Example #1
async def test_subscriber_invalidates(redis_container, dummy_guillotina, loop):
    await cache.close_redis_pool()
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    content = create_content()
    trns.modified = {content._p_oid: content}
    rcache = RedisCache(trns, loop=loop)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('foobar', oid=content._p_oid)
    assert serialize.loads(
        await rcache._redis.get(
            CACHE_PREFIX + 'root-' + content._p_oid)) == "foobar"
    assert rcache._memory_cache.get(
        'root-' + content._p_oid) == 'foobar'
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content._p_oid) == 'foobar'

    assert 'root-' + content._p_oid in rcache._memory_cache

    await rcache._redis.publish(
        app_settings['redis']['updates_channel'], serialize.dumps({
            'tid': 32423,
            'keys': ['root-' + content._p_oid]
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # should be enough for pub/sub to finish
    assert 'root-' + content._p_oid not in rcache._memory_cache

    await cache.close_redis_pool()
Example #2
async def test_fill_cache_doesnt_cache_large_objects(guillotina_main,
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    cache = BasicCache(txn)

    # Mock storing an object that is over the limit
    obj = Mock()
    obj.__uuid__ = "foo"
    obj.__serial__ = "bar"
    obj.__name__ = "ba"
    obj.__of__ = "bi"

    pickled = MagicMock()
    pickled.__len__.return_value = BasicCache.max_cache_record_size + 10

    await cache.store_object(obj, pickled)

    # Call fill_cache and check that caching was skipped
    await cache.fill_cache()


    # Now add smaller object and check that is cached
    pickled.__len__.return_value = 1
    await cache.store_object(obj, pickled)
    await cache.fill_cache()
Example #3
async def test_subscriber_ignores_trsn_on_invalidate(
        redis_container, dummy_guillotina, loop):
    await cache.close_redis_pool()
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    content = create_content()
    trns.modified = {content._p_oid: content}
    rcache = RedisCache(trns, loop=loop)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('foobar', oid=content._p_oid)
    assert serialize.loads(
        await rcache._redis.get(
            CACHE_PREFIX + 'root-' + content._p_oid)) == "foobar"
    assert rcache._memory_cache.get('root-' + content._p_oid) == 'foobar'
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content._p_oid) == 'foobar'

    assert 'root-' + content._p_oid in rcache._memory_cache

    utility = getUtility(IRedisChannelUtility)

    await rcache._redis.publish(
        app_settings['redis']['updates_channel'], serialize.dumps({
            'tid': 5555,
            'keys': ['root-' + content._p_oid]
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # should be enough for pub/sub to finish
    # should still be there because we set to ignore this tid
    assert 'root-' + content._p_oid in rcache._memory_cache
    # tid should also now be removed from ignored list
    assert 5555 not in utility._ignored_tids

    await cache.close_redis_pool()
Example #4
async def test_do_not_cache_large_object(guillotina_main, loop):
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    storage = tm._storage
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    cache = BasicCache(txn)
    txn._cache = cache
    ob = create_content()
    ob.foobar = "X" * cache.max_cache_record_size  # push size above cache threshold
    storage.store(None, None, None, ob, txn)
    loaded = await txn.get(ob.__uuid__)
    assert id(loaded) != id(ob)
    assert loaded.__uuid__ == ob.__uuid__
Example #5
async def test_cache_set(guillotina_main, loop):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    assert util.initialized
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set("bar", oid="foo")
    # but also in memory
    assert util._memory_cache.get("root-foo") == "bar"
    # and api matches..
    assert await rcache.get(oid="foo") == "bar"
Example #6
async def test_cache_clear(guillotina_main, loop):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set("bar", oid="foo")
    assert util._memory_cache.get("root-foo") == "bar"
    assert await rcache.get(oid="foo") == "bar"

    await rcache.clear()
    assert await rcache.get(oid="foo") is None
Example #7
async def test_do_not_cache_large_object(dummy_guillotina):
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    storage = tm._storage
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    cache = MemoryCache(storage, txn)
    txn._cache = cache
    ob = create_content()
    ob.foobar = 'X' * cache.max_cache_record_size  # push size above cache threshold
    loaded = await txn.get(ob._p_oid)
    assert id(loaded) != id(ob)
    assert loaded._p_oid == ob._p_oid
    assert len(cache._actions) == 0
Example #8
async def cleanup(aps):
    conn = await aps.open()
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager(aps)
    txn = mocks.MockTransaction(tm)
    txn._db_conn = conn
    await aps.start_transaction(txn)

    conn = txn._db_conn
    await conn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS objects;")
    await conn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS blobs;")
    if DATABASE == "postgres":
        await conn.execute("ALTER SEQUENCE tid_sequence RESTART WITH 1")
    await txn._db_txn.commit()
    await aps.pool.release(conn)
    await aps.finalize()
Example #9
async def test_invalidate_object(guillotina_main, loop):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    content = create_content()
    trns.modified = {content.__uuid__: content}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set("foobar", oid=content.__uuid__)
    assert util._memory_cache.get("root-" + content.__uuid__) == "foobar"
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content.__uuid__) == "foobar"

    await rcache.close(invalidate=True)
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content.__uuid__) is None
Example #10
async def test_cache_delete(guillotina_main, loop):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('bar', oid='foo')
    # make sure it is in redis
    assert util._memory_cache.get('root-foo') == 'bar'
    assert await rcache.get(oid='foo') == 'bar'

    # now delete
    await rcache.delete('root-foo')
    assert await rcache.get(oid='foo') is None
Example #11
async def test_cache_object(dummy_guillotina):
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    storage = tm._storage
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    cache = MemoryCache(storage, txn)
    txn._cache = cache
    ob = create_content()
    loaded = await txn.get(ob._p_oid)
    assert id(loaded) != id(ob)
    assert loaded._p_oid == ob._p_oid
    assert cache._actions[0]['action'] == 'stored'

    # and load from cache
    await txn.get(ob._p_oid)
    assert cache._actions[-1]['action'] == 'loaded'
Example #12
async def test_get_size_of_item(dummy_guillotina, loop):
    await cache.close_redis_pool()
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = RedisCache(trns)
    from guillotina_rediscache.cache_strategy import _default_size
    import sys
    assert rcache.get_size(dict(a=1)) == _default_size
    assert rcache.get_size(1) == sys.getsizeof(1)
    assert rcache.get_size(dict(state=b'x'*10)) == 10

    item = [
        'x'*10, 'x'*10, 'x'*10

    assert rcache.get_size(item) == sys.getsizeof('x'*10) * 3
Example #13
async def test_cache_set(redis_container, dummy_guillotina, loop):
    await cache.close_redis_pool()
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = RedisCache(trns, loop=loop)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('bar', oid='foo')
    # make sure it is in redis
    val = await rcache._redis.get(CACHE_PREFIX + 'root-foo')
    assert serialize.loads(val) == "bar"
    # but also in memory
    assert rcache._memory_cache.get('root-foo') == 'bar'
    # and api matches..
    assert await rcache.get(oid='foo') == 'bar'

    await cache.close_redis_pool()
Example #14
async def test_cache_object(guillotina_main, loop):
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    storage = tm._storage
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    cache = BasicCache(txn)
    txn._cache = cache
    ob = create_content()
    storage.store(None, None, None, ob, txn)
    loaded = await txn.get(ob.__uuid__)
    assert id(loaded) != id(ob)
    assert loaded.__uuid__ == ob.__uuid__
    assert cache._hits == 0
    assert cache._misses == 1

    # and load from cache
    await txn.get(ob.__uuid__)
    assert cache._hits == 1
Example #15
async def test_cache_clear(redis_container, dummy_guillotina, loop):
    await cache.close_redis_pool()
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = RedisCache(trns, loop=loop)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('bar', oid='foo')
    # make sure it is in redis
    assert serialize.loads(await
                           rcache._redis.get(CACHE_PREFIX + 'foo')) == "bar"
    assert rcache._memory_cache.get('foo') == 'bar'
    assert await rcache.get(oid='foo') == 'bar'

    await rcache.clear()
    assert await rcache.get(oid='foo') is None

    await cache.close_redis_pool()
Example #16
async def test_subscriber_ignores_trsn_on_invalidate(redis_container,

    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    await util.initialize()
    assert util.initialized
    assert util._obj_driver is not None
    assert util._subscriber is not None

    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    content = create_content()
    trns.modified = {content.__uuid__: content}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()
    driver = await resolve_dotted_name("guillotina.contrib.redis").get_driver()

    await rcache.set("foobar", oid=content.__uuid__)
    assert serialize.loads(await driver.get(CACHE_PREFIX + "root-" +
                                            content.__uuid__)) == "foobar"
    assert util._memory_cache.get("root-" + content.__uuid__) == "foobar"
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content.__uuid__) == "foobar"

    assert "root-" + content.__uuid__ in util._memory_cache


    await driver.publish(
                "tid": 5555,
                "keys": ["root-" + content.__uuid__]
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # should be enough for pub/sub to finish
    # should still be there because we set to ignore this tid
    assert "root-" + content.__uuid__ in util._memory_cache
    # tid should also now be removed from ignored list
    assert 5555 not in util._ignored_tids
Example #17
async def test_invalidate_object(redis_container, dummy_guillotina, loop):
    await cache.close_redis_pool()
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    content = create_content()
    trns.modified = {content._p_oid: content}
    rcache = RedisCache(trns, loop=loop)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('foobar', oid=content._p_oid)
    assert serialize.loads(await rcache._redis.get(CACHE_PREFIX +
                                                   content._p_oid)) == "foobar"
    assert rcache._memory_cache.get(content._p_oid) == 'foobar'
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content._p_oid) == 'foobar'

    await rcache.close(invalidate=True)
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content._p_oid) is None

    await cache.close_redis_pool()
Example #18
async def test_cache_object_from_child(guillotina_main, loop):
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    storage = tm._storage
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    cache = BasicCache(txn)
    txn._cache = cache
    ob = create_content()
    parent = create_content()
    ob.__parent__ = parent
    storage.store(None, None, None, parent, txn)
    storage.store(None, None, None, ob, txn)

    loaded = await txn.get_child(parent, ob.id)
    assert cache._hits == 0
    loaded = await txn.get_child(parent, ob.id)
    assert cache._hits == 1

    assert id(loaded) != id(ob)
    assert loaded.__uuid__ == ob.__uuid__
Example #19
async def test_set_multiple_cache_keys_size(redis_container, guillotina_main):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    await util.initialize()
    assert util.initialized
    assert util._obj_driver is not None
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set({"state": "foobar"},
                         "oid": "foo"
                     }, {
                         "container": "foobar",
                         "id": "foobar"
    assert util._memory_cache.get_memory() == 6
    await util.finalize(None)
Example #20
async def test_cache_object_from_child(dummy_guillotina):
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    storage = tm._storage
    txn = Transaction(tm)
    cache = MemoryCache(storage, txn)
    txn._cache = cache
    ob = create_content()
    parent = create_content()
    ob.__parent__ = parent

    loaded = await txn.get_child(parent, ob.id)
    assert len(cache._actions) == 1
    assert cache._actions[0]['action'] == 'stored'
    loaded = await txn.get_child(parent, ob.id)
    assert cache._actions[-1]['action'] == 'loaded'

    assert id(loaded) != id(ob)
    assert loaded._p_oid == ob._p_oid
Example #21
async def test_cache_set(redis_container, guillotina_main):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    await util.initialize()
    assert util.initialized
    assert util._obj_driver is not None
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set("bar", oid="foo")
    # make sure it is in redis
    driver = await resolve_dotted_name("guillotina.contrib.redis").get_driver()

    val = await driver.get(CACHE_PREFIX + "root-foo")
    assert serialize.loads(val) == "bar"
    # but also in memory
    assert util._memory_cache.get("root-foo") == "bar"
    # and api matches..
    assert await rcache.get(oid="foo") == "bar"
    await util.finalize(None)
Example #22
async def test_subscriber_invalidates(redis_container, guillotina_main, loop):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    await util.initialize()
    assert util.initialized
    assert util._obj_driver is not None
    assert util._subscriber is not None

    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    content = create_content()
    trns.modified = {content.__uuid__: content}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('foobar', oid=content.__uuid__)
    driver = await resolve_dotted_name('guillotina.contrib.redis').get_driver()

    assert serialize.loads(await driver.get(CACHE_PREFIX + 'root-' +
                                            content.__uuid__)) == "foobar"
    assert util._memory_cache.get('root-' + content.__uuid__) == 'foobar'
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content.__uuid__) == 'foobar'

    assert 'root-' + content.__uuid__ in util._memory_cache

    await driver.publish(
                'tid': 32423,
                'keys': ['root-' + content.__uuid__]
    await asyncio.sleep(1)  # should be enough for pub/sub to finish
    assert 'root-' + content.__uuid__ not in util._memory_cache
Example #23
async def test_cache_clear(redis_container, guillotina_main, loop):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    await util.initialize()

    assert util.initialized
    assert util._obj_driver is not None

    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('bar', oid='foo')
    # make sure it is in redis
    driver = await resolve_dotted_name('guillotina.contrib.redis').get_driver()

    assert serialize.loads(await
                           driver.get(CACHE_PREFIX + 'root-foo')) == "bar"
    assert util._memory_cache.get('root-foo') == 'bar'
    assert await rcache.get(oid='foo') == 'bar'

    await rcache.clear()
    assert await rcache.get(oid='foo') is None
    await util.finalize(None)
Example #24
async def test_invalidate_object(redis_container, guillotina_main, loop):
    util = get_utility(ICacheUtility)
    await util.initialize()
    assert util.initialized
    assert util._obj_driver is not None
    assert util._subscriber is not None

    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager())
    trns.added = trns.deleted = {}
    content = create_content()
    trns.modified = {content.__uuid__: content}
    rcache = BasicCache(trns)
    await rcache.clear()

    await rcache.set('foobar', oid=content.__uuid__)

    driver = await resolve_dotted_name('guillotina.contrib.redis').get_driver()
    assert serialize.loads(await driver.get(CACHE_PREFIX + 'root-' +
                                            content.__uuid__)) == "foobar"
    assert util._memory_cache.get('root-' + content.__uuid__) == 'foobar'
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content.__uuid__) == 'foobar'

    await rcache.close(invalidate=True)
    assert await rcache.get(oid=content.__uuid__) is None
Example #25
def _make_strategy():
    storage = mocks.MockStorage(transaction_strategy='lock')
    trns = mocks.MockTransaction(mocks.MockTransactionManager(storage=storage))
    return trns._strategy
Example #26
async def test_no_tid_created_for_reads(dummy_request, loop):
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    trns = Transaction(tm, loop=loop, read_only=True)
    await trns.tpc_begin()
    assert trns._tid is None
Example #27
async def test_tid_created_for_writes(dummy_request, loop):
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    trns = Transaction(tm, loop=loop)
    await trns.tpc_begin()
    assert trns._tid == 1
Example #28
async def test_no_tid_created_for_reads(dummy_request, loop):
    dummy_request._db_write_enabled = False
    tm = mocks.MockTransactionManager()
    trns = Transaction(tm, dummy_request, loop=loop)
    await trns.tpc_begin()
    assert trns._tid is None