 34.7366, 34.7324]
    >>> pt = [28.7832, 28.4209, 22.7850, 10.2305, 6.8292, 4.3245]
    >>> gsw.pot_enthalpy_from_pt(SA, pt)
    array([ 115005.40853458,  113525.30870246,   90959.68769935,
             40821.50280454,   27253.21472227,   17259.10131183])

    .. [1] IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation
    of seawater - 2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
    UNESCO (English), 196 pp. See section 3.2.

    2011-03-29. David Jackett, Trevor McDougall and Paul Barker

    SA, pt, mask = strip_mask(SA, pt)

    SA = np.maximum(SA, 0)

    x2 = sfac * SA
    x = np.sqrt(x2)
    y = pt * 0.025  # Normalize for F03 and F08

    pot_enthalpy = (
        61.01362420681071 + y *
        (168776.46138048015 + y *
         (-2735.2785605119625 + y *
          (2574.2164453821433 + y *
           (-1536.6644434977543 + y *
            (545.7340497931629 +
             (-50.91091728474331 - 18.30489878927802 * y) * y))))) + x2 *
        (268.5520265845071 + y *
         (-12019.028203559312 + y *
          (3734.858026725145 + y *
           (-2046.7671145057618 + y *
            (465.28655623826234 +
             (-0.6370820302376359 - 10.650848542359153 * y) * y)))) + x *
         (937.2099110620707 + y *
          (588.1802812170108 + y *
           (248.39476522971285 +
            (-3.871557904936333 - 2.6268019854268356 * y) * y)) + x *
          (-1687.914374187449 + x *
           (246.9598888781377 + x *
            (123.59576582457964 - 48.5891069025409 * x)) + y *
           (936.3206544460336 + y *
            (-942.7827304544439 + y *
             (369.4389437509002 +
              (-33.83664947895248 - 9.987880382780322 * y) * y)))))))
    """The above polynomial for pot_enthalpy is the full expression for
    potential enthalpy in terms of SA and pt, obtained from the Gibbs function
    as below.  It has simply collected like powers of x and y so that it is
    computationally faster than calling the Gibbs function twice as is done in
    the commented code below. When this code below is run, the results are
    identical to calculating pot_enthalpy as above, to machine precision.

    g000 = gibbs(n0, n0, n0, SA, pt, 0)
    g010 = gibbs(n0, n1, n0, SA, pt, 0)
    pot_enthalpy = g000 - (Kelvin + pt) * g010

    This is the end of the alternative code
    %timeit gsw.CT_from_pt(SA, pt)
    1000 loops, best of 3: 1.34 ms per loop <- calling gibbs
    1000 loops, best of 3: 254 us per loop <- standard

    return np.ma.array(pot_enthalpy, mask=mask, copy=False)