Example #1
async def test_should_not_resolve_conflict_error_with_resolve(
        db, dummy_guillotina):
    aps = await get_aps(db, "resolve")
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:

        ob1 = create_content()

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)

        # 1 started before 2
        txn1 = await tm.begin()
        txn2 = await tm.begin()

        ob1 = await txn1.get(ob1.__uuid__)
        ob2 = await txn2.get(ob1.__uuid__)


        # commit 2 before 1
        await tm.commit(txn=txn2)
        ob1.__serial__ = txn2._tid  # prevent tid error since we're testing trns conflict error
        with pytest.raises(ConflictError):
            await tm.commit(txn=txn1)

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #2
async def test_should_raise_conflict_error_when_editing_diff_data_with_resolve_strat(
        db, dummy_guillotina):
    aps = await get_aps(db, "resolve")
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:
        ob = create_content()
        ob.title = "foobar"
        ob.description = "foobar"

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)

        # 1 started before 2
        txn1 = await tm.begin()
        txn2 = await tm.begin()

        ob1 = await txn1.get(ob.__uuid__)
        ob2 = await txn2.get(ob.__uuid__)
        ob1.title = "foobar1"
        ob2.description = "foobar2"


        # commit 2 before 1
        await tm.commit(txn=txn2)
        with pytest.raises(ConflictError):
            await tm.commit(txn=txn1)

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #3
async def test_should_resolve_conflict_error(db, dummy_guillotina):
    aps = await get_aps(db, "resolve")
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:
        ob1 = create_content()
        ob2 = create_content()

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)

        # 1 started before 2
        txn1 = await tm.begin()
        txn2 = await tm.begin()

        ob1 = await txn1.get(ob1.__uuid__)
        ob2 = await txn2.get(ob2.__uuid__)


        # commit 2 before 1
        await tm.commit(txn=txn2)
        # should not raise conflict error
        await tm.commit(txn=txn1)

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #4
async def test_restart_connection_pg(db, dummy_guillotina):
    aps = await get_aps(db)
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm:
        # Test it works
        await tm._storage.get_next_tid(Mock())

        # Simulate connection was initialized a long time ago
        tm._storage._connection_initialized_on = 0

        async def fetchval_conn_closed():
            raise asyncpg.exceptions.InterfaceError(
                "cannot call PreparedStatement.fetchval(): the underlying connection is closed"

        # Simulate underlying connection is closed
        tm._storage._connection_manager._stmt_next_tid = Mock(
            **{"fetchval": fetchval_conn_closed})

        with pytest.raises(ConflictError):
            await tm._storage.get_next_tid(Mock())

        # Test works again
        await tm._storage.get_next_tid(Mock())

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #5
async def test_delete_resource_deletes_blob(db, dummy_guillotina):
    aps = await get_aps(db)
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:
        ob = create_content()

        await txn.write_blob_chunk("X" * 32, ob.__uuid__, 0, b"foobar")

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)
        txn = await tm.begin()

        ob = await txn.get(ob.__uuid__)

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)  # make sure cleanup runs
        txn = await tm.begin()

        assert await txn.read_blob_chunk("X" * 32, 0) is None

        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            await txn.get(ob.__uuid__)

        await tm.abort(txn=txn)
        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #6
async def test_handles_asyncpg_trying_txn_with_manual_txn(db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    # simulate transaction already started(should not happen)
    for conn in tm._storage.pool._queue._queue:
        if conn._con is None:
            await conn.connect()
        await conn._con.execute('BEGIN;')
    txn = await tm.begin()

    # then, try doing stuff...
    ob = create_content()

    assert len(txn.modified) == 1

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob2 = await txn.get(ob._p_oid)

    assert ob2._p_oid == ob._p_oid
    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #7
async def test_restart_connection(db, dummy_request):
    """Low level test checks that root is not there"""
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob = create_content()

    assert len(txn.modified) == 1

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    with pytest.raises(ConflictError):
        await aps.restart_connection()

    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob2 = await txn.get(ob._p_oid)

    assert ob2._p_oid == ob._p_oid
    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #8
async def test_iterate_keys(db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    # base aps uses 1 connection from the pool for starting transactions
    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    parent = create_content()
    original_keys = []
    for _ in range(50):
        item = create_content()
        item.__parent__ = parent

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    keys = []
    async for key in txn.iterate_keys(parent._p_oid, 2):

    assert len(keys) == 50
    assert len(set(keys) - set(original_keys)) == 0
    await tm.abort(txn=txn)
Example #9
 def get_transaction_manager(self):
     New transaction manager for every request
     if self._tm is None:
         self._tm = TransactionManager(self._storage)
     return self._tm
Example #10
async def test_handles_asyncpg_trying_savepoints(postgres, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(postgres)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    # simulate transaction already started(should not happen)
    for conn in tm._storage._pool._queue._queue:
        if conn._con is None:
            await conn.connect()
        conn._con._top_xact = asyncpg.transaction.Transaction(conn, 'read_committed', False, False)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    # then, try doing stuff...
    ob = create_content()

    assert len(txn.modified) == 1

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob2 = await txn.get(ob._p_oid)

    assert ob2._p_oid == ob._p_oid
    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #11
async def test_none_strat_allows_trans_commits(db, dummy_guillotina):
    aps = await get_aps(db, "none")
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:

        ob1 = create_content()

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)

        txn1 = await tm.begin()
        txn2 = await tm.begin()
        ob1 = await txn1.get(ob1.__uuid__)
        ob2 = await txn2.get(ob1.__uuid__)
        ob1.title = "foobar1"
        ob2.title = "foobar2"

        await tm.commit(txn=txn2)
        await tm.commit(txn=txn1)

        txn = await tm.begin()
        ob1 = await txn.get(ob1.__uuid__)
        assert ob1.title == "foobar1"

        await tm.abort(txn=txn)

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #12
async def test_iterate_keys(db, dummy_guillotina):

    # base aps uses 1 connection from the pool for starting transactions
    aps = await get_aps(db)
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:

        parent = create_content()
        original_keys = []
        for _ in range(50):
            item = create_content()
            item.__parent__ = parent

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)
        txn = await tm.begin()

        keys = []
        async for key in txn.iterate_keys(parent.__uuid__, 2):

        assert len(keys) == 50
        assert len(set(keys) - set(original_keys)) == 0
        await tm.abort(txn=txn)
Example #13
async def test_restart_connection_pg(db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)

    # Test it works
    await tm._storage.get_next_tid(Mock())

    # Simulate connection was initialized a long time ago
    tm._storage._connection_initialized_on = 0

    async def fetchval_conn_closed():
        raise asyncpg.exceptions.InterfaceError(
            'cannot call PreparedStatement.fetchval(): the underlying connection is closed'

    # Simulate underlying connection is closed
    tm._storage._stmt_next_tid = Mock(**{'fetchval': fetchval_conn_closed})

    with pytest.raises(ConflictError):
        await tm._storage.get_next_tid(Mock())

    # Test works again
    await tm._storage.get_next_tid(Mock())

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #14
async def test_get_resources_of_type(db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)

    # create object first, commit it...
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob = create_content()

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    count = 0
    async for item in txn._get_resources_of_type('Item'):
        assert item['type'] == 'Item'
        count += 1

    assert count == 1

    await tm.abort(txn=txn)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #15
async def test_using_gather_with_queries_after_prepare(db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)

    # create object first, commit it...
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob1 = create_content()

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    txn = await tm.begin()

    async def get_ob():
        await txn.get(ob1._p_oid)

    # one initial call should load prepared statement
    await txn.get(ob1._p_oid)

    # before we introduction locking on the connection, this would error
    await asyncio.gather(get_ob(), get_ob(), get_ob(), get_ob(), get_ob())

    await tm.abort(txn=txn)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #16
async def test_should_not_resolve_conflict_error_with_simple_strat(
        db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db, 'simple')
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)

    # create object first, commit it...
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob1 = create_content()
    ob2 = create_content()

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    # 1 started before 2
    txn1 = await tm.begin()
    txn2 = await tm.begin()

    ob1 = await txn1.get(ob1._p_oid)
    ob2 = await txn2.get(ob2._p_oid)


    # commit 2 before 1
    await tm.commit(txn=txn2)
    with pytest.raises(ConflictError):
        await tm.commit(txn=txn1)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #17
async def test_none_strat_allows_trans_commits(db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db, 'none')
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)

    # create object first, commit it...
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob1 = create_content()

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    txn1 = await tm.begin()
    txn2 = await tm.begin()
    ob1 = await txn1.get(ob1._p_oid)
    ob2 = await txn2.get(ob1._p_oid)
    ob1.title = 'foobar1'
    ob2.title = 'foobar2'

    await tm.commit(txn=txn2)
    await tm.commit(txn=txn1)

    txn = await tm.begin()
    ob1 = await txn.get(ob1._p_oid)
    assert ob1.title == 'foobar1'

    await tm.abort(txn=txn)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #18
async def test_delete_resource_deletes_blob(db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob = create_content()

    await txn.write_blob_chunk('X' * 32, ob._p_oid, 0, b'foobar')

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob = await txn.get(ob._p_oid)

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)
    await asyncio.sleep(0.1)  # make sure cleanup runs
    txn = await tm.begin()

    assert await txn.read_blob_chunk('X' * 32, 0) is None

    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        await txn.get(ob._p_oid)

    await tm.abort(txn=txn)
    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #19
async def test_create_blob(db, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob = create_content()

    await txn.write_blob_chunk('X' * 32, ob._p_oid, 0, b'foobar')

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    blob_record = await txn.read_blob_chunk('X' * 32, 0)
    assert blob_record['data'] == b'foobar'

    # also get data from ob that started as a stub...
    ob2 = await txn.get(ob._p_oid)
    assert ob2.type_name == 'Item'
    assert 'foobar' in ob2.id

    await tm.abort(txn=txn)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #20
async def test_should_resolve_conflict_error(postgres, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    aps = await get_aps(postgres, 'resolve')
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)

    # create object first, commit it...
    txn = await tm.begin()

    ob1 = create_content()
    ob2 = create_content()

    await tm.commit(txn=txn)

    # 1 started before 2
    txn1 = await tm.begin()
    txn2 = await tm.begin()

    ob1 = await txn1.get(ob1._p_oid)
    ob2 = await txn2.get(ob2._p_oid)


    # commit 2 before 1
    await tm.commit(txn=txn2)
    # should not raise conflict error
    await tm.commit(txn=txn1)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #21
async def test_handles_asyncpg_trying_txn_with_manual_txn(
        db, dummy_guillotina):

    aps = await get_aps(db)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    # simulate transaction already started(should not happen)
    for conn in tm._storage.pool._queue._queue:
        if conn._con is None:
            await conn.connect()
        await conn._con.execute("BEGIN;")

    with await tm.begin() as txn, tm:
        # then, try doing stuff...
        ob = create_content()

        assert len(txn.modified) == 1

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)

        txn = await tm.begin()

        ob2 = await txn.get(ob.__uuid__)

        assert ob2.__uuid__ == ob.__uuid__
        await tm.commit(txn=txn)

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #22
async def test_exhausting_pool_size(db, dummy_guillotina):
    # base aps uses 1 connection from the pool for starting transactions
    aps = await get_aps(db, pool_size=2)
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:
        await txn.get_connection()

        with pytest.raises(concurrent.futures._base.TimeoutError):
            # should throw an error because we've run out of connections in pool
            txn2 = await tm.begin()
            await asyncio.wait_for(txn2.get_connection(), 0.5)

        await tm.abort(txn=txn)

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #23
async def test_get_total_resources_of_type(db, dummy_guillotina):
    aps = await get_aps(db)
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:
        ob = create_content()

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)
        txn = await tm.begin()

        assert 1 == await txn.get_total_resources_of_type('Item')

        await tm.abort(txn=txn)

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #24
async def test_exhausting_pool_size(postgres, dummy_request):
    request = dummy_request  # noqa so magically get_current_request can find

    # base aps uses 1 connection from the pool for starting transactions
    aps = await get_aps(postgres, pool_size=2)
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    txn = await tm.begin()

    with pytest.raises(concurrent.futures._base.TimeoutError):
        # should throw an error because we've run out of connections in pool
        await tm.begin()

    await tm.abort(txn=txn)

    await aps.remove()
    await cleanup(aps)
Example #25
    async def initialize(self):
        # Make sure we have a root:
        request = make_mocked_request('POST', '/')
        request._db_write_enabled = True
        request._tm = TransactionManager(self.storage)
        t = await request._tm.begin(request=request)
        self.request = request

            assert request._tm.get() == t
            await t.get(0)
        except KeyError:
            root = Root()
            t.register(root, new_oid=ROOT_ID)

        await request._tm.commit()
Example #26
async def test_count_total_objects(db, dummy_guillotina):
    aps = await get_aps(db)
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:

        ob = create_content()

        await tm.commit(txn=txn)
        txn = await tm.begin()

        assert await txn.get_total_number_of_objects() == 2
        assert await txn.get_total_number_of_resources() == 1

        await tm.abort(txn=txn)

        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #27
async def test_handle_serialization_error(cockroach_storage):
    async with cockroach_storage as storage:
        tm = TransactionManager(storage)
        txn = await tm.begin()
        folder1 = create_content()
        await tm.commit(txn=txn)
        txn = await tm.begin()

        with mock.patch('asyncpg.prepared_stmt.PreparedStatement._PreparedStatement__bind_execute') as exe_mock:  # noqa
            exe_mock.side_effect = asyncpg.exceptions.SerializationError(
                'restart transaction: HandledRetryableTxnError: '
                'ReadWithinUncertaintyIntervalError: read at time '
                '1511374585.730535846,0 encountered')
            with pytest.raises(ConflictError):
                await txn.get(folder1._p_oid)
        await tm.abort(txn=txn)
Example #28
async def _test_read_something(postgres, guillotina_main):
    """Low level test checks that root is there"""
    dsn = "postgres://postgres:@localhost:5432/guillotina"
    partition_object = "guillotina.db.interfaces.IPartition"
    aps = APgStorage(dsn=dsn, partition=partition_object, name='db')
    await aps.initialize()
    conn = await aps.open()
    tm = TransactionManager(aps)
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    await txn.tpc_begin(conn)
    lasttid = await aps.last_transaction(txn)
    await aps.load(txn, ROOT_ID)
    await aps.abort(txn)
    await aps.remove()
    await aps.close(txn._db_conn)
    await cleanup(aps)
    assert lasttid == 1
Example #29
async def test_mismatched_tid_causes_conflict_error(db, dummy_guillotina):

    # base aps uses 1 connection from the pool for starting transactions
    aps = await get_aps(db)
    with TransactionManager(aps) as tm, await tm.begin() as txn:
        ob1 = create_content()
        await tm.commit(txn=txn)

        txn = await tm.begin()
        ob1 = await txn.get(ob1.__uuid__)
        # modify p_serial, try committing, should raise conflict error
        ob1.__serial__ = 3242432

        with pytest.raises(ConflictError):
            await tm.commit(txn=txn)
        await aps.remove()
        await cleanup(aps)
Example #30
    async def test_record_transaction_cache_empty(self, dummy_guillotina,
        storage = AsyncMock()
        mng = TransactionManager(storage)
        cache = AsyncMock()

        cache.get.return_value = transaction._EMPTY
        strategy = AsyncMock()
        txn = Transaction(mng, cache=cache, strategy=strategy)

        ob = create_content(Container)
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            await txn.get_annotation(ob, "foobar")

        assert (metrics_registry.get_sample_value(
            "guillotina_cache_ops_total", {
                "type": "_get_annotation",
                "result": "hit_empty"
            }) == 1.0)