Example #1
def guess_release_group(string):
    # first try to see whether we have both a known codec and a known release group
    for rexp in GROUP_NAMES:
        match = rexp.search(string)
        while match:
            metadata = match.groupdict()
            # make sure this is an actual release group we caught
            release_group = (compute_canonical_form('releaseGroup',
                             or compute_canonical_form(
                                 'weakReleaseGroup', metadata['releaseGroup']))
            if release_group:
                return adjust_metadata(metadata), (match.start(1),

            # we didn't find anything conclusive, keep searching
            match = rexp.search(string, match.span()[0] + 1)

    # pick anything as releaseGroup as long as we have a codec in front
    # this doesn't include a potential dash ('-') ending the release group
    # eg: [...].X264-HiS@SiLUHD-English.[...]
    for rexp in GROUP_NAMES2:
        match = rexp.search(string)
        if match:
            return adjust_metadata(match.groupdict()), (match.start(1),

    return None, None
def guess_release_group(string):
    # first try to see whether we have both a known codec and a known release group
    for rexp in GROUP_NAMES:
        match = rexp.search(string)
        while match:
            metadata = match.groupdict()
            # make sure this is an actual release group we caught
            release_group = compute_canonical_form("releaseGroup", metadata["releaseGroup"]) or compute_canonical_form(
                "weakReleaseGroup", metadata["releaseGroup"]
            if release_group:
                return adjust_metadata(metadata), (match.start(1), match.end(2))

            # we didn't find anything conclusive, keep searching
            match = rexp.search(string, match.span()[0] + 1)

    # pick anything as releaseGroup as long as we have a codec in front
    # this doesn't include a potential dash ('-') ending the release group
    # eg: [...].X264-HiS@SiLUHD-English.[...]
    for rexp in GROUP_NAMES2:
        match = rexp.search(string)
        if match:
            return adjust_metadata(match.groupdict()), (match.start(1), match.end(2))

    return None, None
def guess_release_group(string):
    # first try to see whether we have both a known codec and a known release group
    group_names = [r"(?P<videoCodec>" + codec + r")-?(?P<releaseGroup>.*?)[ \.]" for codec in CODECS]
    group_names += [r"(?P<format>" + fmt + r")-?(?P<releaseGroup>.*?)[ \.]" for fmt in FORMATS]

    for rexp in group_names:
        match = re.search(rexp, string, re.IGNORECASE)
        if match:
            metadata = match.groupdict()
            release_group = compute_canonical_form("releaseGroup", metadata["releaseGroup"])
            if release_group:
                return adjust_metadata(metadata), (match.start(1), match.end(2))

    # pick anything as releaseGroup as long as we have a codec in front
    # this doesn't include a potential dash ('-') ending the release group
    # eg: [...].X264-HiS@SiLUHD-English.[...]
    group_names = [r"\.(?P<videoCodec>" + codec + r")-(?P<releaseGroup>.*?)(-(.*?))?[ \.]" for codec in CODECS]
    group_names += [r"\.(?P<format>" + fmt + r")-(?P<releaseGroup>.*?)(-(.*?))?[ \.]" for fmt in FORMATS]

    for rexp in group_names:
        match = re.search(rexp, string, re.IGNORECASE)
        if match:
            return adjust_metadata(match.groupdict()), (match.start(1), match.end(2))

    return None, None
def guess_release_group(string):
    # first try to see whether we have both a known codec and a known release group
    for rexp in GROUP_NAMES:
        match = rexp.search(string)
        if match:
            metadata = match.groupdict()
            release_group = compute_canonical_form('releaseGroup', metadata['releaseGroup'])
            if release_group:
                return adjust_metadata(metadata), (match.start(1), match.end(2))

    # pick anything as releaseGroup as long as we have a codec in front
    # this doesn't include a potential dash ('-') ending the release group
    # eg: [...].X264-HiS@SiLUHD-English.[...]
    for rexp in GROUP_NAMES2:
        match = rexp.search(string)
        if match:
            return adjust_metadata(match.groupdict()), (match.start(1), match.end(2))

    return None, None
def guess_release_group(string):
    # first try to see whether we have both a known codec and a known release group
    group_names = [
        r'(?P<videoCodec>' + codec + r')-?(?P<releaseGroup>.*?)[ \.]'
        for codec in CODECS
    group_names += [
        r'(?P<format>' + fmt + r')-?(?P<releaseGroup>.*?)[ \.]'
        for fmt in FORMATS

    for rexp in group_names:
        match = re.search(rexp, string, re.IGNORECASE)
        if match:
            metadata = match.groupdict()
            release_group = compute_canonical_form('releaseGroup',
            if release_group:
                return adjust_metadata(metadata), (match.start(1),

    # pick anything as releaseGroup as long as we have a codec in front
    # this doesn't include a potential dash ('-') ending the release group
    # eg: [...].X264-HiS@SiLUHD-English.[...]
    group_names = [
        r'\.(?P<videoCodec>' + codec + r')-(?P<releaseGroup>.*?)(-(.*?))?[ \.]'
        for codec in CODECS
    group_names += [
        r'\.(?P<format>' + fmt + r')-(?P<releaseGroup>.*?)(-(.*?))?[ \.]'
        for fmt in FORMATS

    for rexp in group_names:
        match = re.search(rexp, string, re.IGNORECASE)
        if match:
            return adjust_metadata(match.groupdict()), (match.start(1),

    return None, None
def adjust_metadata(md):
    return dict(
        (property_name, compute_canonical_form(property_name, value) or value) for property_name, value in md.items()
Example #7
def guess_filetype(mtree, filetype):
    # put the filetype inside a dummy container to be able to have the
    # following functions work correctly as closures
    # this is a workaround for python 2 which doesn't have the
    # 'nonlocal' keyword (python 3 does have it)
    filetype_container = [filetype]
    other = {}
    filename = mtree.string

    def upgrade_episode():
        if filetype_container[0] == 'video':
            filetype_container[0] = 'episode'
        elif filetype_container[0] == 'subtitle':
            filetype_container[0] = 'episodesubtitle'

    def upgrade_movie():
        if filetype_container[0] == 'video':
            filetype_container[0] = 'movie'
        elif filetype_container[0] == 'subtitle':
            filetype_container[0] = 'moviesubtitle'

    def upgrade_subtitle():
        if 'movie' in filetype_container[0]:
            filetype_container[0] = 'moviesubtitle'
        elif 'episode' in filetype_container[0]:
            filetype_container[0] = 'episodesubtitle'
            filetype_container[0] = 'subtitle'

    def upgrade(type='unknown'):
        if filetype_container[0] == 'autodetect':
            filetype_container[0] = type

    # look at the extension first
    fileext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower()
    if fileext in subtitle_exts:
        other = {'container': fileext}
    elif fileext in video_exts:
        other = {'container': fileext}
        other = {'extension': fileext}

    # check whether we are in a 'Movies', 'Tv Shows', ... folder
    folder_rexps = [(r'Movies?', upgrade_movie),
                    (r'Tv[ _-]?Shows?', upgrade_episode),
                    (r'Series', upgrade_episode)]
    for frexp, upgrade_func in folder_rexps:
        frexp = re.compile(frexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        for pathgroup in mtree.children:
            if frexp.match(pathgroup.value):

    # check for a few specific cases which will unintentionally make the
    # following heuristics confused (eg: OSS 117 will look like an episode,
    # season 1, epnum 17, when it is in fact a movie)
    fname = clean_string(filename).lower()
    for m in MOVIES:
        if m in fname:
    for s in SERIES:
        if s in fname:

    # now look whether there are some specific hints for episode vs movie
    if filetype_container[0] in ('video', 'subtitle'):
        # if we have an episode_rexp (eg: s02e13), it is an episode
        for rexp, _, _ in episode_rexps:
            match = re.search(rexp, filename, re.IGNORECASE)
            if match:

        # if we have a 3-4 digit number that's not a year, maybe an episode
        match = re.search(r'[^0-9]([0-9]{3,4})[^0-9]', filename)
        if match:
            fullnumber = int(match.group()[1:-1])
            #season = fullnumber // 100
            epnumber = fullnumber % 100
            possible = True

            # check for validity
            if epnumber > 40:
                possible = False
            if valid_year(fullnumber):
                possible = False

            if possible:

        # if we have certain properties characteristic of episodes, it is an ep
        for prop, value, _, _ in find_properties(filename):
            log.debug('prop: %s = %s' % (prop, value))
            if prop == 'episodeFormat':

            elif compute_canonical_form('format', value) == 'DVB':

        # origin-specific type
        if 'tvu.org.ru' in filename:

        # if no episode info found, assume it's a movie

    filetype = filetype_container[0]
    return filetype, other
def adjust_metadata(md):
    return dict((property_name, compute_canonical_form(property_name, value) or value)
                for property_name, value in md.items())
Example #9
def guess_filetype(mtree, filetype):
    # put the filetype inside a dummy container to be able to have the
    # following functions work correctly as closures
    # this is a workaround for python 2 which doesn't have the
    # 'nonlocal' keyword (python 3 does have it)
    filetype_container = [filetype]
    other = {}
    filename = mtree.string

    def upgrade_episode():
        if filetype_container[0] == 'video':
            filetype_container[0] = 'episode'
        elif filetype_container[0] == 'subtitle':
            filetype_container[0] = 'episodesubtitle'

    def upgrade_movie():
        if filetype_container[0] == 'video':
            filetype_container[0] = 'movie'
        elif filetype_container[0] == 'subtitle':
            filetype_container[0] = 'moviesubtitle'

    def upgrade_subtitle():
        if 'movie' in filetype_container[0]:
            filetype_container[0] = 'moviesubtitle'
        elif 'episode' in filetype_container[0]:
            filetype_container[0] = 'episodesubtitle'
            filetype_container[0] = 'subtitle'

    def upgrade(type='unknown'):
        if filetype_container[0] == 'autodetect':
            filetype_container[0] = type

    # look at the extension first
    fileext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:].lower()
    if fileext in subtitle_exts:
        other = { 'container': fileext }
    elif fileext in video_exts:
        other = { 'container': fileext }
        other = { 'extension': fileext }

    # check whether we are in a 'Movies', 'Tv Shows', ... folder
    folder_rexps = [ (r'Movies?', upgrade_movie),
                     (r'Tv[ _-]?Shows?', upgrade_episode),
                     (r'Series', upgrade_episode)
    for frexp, upgrade_func in folder_rexps:
        frexp = re.compile(frexp, re.IGNORECASE)
        for pathgroup in mtree.children:
            if frexp.match(pathgroup.value):

    # check for a few specific cases which will unintentionally make the
    # following heuristics confused (eg: OSS 117 will look like an episode,
    # season 1, epnum 17, when it is in fact a movie)
    fname = clean_string(filename).lower()
    for m in MOVIES:
        if m in fname:
    for s in SERIES:
        if s in fname:

    # now look whether there are some specific hints for episode vs movie
    if filetype_container[0] in ('video', 'subtitle'):
        # if we have an episode_rexp (eg: s02e13), it is an episode
        for rexp, _, _ in episode_rexps:
            match = re.search(rexp, filename, re.IGNORECASE)
            if match:

        # if we have a 3-4 digit number that's not a year, maybe an episode
        match = re.search(r'[^0-9]([0-9]{3,4})[^0-9]', filename)
        if match:
            fullnumber = int(match.group()[1:-1])
            #season = fullnumber // 100
            epnumber = fullnumber % 100
            possible = True

            # check for validity
            if epnumber > 40:
                possible = False
            if valid_year(fullnumber):
                possible = False

            if possible:

        # if we have certain properties characteristic of episodes, it is an ep
        for prop, value, _, _ in find_properties(filename):
            log.debug('prop: %s = %s' % (prop, value))
            if prop == 'episodeFormat':

            elif compute_canonical_form('format', value) == 'DVB':

        # origin-specific type
        if 'tvu.org.ru' in filename:

        # if no episode info found, assume it's a movie

    filetype = filetype_container[0]
    return filetype, other