def add_files (self, hints_list, insert = None):
		assert insert is None or isinstance (insert, IntType)
		# Lock graphical updating on each request and
		# only refresh the UI later
		w = gtkutil.get_root_parent (self)
		assert isinstance(w, gtk.Window), type(w)
		trapper = ErrorTrapper (w)
		queue = OperationsQueue()
		queue.abort_on_failure = False
		queue.append (SetGraphicalUpdate (self, False))
		i = 0

		for h in hints_list:
			pls = self.__filter_location (h['location'])
			if pls is not None:
				self.add_files(pls, insert)
			ins = insert
			if insert != None:
				ins += i
			a = AddFile (self.source, h, ins)
			a.listeners.append (trapper)
			queue.append (a)
			i += 1
		queue.append (SetGraphicalUpdate (self, True))
		queue.append (trapper)
	def add_file (self, hints):
		w = gtkutil.get_root_parent (self)
		assert isinstance(w, gtk.Window)
		pls = self.__add_playlist (hints['location'])
		if pls is not None:
			self.add_files (pls)
		trapper = ErrorTrapper (w)
		a = AddFile (self.source, hints)
		queue = OperationsQueue()
		queue.abort_on_failure = False
		queue.append (a)
		queue.append (trapper)
 def window (self):
     return gtkutil.get_root_parent (self.parent)
 def window (self):
     return gtkutil.get_root_parent (self.parent)