def get_geo_distances(self, tmpdir=None): if not tmpdir: tmpdir = self.tmpdir g = GTP(tmpdir=tmpdir) return
def get_geo_distance( self, tree1, tree2, tmpdir=None, ): if not tmpdir: tmpdir = self.tmpdir g = GTP(tmpdir=tmpdir) return g.pairwise(tree1, tree2)
def __init__(self, platform): """ we: Write button. When is asserted, all data and data type from memory is written into the FIFO. link_ready: When is asserted, the transmision starts. trans_en: When is asserted, the transmision of data received in RX to the PC via UART starts. reset: General reset """ self.we = Signal() self.link_ready = Signal() self.trans_en = Signal() self.reset = Signal() # # # self.reset = platform.request("reset") write_clk = Signal() #clock that drives fifo writing write_clk_bufg = Signal() write_clk_pads = platform.request("write_clk") #differential clock self.specials += [ Instance("IBUFGDS", i_I=write_clk_pads.p, i_IB=write_clk_pads.n, o_O=write_clk_bufg), Instance("BUFG", i_I=write_clk_bufg, o_O=write_clk) ] self.clock_domains.cd_write = ClockDomain( name="write") #fifo writing clock domain gtp_clk = Signal() #gtp reference clk gtp_clk_bufg = Signal() gtp_clk_freq = 240e6 gtp_clk_pads = platform.request("gtp_clk") self.specials += [ Instance("IBUFDS_GTE2", i_CEB=0, i_I=gtp_clk_pads.p, i_IB=gtp_clk_pads.n, o_O=gtp_clk_bufg), Instance("BUFG", i_I=gtp_clk_bufg, o_O=gtp_clk) ] self.submodules.crg = CRG(gtp_clk, rst=self.reset) #tx_init clock region self.comb += [] qpll = GTPQuadPLL(gtp_clk, gtp_clk_freq, 4.8e9) print(qpll) self.submodules += qpll tx_pads = platform.request("gtp_tx") rx_pads = platform.request("gtp_rx") gtp = GTP(qpll, tx_pads, rx_pads, gtp_clk_freq) self.submodules += gtp self.we = platform.request("we") self.link_ready = platform.request("link_ready") self.trans_en = platform.request("trans_en") tx = TX() tx = ClockDomainsRenamer("tx")(tx) rx = RX() rx = ClockDomainsRenamer("tx")(rx) fifo = AsyncFIFO(width=32, depth=32) fifo = ClockDomainsRenamer({"read": "tx"})(fifo) self.submodules += [fifo, tx, rx] generator_sel = 0 #1 for memory, 0 for PRBS n_data = 6 #number of data generated by the PRBS if generator_sel: memory = mem() memory = ClockDomainsRenamer("write")(memory) self.submodules += memory index = Signal(5) #Memory index write_fifo = Signal() #fifo write enable #FSM to control the FIFO writing process self.submodules.memory_fsm = FSM(reset_state="INIT") self.memory_fsm = ClockDomainsRenamer("write")(self.memory_fsm) self.memory_fsm.act( "INIT", If( self.we, NextValue(index, 1), NextState("WRITING"), NextValue(write_fifo, 1), )) self.memory_fsm.act( "WRITING", NextValue(index, index + 1), If( index == (memory.n_value), #Last word reached NextValue(index, 0), NextState("WRITING_EOP"), NextValue(write_fifo, 0))) self.memory_fsm.act( "WRITING_EOP", NextState("IDLE"), ) self.memory_fsm.act( "IDLE", If( ~self.we, #Process starts again NextState("INIT"))) self.comb += [ fifo.din.eq(memory.data_out), fifo.dtin.eq(memory.type_out), fifo.we.eq(write_fifo), memory.index.eq(index) ] else: prbs = PRBSGenerator(n_out=32) prbs = ClockDomainsRenamer("write")(prbs) self.submodules += prbs prbs_en = Signal() data_type = Signal(2) index = Signal(max=n_data + 2) i_ignored = Signal(max=n_data - 1) write_fifo = Signal() self.comb += i_ignored.eq(random.randint(2, n_data - 1)) self.submodules.prbs_fsm = FSM(reset_state="INIT") self.prbs_fsm = ClockDomainsRenamer("write")(self.prbs_fsm) self.prbs_fsm.act( "INIT", If(self.we, NextValue(prbs_en, 1), NextValue(data_type, 1), NextValue(write_fifo, 1), NextState("SOP"))) self.prbs_fsm.act("SOP", NextValue(data_type, 0), NextValue(index, index + 1), NextState("MIDDLE_WORD")) self.prbs_fsm.act( "MIDDLE_WORD", If( index < n_data, If(index == i_ignored - 1, NextValue(data_type, 0b11)).Else(NextValue(data_type, 0b00)), NextValue(index, index + 1), NextState("MIDDLE_WORD")).Else(NextState("EOP"), NextValue(data_type, 0b10), NextValue(index, 0))) self.prbs_fsm.act("EOP", NextValue(prbs_en, 0), NextValue(write_fifo, 0), NextState("WAITS_RESET")) self.prbs_fsm.act("WAITS_RESET", If(~self.we, NextState("INIT"))) self.comb += [ fifo.din.eq(prbs.o), fifo.dtin.eq(data_type), prbs.enable.eq(prbs_en), fifo.we.eq(write_fifo), ] self.rxinit_done = Signal() #rx_init_done signal goes to tb only for simulation purposes self.rxinit_done = platform.request("rxinit_done") self.comb += [ gtp.reset.eq(self.reset),, tx.link_ready.eq(self.link_ready), tx.fifo_empty.eq(~fifo.readable), tx.tx_init_done.eq(gtp.tx_init_done), tx.pll_lock.eq(gtp.pll_lock), If( (self.link_ready & fifo.readable), tx.data_type_in.eq(fifo.dtout), tx.data_in.eq(fifo.dout), ), gtp.tx_data.eq(tx.data_out), rx.data_in.eq(gtp.rx_data), rx.aligned.eq(gtp.rxbytealigned), rx.rx_init_done.eq(gtp.rxinit_done), rx.pll_lock.eq(gtp.pll_lock), rx.trans_en.eq(self.trans_en), self.rxinit_done.eq(gtp.rxinit_done), #self.rxinit_done.eq(gtp.tx_init_done), self.cd_write.clk.eq(write_clk), self.cd_write.rst.eq(self.reset) ]