Example #1
    def __init__(self, main_window = None):
        self.last_title = None
        self.session = None
        self.avatar_manager = None

        if main_window != None:
            self.session = main_window.session
            self.avatar_manager = AvatarManager(self.session)

        self.preferences_dialog = None
        self.config = BaseMusicHandlerConfig()

        glib.timeout_add_seconds(1, self.check_song)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, main_window):
        self.last_title = None
        self.session = None
        self.avatar_manager = None

        self.session = main_window.session
        self.avatar_manager = AvatarManager(self.session)

        self.config = self.session.config
        # set default values if not set
        self.config.get_or_set('music_format', "%ARTIST% - %ALBUM% - %TITLE%")
        self.config.get_or_set('change_avatar', True)

        self.config_dialog_class = BaseMusicHandlerConfig

        glib.timeout_add_seconds(15, self.check_song)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, main_window):
        self.last_title = None
        self.session = None
        self.avatar_manager = None

        self.session = main_window.session
        self.avatar_manager = AvatarManager(self.session)

        self.config = self.session.config
        # set default values if not set
        self.config.get_or_set('music_format', "%SONG%")
        self.config.get_or_set('change_avatar', False)

        self.config_dialog_class = BaseMusicHandlerConfig

        self.timeout = glib.timeout_add_seconds(15, self.check_song)
    def __init__(self, session):
        self.last_title = None
        self.session = session
        self.avatar_manager = None
        self.enabled = True

        self.avatar_manager = AvatarManager(self.session)

        self.config = self.session.config
        # set default values if not set
        self.config.get_or_set('music_format', "(8) %TITLE% - %ARTIST%")
        self.config.get_or_set('change_avatar', False)

        self.config_dialog_class = BaseMusicHandlerConfig

        if not self.get_automatic_updates():
            self.timeout = glib.timeout_add_seconds(15, self.check_song)
Example #5
class MusicHandler(object):
    '''Base class for all music handlers'''
    NAME = 'None'
    DESCRIPTION = 'Don\'t listen to any player'
    AUTHOR = 'Mariano Guerra'
    WEBSITE = 'www.emesene.org'

    def __init__(self, main_window = None):
        self.last_title = None
        self.session = None
        self.avatar_manager = None

        if main_window != None:
            self.session = main_window.session
            self.avatar_manager = AvatarManager(self.session)

        self.preferences_dialog = None
        self.config = BaseMusicHandlerConfig()

        glib.timeout_add_seconds(1, self.check_song)

    def preferences(self):
        ''' Shows the extension preferences dialog'''
        ''' You don't need to override this'''
        if self.preferences_dialog == None:
            self.preferences_dialog = Preferences.Preferences(
                self._on_config, self.NAME, self.config)
    def _on_config(self, status):
        '''callback for the config dialog'''
        if status:

    def check_song(self):
        '''get the current song and set it if different than the last one'''
        ''' You don't need to override this'''
        if self.session:
            song = self.get_current_song()
            if song:
                # print self.config.format
                current_title = song.format(self.config.format)
                if current_title != self.last_title:
                    self.last_title = current_title
            elif self.last_title is not None:
                self.last_title = None
                self.session.set_media(_("not playing"))
        return True

    def set_cover_as_avatar(self, song):
        ''' Sets song cover as avatar '''
        ''' You don't need to override this'''
        image_path = self.get_cover_path(song)
        if image_path != None and self.avatar_manager != None:

    def get_cover_path(self, song):
        '''searches in the local covers cache
        if not found also searches in albumart covers website
        returns None if no image found'''
        ''' You don't need to override this'''
        artist = song.artist.encode('utf8')
        album = song.album.encode('utf8')

        if artist == "?":
            artist = ""

        if album == "?":
            album = ""

        if len(artist) == 0 and len(album) == 0:
            return None

        if (os.name != 'nt'):
            home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
            home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~").decode(

        cover_art_path = os.path.join(home_dir, '.covers', '')

        if not os.path.exists(cover_art_path):

        # print "Searching for covers in " + cover_art_path

        image_path = cover_art_path + artist + '-' + album + '.jpg'

        # print "Checking if " + image_path + " exists"

        if os.path.exists(image_path):
            # print image_path + " found!"
            return image_path

        # print "Not found locally, let's try albumart.org"

        url = "http://www.albumart.org/index.php?srchkey=" + \
            urllib.quote_plus(artist) + "+" + urllib.quote_plus(album) + \

        albumart = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
        image_url = ""

        for line in albumart.split("\n"):

            if "http://www.albumart.org/images/zoom-icon.jpg" in line:
                image_url = line.partition('src="')[2].partition('"')[0]

            if image_url:
                urllib.urlretrieve(image_url, image_path)

        if os.path.exists(image_path):
            return image_path

        return None

    def get_current_song(self):
        ''' returns current song info'''
        ''' This MUST be overriden'''
        return None

    def is_running(self):
        '''returns True if the player is running'''
        ''' This MUST be overriden'''
        return False

    def is_playing(self):
        '''returns True if the player is playing a song'''
        ''' This MUST be overriden'''
        return False