class EditMeView(Frame): ''' this Frame collects new data and send them back to via callback() callback1 will close tab after clicking btn submit. callback2 to show err ''' def __init__(self, username, master=None, callback=None, callback1=None, callback2=None): super().__init__(master) self.username = username self.callback = callback # set_my_info() self.callback1 = callback1 # close_tab() self.callback2 = callback2 self.pack(expand=True) # Defining widgets self.lbl_username = Label(self, text="Username:"******"w") self.lbl_pass = Label(self, text="Password:"******"w") self.ent_username = tk.Entry(self) self.ent_username.grid(row=0, column=1) self.ent_pass = tk.Entry(self, show="*") self.ent_pass.grid(row=1, column=1) self.btn_submit = Button(self, text="Submit", command=self.submit) self.btn_submit.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=10) # Preview texts in entry based on self.username self.ent_username.insert(tk.END, self.username) self.ent_username.focus_set() # press Enter to go next, stop clickin! self.entries = [ ent for ent in self.winfo_children() if isinstance(ent, tk.Entry) ] self.ent_username.bind("<Return>", lambda _: self.entries[1].focus_set()) self.ent_pass.bind("<Return>", lambda _: self.btn_submit.invoke()) def submit(self): data = self.return_data() if self.callback: result = self.callback(*data) # sending data to self.clear() if isinstance(result, str): # means an error occured self.callback2("Error", result) else: if self.callback1: # = if no err occured then close the tab. self.callback1() def return_data(self): new_username = self.ent_username.get() new_pass = self.ent_pass.get() new_data = (new_username, new_pass) return [ data if not data.isspace() and data != "" else None for data in new_data ] def clear(self): self.ent_username.delete(0, tk.END) self.ent_pass.delete(0, tk.END)
class AddUserView(Frame): ''' this Frame collects new data and send them back to via callback() callback1 will close tab after clicking btn submit. callback2 to show err ''' def __init__(self, master=None, callback=None, callback1=None, callback2=None): super().__init__(master) self.callback = callback # add_employee() self.callback1 = callback1 # close_tab() self.callback2 = callback2 # show_err() self.pack(expand=True) # Defining widgets self.lbl_name = Label(self, text="Name:") self.lbl_name.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky="w") self.lbl_id = Label(self, text="ID:") self.lbl_id.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=10, pady=10, sticky="w") self.lbl_username = Label(self, text="Username:"******"w") self.lbl_pass = Label(self, text="Password:"******"w") self.ent_name = tk.Entry(self) self.ent_name.grid(row=0, column=1) self.ent_id = tk.Entry(self) self.ent_id.grid(row=1, column=1) self.ent_username = tk.Entry(self) self.ent_username.grid(row=2, column=1) self.ent_pass = tk.Entry(self, show="*") self.ent_pass.grid(row=3, column=1) self.btn_submit = Button(self, text="Submit", command=self.submit) self.btn_submit.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=10, pady=10) self.ent_name.focus_set() # press Enter to go next, stop clickin! self.entries = [ ent for ent in self.winfo_children() if isinstance(ent, tk.Entry) ] self.ent_name.bind("<Return>", lambda _: self.entries[1].focus_set()) self.ent_id.bind("<Return>", lambda _: self.entries[2].focus_set()) self.ent_username.bind("<Return>", lambda _: self.entries[3].focus_set()) self.ent_pass.bind("<Return>", lambda _: self.btn_submit.invoke()) def submit(self): data = self.return_data() if self.callback: result = self.callback(*data) # sending data to self.clear() if isinstance(result, str): # means an error occured if self.callback2: self.callback2("Error", result) else: if self.callback1: # = if no err occured then close the tab. self.callback1() def return_data(self): new_name = self.ent_name.get() new_id = self.ent_id.get() new_username = self.ent_username.get() new_pass = self.ent_pass.get() new_data = (new_name, new_username, new_id, new_pass) if all(item.isalnum() for item in new_data): return new_data def clear(self): self.ent_name.delete(0, tk.END) self.ent_id.delete(0, tk.END) self.ent_username.delete(0, tk.END) self.ent_pass.delete(0, tk.END)