def big_loop(loggerID, geyserID, from_time, to_time):
    filter_width = [120]#, 240, 360, 480, 600]
    snr = [100]
    jump_window = [30]
    seconds_tolerance = 120
    #get temperature data: x is epoch time, y is temperature
    x, y = gtapi.gt_loggerdata(loggerID,from_time,to_time)
    actual_times = gtapi.gt_entries(geyserID,from_time,to_time, 1)
    #convert to numpy array
    npy = np.asarray(y)
    npx = np.asarray(x)  
    for f in filter_width:
        for s in snr:
            for j in jump_window:
                result = peak_detect(npx, npy, actual_times, seconds_tolerance, f, s, j)
                print f, s, j, result
 def __init__(self, geyser, loggerID, geyserID, from_time, to_time):
     self.geyser = geyser
     self.loggerID = loggerID
     self.geyserID = geyserID
     if(isinstance(from_time, int)): #accept unixtime
         self.from_time = from_time
         self.to_time = to_time
         self.from_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(from_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
         self.to_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(to_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
     #get temperature data: x is epoch time, y is temperature
     x, y = gtapi.gt_loggerdata(self.loggerID,self.from_time,self.to_time)
     self.actual_times = gtapi.gt_entries(self.geyserID, self.from_time, self.to_time, True, True)
     #convert to numpy array
     self.npy = np.asarray(y)
     self.npx = np.asarray(x)
Example #3
def big_loop(loggerID, geyserID, from_time, to_time):
    filter_width = [120]  #, 240, 360, 480, 600]
    snr = [100]
    jump_window = [30]
    seconds_tolerance = 120

    #get temperature data: x is epoch time, y is temperature
    x, y = gtapi.gt_loggerdata(loggerID, from_time, to_time)
    actual_times = gtapi.gt_entries(geyserID, from_time, to_time, 1)
    #convert to numpy array
    npy = np.asarray(y)
    npx = np.asarray(x)

    for f in filter_width:
        for s in snr:
            for j in jump_window:
                result = peak_detect(npx, npy, actual_times, seconds_tolerance,
                                     f, s, j)
                print f, s, j, result
Example #4
    def __init__(self, geyser, loggerID, geyserID, from_time, to_time):
        self.geyser = geyser
        self.loggerID = loggerID
        self.geyserID = geyserID

        if (isinstance(from_time, int)):  #accept unixtime
            self.from_time = from_time
            self.to_time = to_time
            self.from_time = int(
                time.mktime(time.strptime(from_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
            self.to_time = int(
                time.mktime(time.strptime(to_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))

        #get temperature data: x is epoch time, y is temperature
        x, y = gtapi.gt_loggerdata(self.loggerID, self.from_time, self.to_time)
        self.actual_times = gtapi.gt_entries(self.geyserID, self.from_time,
                                             self.to_time, True, True)
        #convert to numpy array
        self.npy = np.asarray(y)
        self.npx = np.asarray(x)
Example #5
        'loggerID': 18,
        'filter_width': 60,
        'snr': 50,
        'jump_window': 60

geyser = 'Aurum'
from_unix = 1352314261
to_unix = 1353414261

p = params[geyser]

#get temperature data: x is epoch time, y is temperature
x, y = gtapi.gt_loggerdata(4, from_unix, to_unix)
actual_times = gtapi.gt_entries(10, from_unix, to_unix, 1)
#convert to numpy array
npy = np.asarray(y)
npx = np.asarray(x)

def big_loop(loggerID, geyserID, from_time, to_time):
    filter_width = [120]  #, 240, 360, 480, 600]
    snr = [100]
    jump_window = [30]
    seconds_tolerance = 120

    #get temperature data: x is epoch time, y is temperature
    x, y = gtapi.gt_loggerdata(loggerID, from_time, to_time)
    actual_times = gtapi.gt_entries(geyserID, from_time, to_time, 1)
    #convert to numpy array
          'Lion': {'geyserID': 14, 'loggerID': 13, 'filter_width': 60, 'snr': 25, 'jump_window': 10},
          'Beehive': {'geyserID': 1, 'loggerID': 5, 'filter_width': 60, 'snr': 50, 'jump_window': 30},
          'Old Faithful': {'geyserID': 2, 'loggerID': 16, 'filter_width': 60, 'snr': 50, 'jump_window': 30},
          'Artemisia': {'geyserID': 19, 'loggerID': 3, 'filter_width': 60, 'snr': 100, 'jump_window': 300},
        'Riverside': {'geyserID': 7, 'loggerID': 18, 'filter_width': 60, 'snr': 50, 'jump_window': 60}

geyser = 'Aurum'
from_unix = 1352314261
to_unix =   1353414261

p = params[geyser]

#get temperature data: x is epoch time, y is temperature
x, y = gtapi.gt_loggerdata(4,from_unix,to_unix)
actual_times = gtapi.gt_entries(10,from_unix,to_unix, 1)
#convert to numpy array
npy = np.asarray(y)
npx = np.asarray(x)  

def big_loop(loggerID, geyserID, from_time, to_time):
    filter_width = [120]#, 240, 360, 480, 600]
    snr = [100]
    jump_window = [30]
    seconds_tolerance = 120
    #get temperature data: x is epoch time, y is temperature
    x, y = gtapi.gt_loggerdata(loggerID,from_time,to_time)
    actual_times = gtapi.gt_entries(geyserID,from_time,to_time, 1)