Example #1
    async def real_commit(self):
        """Commit changes to an object"""
        await self._manager._storage.precommit(self)
        for oid, obj in self.added.items():
            # Added objects
            if obj._p_jar is not self and obj._p_jar is not None:
                raise Exception('Invalid reference to txn')

            s, l = await self._manager._storage.store(oid, None, IWriter(obj),
                                                      obj, self)
            obj._p_serial = s
            obj._p_oid = oid
            if obj._p_jar is None:
                obj._p_jar = self
        for oid, obj in self.modified.items():
            # Modified objects
            if obj._p_jar is not self and obj._p_jar is not None:
                raise Exception('Invalid reference to txn')

            # There is no serial
            serial = getattr(obj, "_p_serial", 0)
            s, l = await self._manager._storage.store(oid, serial,
                                                      IWriter(obj), obj, self)
            obj._p_serial = s
            if obj._p_jar is None:
                obj._p_jar = self
        for oid, obj in self.deleted.items():
            if obj._p_jar is not self and obj._p_jar is not None:
                raise Exception('Invalid reference to txn')
            await self._manager._storage.delete(self, oid)
Example #2
    async def initialize(self):
        create root object if necessary
        request = make_mocked_request('POST', '/')
        request._db_write_enabled = True
        tm = request._tm = self.get_transaction_manager()
        txn = await tm.begin()

            await txn._strategy.retrieve_tid()
            root = await tm._storage.load(txn, ROOT_ID)
            if root is not None:
                root = reader(root)
                root._p_jar = txn
                if root.__db_id__ is None:
                    root.__db_id__ = self._database_name
                    await tm._storage.store(ROOT_ID, 0, IWriter(root), root,
        except KeyError:
            from guillotina.db.db import Root
            root = Root(self._database_name)
            await tm._storage.store(ROOT_ID, 0, IWriter(root), root, txn)
            await tm.commit(txn=txn)
Example #3
 def store(self, ob):
     writer = IWriter(ob)
     self._objects[ob._p_oid] = {
         'state': writer.serialize(),
         'zoid': ob._p_oid,
         'tid': 1,
         'id': writer.id,
         'children': self._objects.get(ob._p_oid, {}).get('children', {})
     if ob.__parent__ and ob.__parent__._p_oid in self._objects:
         self._objects[ob.__parent__._p_oid]['children'][ob.id] = ob._p_oid
Example #4
 def store(self, ob):
     writer = IWriter(ob)
     self._objects[ob._p_oid] = {
         'state': writer.serialize(),
         'zoid': ob._p_oid,
         'tid': 1,
         'id': writer.id,
         'children': self._objects.get(ob._p_oid, {}).get('children', {})
     if ob.__parent__ and ob.__parent__._p_oid in self._objects:
         self._objects[ob.__parent__._p_oid]['children'][ob.id] = ob._p_oid
Example #5
 def store(self, oid, old_serial, writer, ob, txn):
     writer = IWriter(ob)
     self._objects[ob.__uuid__] = {
         "state": writer.serialize(),
         "zoid": ob.__uuid__,
         "tid": 1,
         "id": writer.id,
         "children": self._objects.get(ob.__uuid__, {}).get("children", {}),
     if ob.__parent__ and ob.__parent__.__uuid__ in self._objects:
         self._objects[ob.__parent__.__uuid__]["children"][ob.id] = ob.__uuid__
Example #6
async def _test_pg_txn(postgres, guillotina_main):
    """Test a low level transaction"""
    dsn = "postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/guillotina"
    partition_object = "guillotina.db.interfaces.IPartition"
    aps = APgStorage(dsn=dsn, partition=partition_object, name='db')
    await aps.initialize()
    conn = await aps.open()
    obj = Root()
    writer = IWriter(obj)
    tm = TransactionManager(DummyStorage())
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    await aps.tpc_begin(txn, conn)
    await aps.precommit(txn)
    await aps.store(ROOT_ID, 0, writer, obj, txn)
    await aps.tpc_vote(txn)
    await aps.tpc_finish(txn)
    await aps.close(conn)

    tm = TransactionManager(DummyStorage())
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    await aps.tpc_begin(txn, conn)
    result = await aps.load(txn, ROOT_ID)
    await aps.abort(txn)
    await aps.close(txn._db_conn)
    obj2 = reader(result)
    assert obj.__name__ == obj2.__name__
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #7
    async def _store_object(self, obj, uid, added=False):
        # There is no serial
        if added:
            serial = None
            serial = getattr(obj, "__serial__", None) or 0

        writer = IWriter(obj)
        await self._manager._storage.store(uid, serial, writer, obj, self)
        obj.__serial__ = self._tid
        obj.__uuid__ = uid
        if obj.__txn__ is None:
            obj.__txn__ = self
Example #8
    async def initialize(self):
        create root object if necessary
        tm = self.get_transaction_manager()
        txn = await tm.begin()

            await txn._strategy.retrieve_tid()
            root = await tm._storage.load(txn, ROOT_ID)
            if root is not None:
                root = app_settings['object_reader'](root)
                root.__txn__ = txn
                if root.__db_id__ is None:
                    root.__db_id__ = self._database_name
                    await tm._storage.store(ROOT_ID, 0, IWriter(root), root,
        except KeyError:
            from guillotina.db.db import Root
            root = Root(self._database_name)
            await tm._storage.store(ROOT_ID, 0, IWriter(root), root, txn)
            await tm.commit(txn=txn)
Example #9
    async def _store_object(self, obj, uid, added=False):
        # Modified objects
        if obj.__txn__ is not self and obj.__txn__ is not None:
            raise Exception(f'Invalid reference to txn: {obj}')

        # There is no serial
        if added:
            serial = None
            serial = getattr(obj, "__serial__", None) or 0

        writer = IWriter(obj)
        await self._manager._storage.store(uid, serial, writer, obj, self)
        obj.__serial__ = self._tid
        obj.__uuid__ = uid
        if obj.__txn__ is None:
            obj.__txn__ = self
Example #10
    async def _process_object(self, obj, data):

        if data["count"] % 200 == 0:
            await data["tm"].commit(txn=data["transaction"])
            data["transaction"] = await data["tm"].begin()
            obj.__txn__ = data["transaction"]

        uuid = obj.__uuid__

        writer = IWriter(obj)
        await self._index(uuid, writer, data["transaction"], data["table_name"])

        data["count"] += 1

        if IFolder.providedBy(obj):
            await self._process_folder(obj, data)
        del obj
Example #11
    async def _store_object(self, obj, oid, added=False):
        # Modified objects
        if obj._p_jar is not self and obj._p_jar is not None:
            raise Exception(f'Invalid reference to txn: {obj}')

        # There is no serial
        if added:
            serial = None
            serial = getattr(obj, "_p_serial", 0)

        writer = IWriter(obj)
        await self._manager._storage.store(oid, serial, writer, obj, self)
        obj._p_serial = self._tid
        obj._p_oid = oid
        if obj._p_jar is None:
            obj._p_jar = self