def add_psal(netCDFfile): ds = Dataset(netCDFfile, 'a') var_temp = ds.variables["TEMP"] var_psal = ds.variables["PSAL"] var_pres = ds.variables["PRES"] t = var_temp[:] SP = var_psal[:] p = var_pres[:] SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, ds.longitude, ds.latitude) pt = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, t, p) oxsol = gsw.O2sol_SP_pt(SP, pt) ncVarOut = ds.createVariable("OXSOL", "f4", ("TIME",), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max ncVarOut[:] = oxsol ncVarOut.units = "umol/kg" ncVarOut.comment = "calculated using gsw-python function gsw.O2sol_SP_pt" # update the history attribute try: hist = ds.history + "\n" except AttributeError: hist = "" ds.setncattr('history', hist + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " : added oxygen solubility") ds.close()
def _compute_data(self,data, units, names, p_ref = 0, baltic = False, lon=0, lat=0, isen = '0'): """ Computes convservative temperature, absolute salinity and potential density from input data, expects a recarray with the following entries data['C']: conductivity in mS/cm, data['T']: in Situ temperature in degree Celsius (ITS-90), data['p']: in situ sea pressure in dbar Arguments: p_ref: Reference pressure for potential density baltic: if True use the Baltic Sea density equation instead of open ocean lon: Longitude of ctd cast default=0 lat: Latitude of ctd cast default=0 Returns: list [cdata,cunits,cnames] with cdata: recarray with entries 'SP', 'SA', 'pot_rho', etc., cunits: dictionary with units, cnames: dictionary with names """ sen = isen + isen # Check for units and convert them if neccessary if(units['C' + isen] == 'S/m'):'Converting conductivity units from S/m to mS/cm') Cfac = 10 if(('68' in units['T' + isen]) or ('68' in names['T' + isen]) ):'Converting IPTS-68 to T90') T = gsw.t90_from_t68(data['T' + isen]) else: T = data['T' + isen] SP = gsw.SP_from_C(data['C' + isen], T, data['p']) SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP,data['p'],lon = lon, lat = lat) if(baltic == True): SA = gsw.SA_from_SP_Baltic(SA,lon = lon, lat = lat) PT = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, T, data['p']) CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, T, data['p']) pot_rho = gsw.pot_rho_t_exact(SA, T, data['p'], p_ref) names = ['SP' + sen,'SA' + sen,'pot_rho' + sen,'pt0' + sen,'CT' + sen] formats = ['float','float','float','float','float'] cdata = {} cdata['SP' + sen] = SP cdata['SA' + sen] = SA cdata['pot_rho' + sen] = pot_rho cdata['pt' + sen] = PT cdata['CT' + sen] = CT cnames = {'SA' + sen:'Absolute salinity','SP' + sen: 'Practical Salinity on the PSS-78 scale', 'pot_rho' + sen: 'Potential density', 'pt' + sen:'potential temperature with reference sea pressure (p_ref) = 0 dbar', 'CT' + sen:'Conservative Temperature (ITS-90)'} cunits = {'SA' + sen:'g/kg','SP' + sen:'PSU','pot_rho' + sen:'kg/m^3' ,'CT' + sen:'deg C','pt' + sen:'deg C'} return [cdata,cunits,cnames]
def add_SA_CT_PT(xray): if 'PRES' in list(xray.data_vars): PRES_out = xray['PRES'] else: PRES_out = -gsw.p_from_z(xray['DEPTH']) SA_out = gsw.SA_from_SP(xray['PSAL'], PRES_out, xray.LONGITUDE, xray.LATITUDE) if 'PTMP' in list(xray.data_vars): PT_out = xray['PTMP'] else: PT_out = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA_out, xray['TEMP'], PRES_out) CT_out = gsw.CT_from_pt(SA_out, PT_out) PD_out = gsw.sigma0(SA_out, CT_out) xray['ASAL'] = (('TIME', 'DEPTH'), SA_out) xray['PTMP'] = (('TIME', 'DEPTH'), PT_out) xray['CTMP'] = (('TIME', 'DEPTH'), CT_out) xray['PDEN'] = (('TIME', 'DEPTH'), PD_out)
def oxygen(netCDFfile): ds = Dataset(netCDFfile, 'a') if 'DOX2_RAW' not in ds.variables: ds.close() return var_temp = ds.variables["TEMP"] var_psal = ds.variables["PSAL"] if 'PRES' in ds.variables: var_pres = ds.variables["PRES"] p = var_pres[:] elif 'NOMINAL_DEPTH' in ds.variables: var_pres = ds.variables["NOMINAL_DEPTH"] p = var_pres[:] else: p = 1.0 t = var_temp[:] SP = var_psal[:] SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, ds.variables["LONGITUDE"][0], ds.variables["LATITUDE"][0]) CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p) pt = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, t, p) sigma_theta0 = gsw.sigma0(SA, CT) ts = np.log((298.15 - t) / (273.15 + t)) # psal correction, from Aanderra TD-218, Gordon and Garcia oxygaen solubility salinity coefficents, salinity coeff, col 5 combined fit (ml/l). B0 = -6.24097e-3 C0 = -3.11680e-7 B1 = -6.93498e-3 B2 = -6.90358e-3 B3 = -4.29155e-3 psal_correction = np.exp( SP * (B0 + B1 * ts + B2 * np.power(ts, 2) + B3 * np.power(ts, 3)) + np.power(SP, 2) * C0) # get correction slope, offset slope = 1.0 offset = 0.0 try: slope = ds.variables['DOX2_RAW'].calibration_slope offset = ds.variables['DOX2_RAW'].calibration_offset except AttributeError: pass # calculate disolved oxygen, umol/kg dox2_raw = ds.variables['DOX2_RAW'] * psal_correction * slope + offset dox2 = 1000 * dox2_raw / (sigma_theta0 + 1000) #dox2 = dox2_raw if 'DOX2' not in ds.variables: ncVarOut = ds.createVariable( "DOX2", "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max else: ncVarOut = ds.variables['DOX2'] ncVarOut[:] = dox2 ncVarOut.standard_name = "moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water" ncVarOut.long_name = "moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water" ncVarOut.units = "umol/kg" ncVarOut.comment1 = "calculated using DOX2_uM = DOX2_RAW * PSAL_CORRECTION .. Aanderaa TD210 Optode Manual (optode/SBE63 only)" ncVarOut.comment2 = "DOX2 = DOX2_uM / ((sigma_theta(P=0,Theta,S) + 1000).. Sea Bird AN 64 (unit conversion umol/l -> umol/kg)" ncVarOut.comment_calibration = "calibration slope " + str( slope) + " offset " + str(offset) + " umol/l" ncVarOut.coordinates = 'TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE NOMINAL_DEPTH' # finish off, and close file # update the history attribute try: hist = ds.history + "\n" except AttributeError: hist = "" ds.setncattr( 'history', hist + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " added derived oxygen, DOX2") ds.close() return netCDFfile
def process_all_new(): ssscc_file = 'data/ssscc.csv' iniFile = 'data/ini-files/configuration.ini' config = configparser.RawConfigParser() # maybe reformat config file? # fold this code into config module p_col = config['analytical_inputs']['p'] p_btl_col = config['inputs']['p'] t1_col = config['analytical_inputs']['t1'] t1_btl_col = config['inputs']['t1'] t2_col = config['analytical_inputs']['t2'] t2_btl_col = config['inputs']['t2'] c1_col = config['analytical_inputs']['c1'] c1_btl_col = config['inputs']['c1'] c2_col = config['analytical_inputs']['c2'] c2_btl_col = config['inputs']['c2'] sal_col = config['analytical_inputs']['salt'] reft_col = config['inputs']['reft'] sample_rate = config['ctd_processing']['sample_rate'] search_time = config['ctd_processing']['roll_filter_time'] expocode = config['cruise']['expocode'] sectionID = config['cruise']['sectionid'] raw_directory = config['ctd_processing']['raw_data_directory'] time_directory = config['ctd_processing']['time_data_directory'] pressure_directory = config['ctd_processing']['pressure_data_directory'] oxygen_directory = config['ctd_processing']['oxygen_directory'] btl_directory = config['ctd_processing']['bottle_directory'] o2flask_file = config['ctd_processing']['o2flask_file'] log_directory = config['ctd_processing']['log_directory'] sample_rate = config['ctd_processing']['sample_rate'] search_time = config['ctd_processing']['roll_filter_time'] ctd = config['ctd_processing']['ctd_serial'] # MK: import from settings/config instead of hard code? btl_data_prefix = 'data/bottle/' btl_data_postfix = '_btl_mean.pkl' time_data_prefix = 'data/time/' time_data_postfix = '_time.pkl' p_log_file = 'data/logs/ondeck_pressure.csv' t1_btl_col = 'CTDTMP1' t2_btl_col = 'CTDTMP2' t1_col = 'CTDTMP1' t2_col = 'CTDTMP2' p_btl_col = 'CTDPRS' p_col = 'CTDPRS' c1_btl_col = 'CTDCOND1' c2_btl_col = 'CTDCOND2' c1_col = 'CTDCOND1' c2_col = 'CTDCOND2' reft_col = 'T90' refc_col = 'BTLCOND' sal_col = 'CTDSAL' #time_column_data = config['time_series_output']['data_names'].split(',') time_column_data = config['time_series_output']['data_output'] time_column_names = config['time_series_output']['column_name'].split(',') time_column_units = config['time_series_output']['column_units'].split(',') time_column_format = config['time_series_output']['format'] #pressure_column_data = config['time_series_output']['data_names'].split(',') p_column_data = config['pressure_series_output']['data'].split(',') p_column_names = config['pressure_series_output']['column_name'].split(',') p_column_units = config['pressure_series_output']['column_units'].split( ',') p_column_format = config['pressure_series_output']['format'] p_column_qual = config['pressure_series_output']['qual_columns'].split(',') p_column_one = list( config['pressure_series_output']['q1_columns'].split(',')) # Columns from btl file to be read: cols = [ 'index', 'CTDTMP1', 'CTDTMP2', 'CTDPRS', 'CTDCOND1', 'CTDCOND2', 'CTDSAL', 'CTDOXY1', 'CTDOXYVOLTS', 'CTDXMISS', 'ALT', 'REF_PAR', 'GPSLAT', 'GPSLON', 'new_fix', 'pressure_temp_int', 'pump_on', 'btl_fire', 'scan_datetime', 'btl_fire_num' ] # Load ssscc from file ssscc = [] with open(ssscc_file, 'r') as filename: ssscc = [line.strip() for line in filename] #check for already converted files to skip later time_start = time.perf_counter() cnv_dir_list = os.listdir('data/converted/') time_dir_list = os.listdir('data/time/') for x in ssscc: if '{}.pkl'.format(x) in cnv_dir_list: continue #convert hex to ctd[ '', 'data/raw/' + x + '.hex', 'data/raw/' + x + '.XMLCON', '-o', 'data/converted' ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print(' SSSCC: ' + x + ' done') time_convert = time.perf_counter() for x in ssscc: if '{}_time.pkl'.format(x) in time_dir_list: continue['', 'data/converted/' + x + '.pkl'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print(' SSSCC: ' + x + ' done') btl_dir_list = os.listdir('data/bottle/') for x in ssscc: if '{}_btl_mean.pkl'.format(x) in btl_dir_list: continue #process bottle file[ '', 'data/converted/' + x + '.pkl', '-o', 'data/bottle/' ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print(' SSSCC: ' + x + ' done') time_bottle = time.perf_counter() # generate salts file here: (salt parser) salt_dir = './data/salt/' import scripts.odf_salt_parser as salt_parser file_list = os.listdir(salt_dir) files = [] for file in file_list: if '.' not in file: files.append(file) for file in files: print(file) salt_path = salt_dir + file saltDF = salt_parser.salt_loader(saltpath=salt_path) salt_parser.salt_df_parser(saltDF, salt_dir) # generate reft file here reft_path = './data/reft/' import scripts.odf_reft_parser as reft_parser for station in ssscc: with open(reft_path + station + '.cap', 'r') as ssscc_reftemp: # create csv files df_part = reft_parser.parse(ssscc_reftemp, station) df_part.to_csv(reft_path + station + '_reft.csv', index=False) # generate oxy file here (separate out from calib) ########################################################################### ### File I/O # Load in all bottle, time, ref_data files into DataFrame btl_data_all = process_ctd.load_all_ctd_files(ssscc, btl_data_prefix, btl_data_postfix, 'bottle', cols) time_data_all = process_ctd.load_all_ctd_files(ssscc, time_data_prefix, time_data_postfix, 'time', None) ## # end of data collection, begin calibration ################################################################################ ### Pressure Calibration # Determine Pressure offset from logs pressure_log = process_ctd.load_pressure_logs(p_log_file) p_off = process_ctd.get_pressure_offset( pressure_log.ondeck_start_p, pressure_log.ondeck_end_p) # insert logic to check if good value? btl_data_all = fit_ctd.apply_pressure_offset( btl_data_all, p_btl_col, p_off) # not actually bottle data time_data_all = fit_ctd.apply_pressure_offset(time_data_all, p_col, p_off) # continuous data # btl_data_all[p_btl_col] = fit_ctd.apply_pressure_offset(btl_data_all[p_btl_col], p_off) # time_data_all[p_col] = fit_ctd.apply_pressure_offset(time_data_all[p_col],p_off) ########################################################################### ### Temperature Calibration for x in range( 2): # 2 passes checks for outliers twice (i.e. before/after fit) # Second order calibration df_temp_good = process_ctd.prepare_fit_data(btl_data_all, 'T90') df_ques_reft = process_ctd.quality_check(df_temp_good[t2_btl_col], df_temp_good[t1_btl_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], df_temp_good['SSSCC'], df_temp_good['btl_fire_num'], 'quest') df_ques_reft['Parameter'] = 'REF_TEMP' # sort out fit parameters, what order P, what order T # only fit `linear' regions, i.e. not mixed/benthic layers # built better way to handle xRange? coef_temp_1, df_ques_t1 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_temp_good[t1_btl_col], df_temp_good[reft_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], 'TP', 2, df_temp_good.SSSCC, df_temp_good.btl_fire_num, xRange='800:6000') coef_temp_2, df_ques_t2 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_temp_good[t2_btl_col], df_temp_good[reft_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], 'TP', 2, df_temp_good.SSSCC, df_temp_good.btl_fire_num, xRange='1500:6000') # Apply fitting coef to data btl_data_all[t1_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_1) btl_data_all[t2_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t2_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_2) time_data_all[t1_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( time_data_all[t1_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_temp_1) time_data_all[t2_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( time_data_all[t2_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_temp_2) # Construct Quality Flag file qual_flag_temp = process_ctd.combine_quality_flags( [df_ques_reft, df_ques_t1, df_ques_t2]) ## First order calibtation df_temp_good = process_ctd.prepare_fit_data(btl_data_all, 'T90') # df_ques_reft = process_ctd.quality_check(df_temp_good[t2_btl_col], df_temp_good[t1_btl_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], df_temp_good['SSSCC'], df_temp_good['btl_fire_num'], 'quest') # df_ques_reft['Parameter'] = 'REF_TEMP' coef_temp_prim, df_ques_t1 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_temp_good[t1_btl_col], df_temp_good[reft_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], 'T', 1, df_temp_good.SSSCC, df_temp_good.btl_fire_num) coef_temp_sec, df_ques_t2 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_temp_good[t2_btl_col], df_temp_good[reft_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], 'T', 1, df_temp_good.SSSCC, df_temp_good.btl_fire_num) btl_data_all[t1_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_prim) btl_data_all[t2_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t2_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_sec) # Apply fitting coef to data btl_data_all[t1_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_prim) btl_data_all[t2_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t2_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_sec) time_data_all[t1_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( time_data_all[t1_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_temp_prim) time_data_all[t2_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( time_data_all[t2_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_temp_sec) qual_flag_temp = process_ctd.combine_quality_flags( [df_ques_reft, df_ques_t1, df_ques_t2]) ########################################################################### # ### Conductivity Calibration for x in range(2): # Update ref conductivity from salinometer btl_data_all['BTLCOND'] = fit_ctd.CR_to_cond(btl_data_all.CRavg, btl_data_all.BathTEMP, btl_data_all.CTDTMP1, btl_data_all.CTDPRS) df_cond_good = process_ctd.prepare_fit_data(btl_data_all, 'BTLCOND') df_ques_refc = process_ctd.quality_check(df_cond_good['CTDCOND2'], df_temp_good['CTDCOND1'], df_temp_good['CTDPRS'], df_temp_good['SSSCC'], df_temp_good['btl_fire_num'], 'quest') df_ques_refc['Parameter'] = 'REF_COND' # Second Order Calibration # can probably use same xRange as temp, unless C sensor has some quirk coef_cond_1, df_ques_c1 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_cond_good.CTDCOND1, df_cond_good.BTLCOND, df_cond_good.CTDPRS, 'CP', 2, df_cond_good.SSSCC, df_cond_good.btl_fire_num, xRange='800:6000') coef_cond_2, df_ques_c2 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_cond_good.CTDCOND2, df_cond_good.BTLCOND, df_cond_good.CTDPRS, 'CP', 2, df_cond_good.SSSCC, df_cond_good.btl_fire_num, xRange='1500:6000') # Apply fitting coef to data # fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit has salinity commented out? (, ln 460) MK btl_data_all['CTDCOND1'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( btl_data_all['CTDCOND1'], btl_data_all['CTDTMP1'], btl_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_1) btl_data_all['CTDCOND2'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( btl_data_all['CTDCOND2'], btl_data_all['CTDTMP2'], btl_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_2) # btl_data_all['CTDCOND1'],btl_data_all['CTDSAL'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit(btl_data_all['CTDCOND1'],btl_data_all['CTDTMP1'],btl_data_all['CTDPRS'],coef_cond_1) # btl_data_all['CTDCOND2'],sal_2 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit(btl_data_all['CTDCOND2'],btl_data_all['CTDTMP2'],btl_data_all['CTDPRS'],coef_cond_2) # fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit has salinity commented out? (, ln 460) MK time_data_all['CTDCOND1'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( time_data_all['CTDCOND1'], time_data_all['CTDTMP1'], time_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_1) time_data_all['CTDCOND2'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( time_data_all['CTDCOND2'], time_data_all['CTDTMP2'], time_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_2) # time_data_all['CTDCOND1'],time_data_all['CTDSAL'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit(time_data_all['CTDCOND1'], time_data_all['CTDTMP1'], time_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_1) # time_data_all['CTDCOND2'],sal2 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit(time_data_all['CTDCOND2'], time_data_all['CTDTMP2'], time_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_2) qual_flag_cond = process_ctd.combine_quality_flags( [df_ques_c1, df_ques_c2, df_ques_refc]) # Finally WRT to Cond btl_data_all['BTLCOND'] = fit_ctd.CR_to_cond(btl_data_all.CRavg, btl_data_all.BathTEMP, btl_data_all.CTDTMP1, btl_data_all.CTDPRS) df_cond_good = process_ctd.prepare_fit_data(btl_data_all, 'BTLCOND') coef_cond_prim, df_ques_c1 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_cond_good.CTDCOND1, df_cond_good.BTLCOND, df_cond_good.CTDPRS, 'C', 2, df_cond_good.SSSCC, df_cond_good.btl_fire_num) coef_cond_sec, df_ques_c2 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_cond_good.CTDCOND2, df_cond_good.BTLCOND, df_cond_good.CTDPRS, 'C', 2, df_cond_good.SSSCC, df_cond_good.btl_fire_num) # Apply fitting coef to data # fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit has salinity commented out? (, ln 460) MK btl_data_all['CTDCOND1'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( btl_data_all['CTDCOND1'], btl_data_all['CTDTMP1'], btl_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_prim) btl_data_all['CTDCOND2'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( btl_data_all['CTDCOND2'], btl_data_all['CTDTMP2'], btl_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_sec) # btl_data_all['CTDCOND1'],sal_1 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit(btl_data_all['CTDCOND1'],btl_data_all['CTDTMP1'],btl_data_all['CTDPRS'],coef_cond_prim) # btl_data_all['CTDCOND2'],sal_2 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit(btl_data_all['CTDCOND2'],btl_data_all['CTDTMP2'],btl_data_all['CTDPRS'],coef_cond_sec) # fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit has salinity commented out? (, ln 460) MK time_data_all['CTDCOND1'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( time_data_all['CTDCOND1'], time_data_all['CTDTMP1'], time_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_prim) time_data_all['CTDCOND2'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( time_data_all['CTDCOND2'], time_data_all['CTDTMP2'], time_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_sec) # time_data_all['CTDCOND1'],time_data_all['CTDSAL'] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit(time_data_all['CTDCOND1'], time_data_all['CTDTMP1'], time_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_prim) # time_data_all['CTDCOND2'],sal2 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit(time_data_all['CTDCOND2'], time_data_all['CTDTMP2'], time_data_all['CTDPRS'], coef_cond_sec) qual_flag_cond = process_ctd.combine_quality_flags( [df_ques_c1, df_ques_c2, df_ques_refc]) ########################################################################### # # ## Oxygen Calibration # btl_data_all,time_data_all = oxy_fitting.calibrate_oxygen(time_data_all,btl_data_all,ssscc) #[''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # # #[''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # # # ########################################################################## ##### # Oxygen calibration (MK) # look over this code again, maybe refence matlab scripts from PMEL import ctdcal.oxy_fitting as oxy_fitting import gsw # definitions import ctdcal.settings as settings hex_prefix = settings.ctd_processing_dir['hex_prefix'] hex_postfix = settings.ctd_processing_dir['hex_postfix'] xml_prefix = settings.ctd_processing_dir['xml_prefix'] xml_postfix = settings.ctd_processing_dir['xml_postfix'] oxy_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['btl_oxy'] rinko_volts = settings.ctd_inputs['rinko_oxy'] rinko_btl_volts = settings.bottle_inputs['rinko_oxy'] dov_col = settings.ctd_inputs['dov'] # unsure about these lat_col = config['analytical_inputs']['lat'] lon_col = config['analytical_inputs']['lon'] lat_btl_col = config['inputs']['lat'] lon_btl_col = config['inputs']['lon'] sal_btl_col = config['analytical_inputs']['btl_salt'] t_btl_col = config['inputs']['t'] t_col = config['analytical_inputs']['t'] # calculate sigma btl_data_all['sigma_btl'] = oxy_fitting.sigma_from_CTD( btl_data_all[sal_btl_col], btl_data_all[t_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], btl_data_all[lon_btl_col], btl_data_all[lat_btl_col]) time_data_all['sigma_ctd'] = oxy_fitting.sigma_from_CTD( time_data_all[sal_col], time_data_all[t_col], time_data_all[p_col], time_data_all[lon_col], time_data_all[lat_col]) btl_data_all[oxy_btl_col] = oxy_fitting.calculate_bottle_oxygen( ssscc, btl_data_all['SSSCC'], btl_data_all['TITR_VOL'], btl_data_all['TITR_TEMP'], btl_data_all['FLASKNO']) btl_data_all[oxy_btl_col] = oxy_fitting.oxy_ml_to_umolkg( btl_data_all[oxy_btl_col], btl_data_all['sigma_btl']) btl_data_all['OXYGEN_FLAG_W'] = oxy_fitting.flag_winkler_oxygen( btl_data_all[oxy_btl_col]) # Calculate SA and PT btl_data_all['SA'] = gsw.SA_from_SP(btl_data_all[sal_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], btl_data_all[lon_btl_col], btl_data_all[lat_btl_col]) btl_data_all['PT'] = gsw.pt0_from_t(btl_data_all['SA'], btl_data_all[t_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col]) time_data_all['SA'] = gsw.SA_from_SP(time_data_all[sal_col], time_data_all[p_col], time_data_all[lon_col], time_data_all[lat_col]) time_data_all['PT'] = gsw.pt0_from_t(time_data_all['SA'], time_data_all[t_col], time_data_all[p_col]) # Calculate OS in µmol/kg btl_data_all['OS_btl'] = oxy_fitting.os_umol_kg(btl_data_all['SA'], btl_data_all['PT']) time_data_all['OS_ctd'] = oxy_fitting.os_umol_kg(time_data_all['SA'], time_data_all['PT']) # collect data by stations btl_data_all['oxy_stn_group'] = btl_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] time_data_all['oxy_stn_group'] = time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] station_list = time_data_all['oxy_stn_group'].unique() station_list = station_list.tolist() station_list.sort() btl_data_oxy = btl_data_all.copy() #loc[btl_data_all['OXYGEN'].notnull()] rinko_coef0 = rinko.rinko_o2_cal_parameters() all_rinko_df = pd.DataFrame() all_sbe43_df = pd.DataFrame() rinko_dict = {} sbe43_dict = {} for station in station_list: #time_data = time_data_all[time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station].copy() #btl_data = btl_data_oxy[btl_data_oxy['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station].copy() time_data = time_data_all[time_data_all['oxy_stn_group'] == station].copy() btl_data = btl_data_oxy[btl_data_oxy['oxy_stn_group'] == station].copy() if (btl_data['OXYGEN_FLAG_W'] == 9).all(): rinko_dict[station] = np.full(8, np.nan) sbe43_dict[station] = np.full(7, np.nan) print(station + ' skipped, all oxy data is NaN') continue rinko_coef, rinko_oxy_df = rinko.rinko_oxygen_fit( btl_data[p_btl_col], btl_data[oxy_btl_col], btl_data['sigma_btl'], time_data['sigma_ctd'], time_data['OS_ctd'], time_data[p_col], time_data[t_col], time_data[rinko_volts], rinko_coef0, btl_data['SSSCC']) station_ssscc = time_data['SSSCC'].values[0] hex_file = hex_prefix + station_ssscc + hex_postfix xml_file = xml_prefix + station_ssscc + xml_postfix sbe_coef0 = oxy_fitting.get_SB_coef(hex_file, xml_file) sbe_coef, sbe_oxy_df = oxy_fitting.sbe43_oxy_fit( btl_data[p_btl_col], btl_data[oxy_btl_col], btl_data['sigma_btl'], time_data['sigma_ctd'], time_data['OS_ctd'], time_data[p_col], time_data[t_col], time_data[dov_col], time_data['scan_datetime'], sbe_coef0, btl_data['SSSCC']) rinko_dict[station] = rinko_coef sbe43_dict[station] = sbe_coef all_rinko_df = pd.concat([all_rinko_df, rinko_oxy_df]) all_sbe43_df = pd.concat([all_sbe43_df, sbe_oxy_df]) print(station + ' Done!') sbe43_coef_df = oxy_fitting.create_coef_df(sbe43_dict) rinko_coef_df = oxy_fitting.create_coef_df(rinko_dict) btl_data_all = btl_data_all.merge( all_rinko_df, left_on=['SSSCC', p_btl_col], right_on=['SSSCC_rinko', 'CTDPRS_rinko_btl'], how='left') btl_data_all = btl_data_all.merge( all_sbe43_df, left_on=['SSSCC', p_btl_col], right_on=['SSSCC_sbe43', 'CTDPRS_sbe43_btl'], how='left') btl_data_all.drop(list(btl_data_all.filter(regex='rinko')), axis=1, inplace=True) btl_data_all.drop(list(btl_data_all.filter(regex='sbe43')), axis=1, inplace=True) ### Handle Missing Values X = btl_data_all['CTDOXYVOLTS_x'], btl_data_all['CTDPRS'], btl_data_all[ t_btl_col], btl_data_all['dv_dt_x'], btl_data_all['OS_btl'] rinko_X = btl_data_all[p_btl_col], btl_data_all[t_btl_col], btl_data_all[ 'CTDRINKOVOLTS'], btl_data_all['OS_btl'] for station in btl_data_all['SSSCC']: coef_43 = sbe43_coef_df.loc[station[0:3]] coef_rinko = rinko_coef_df.loc[station[0:3]] btl_data_all['CTDOXY_fill'] = oxy_fitting.oxy_equation( X, coef_43[0], coef_43[1], coef_43[2], coef_43[3], coef_43[4], coef_43[5], coef_43[6]) btl_data_all['CTDRINKO_fill'] = rinko.rinko_curve_fit_eq( rinko_X, coef_rinko[0], coef_rinko[1], coef_rinko[2], coef_rinko[3], coef_rinko[4], coef_rinko[5], coef_rinko[6], coef_rinko[7]) btl_data_all.loc[btl_data_all['CTDOXY'].isnull(), 'CTDOXY_FLAG_W'] = 2 btl_data_all.loc[btl_data_all['CTDOXY'].isnull(), 'CTDOXY'] = btl_data_all.loc[ btl_data_all['CTDOXY'].isnull(), 'CTDOXY_fill'] btl_data_all.loc[btl_data_all['CTDRINKO'].isnull(), 'CTDRINKO_FLAG_W'] = 2 btl_data_all.loc[btl_data_all['CTDRINKO'].isnull(), 'CTDRINKO'] = btl_data_all.loc[ btl_data_all['CTDRINKO'].isnull(), 'CTDRINKO_fill'] btl_data_all = oxy_fitting.flag_oxy_data(btl_data_all) btl_data_all = oxy_fitting.flag_oxy_data(btl_data_all, ctd_oxy_col='CTDRINKO', flag_col='CTDRINKO_FLAG_W') btl_data_all[ 'res_rinko'] = btl_data_all['OXYGEN'] - btl_data_all['CTDRINKO'] btl_data_all['res_sbe43'] = btl_data_all['OXYGEN'] - btl_data_all['CTDOXY'] btl_data_all.loc[ np.abs(btl_data_all['res_rinko']) >= 6, 'CTDRINKO_FLAG_W'] = 3 # what's the benefit of np.abs() vs abs()? btl_data_all.loc[np.abs(btl_data_all['res_sbe43']) >= 6, 'CTDOXY_FLAG_W'] = 3 time_data_all['CTDOXY'] = '-999' time_data_all['CTDRINKO'] = '-999' btl_data_all.sort_values(by='sigma_btl', inplace=True) time_data_all.sort_values(by='sigma_ctd', inplace=True) for station in station_list: rinko_coef = rinko_coef_df.loc[station].values if np.isnan(rinko_coef).all(): print(station + ' data bad, leaving -999 values and flagging as 9') time_data_all.loc[time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station, 'CTDRINKO_FLAG_W'] = 9 time_data_all.loc[time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station, 'CTDOXY_FLAG_W'] = 9 continue time_data = time_data_all[time_data_all['oxy_stn_group'] == station].copy() time_data['CTDOXY'] = oxy_fitting.SB_oxy_eq( sbe43_coef_df.loc[station], time_data[dov_col], time_data[p_col], time_data[t_col], time_data['dv_dt'], time_data['OS_ctd']) time_data['CTDRINKO'] = rinko.rinko_curve_fit_eq( (time_data[p_col], time_data[t_col], time_data[rinko_volts], time_data['OS_ctd']), rinko_coef[0], rinko_coef[1], rinko_coef[2], rinko_coef[3], rinko_coef[4], rinko_coef[5], rinko_coef[6], rinko_coef[7]) time_data_all.loc[time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station, 'CTDOXY'] = time_data['CTDOXY'] time_data_all.loc[time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station, 'CTDRINKO'] = time_data['CTDRINKO'] time_data_all.loc[time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station, 'CTDRINKO_FLAG_W'] = 2 time_data_all.loc[time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station, 'CTDOXY_FLAG_W'] = 2 print(station + ' time data done') ##### ####################### # turn correction instantaneous CTD measurements into points @ bottle firings #[''], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) ################ Clean and export data ####################### # btl_data_all = process_ctd.merge_cond_flags(btl_data_all,qual_flag_cond, c_btl_col) # make code not require specific column input btl_data_all = process_ctd.merge_refcond_flags(btl_data_all, qual_flag_cond) # btl_data_all = process_ctd.merge_temp_flags(btl_data_all, qual_flag_temp, t_btl_col) btl_data_all = process_ctd.merged_reftemp_flags(btl_data_all, qual_flag_temp) ### Export Quality Flags qual_flag_temp.to_csv('data/logs/qual_flag_temp_new.csv', index=False) qual_flag_cond.to_csv('data/logs/qual_flag_cond_new.csv', index=False) ### Clean up Bottle Data by removing rows with no ctd data btl_data_all = oxy_fitting.clean_oxygen_df( btl_data_all) # clean up column names btl_data_all = btl_data_all.dropna(subset=cols) ### Create CT Files(oxygen done by hand) # needed to run when there's no data available yet (i.e. at sea) # btl_data_all['OXYGEN'] = -999 # btl_data_all['OXYGEN'] = -999 # time_data_all['CTDOXY'] = -999 # depreciated according to (MK) # process_ctd.export_btl_data(btl_data_all,expocode,sectionID,expocode) # process_ctd.export_time_data(time_data_all,ssscc,int(sample_rate),int(search_time),expocode,sectionID,ctd,p_column_names,p_column_units) ### MK # create depth_log.csv station_list = time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3].unique() depth_dict = {} for station in station_list: print(station) time_data = time_data_all[time_data_all['SSSCC'].str[0:3] == station].copy() max_depth = process_ctd.find_cast_depth(time_data['CTDPRS'], time_data['GPSLAT'], time_data['ALT']) depth_dict[station] = max_depth depth_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(depth_dict, orient='index') depth_df.reset_index(inplace=True) depth_df.rename(columns={0: 'DEPTH', 'index': 'STNNBR'}, inplace=True) depth_df.to_csv('data/logs/depth_log.csv', index=False) # needs depth_log.csv, manual_depth_log.csv process_ctd.export_ct1(time_data_all, ssscc, expocode, sectionID, ctd, p_column_names, p_column_units)
def derive_ctd_parameters(dba): # Get the list of sensors parsed from the dba_file dba_sensors = [s['sensor_name'] for s in dba['sensors']] ctd_sensors = [] found_ctd_sensors = [s for s in SCI_CTD_SENSORS if s in dba_sensors] if len(found_ctd_sensors) == len(SCI_CTD_SENSORS): ctd_sensors = SCI_CTD_SENSORS else: found_ctd_sensors = [s for s in M_CTD_SENSORS if s in dba_sensors] if len(found_ctd_sensors) == len(M_CTD_SENSORS): ctd_sensors = M_CTD_SENSORS if not ctd_sensors: logging.warning('Required CTD sensors not found in {:s}'.format(dba['file_metadata']['source_file'])) return dba else: lati = dba_sensors.index(ctd_sensors[0]) loni = dba_sensors.index(ctd_sensors[1]) pi = dba_sensors.index(ctd_sensors[2]) ti = dba_sensors.index(ctd_sensors[3]) ci = dba_sensors.index(ctd_sensors[4]) lat = dba['data'][:, lati] lon = dba['data'][:, loni] p = dba['data'][:, pi] t = dba['data'][:, ti] c = dba['data'][:, ci] # Calculate salinity salt = calculate_practical_salinity(c, t, p) # Calculate density density = calculate_density(t, p, salt, lat, lon) # Calculate potential temperature p_temp = pt0_from_t(salt, t, p) # Add parameters as long as they exist in ncw.nc_sensor_defs # if 'salinity' in ncw.nc_sensor_defs: sensor_def = {'sensor_name': 'salinity', 'attrs': {'ancillary_variables': 'conductivity,temperature,presssure', 'observation_type': 'calculated'}} dba['data'] = np.append(dba['data'], np.expand_dims(salt, 1), axis=1) dba['sensors'].append(sensor_def) # if 'density' in ncw.nc_sensor_defs: sensor_def = {'sensor_name': 'density', 'attrs': { 'ancillary_variables': 'conductivity,temperature,presssure,latitude,longitude', 'observation_type': 'calculated'}} dba['data'] = np.append(dba['data'], np.expand_dims(density, 1), axis=1) dba['sensors'].append(sensor_def) # if 'potential_temperature' in ncw.nc_sensor_defs: sensor_def = {'sensor_name': 'potential_temperature', 'attrs': {'ancillary_variables': 'salinity,temperature,presssure', 'observation_type': 'calculated'}} dba['data'] = np.append(dba['data'], np.expand_dims(p_temp, 1), axis=1) dba['sensors'].append(sensor_def) # if 'sound_speed' in ncw.nc_sensor_defs: # Calculate sound speed svel = calculate_sound_speed(t, p, salt, lat, lon) sensor_def = {'sensor_name': 'sound_speed', 'attrs': { 'ancillary_variables': 'conductivity,temperature,presssure,latitude,longitude', 'observation_type': 'calculated'}} dba['data'] = np.append(dba['data'], np.expand_dims(svel, 1), axis=1) dba['sensors'].append(sensor_def) return dba
def add_oxsol(netCDFfile): ds = Dataset(netCDFfile, 'a') var_temp = ds.variables["TEMP"] var_psal = ds.variables["PSAL"] t = var_temp[:] SP = var_psal[:] if "PRES" in ds.variables: var_pres = ds.variables["PRES"] pres_var = "PRES" comment = "" p = var_pres[:] elif "NOMINAL_DEPTH" in ds.variables: var_pres = ds.variables["NOMINAL_DEPTH"] pres_var = "NOMINAL_DEPTH" comment = ", using nominal depth of " + str(var_pres[:]) p = var_pres[:] else: p = 0 pres_var = "nominal depth of 0 dbar" comment = ", using nominal depth 0 dbar" lat = -47 lon = 142 try: lat = ds.variables["LATITUDE"][0] lon = ds.variables["LONGITUDE"][0] except: pass SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, lon, lat) pt = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, t, p) oxsol = gsw.O2sol_SP_pt(SP, pt) if 'OXSOL' in ds.variables: ncVarOut = ds.variables['OXSOL'] else: ncVarOut = ds.createVariable( "OXSOL", "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max ncVarOut[:] = oxsol ncVarOut.units = "umol/kg" ncVarOut.long_name = "moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water_at_saturation" ncVarOut.comment = "calculated using gsw-python function gsw.O2sol_SP_pt" + comment ncVarOut.coordinates = 'TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE NOMINAL_DEPTH' # update the history attribute try: hist = ds.history + "\n" except AttributeError: hist = "" ds.setncattr( 'history', hist + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " added oxygen solubility") ds.close() return netCDFfile
def eps_overturn(P, Z, T, S, lon, lat, dnoise=0.001, pdref=4000): ''' Calculate profile of turbulent dissipation epsilon from structure of a ctd profile. Currently this takes only one profile and not a matrix from a whole twoyo. ''' import numpy as np import gsw # avoid error due to nan's in conditional statements np.seterr(invalid='ignore') z0 = Z.copy() z0 = z0.astype('float') # Find non-NaNs x = np.where(np.isfinite(T)) x = x[0] # Extract variables without the NaNs p = P[x].copy() z = Z[x].copy() z = z.astype('float') t = T[x].copy() s = S[x].copy() # cn2 = ctdn['n2'][x].copy() SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(s, t, lon, lat) CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p) PT = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, t, p) sg4 = gsw.pot_rho_t_exact(SA, t, p, pdref)-1000 # Create intermediate density profile D0 = sg4[0] sgt = D0-sg4[0] n = sgt/dnoise n = np.round(n) sgi = [D0+n*dnoise] # first element for i in np.arange(1, np.alen(sg4), 1): sgt = sg4[i]-sgi[i-1] n = sgt/dnoise n = np.round(n) sgi.append(sgi[i-1]+n*dnoise) sgi = np.array(sgi) # Sort Ds = np.sort(sgi, kind='mergesort') Is = np.argsort(sgi, kind='mergesort') # Calculate Thorpe length scale TH = z[Is]-z cumTH = np.cumsum(TH) aa = np.where(cumTH > 1) aa = aa[0] # last index in overturns aatmp = aa.copy() aatmp = np.append(aatmp, np.nanmax(aa)+10) aad = np.diff(aatmp) aadi = np.where(aad > 1) aadi = aadi[0] LastItems = aa[aadi].copy() # first index in overturns aatmp = aa.copy() aatmp = np.insert(aatmp, 0, -1) aad = np.diff(aatmp) aadi = np.where(aad > 1) aadi = aadi[0] FirstItems = aa[aadi].copy() # % Sort temperature and salinity for calculating the buoyancy frequency PTs = PT[Is] SAs = SA[Is] CTs = CT[Is] # % Loop through detected overturns # % and calculate Thorpe Scales, N2 and dT/dz over the overturn # THsc = nan(size(Z)); THsc = np.zeros_like(z)*np.nan N2 = np.zeros_like(z)*np.nan # CN2 = np.ones_like(z)*np.nan DTDZ = np.zeros_like(z)*np.nan out = {} out['idx'] = np.zeros_like(z0) for iostart, ioend in zip(FirstItems, LastItems): idx = np.arange(iostart, ioend+1, 1) out['idx'][x[idx]] = 1 sc = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(TH[idx]))) # ctdn2 = np.nanmean(cn2[idx]) # Buoyancy frequency calculated over the overturn from sorted profiles # Go beyond overturn (I am sure this will cause trouble with the # indices at some point) n2, Np = gsw.Nsquared(SAs[[iostart-1, ioend+1]], CTs[[iostart-1, ioend+1]], p[[iostart-1, ioend+1]], lat) # Fill depth range of the overturn with the Thorpe scale THsc[idx] = sc # Fill depth range of the overturn with N^2 N2[idx] = n2 # Fill depth range of the overturn with average 10m N^2 # CN2[idx] = ctdn2 # % Calculate epsilon THepsilon = 0.9*THsc**2.0*np.sqrt(N2)**3 THepsilon[N2 <= 0] = np.nan THk = 0.2*THepsilon/N2 out['eps'] = np.zeros_like(z0)*np.nan out['eps'][x] = THepsilon out['k'] = np.zeros_like(z0)*np.nan out['k'][x] = THk out['n2'] = np.zeros_like(z0)*np.nan out['n2'][x] = N2 out['Lt'] = np.zeros_like(z0)*np.nan out['Lt'][x] = THsc return out
def oxygen(netCDFfile): ds = Dataset(netCDFfile, 'a') var_temp = ds.variables["TEMP"] var_psal = ds.variables["PSAL"] var_pres = ds.variables["PRES"] t = var_temp[:] SP = var_psal[:] p = var_pres[:] SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, ds.variables["LONGITUDE"][0], ds.variables["LATITUDE"][0]) CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, t, p) pt = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, t, p) sigma_theta0 = gsw.sigma0(SA, CT) oxsol = ds.variables["OXSOL"][:] ts = np.log((298.15 - t) / (273.15 + t)) # psal correction, from Aanderra TD-218, Gordon and Garcia oxygaen solubility salinity coefficents B0 = -6.24097e-3 C0 = -3.11680e-7 B1 = -6.93498e-3 B2 = -6.90358e-3 B3 = -4.29155e-3 psal_correction = np.exp(SP *(B0 + B1 * ts + B2 * np.power(ts, 2) + B3 * np.power(ts, 3)) + np.power(SP, 2) * C0) # get correction slope, offset slope = 1.0 offset = 0.0 try: slope = ds.variables['DOX2_RAW'].calibration_slope offset = ds.variables['DOX2_RAW'].calibration_offset except AttributeError: pass # calculate disolved oxygen, umol/kg dox2_raw = ds.variables['DOX2_RAW'] * psal_correction * slope + offset dox2 = 1000 * dox2_raw / (sigma_theta0 + 1000) if 'DOX2' not in ds.variables: ncVarOut = ds.createVariable("DOX2", "f4", ("TIME",), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max else: ncVarOut = ds.variables['DOX2'] ncVarOut[:] = dox2 ncVarOut.units = "umol/kg" ncVarOut.comment = "calculated using DOX2 = DOX2_RAW * PSAL_CORRECTION / ((sigma_theta(P=0,Theta,S) + 1000).. Sea Bird AN 64, Aanderaa TD210 Optode Manual" ncVarOut.comment_calibration = "calibration slope " + str(slope) + " offset " + str(offset) + " umol/l" # calculate, and write the oxygen mass/seawater mass if 'DOX_MG' not in ds.variables: ncVarOut = ds.createVariable("DOXY", "f4", ("TIME",), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max else: ncVarOut = ds.variables['DOXY'] ncVarOut[:] = dox2_raw / 31.24872 ncVarOut.units = "mg/l" ncVarOut.comment = "calculated using DOXY = * DOX2_RAW * PSAL_CORRECTION / 31.24872... Aanderaa TD210 Optode Manual" ncVarOut.comment_calibration = "calibration slope " + str(slope) + " offset " + str(offset) + " umol/l" # calculate and write oxygen solubility, ratio of disolved oxgen / oxygen solubility if 'DOXS' not in ds.variables: ncVarOut = ds.createVariable("DOXS", "f4", ("TIME",), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max else: ncVarOut = ds.variables['DOXS'] ncVarOut[:] = dox2/oxsol ncVarOut.units = "1" ncVarOut.comment = "calculated using DOX2/OXSOL" # finish off, and close file # update the history attribute try: hist = ds.history + "\n" except AttributeError: hist = "" ds.setncattr('history', hist + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " : added derived oxygen, DOX2, DOXS, DOX_MG") ds.close()
def process_all_new(): # Directory and file information expocode =['expocode'] sectionID =['sectionid'] raw_directory = settings.ctd_processing_dir['raw_data_directory'] time_directory = settings.ctd_processing_dir['time_data_directory'] converted_directory = settings.ctd_processing_dir['converted_directory'] pressure_directory = settings.ctd_processing_dir['pressure_data_directory'] oxygen_directory = settings.ctd_processing_dir['oxygen_directory'] btl_directory = settings.ctd_processing_dir['bottle_directory'] o2flask_file = settings.ctd_processing_dir['o2flask_file'] log_directory = settings.ctd_processing_dir['log_directory'] p_log_file = settings.ctd_processing_dir['pressure_log'] hex_prefix = settings.ctd_processing_dir['hex_prefix'] hex_postfix = settings.ctd_processing_dir['hex_postfix'] xml_prefix = settings.ctd_processing_dir['xml_prefix'] xml_postfix = settings.ctd_processing_dir['xml_postfix'] # CTD Data Inputs p_col = settings.ctd_inputs['p'] t_col = settings.ctd_inputs['t'] t1_col = settings.ctd_inputs['t1'] t2_col = settings.ctd_inputs['t2'] c_col = settings.ctd_inputs['c'] c1_col = settings.ctd_inputs['c1'] c2_col = settings.ctd_inputs['c2'] sal_col = settings.ctd_inputs['salt'] dov_col = settings.ctd_inputs['dov'] lat_col = settings.ctd_inputs['lat'] lon_col = settings.ctd_inputs['lon'] time_col = settings.ctd_inputs['scan_datetime'] # Bottle Data Inputs p_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['p'] t_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['t'] t1_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['t1'] t2_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['t2'] c_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['c'] c1_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['c1'] c2_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['c2'] reft_col = settings.bottle_inputs['reft'] cond_col = settings.bottle_inputs['btl_cond'] cr_avg = settings.bottle_inputs['cond_ratio'] bath_temp = settings.bottle_inputs['bath_temp'] sal_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['salt'] dov_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['dov'] lat_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['lat'] lon_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['lon'] oxy_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['btl_oxy'] time_btl_col = settings.bottle_inputs['scan_datetime'] # CTD Information sample_rate = settings.ctd_processing_constants['sample_rate'] search_time = settings.ctd_processing_constants['roll_filter_time'] ctd = settings.ctd_processing_constants['ctd_serial'] p_column_names = settings.pressure_series_output['column_name'] p_column_units = settings.pressure_series_output['column_units'] btl_data_prefix = 'data/bottle/' btl_data_postfix = '_btl_mean.pkl' time_data_prefix = 'data/time/' time_data_postfix = '_time.pkl' p_log_file = 'data/logs/ondeck_pressure.csv' # Columns from btl and ctd file to be read: btl_cols = settings.btl_input_array ctd_cols = settings.ctd_input_array ssscc = settings.ssscc # time_start = time.perf_counter() cnv_dir_list = os.listdir(converted_directory) time_dir_list = os.listdir(time_directory) btl_dir_list = os.listdir(btl_directory) for station in ssscc: if '{}.pkl'.format(station) in cnv_dir_list: continue #convert hex to ctd hex_file = hex_prefix + station + hex_postfix xml_file = xml_prefix + station + xml_postfix sbe_convert.convert_sbe(station, hex_file, xml_file, converted_directory) print('Converted_sbe SSSCC: ' + station + ' done') # time_convert = time.perf_counter() for station in ssscc: if '{}_time.pkl'.format(station) in time_dir_list: continue sbe_convert.sbe_metadata(station) print('sbe_metadata SSSCC: ' + station + ' done') for station in ssscc: if '{}_btl_mean.pkl'.format(station) in btl_dir_list: continue #process bottle file sbe_convert.process_bottle(station) print('process_bottle SSSCC: ' + station + ' done') # time_bottle = time.perf_counter() ########################################################################### ### File I/O # Load in all bottle, time, ref_data files into DataFrame btl_data_all = process_ctd.load_all_ctd_files(ssscc, btl_data_prefix, btl_data_postfix, 'bottle', btl_cols) time_data_all = process_ctd.load_all_ctd_files(ssscc, time_data_prefix, time_data_postfix, 'time', ctd_cols) ################################################################################ ### Pressure Calibration # Determine Pressure offset from logs pressure_log = process_ctd.load_pressure_logs(p_log_file) p_off = process_ctd.get_pressure_offset(pressure_log.ondeck_start_p, pressure_log.ondeck_end_p) btl_data_all[p_btl_col] = fit_ctd.apply_pressure_offset( btl_data_all[p_btl_col], p_off) time_data_all[p_col] = fit_ctd.apply_pressure_offset( time_data_all[p_col], p_off) ########################################################################### df_ques_t1 = pd.DataFrame() df_ques_t2 = pd.DataFrame() df_ques_c1 = pd.DataFrame() df_ques_c2 = pd.DataFrame() ### Temperature Calibration for x in range(2): # Second order calibration df_temp_good = process_ctd.prepare_fit_data(btl_data_all, reft_col) df_ques_reft = process_ctd.quality_check(df_temp_good[t2_btl_col], df_temp_good[t1_btl_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], df_temp_good['SSSCC'], df_temp_good['btl_fire_num'], 'quest') df_ques_reft['Parameter'] = 'REF_TEMP' if settings.do_primary == 1: coef_temp_1, df_ques_t1 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_temp_good[t1_btl_col], df_temp_good[reft_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], 'TP', 2, df_temp_good.SSSCC, df_temp_good.btl_fire_num, xRange='800:6000') btl_data_all[t1_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_1) time_data_all[t1_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( time_data_all[t1_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_temp_1) elif settings.do_secondary == 1: coef_temp_2, df_ques_t2 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_temp_good[t2_btl_col], df_temp_good[reft_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], 'TP', 2, df_temp_good.SSSCC, df_temp_good.btl_fire_num, xRange='1500:6000') btl_data_all[t2_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t2_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_2) time_data_all[t2_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( time_data_all[t2_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_temp_2) # Apply fitting coef to data # Construct Quality Flag file qual_flag_temp = process_ctd.combine_quality_flags( [df_ques_reft, df_ques_t1, df_ques_t2]) ## First order calibtation df_temp_good = process_ctd.prepare_fit_data(btl_data_all, reft_col) # df_ques_reft = process_ctd.quality_check(df_temp_good[t2_btl_col], df_temp_good[t1_btl_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], df_temp_good['SSSCC'], df_temp_good['btl_fire_num'], 'quest') # df_ques_reft['Parameter'] = 'REF_TEMP' if settings.do_primary == 1: coef_temp_prim, df_ques_t1 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_temp_good[t1_btl_col], df_temp_good[reft_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], 'T', 1, df_temp_good.SSSCC, df_temp_good.btl_fire_num) btl_data_all[t1_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_prim) time_data_all[t1_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( time_data_all[t1_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_temp_prim) elif settings.do_secondary == 1: coef_temp_sec, df_ques_t2 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_temp_good[t2_btl_col], df_temp_good[reft_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], 'T', 1, df_temp_good.SSSCC, df_temp_good.btl_fire_num) btl_data_all[t2_btl_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( btl_data_all[t2_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_temp_sec) time_data_all[t2_col] = fit_ctd.temperature_polyfit( time_data_all[t2_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_temp_sec) # Apply fitting coef to data qual_flag_temp = process_ctd.combine_quality_flags( [df_ques_reft, df_ques_t1, df_ques_t2]) ########################################################################### # ### Conductivity Calibration for x in range(2): btl_data_all[cond_col] = fit_ctd.CR_to_cond(btl_data_all[cr_avg], btl_data_all[bath_temp], btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col]) df_cond_good = process_ctd.prepare_fit_data(btl_data_all, cond_col) df_ques_refc = process_ctd.quality_check(df_cond_good[c2_btl_col], df_temp_good[c1_btl_col], df_temp_good[p_btl_col], df_temp_good['SSSCC'], df_temp_good['btl_fire_num'], 'quest') df_ques_refc['Parameter'] = 'REF_COND' # Second Order Calibration if settings.do_primary == 1: coef_cond_1, df_ques_c1 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_cond_good[c1_btl_col], df_cond_good[cond_col], df_cond_good[p_btl_col], 'CP', 2, df_cond_good['SSSCC'], df_cond_good['btl_fire_num'], xRange='800:6000') btl_data_all[c1_btl_col], btl_data_all[ sal_btl_col] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( btl_data_all[c1_btl_col], btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_cond_1) time_data_all[c1_col], time_data_all[ sal_col] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( time_data_all[c1_col], time_data_all[t1_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_cond_1) elif settings.do_secondary == 1: coef_cond_2, df_ques_c2 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_cond_good[c2_btl_col], df_cond_good[cond_col], df_cond_good[p_btl_col], 'CP', 2, df_cond_good['SSSCC'], df_cond_good['btl_fire_num'], xRange='1500:6000') btl_data_all[c2_btl_col], sal_2 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( btl_data_all[c2_btl_col], btl_data_all[t2_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_cond_2) time_data_all[c2_btl_col], sal2 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( time_data_all[c2_col], time_data_all[t2_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_cond_2) qual_flag_cond = process_ctd.combine_quality_flags( [df_ques_c1, df_ques_c2, df_ques_refc]) btl_data_all[cond_col] = fit_ctd.CR_to_cond(btl_data_all[cr_avg], btl_data_all[bath_temp], btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col]) df_cond_good = process_ctd.prepare_fit_data(btl_data_all, cond_col) if settings.do_primary == 1: coef_cond_prim, df_ques_c1 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_cond_good[c1_btl_col], df_cond_good[cond_col], df_cond_good[p_btl_col], 'C', 2, df_cond_good['SSSCC'], df_cond_good['btl_fire_num']) btl_data_all[c1_btl_col], btl_data_all[ sal_btl_col] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( btl_data_all[c1_btl_col], btl_data_all[t1_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_cond_prim) time_data_all[c1_col], time_data_all[ sal_col] = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( time_data_all[c1_col], time_data_all[t1_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_cond_prim) elif settings.do_secondary == 1: coef_cond_sec, df_ques_c2 = process_ctd.calibrate_param( df_cond_good.CTDCOND2, df_cond_good.BTLCOND, df_cond_good.CTDPRS, 'C', 2, df_cond_good.SSSCC, df_cond_good.btl_fire_num) btl_data_all[c2_btl_col], sal_2 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( btl_data_all[c2_btl_col], btl_data_all[t2_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], coef_cond_sec) time_data_all[c2_col], sal2 = fit_ctd.conductivity_polyfit( time_data_all[c2_col], time_data_all[t2_col], time_data_all[p_col], coef_cond_sec) qual_flag_cond = process_ctd.combine_quality_flags( [df_ques_c1, df_ques_c2, df_ques_refc]) ########################################################################### # # ## Oxygen Calibration # Calculate Sigma btl_data_all['sigma_btl'] = oxy_fitting.sigma_from_CTD( btl_data_all[sal_btl_col], btl_data_all[t_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], btl_data_all[lon_btl_col], btl_data_all[lat_btl_col]) time_data_all['sigma_ctd'] = oxy_fitting.sigma_from_CTD( time_data_all[sal_col], time_data_all[t_col], time_data_all[p_col], time_data_all[lon_col], time_data_all[lat_col]) btl_data_all[oxy_btl_col] = oxy_fitting.calculate_bottle_oxygen( ssscc, btl_data_all['SSSCC'], btl_data_all['TITR_VOL'], btl_data_all['TITR_TEMP'], btl_data_all['FLASKNO']) btl_data_all[oxy_btl_col] = oxy_fitting.oxy_ml_to_umolkg( btl_data_all[oxy_btl_col], btl_data_all['sigma_btl']) # Calculate SA and PT btl_data_all['SA'] = gsw.SA_from_SP(btl_data_all[sal_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col], btl_data_all[lon_btl_col], btl_data_all[lat_btl_col]) btl_data_all['PT'] = gsw.pt0_from_t(btl_data_all['SA'], btl_data_all[t_btl_col], btl_data_all[p_btl_col]) time_data_all['SA'] = gsw.SA_from_SP(time_data_all[sal_col], time_data_all[p_col], time_data_all[lon_col], time_data_all[lat_col]) time_data_all['PT'] = gsw.pt0_from_t(time_data_all['SA'], time_data_all[t_col], time_data_all[p_col]) # Calculate OS in µmol/kg btl_data_all['OS_btl'] = oxy_fitting.os_umol_kg(btl_data_all['SA'], btl_data_all['PT']) time_data_all['OS_ctd'] = oxy_fitting.os_umol_kg(time_data_all['SA'], time_data_all['PT']) oxy_df = pd.DataFrame() coef_dict = {} for station in ssscc: btl_data = btl_data_all[btl_data_all['SSSCC'] == station] time_data = time_data_all[time_data_all['SSSCC'] == station] hex_file = hex_prefix + station + hex_postfix xml_file = xml_prefix + station + xml_postfix coef0 = oxy_fitting.get_SB_coef(hex_file, xml_file) cfw_coef, df = oxy_fitting.oxy_fit( btl_data[p_btl_col], btl_data[oxy_btl_col], btl_data['sigma_btl'], time_data['sigma_ctd'], time_data['OS_ctd'], time_data[p_col], time_data[t_col], time_data[dov_col], time_data[time_col], coef0) df['SSSCC'] = station coef_dict[station] = cfw_coef oxy_df = pd.concat([oxy_df, df]) print(station, ' Completed') coef_df = oxy_fitting.create_coef_df(coef_dict) oxy_df = oxy_fitting.flag_oxy_data(oxy_df) # Merge oxygen fitting DF to btl_data_all btl_data_all = oxy_fitting.merge_oxy_df(btl_data_all, oxy_df) # Apply coef to Time Data time_data_all = oxy_fitting.apply_oxygen_coef_ctd(time_data_all, coef_df, ssscc) ################ Clean and export data ####################### btl_data_all = process_ctd.merge_cond_flags(btl_data_all, qual_flag_cond) btl_data_all = process_ctd.merge_refcond_flags(btl_data_all, qual_flag_cond) btl_data_all = process_ctd.merged_reftemp_flags(btl_data_all, qual_flag_temp) ### Export Quality Flags qual_flag_temp.to_csv('data/logs/qual_flag_temp_new.csv', index=False) qual_flag_cond.to_csv('data/logs/qual_flag_cond_new.csv', index=False) ### Clean up Bottle Data by removing rows with no ctd data btl_data_all = btl_data_all.dropna(subset=btl_cols) ### Add DATE and TIME btl_data_all['DATE'] = '' btl_data_all['TIME'] = '' for station in ssscc: df = btl_data_all.loc[btl_data_all['SSSCC'] == station].copy() btl_data_all.loc[btl_data_all['SSSCC'] == station] = process_ctd.get_btl_time( df, 'btl_fire_num', time_col) ### Create CT Files and HY files process_ctd.export_btl_data(btl_data_all, expocode, sectionID, expocode) process_ctd.export_time_data(time_data_all, ssscc, int(sample_rate), int(search_time), expocode, sectionID, ctd, p_column_names, p_column_units)
def extract_sbe43(netCDFfile): ds = Dataset(netCDFfile, 'r') ds.set_auto_mask(False) var_temp = ds.variables["TEMP"] var_psal = ds.variables["PSAL"] var_pres = ds.variables["PRES"] # the SBE43 voltage var_v0 = ds.variables["V0"] dep_code = ds.deployment_code print('deployment', dep_code) out_file = dep_code + "" ds_out = Dataset(out_file, 'w', data_model='NETCDF4_CLASSIC') ds_out.createDimension("TIME", len(ds.variables['TIME'])) ncVarIn = ds.variables['TIME'] ncTimesOut = ds_out.createVariable('TIME', "f8", ("TIME", ), zlib=True) for a in ncVarIn.ncattrs(): if a != '_FillValue': ncTimesOut.setncattr(a, ncVarIn.getncattr(a)) ncTimesOut[:] = ds.variables['TIME'][:] # copy old variables into new file in_vars = set([x for x in ds.variables]) z = in_vars.intersection([ 'TEMP', 'PSAL', 'PRES', 'V0', 'TEMP_quality_control', 'PSAL_quality_control', 'PRES_quality_control', 'V0_quality_control', 'LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE', 'NOMINAL_DEPTH' ]) for v in z: print('copying', v, 'dimensions', ncVarIn.dimensions) ncVarIn = ds.variables[v] if '_FillValue' in ncVarIn.ncattrs(): fill = ncVarIn._FillValue else: fill = None ncVarOut = ds_out.createVariable( v, ncVarIn.dtype, ncVarIn.dimensions, fill_value=fill, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max for a in ncVarIn.ncattrs(): if a != '_FillValue': if a == 'ancillary_variables': ncVarOut.setncattr( a, v + '_quality_control' ) # only copying main quality control, not all individual flags else: ncVarOut.setncattr(a, ncVarIn.getncattr(a)) ncVarOut[:] = ncVarIn[:] if 'DOX2' in ds.variables: ncVarIn = ds.variables['DOX2'] ncVarOut = ds_out.createVariable( 'DOX2_SBE', "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max for a in ncVarIn.ncattrs(): if a not in ['_FillValue', 'ancillary_variables']: ncVarOut.setncattr(a, ncVarIn.getncattr(a)) ncVarOut[:] = ncVarIn[:] T = var_temp[:] calibration_Soc = float(var_v0.calibration_Soc) calibration_offset = float(var_v0.calibration_offset) calibration_A = float(var_v0.calibration_A) calibration_B = float(var_v0.calibration_B) calibration_C = float(var_v0.calibration_C) calibration_E = float(var_v0.calibration_E) slope_correction = 1.0 if 'oxygen_correction_slope' in var_v0.ncattrs(): slope_correction = float(var_v0.oxygen_correction_slope) lat = -47 lon = 142 try: lat = ds.variables["LATITUDE"][0] lon = ds.variables["LONGITUDE"][0] except: pass SP = var_psal[:] p = var_pres[:] SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, lon, lat) pt = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, T, p) CT = gsw.CT_from_t(SA, T, p) sigma_t0 = gsw.sigma0(SA, CT) # calc oxygen solubility # 0.01 % difference to sea bird calculation #oxsol = gsw.O2sol_SP_pt(SP, pt) # umol/kg returned # calc OXSOL in ml/l as per seabird application note 64 # this method gives a 0.2 % difference to what is calculated by sea bird (and what is calculated by TEOS-10) A0 = 2.00907 A1 = 3.22014 A2 = 4.0501 A3 = 4.94457 A4 = -0.256847 A5 = 3.88767 B0 = -0.00624523 B1 = -0.00737614 B2 = -0.010341 B3 = -0.00817083 C0 = -0.000000488682 ts = np.log((298.15 - T) / (273.15 + T)) oxsol = np.exp(A0 + A1 * ts + A2 * (ts**2) + A3 * (ts**3) + A4 * (ts**4) + A5 * (ts**5) + SP * [B0 + B1 * (ts) + B2 * (ts**2) + B3 * (ts**3)] + C0 * (SP**2)) # # # calculate oxygen from V0 dox = slope_correction * calibration_Soc * ( var_v0[:] + calibration_offset) * oxsol * ( 1 + calibration_A * T + calibration_B * T**2 + calibration_C * T**3) * np.exp(calibration_E * p / (T + 273.15)) # # # create SBE43 oxygen ml/l # # ncVarOut = ds_out.createVariable("DOX", "f4", ("TIME",), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max # # # # ncVarOut[:] = dox # # ncVarOut.long_name = "volume_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water" # # ncVarOut.valid_min = 0 # # ncVarOut.valid_max = 40 # # ncVarOut.units = "ml/l" # # ncVarOut.equation_1 = "Ox(ml/l)=Soc.(V+Voffset).(1+A.T+B.T^2+V.T^3).OxSOL(T,S).exp(E.P/K) ... SeaBird (AN64-2)" # create SBE43 oxygen in umol/kg ncVarOut = ds_out.createVariable( "DOX2", "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max ncVarOut[:] = dox * 44600 / (1000 + sigma_t0) #ncVarOut[:] = dox * 44.6 ncVarOut.standard_name = "moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water" ncVarOut.long_name = "moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water" ncVarOut.coordinates = 'TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE NOMINAL_DEPTH' ncVarOut.valid_min = 0 ncVarOut.valid_max = 400 ncVarOut.units = "umol/kg" ncVarOut.equation_1 = "Ox[ml/l]=Soc.(V+Voffset).(1+A.T+B.T^2+C.T^3).OxSOL(T,S)[ml/l].exp(E.P/K) ... SeaBird (AN64)" ncVarOut.equation_2 = "Ox[umol/kg]=Ox[ml/l].44660/(sigma-theta(P=0,Theta,S)+1000)" #ncVarOut.equation_1 = "Ox[umol/kg]=Soc.(V+Voffset).(1+A.T+B.T^2+C.T^3).OxSOL(T,S)[umol/kg].exp(E.P/K) ... SeaBird (AN64)" #ncVarOut.comment = 'OxSOL in umol/kg' ncVarOut.ancillary_variables = "DOX2_quality_control DOX2_quality_control_in" # quality flags ncVarOut_qc = ds_out.createVariable( "DOX2_quality_control", "i1", ("TIME", ), fill_value=99, zlib=True ) # fill_value=99 otherwise defaults to max, imos-toolbox uses 99 ncVarOut_qc[:] = np.zeros(ncVarOut_qc.shape) if 'V0_quality_control' in ds.variables: mx = np.max([ncVarOut_qc[:], ds.variables['V0_quality_control'][:]], axis=0) ncVarOut_qc[:] = mx if 'TEMP_quality_control' in ds.variables: mx = np.max([ncVarOut_qc[:], ds.variables['TEMP_quality_control'][:]], axis=0) print('TEMP max', mx) ncVarOut_qc[:] = mx if 'PSAL_quality_control' in ds.variables: mx = np.max([ncVarOut_qc[:], ds.variables['PSAL_quality_control'][:]], axis=0) print('PSAL max', mx) ncVarOut_qc[:] = mx if 'PRES_quality_control' in ds.variables: mx = np.max([ncVarOut_qc[:], ds.variables['PRES_quality_control'][:]], axis=0) print('PRES max', mx) ncVarOut_qc[:] = mx ncVarOut_qc.standard_name = ncVarOut.standard_name + " status_flag" ncVarOut_qc.quality_control_conventions = "IMOS standard flags" ncVarOut_qc.flag_values = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9], dtype=np.int8) ncVarOut_qc.flag_meanings = 'unknown good_data probably_good_data probably_bad_data bad_data not_deployed interpolated missing_value' ncVarOut_qc.comment = 'maximum of all flags' # create a QC flag variable for the input data ncVarOut_qc = ds_out.createVariable( "DOX2_quality_control_in", "i1", ("TIME", ), fill_value=99, zlib=True ) # fill_value=99 otherwise defaults to max, imos-toolbox uses 99 ncVarOut_qc[:] = mx ncVarOut_qc.long_name = "input data flag for moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water" ncVarOut_qc.units = "1" ncVarOut_qc.comment = "data flagged from input variables TEMP, PSAL, PRES" # save the OxSOL if 'OXSOL' in ds_out.variables: ncVarOut = ds_out.variables['OXSOL'] else: ncVarOut = ds_out.createVariable( "OXSOL", "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max #ncVarOut[:] = oxsol * 44600 / (1000+sigma_t0) ncVarOut[:] = oxsol ncVarOut.units = "umol/kg" ncVarOut.comment = "calculated using gsw-python function gsw.O2sol_SP_pt" ncVarOut.long_name = "moles_of_oxygen_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water_at_saturation" ncVarOut.coordinates = 'TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE NOMINAL_DEPTH' for v in ds.ncattrs(): if not v.startswith('sea_bird'): ds_out.setncattr(v, ds.getncattr(v)) ds_out.instrument = 'Sea-Bird Electronics ; SBE43' ds_out.instrument_model = 'SBE43' ds_out.instrument_serial_number = '43' + var_v0.calibration_SerialNumber ncTimeFormat = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" attrs = ds.ncattrs() for at in attrs: if at not in [ 'title', 'instrument', 'instrument_model', 'instrument_serial_number', 'history', 'date_created', 'title' ]: #print('copy att', at) ds_out.setncattr(at, ds.getncattr(at)) ds_out.deployment_code = ds.deployment_code ds_out.instrument = 'SeaBird Electronics ; SBE43' ds_out.instrument_model = 'SBE43' ds_out.instrument_serial_number = ds.variables[ 'V0'].calibration_SerialNumber ds_out.title = 'Oceanographic mooring data deployment of {platform_code} at latitude {geospatial_lat_max:3.1f} longitude {geospatial_lon_max:3.1f} depth {geospatial_vertical_max:3.0f} (m) instrument {instrument} serial {instrument_serial_number}' # add creating and history entry ds_out.setncattr("date_created", datetime.utcnow().strftime(ncTimeFormat)) # update the history attribute try: hist = ds.history + "\n" except AttributeError: hist = "" # keep the history so we know where it came from ds_out.setncattr( 'history', hist + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " calculate DOX2 from file " + os.path.basename(netCDFfile)) ds.close() ds_out.close() return out_file
def add_optode_oxygen(netCDFfile): ds = Dataset(netCDFfile, 'a') var_temp = ds.variables["TEMP"] var_psal = ds.variables["PSAL"] var_bphase = ds.variables["BPHASE"] var_otemp = ds.variables["OTEMP"] #var_otemp = ds.variables["TEMP"] t = var_temp[:] SP = var_psal[:] phase = var_bphase[:] otemp = var_otemp[:] try: var_pres = ds.variables["PRES"] p = var_pres[:] except: p = 0 lat = -47 lon = 142 try: lat = ds.variables["LATITUDE"][0] lon = ds.variables["LONGITUDE"][0] except: pass SA = gsw.SA_from_SP(SP, p, lon, lat) pt = gsw.pt0_from_t(SA, t, p) sigmat = gsw.sigma0(SA, t) oxsol = gsw.O2sol_SP_pt(SP, pt) if 'OXSOL' in ds.variables: out_oxsol_var = ds.variables['OXSOL'] else: out_oxsol_var = ds.createVariable( "OXSOL", "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max out_oxsol_var[:] = oxsol out_oxsol_var.units = "umol/kg" out_oxsol_var.comment = "calculated using gsw-python function gsw.O2sol_SP_pt" C0 = var_bphase.calibration_C0 C1 = var_bphase.calibration_C1 C2 = var_bphase.calibration_C2 A0 = var_bphase.calibration_A0 A1 = var_bphase.calibration_A1 B0 = var_bphase.calibration_B0 B1 = var_bphase.calibration_B1 if 'DOX2_RAW' in ds.variables: out_ox_var = ds.variables['DOX2_RAW'] else: out_ox_var = ds.createVariable( "DOX2_RAW", "f4", ("TIME", ), fill_value=np.nan, zlib=True) # fill_value=nan otherwise defaults to max oxygen = ( (A0 + A1 * otemp) / (B0 + B1 * phase) - 1) / (C0 + C1 * otemp + C2 * np.power(otemp, 2)) out_ox_var[:] = oxygen out_ox_var.comment_calc1 = 'calculated using ((A0 + A1 * otemp)/(B0 + B1 * phase) - 1)/(C0 + C1 * otemp + C2 * otemp * otemp)' out_ox_var.units = "umol" out_ox_var.long_name = "mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water (not salinity or pressure corrected)" out_ox_var.valid_max = np.float32(400) out_ox_var.valid_min = np.float32(0) out_ox_var.coordinates = "TIME LATITUDE LONGITUDE NOMINAL_DEPTH" # update the history attribute try: hist = ds.history + "\n" except AttributeError: hist = "" ds.setncattr( 'history', hist + datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + " : calculated optode oxygen and oxygen solubility") ds.close()