def getConnectionManageRefresh(self, guacHostname, username, password, url_path, method): logging.debug("getConnectionManageStatus(): instantiated") self.writeStatus = ConnectionManage.CONNECTION_MANAGE_REFRESHING try: self.lock.acquire() self.usersConnsStatus.clear() guacConn = Guacamole(guacHostname, username=username, password=password, url_path=url_path, method=method) #username, connName/VMName, userStatus (admin/etc.), connStatus (connected/not) users = guacConn.get_users() connIDsNames = {} activeConns = {} allConnections = guacConn.get_connections() if 'childConnections' in allConnections: for conn in guacConn.get_connections()['childConnections']: connIDsNames[conn['identifier']] = conn['name'] guac_activeConns = guacConn.get_active_connections() for conn in guac_activeConns: activeConns[( guac_activeConns[conn]["username"], guac_activeConns[conn]["connectionIdentifier"])] = True for user in users: #user status first perm = guacConn.get_permissions(user) user_perm = "not_found" if "READ" in perm['userPermissions'][user]: user_perm = "Non-Admin" if "ADMINISTER" in perm['userPermissions'][user]: user_perm = "Admin" #next, get the list of connections and the names of those connections and their status associated with those connections for connID in perm['connectionPermissions']: active = "not_connected" #if the connection is in an active state (exists in our activeConns dict), then state it as such if (user, connID) in activeConns: active = "connected" self.usersConnsStatus[(user, connIDsNames[connID])] = { "user_status": user_perm, "connStatus": active } except Exception as e: logging.error( "Error in getConnectionManageStatus(). Did not remove connection or relation!" ) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() trace_back = traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback) #traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) return None finally: self.lock.release() self.writeStatus = ConnectionManage.CONNECTION_MANAGE_COMPLETE
def runRemoveConnections(self, configname, guacHostname, username, password, url_path, method, creds_file, itype, name): self.writeStatus = ConnectionManage.CONNECTION_MANAGE_REMOVING logging.debug("runRemoveConnections(): instantiated") #call guac backend API to make connections as specified in config file and then set the complete status rolledoutjson = validconnsnames = configname, itype, name, rolledoutjson) userpool = UserPool() try: usersConns = userpool.generateUsersConns(configname, creds_file=creds_file) self.writeStatus = ConnectionManage.CONNECTION_MANAGE_CREATING logging.debug("runRemoveConnections(): guacHostname: " + str(guacHostname) + " username/pass: "******" url_path: " + url_path + " method: " + str(method) + " creds_file: " + creds_file) guacConn = Guacamole(guacHostname, username=username, password=password, url_path=url_path, method=method) if guacConn == None: logging.error( "runRemoveConnections(): Error with guac connection... skipping: " + str(guacHostname) + " " + str(username)) self.writeStatus = ConnectionManage.CONNECTION_MANAGE_COMPLETE return -1 for (username, password) in usersConns: logging.debug("Removing Connection for Username: "******"Does not Exist": logging.debug( "Connection doesn't exists; skipping...") #check if any other connections exist for user, if not, remove the user too try: result = guacConn.get_permissions(username) if len(result["connectionPermissions"]) == 0: logging.debug("Removing User: "******"Does not Exist": logging.debug( "User doesn't exist; skipping...") except Exception: logging.error( "runRemoveConnections(): Error in runRemoveConnections(): when trying to remove user." ) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) except Exception: logging.error( "runRemoveConnections(): Error in runRemoveConnections(): when trying to remove connection." ) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) logging.debug("runRemoveConnections(): Complete...") self.writeStatus = ConnectionManage.CONNECTION_MANAGE_COMPLETE except Exception: logging.error( "runRemoveConnections(): Error in runRemoveConnections(): An error occured " ) exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) self.writeStatus = ConnectionManage.CONNECTION_MANAGE_COMPLETE return finally: self.writeStatus = ConnectionManage.CONNECTION_MANAGE_COMPLETE