def populate_subreddits_pickle(): from guis import progressBG loading_indicator=progressBG(translation(30026)) #Gathering icons.. with open(subredditsFile, 'r') as fh: subreddit_settings = fh.readlines() loading_indicator.set_tick_total(len(subreddit_settings)) for entry in subreddit_settings: entry=entry.strip() loading_indicator.tick(1,entry) s=convert_settings_entry_into_subreddits_list_or_domain(entry) if s: log('processing saved entry:'+repr(entry)) get_subreddit_entry_info_thread(s) xbmc.sleep(2000) loading_indicator.end()
def listLinksInComment(url, name, type_): from domains import parse_reddit_link, build_DirectoryItem_url_based_on_media_type from utils import markdown_to_bbcode, unescape from guis import progressBG #from import make_addon_url_from #called from context menu log('listLinksInComment:%s:%s' % (type_, url)) #does not work for list comments coz key is the playable url (not reddit comments url) #msg=WINDOW.getProperty(url) #WINDOW.clearProperty( url ) #log( ' msg=' + msg ) directory_items = [] author = "" ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink = False if type_ == 'linksOnly': ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink = True #url='' + '.json' #only get up to "". # do not include "/bonnie_tyler_total_eclipse_of_the_heart_80s_pop/" # because we'll have problem when it looks like this: "éjà _vu/" #url=re.findall(r'(.*/comments/[A-Za-z0-9]+)',url)[0] #use safe='' argument in quoteplus to encode only the weird chars part url = urllib.quote_plus(url, safe=':/?&') if '?' in url: url = url.split('?', 1)[0] + '.json?' + url.split('?', 1)[1] else: url += '.json' loading_indicator = progressBG(translation(30024)) loading_indicator.update(0, 'Retrieving comments') content = reddit_request(url) if not content: loading_indicator.end() return loading_indicator.update(10, 'Parsing') content = json.loads(content) del harvest[:] #harvest links in the post text (just 1) r_linkHunter(content[0]['data']['children']) try: submitter = content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['author'] except: submitter = '' #the post title is provided in json, we'll just use that instead of messages from addLink() try: post_title = content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['title'] except: post_title = '' #for i, h in enumerate(harvest): # log("aaaaa first harvest "+h[2]) #harvest links in the post itself r_linkHunter(content[1]['data']['children']) comment_score = 0 loading_indicator.set_tick_total(len(harvest)) for i, h in enumerate(harvest): try: #log(str(i)+" score:"+ str(h[0]).zfill(5)+" "+ h[1] +'|'+ h[3] ) comment_score = h[0] #log("score %d < %d (%s)" %(comment_score,int_CommentTreshold, CommentTreshold) ) link_url = h[2] desc100 = h[3].replace( '\n', ' ')[0:100] #first 100 characters of description kind = h[ 6] #reddit uses t1 for user comments and t3 for OP text of the post. like a poster describing the post. d = h[5] #depth of the comment tab = " " * d if d > 0 else "-" from urlparse import urlparse domain = '{uri.netloc}'.format(uri=urlparse(link_url)) author = h[7] DirectoryItem_url = '' if comment_score < int_CommentTreshold: continue #hoster, DirectoryItem_url, videoID, mode_type, thumb_url,poster_url, isFolder,setInfo_type, setProperty_IsPlayable =make_addon_url_from(h[2]) #if link_url: # log( ' comment %s TITLE:%s... link[%s]' % ( str(d).zfill(3), desc100.ljust(20)[:20],link_url ) ) ld = parse_reddit_link(link_url=link_url, assume_is_video=False, needs_preview=True, get_playable_url=True) if kind == 't1': list_title = r"[COLOR cadetblue]%3d[/COLOR] %s" % (h[0], tab) elif kind == 't3': list_title = r"[COLOR cadetblue]Title [/COLOR] %s" % (tab) #helps the the textbox control treat [url description] and (url) as separate words. so that they can be separated into 2 lines plot = h[3].replace('](', '] (') plot = markdown_to_bbcode(plot) plot = unescape(plot) #convert html entities e.g.:(') liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=list_title + ': ' + desc100) liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": h[1], "plot": plot, "studio": domain, "votes": str(comment_score), "director": author }) isFolder = False #force all links to ytdl to see if it can be played if link_url: DirectoryItem_url, setProperty_IsPlayable, isFolder, title_prefix = build_DirectoryItem_url_based_on_media_type( ld, link_url) liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', setProperty_IsPlayable) liz.setProperty( 'url', DirectoryItem_url) #<-- needed by the xml gui skin liz.setPath(DirectoryItem_url) if domain: plot = " [COLOR greenyellow][%s] %s" % (domain, plot) + "[/COLOR]" else: plot = " [COLOR greenyellow][%s]" % (plot) + "[/COLOR]" liz.setLabel(list_title + plot) if ld: liz.setArt({ "thumb": ld.poster, "poster": ld.poster, "banner": ld.poster, "fanart": ld.poster, "landscape": ld.poster }) if DirectoryItem_url: #log( 'IsPlayable:'+setProperty_IsPlayable ) directory_items.append(( DirectoryItem_url, liz, isFolder, )) #xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle,url=DirectoryItem_url,listitem=liz,isFolder=isFolder) else: #this section are for comments that have no links if not ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink: result = h[3].replace('](', '] (') result = markdown_to_bbcode(result) liz = xbmcgui.ListItem(label=list_title + desc100) liz.setInfo(type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": h[1], "plot": result, "studio": domain, "votes": str(h[0]), "director": author }) liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'false') directory_items.append(( "", liz, False, )) #xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle,url="",listitem=liz,isFolder=False) #END section are for comments that have no links or unsupported links except Exception as e: log(' EXCEPTION:' + str(e)) #for di in directory_items: # log( str(di) ) loading_indicator.tick(1, desc100) loading_indicator.end() #log(' comments_view id=%s' %comments_viewMode) #xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, "mixed") #in estuary, mixed have limited view id's available. it has widelist which is nice for comments but we'll just stick with 'movies' xbmcplugin.setContent( pluginhandle, "episodes" ) #files, songs, artists, albums, movies, tvshows, episodes, musicvideos xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(pluginhandle, 'Comments') xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(handle=pluginhandle, items=directory_items) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(pluginhandle) if comments_viewMode: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(%s)' % comments_viewMode)
def listSubReddit(url, name, subreddit_key): from guis import progressBG from utils import post_is_filtered_out, set_query_field from reddit import has_multiple global GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit, GCXM_hasmultipledomain, GCXM_hasmultipleauthor, GCXM_subreddit_key log("listSubReddit subreddit=%s url=%s" % (subreddit_key, url)) currentUrl = url #use the "episodes" content type rather than "movies" so that the Wall and InfoWall views in the default Estuary skin show titles on each item like the Youtube and RedditTV addons. #The "movies" type assumes the thumbnails are posters and don't need a title which is definitely not the case for reddit content. --credit:Kestrel xbmcplugin.setContent( pluginhandle, "episodes" ) #files, songs, artists, albums, movies, tvshows, episodes, musicvideos loading_indicator = progressBG('Loading...') loading_indicator.update(8, 'Retrieving ' + subreddit_key) content = reddit_request(url) loading_indicator.update(11, subreddit_key) if not content: loading_indicator.end( ) #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG return page_title = "[COLOR cadetblue]%s[/COLOR]" % subreddit_key #setPluginCategory lets us show text at the top of window, we take advantage of this and put the subreddit name xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(pluginhandle, page_title) info_label = {"plot": translation(30013)} #Automatically play videos if autoplayAll: addDir("[B]- " + translation(30016) + "[/B]", url, 'autoPlay', "", "ALL", info_label) if autoplayUnwatched: addDir("[B]- " + translation(30017) + "[/B]", url, 'autoPlay', "", "UNWATCHED", info_label) threads = [] q_liz = Queue() #output queue (listitem) content = json.loads(content) #A modhash is a token that the reddit API requires to help prevent CSRF. Modhashes can be obtained via the /api/me.json call or in response data of listing endpoints. #The preferred way to send a modhash is to include an X-Modhash custom HTTP header with your requests. #Modhashes are not required when authenticated with OAuth. #modhash=content['data']['modhash'] #log( 'modhash='+repr(modhash) ) #log("query returned %d items " % len(content['data']['children']) ) posts_count = len(content['data']['children']) filtered_out_posts = 0 GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit = has_multiple('subreddit', content['data']['children']) GCXM_hasmultipledomain = has_multiple('domain', content['data']['children']) GCXM_hasmultipleauthor = has_multiple('author', content['data']['children']) GCXM_subreddit_key = subreddit_key for idx, entry in enumerate(content['data']['children']): try: if post_is_filtered_out(entry.get('data')): filtered_out_posts += 1 continue #have threads process each reddit post t = threading.Thread(target=reddit_post_worker, args=(idx, entry, q_liz), name='#t%.2d' % idx) threads.append(t) t.start() except Exception as e: log(" EXCEPTION:=" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + " " + str(e)) #check the queue to determine progress break_counter = 0 #to avoid infinite loop expected_listitems = (posts_count - filtered_out_posts) if expected_listitems > 0: loading_indicator.set_tick_total(expected_listitems) last_queue_size = 0 while q_liz.qsize() < expected_listitems: if break_counter >= 100: break #each change in the queue size gets a tick on our progress track if last_queue_size < q_liz.qsize(): items_added = q_liz.qsize() - last_queue_size loading_indicator.tick(items_added) else: break_counter += 1 last_queue_size = q_liz.qsize() xbmc.sleep(50) #wait for all threads to finish before collecting the list items for idx, t in enumerate(threads): #log(' joining %s' %t.getName()) t.join(timeout=20) xbmc_busy(False) #compare the number of entries to the returned results #log( "queue:%d entries:%d" %( q_liz.qsize() , len(content['data']['children'] ) ) ) if q_liz.qsize() != expected_listitems: log('some threads did not return a listitem') #liz is a tuple for addDirectoryItems li = [liz for idx, liz in sorted(q_liz.queue) ] #list of (url, listitem[, isFolder]) as a tuple #log(repr(li)) #empty the queue. with q_liz.mutex: q_liz.queue.clear() xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(pluginhandle, li) loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG try: #this part makes sure that you load the next page instead of just the first after = content['data']['after'] o = urlparse.urlparse(currentUrl) current_url_query = urlparse.parse_qs(o.query) nextUrl = set_query_field( currentUrl, field='after', value=after, replace=True) #(url, field, value, replace=False): #log('$$$currenturl: ' +currentUrl) #log('$$$ nextUrl: ' +nextUrl) count = current_url_query.get('count') #log('$$$count : ' +repr(count)) if current_url_query.get('count') == None: #firsttime it is none count = itemsPerPage else: #nexttimes it will be kept incremented with itemsPerPage try: count = int( current_url_query.get('count')[0]) + int(itemsPerPage) except ValueError: count = itemsPerPage nextUrl = set_query_field(nextUrl, 'count', count, True) #log('$$$ nextUrl: ' +nextUrl) # plot shows up on estuary. etc. ( avoids the "No information available" message on description ) info_label = {"plot": translation(30004) + '[CR]' + page_title} addDir(translation(30004), nextUrl, 'listSubReddit', "", subreddit_key, info_label) #Next Page except Exception as e: log(' Exception: ' + str(e)) #the +'s got removed by url conversion subreddit_key = subreddit_key.replace(' ', '+') viewID = WINDOW.getProperty("viewid-" + subreddit_key) #log(" custom viewid %s for %s " %(viewID,subreddit_key) ) if viewID: log(" custom viewid %s for %s " % (viewID, subreddit_key)) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(%s)' % viewID) else: if forceViewMode: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(' + viewMode + ')') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=pluginhandle, succeeded=True, updateListing= False, #setting this to True causes the ".." entry to quit the plugin cacheToDisc=True)
def listLinksInComment(url, name, type_): from domains import parse_reddit_link, build_DirectoryItem_url_based_on_media_type from utils import markdown_to_bbcode, unescape from guis import progressBG #from import make_addon_url_from #called from context menu log('listLinksInComment:%s:%s' %(type_,url) ) #does not work for list comments coz key is the playable url (not reddit comments url) #msg=WINDOW.getProperty(url) #WINDOW.clearProperty( url ) #log( ' msg=' + msg ) directory_items=[] author="" ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink=False if type_=='linksOnly': ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink=True #url='' + '.json' #only get up to "". # do not include "/bonnie_tyler_total_eclipse_of_the_heart_80s_pop/" # because we'll have problem when it looks like this: "éjà _vu/" #url=re.findall(r'(.*/comments/[A-Za-z0-9]+)',url)[0] #use safe='' argument in quoteplus to encode only the weird chars part url=urllib.quote_plus(url,safe=':/?&') if '?' in url: url=url.split('?', 1)[0]+'.json?'+url.split('?', 1)[1] else: url+= '.json' loading_indicator=progressBG(translation(30024)) loading_indicator.update(0,'Retrieving comments') content = reddit_request(url) if not content: loading_indicator.end() return loading_indicator.update(10,'Parsing') content = json.loads(content) del harvest[:] #harvest links in the post text (just 1) r_linkHunter(content[0]['data']['children']) try:submitter=content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['author'] except: submitter='' #the post title is provided in json, we'll just use that instead of messages from addLink() try:post_title=content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['title'] except:post_title='' #for i, h in enumerate(harvest): # log("aaaaa first harvest "+h[2]) #harvest links in the post itself r_linkHunter(content[1]['data']['children']) comment_score=0 loading_indicator.set_tick_total(len(harvest)) for i, h in enumerate(harvest): try: #log(str(i)+" score:"+ str(h[0]).zfill(5)+" "+ h[1] +'|'+ h[3] ) comment_score=h[0] #log("score %d < %d (%s)" %(comment_score,int_CommentTreshold, CommentTreshold) ) link_url=h[2] desc100=h[3].replace('\n',' ')[0:100] #first 100 characters of description kind=h[6] #reddit uses t1 for user comments and t3 for OP text of the post. like a poster describing the post. d=h[5] #depth of the comment tab=" "*d if d>0 else "-" from urlparse import urlparse domain = '{uri.netloc}'.format( uri=urlparse( link_url ) ) author=h[7] DirectoryItem_url='' if comment_score < int_CommentTreshold: continue #hoster, DirectoryItem_url, videoID, mode_type, thumb_url,poster_url, isFolder,setInfo_type, setProperty_IsPlayable =make_addon_url_from(h[2]) #if link_url: # log( ' comment %s TITLE:%s... link[%s]' % ( str(d).zfill(3), desc100.ljust(20)[:20],link_url ) ) ld=parse_reddit_link(link_url=link_url, assume_is_video=False, needs_preview=True, get_playable_url=True ) if kind=='t1': list_title=r"[COLOR cadetblue]%3d[/COLOR] %s" %( h[0], tab ) elif kind=='t3': list_title=r"[COLOR cadetblue]Title [/COLOR] %s" %( tab ) #helps the the textbox control treat [url description] and (url) as separate words. so that they can be separated into 2 lines plot=h[3].replace('](', '] (') plot= markdown_to_bbcode(plot) plot=unescape(plot) #convert html entities e.g.:(') liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(label=list_title +': '+ desc100) liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": h[1], "plot": plot, "studio": domain, "votes": str(comment_score), "director": author } ) isFolder=False #force all links to ytdl to see if it can be played if link_url: DirectoryItem_url, setProperty_IsPlayable, isFolder, title_prefix = build_DirectoryItem_url_based_on_media_type(ld, link_url) liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', setProperty_IsPlayable) liz.setProperty('url', DirectoryItem_url) #<-- needed by the xml gui skin liz.setPath(DirectoryItem_url) if domain: plot= " [COLOR greenyellow][%s] %s"%(domain, plot ) + "[/COLOR]" else: plot= " [COLOR greenyellow][%s]"%( plot ) + "[/COLOR]" liz.setLabel(list_title+plot) if ld: liz.setArt({"thumb": ld.poster, "poster":ld.poster, "banner":ld.poster, "fanart":ld.poster, "landscape":ld.poster }) if DirectoryItem_url: #log( 'IsPlayable:'+setProperty_IsPlayable ) directory_items.append( (DirectoryItem_url, liz, isFolder,) ) #xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle,url=DirectoryItem_url,listitem=liz,isFolder=isFolder) else: #this section are for comments that have no links if not ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink: result=h[3].replace('](', '] (') result=markdown_to_bbcode(result) liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(label=list_title + desc100) liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": h[1], "plot": result, "studio": domain, "votes": str(h[0]), "director": author } ) liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'false') directory_items.append( ("", liz, False,) ) #xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(handle=pluginhandle,url="",listitem=liz,isFolder=False) #END section are for comments that have no links or unsupported links except Exception as e: log(' EXCEPTION:' + str(e) ) #for di in directory_items: # log( str(di) ) loading_indicator.tick(1, desc100) loading_indicator.end() #log(' comments_view id=%s' %comments_viewMode) #xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, "mixed") #in estuary, mixed have limited view id's available. it has widelist which is nice for comments but we'll just stick with 'movies' xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, "episodes") #files, songs, artists, albums, movies, tvshows, episodes, musicvideos xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(pluginhandle,'Comments') xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(handle=pluginhandle, items=directory_items ) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(pluginhandle) if comments_viewMode: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(%s)' %comments_viewMode)
def listSubReddit(url, name, subreddit_key): from guis import progressBG from utils import post_is_filtered_out, set_query_field from reddit import has_multiple global GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit,GCXM_hasmultipledomain,GCXM_hasmultipleauthor,GCXM_subreddit_key log("listSubReddit subreddit=%s url=%s" %(subreddit_key,url) ) currentUrl = url #use the "episodes" content type rather than "movies" so that the Wall and InfoWall views in the default Estuary skin show titles on each item like the Youtube and RedditTV addons. #The "movies" type assumes the thumbnails are posters and don't need a title which is definitely not the case for reddit content. --credit:Kestrel xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, "episodes") #files, songs, artists, albums, movies, tvshows, episodes, musicvideos loading_indicator=progressBG('Loading...') loading_indicator.update(8,'Retrieving '+subreddit_key) content = reddit_request(url) loading_indicator.update(11,subreddit_key ) if not content: loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG return page_title="[COLOR cadetblue]%s[/COLOR]" %subreddit_key #setPluginCategory lets us show text at the top of window, we take advantage of this and put the subreddit name xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(pluginhandle, page_title) info_label={ "plot": translation(30013) } #Automatically play videos if autoplayAll: addDir("[B]- "+translation(30016)+"[/B]", url, 'autoPlay', "", "ALL", info_label) if autoplayUnwatched: addDir("[B]- "+translation(30017)+"[/B]" , url, 'autoPlay', "", "UNWATCHED", info_label) threads = [] q_liz = Queue() #output queue (listitem) content = json.loads(content) #A modhash is a token that the reddit API requires to help prevent CSRF. Modhashes can be obtained via the /api/me.json call or in response data of listing endpoints. #The preferred way to send a modhash is to include an X-Modhash custom HTTP header with your requests. #Modhashes are not required when authenticated with OAuth. #modhash=content['data']['modhash'] #log( 'modhash='+repr(modhash) ) #log("query returned %d items " % len(content['data']['children']) ) posts_count=len(content['data']['children']) filtered_out_posts=0 GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit=has_multiple('subreddit', content['data']['children']) GCXM_hasmultipledomain=has_multiple('domain', content['data']['children']) GCXM_hasmultipleauthor=has_multiple('author', content['data']['children']) GCXM_subreddit_key=subreddit_key for idx, entry in enumerate(content['data']['children']): try: if post_is_filtered_out( entry.get('data') ): filtered_out_posts+=1 continue #have threads process each reddit post t = threading.Thread(target=reddit_post_worker, args=(idx, entry,q_liz), name='#t%.2d'%idx) threads.append(t) t.start() except Exception as e: log(" EXCEPTION:="+ str( sys.exc_info()[0]) + " " + str(e) ) #check the queue to determine progress break_counter=0 #to avoid infinite loop expected_listitems=(posts_count-filtered_out_posts) if expected_listitems>0: loading_indicator.set_tick_total(expected_listitems) last_queue_size=0 while q_liz.qsize() < expected_listitems: if break_counter>=100: break #each change in the queue size gets a tick on our progress track if last_queue_size < q_liz.qsize(): items_added=q_liz.qsize()-last_queue_size loading_indicator.tick(items_added) else: break_counter+=1 last_queue_size=q_liz.qsize() xbmc.sleep(50) #wait for all threads to finish before collecting the list items for idx, t in enumerate(threads): #log(' joining %s' %t.getName()) t.join(timeout=20) xbmc_busy(False) #compare the number of entries to the returned results #log( "queue:%d entries:%d" %( q_liz.qsize() , len(content['data']['children'] ) ) ) if q_liz.qsize() != expected_listitems: log('some threads did not return a listitem') #liz is a tuple for addDirectoryItems li=[ liz for idx,liz in sorted(q_liz.queue) ] #list of (url, listitem[, isFolder]) as a tuple #log(repr(li)) #empty the queue. with q_liz.mutex: q_liz.queue.clear() xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(pluginhandle, li) loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG try: #this part makes sure that you load the next page instead of just the first after=content['data']['after'] o = urlparse.urlparse(currentUrl) current_url_query = urlparse.parse_qs(o.query) nextUrl=set_query_field(currentUrl, field='after', value=after, replace=True) #(url, field, value, replace=False): #log('$$$currenturl: ' +currentUrl) #log('$$$ nextUrl: ' +nextUrl) count=current_url_query.get('count') #log('$$$count : ' +repr(count)) if current_url_query.get('count')==None: #firsttime it is none count=itemsPerPage else: #nexttimes it will be kept incremented with itemsPerPage try: count=int(current_url_query.get('count')[0]) + int(itemsPerPage) except ValueError: count=itemsPerPage nextUrl=set_query_field(nextUrl,'count', count, True) #log('$$$ nextUrl: ' +nextUrl) # plot shows up on estuary. etc. ( avoids the "No information available" message on description ) info_label={ "plot": translation(30004) + '[CR]' + page_title} addDir(translation(30004), nextUrl, 'listSubReddit', "", subreddit_key,info_label) #Next Page except Exception as e: log(' Exception: '+ str(e)) #the +'s got removed by url conversion subreddit_key=subreddit_key.replace(' ','+') viewID=WINDOW.getProperty( "viewid-"+subreddit_key ) #log(" custom viewid %s for %s " %(viewID,subreddit_key) ) if viewID: log(" custom viewid %s for %s " %(viewID,subreddit_key) ) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(%s)' %viewID ) else: if forceViewMode: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode('+viewMode+')') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=pluginhandle, succeeded=True, updateListing=False, #setting this to True causes the ".." entry to quit the plugin cacheToDisc=True)
def listSubReddit(url, subreddit_key, type_): from guis import progressBG from utils import post_is_filtered_out, build_script, compose_list_item, xbmc_notify,prettify_reddit_query, set_query_field from reddit import reddit_request, has_multiple, assemble_reddit_filter_string, subreddit_icoheader_banner global GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit, GCXM_actual_url_used_to_generate_these_posts,GCXM_reddit_query_of_this_gui,GCXM_hasmultipledomain,GCXM_hasmultipleauthor #the +'s got removed by url conversion title_bar_name=subreddit_key.replace(' ','+') if title_bar_name.startswith('?'): title_bar_name=prettify_reddit_query(title_bar_name) #log(" title_bar_name %s " %(title_bar_name) ) log("listSubReddit r/%s\n %s" %(title_bar_name,url) ) currentUrl = url icon=banner=header=None xbmc_busy() loading_indicator=progressBG('Loading...') loading_indicator.update(0,'Retrieving '+subreddit_key) content = reddit_request(url) loading_indicator.update(10,subreddit_key ) if not content: xbmc_busy(False) loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG return threads = [] q_liz = Queue() #output queue (listitem) content = json.loads(content) #log("query returned %d items " % len(content['data']['children']) ) posts_count=len(content['data']['children']) filtered_out_posts=0 hms=has_multiple('subreddit', content['data']['children']) if hms==False: #r/random and r/randnsfw returns a random subreddit. we need to use the name of this subreddit for the "next page" link. try: g=content['data']['children'][0]['data']['subreddit'] except ValueError: g="" except IndexError: xbmc_busy(False) loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG xbmc_notify("List Subreddit",translation(32022)) return if g: title_bar_name=g #preserve the &after string so that functions like play slideshow and play all videos can 'play' the correct page # extract the &after string from currentUrl -OR- send it with the 'type' argument when calling this function. currentUrl=assemble_reddit_filter_string('',g) + '&after=' + type_ #put subreddit icon/header in the GUI icon,banner,header=subreddit_icoheader_banner(g) GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit=hms GCXM_hasmultipledomain=has_multiple('domain', content['data']['children']) GCXM_hasmultipleauthor=has_multiple('author', content['data']['children']) GCXM_actual_url_used_to_generate_these_posts=url GCXM_reddit_query_of_this_gui=currentUrl for idx, entry in enumerate(content['data']['children']): try: if post_is_filtered_out( entry.get('data') ): filtered_out_posts+=1 continue domain,domain_count=count_links_from_same_domain( entry ) #count how many same domains we're hitting delay=compute_anti_dos_delay(domain,domain_count) #have threads process each reddit post t = threading.Thread(target=reddit_post_worker, args=(idx, entry,q_liz,delay), name='#t%.2d'%idx) threads.append(t) t.start() except Exception as e: log(" EXCEPTION:="+ str( sys.exc_info()[0]) + " " + str(e) ) log( repr(domains_d) ) #check the queue to determine progress break_counter=0 #to avoid infinite loop expected_listitems=(posts_count-filtered_out_posts) if expected_listitems>0: loading_indicator.set_tick_total(expected_listitems) last_queue_size=0 while q_liz.qsize() < expected_listitems: if break_counter>=500: #log('break counter reached limit') break #each change in the queue size gets a tick on our progress track if last_queue_size < q_liz.qsize(): items_added=q_liz.qsize()-last_queue_size loading_indicator.tick(items_added) else: break_counter+=1 last_queue_size=q_liz.qsize() xbmc.sleep(100) #wait for all threads to finish before collecting the list items for idx, t in enumerate(threads): #log(' joining %s' %t.getName()) t.join(timeout=20) #<-- does not seem to work xbmc_busy(False) #compare the number of entries to the returned results #log( "queue:%d entries:%d" %( q_liz.qsize() , len(content['data']['children'] ) ) ) if q_liz.qsize() != expected_listitems: #some post might be filtered out. log('some threads did not return a listitem') #for t in threads: log('isAlive %s %s' %(t.getName(), repr(t.isAlive()) ) ) #liu=[ qi for qi in sorted(q_liz.queue) ] li=[ liz for idx,liz in sorted(q_liz.queue) ] #empty the queue. with q_liz.mutex: q_liz.queue.clear() loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG try: #this part makes sure that you load the next page instead of just the first after=content['data']['after'] o = urlparse.urlparse(currentUrl) current_url_query = urlparse.parse_qs(o.query) count=current_url_query.get('count') if current_url_query.get('count')==None: #firsttime it is none count=itemsPerPage else: #nexttimes it will be kept incremented with itemsPerPage try: count=int(current_url_query.get('count')[0]) + int(itemsPerPage) except ValueError: count=itemsPerPage nextUrl=set_query_field(currentUrl,'count', count, True) #log('$$$ nextUrl: ' +nextUrl) nextUrl=set_query_field(nextUrl, field='after', value=after, replace=True) #(url, field, value, replace=False): #log('$$$currenturl: ' +currentUrl) #log('$$$ nextUrl: ' +nextUrl) liz = compose_list_item( translation(32024), "", "DefaultFolderNextSquare.png", "script", build_script("listSubReddit",nextUrl,title_bar_name,after) ) #for items at the bottom left corner liz.setArt({ "clearart": "DefaultFolderNextSquare.png" }) liz.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={"Studio":translation(32024)}) liz.setProperty('link_url', nextUrl ) li.append(liz) except Exception as e: log(" EXCEPTzION:="+ str( sys.exc_info()[0]) + " " + str(e) ) xbmc_busy(False) title_bar_name=urllib.unquote_plus(title_bar_name) ui=skin_launcher('listSubReddit', title_bar_name=title_bar_name, listing=li, subreddits_file=subredditsFile, currentUrl=currentUrl, icon=icon, banner=banner, header=header) ui.doModal() del ui
def listLinksInComment(url, name, type_): from guis import progressBG from reddit import reddit_request from utils import clean_str,remove_duplicates, is_filtered from default import comments_link_filter log('listLinksInComment:%s:%s' %(type_,url) ) post_title='' global harvest # ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink=False # if type_=='linksOnly': # ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink=True #url='' #url=url.split('?', 1)[0]+'.json'+url.split('?', 1)[1] #log(repr(url.split('?', 1)[0])) #log(repr(url.split('?', 1)[1])) #log(repr(url.split('?', 1)[0]+'.json?'+url.split('?', 1)[1])) #url='' + '.json' #only get up to "". # do not include "/bonnie_tyler_total_eclipse_of_the_heart_80s_pop/" # because we'll have problem when it looks like this: "éjà _vu/" #url=re.findall(r'(.*/comments/[A-Za-z0-9]+)',url)[0] #UPDATE you need to convert this:éjà_vu/ # to this: # #use safe='' argument in quoteplus to encode only the weird chars part url=urllib.quote_plus(url,safe=':/?&') if '?' in url: url=url.split('?', 1)[0]+'.json?'+url.split('?', 1)[1] else: url+= '.json' xbmc_busy() loading_indicator=progressBG('Loading...') loading_indicator.update(0,'Retrieving comments') content = reddit_request(url) loading_indicator.update(10,'Parsing') if not content: loading_indicator.end() return try: xbmc_busy() content = json.loads(content) #harvest links in the post text (just 1) r_linkHunter(content[0]['data']['children']) #submitter=content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['author'] submitter=clean_str(content,[0,'data','children',0,'data','author']) #the post title is provided in json, we'll just use that instead of messages from addLink() #post_title=content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['title'] post_title=clean_str(content,[0,'data','children',0,'data','title']) #harvest links in the post itself r_linkHunter(content[1]['data']['children']) #for i, h in enumerate(harvest): # log( ' %d %s %.4d -%s link[%s]' % ( i, h[7].ljust(8)[:8], h[0], h[3].ljust(20)[:20],h[2] ) ) comments_count_orig=len(harvest) #log(' len harvest1 '+repr(len(harvest))) #remove duplicate links def k2(x): return (x[2],x[3]) harvest=remove_duplicates(harvest,k2) comments_count_rd=len(harvest) #log(' len harvest2 '+repr(len(harvest))) loading_indicator.update(15,'Removed %d duplicates' %(comments_count_orig-comments_count_rd) ) c_threads=[] q_liz=Queue() comments_count=len(harvest) filtered_posts=0 for idx, h in enumerate(harvest): comment_score=h[0] link_url=h[2] if comment_score < int_CommentTreshold: log(' comment score %d < %d, skipped' %(comment_score,int_CommentTreshold) ) filtered_posts+=1 continue if is_filtered(comments_link_filter,link_url): log(' [{0}] is hidden by comments_link_filter'.format(link_url)) filtered_posts+=1 continue domain,domain_count=count_links_from_same_domain_comments(link_url) #count how many same domains we're hitting delay=compute_anti_dos_delay(domain,domain_count) #have threads process each comment post t = threading.Thread(target=reddit_comment_worker, args=(idx, h,q_liz,submitter,delay), name='#t%.2d'%idx) c_threads.append(t) t.start() #loading_indicator.update(20,'Filtered %d comments' %(filtered_posts) ) log(repr(domains_d)) #check the queue to determine progress break_counter=0 #to avoid infinite loop expected_listitems=(comments_count-filtered_posts) if expected_listitems>0: loading_indicator.set_tick_total(expected_listitems) last_queue_size=0 while q_liz.qsize() < expected_listitems: if break_counter>=100: break #each change in the queue size gets a tick on our progress track if last_queue_size < q_liz.qsize(): items_added=q_liz.qsize()-last_queue_size loading_indicator.tick(items_added,'Parsing') else: break_counter+=1 last_queue_size=q_liz.qsize() xbmc.sleep(50) #wait for all threads to finish before collecting the list items for idx, t in enumerate(c_threads): #log(' joining %s' %t.getName()) t.join(timeout=20) xbmc_busy(False) #compare the number of entries to the returned results #log( "queue:%d entries:%d" %( q_liz.qsize() , len(content['data']['children'] ) ) ) if q_liz.qsize() != expected_listitems: log('some threads did not return a listitem. total comments:%d expecting(%d) but only got(%d)' %(comments_count, expected_listitems, q_liz.qsize())) #for t in threads: log('isAlive %s %s' %(t.getName(), repr(t.isAlive()) ) ) li=[ liz for idx,liz in sorted(q_liz.queue) ] #log(repr(li)) with q_liz.mutex: q_liz.queue.clear() except Exception as e: log(' ' + str(e) ) loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG # this portion is abandoned for now. initial plan was to textbox with auto-height in a grouplist to mimic the comment tree but cannot figure out how links can be followed. from guis import comments_GUI2 ui = comments_GUI2('view_464_comments_grouplist.xml' , addon_path, defaultSkin='Default', defaultRes='1080i', listing=li, id=55) #ui = comments_GUI2('aaa.xml' , addon_path, defaultSkin='Default', defaultRes='1080i', listing=li, id=55) ui.title_bar_text=post_title ui.doModal() del ui return
def listSubReddit(url, subreddit_key, type_): from guis import progressBG from utils import post_is_filtered_out, build_script, compose_list_item, xbmc_notify from reddit import reddit_request, has_multiple, assemble_reddit_filter_string global GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit, GCXM_actual_url_used_to_generate_these_posts, GCXM_reddit_query_of_this_gui, GCXM_hasmultipledomain, GCXM_hasmultipleauthor #the +'s got removed by url conversion title_bar_name = subreddit_key.replace(' ', '+') #log(" title_bar_name %s " %(title_bar_name) ) log("listSubReddit r/%s\n %s" % (title_bar_name, url)) currentUrl = url icon = banner = header = None xbmc_busy() loading_indicator = progressBG('Loading...') loading_indicator.update(0, 'Retrieving ' + subreddit_key) content = reddit_request(url) loading_indicator.update(10, subreddit_key) if not content: xbmc_busy(False) loading_indicator.end( ) #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG return threads = [] q_liz = Queue() #output queue (listitem) content = json.loads(content) #log("query returned %d items " % len(content['data']['children']) ) posts_count = len(content['data']['children']) filtered_out_posts = 0 hms = has_multiple('subreddit', content['data']['children']) if hms == False: #r/random and r/randnsfw returns a random subreddit. we need to use the name of this subreddit for the "next page" link. try: g = content['data']['children'][0]['data']['subreddit'] except ValueError: g = "" except IndexError: xbmc_busy(False) loading_indicator.end( ) #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG xbmc_notify("List Subreddit", translation(32022)) return if g: title_bar_name = g #preserve the &after string so that functions like play slideshow and play all videos can 'play' the correct page # extract the &after string from currentUrl -OR- send it with the 'type' argument when calling this function. currentUrl = assemble_reddit_filter_string('', g) + '&after=' + type_ #put subreddit icon/header in the GUI icon, banner, header = subreddit_icoheader_banner(g) GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit = hms GCXM_hasmultipledomain = has_multiple('domain', content['data']['children']) GCXM_hasmultipleauthor = has_multiple('author', content['data']['children']) GCXM_actual_url_used_to_generate_these_posts = url GCXM_reddit_query_of_this_gui = currentUrl for idx, entry in enumerate(content['data']['children']): try: #if entry.get('kind')!='t3': # filtered_out_posts+=1 # continue if post_is_filtered_out(entry.get('data')): filtered_out_posts += 1 continue #have threads process each reddit post t = threading.Thread(target=reddit_post_worker, args=(idx, entry, q_liz), name='#t%.2d' % idx) threads.append(t) t.start() except Exception as e: log(" EXCEPTION:=" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + " " + str(e)) #check the queue to determine progress break_counter = 0 #to avoid infinite loop expected_listitems = (posts_count - filtered_out_posts) if expected_listitems > 0: loading_indicator.set_tick_total(expected_listitems) last_queue_size = 0 while q_liz.qsize() < expected_listitems: if break_counter >= 100: break #each change in the queue size gets a tick on our progress track if last_queue_size < q_liz.qsize(): items_added = q_liz.qsize() - last_queue_size loading_indicator.tick(items_added) else: break_counter += 1 last_queue_size = q_liz.qsize() xbmc.sleep(100) #wait for all threads to finish before collecting the list items for idx, t in enumerate(threads): #log(' joining %s' %t.getName()) t.join(timeout=20) xbmc_busy(False) #compare the number of entries to the returned results #log( "queue:%d entries:%d" %( q_liz.qsize() , len(content['data']['children'] ) ) ) if q_liz.qsize() != expected_listitems: #some post might be filtered out. log('some threads did not return a listitem') #for t in threads: log('isAlive %s %s' %(t.getName(), repr(t.isAlive()) ) ) #liu=[ qi for qi in sorted(q_liz.queue) ] li = [liz for idx, liz in sorted(q_liz.queue)] #empty the queue. with q_liz.mutex: q_liz.queue.clear() loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG try: #this part makes sure that you load the next page instead of just the first after = "" after = content['data']['after'] if after: if "&after=" in currentUrl: nextUrl = currentUrl[:currentUrl.find("&after=" )] + "&after=" + after else: nextUrl = currentUrl + "&after=" + after liz = compose_list_item( translation(32004), "", "DefaultFolderNextSquare.png", "script", build_script("listSubReddit", nextUrl, title_bar_name, after)) #for items at the bottom left corner liz.setArt({"clearart": "DefaultFolderNextSquare.png"}) liz.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={"Studio": translation(32004)}) liz.setProperty('link_url', nextUrl) li.append(liz) except Exception as e: log(" EXCEPTzION:=" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]) + " " + str(e)) xbmc_busy(False) title_bar_name = urllib.unquote_plus(title_bar_name) ui = skin_launcher('listSubReddit', title_bar_name=title_bar_name, listing=li, subreddits_file=subredditsFile, currentUrl=currentUrl, icon=icon, banner=banner, header=header) ui.doModal() del ui
def listLinksInComment(url, name, type_): from guis import progressBG from reddit import reddit_request from utils import clean_str log('listLinksInComment:%s:%s' % (type_, url)) post_title = '' # ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink=False # if type_=='linksOnly': # ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink=True #url='' #url=url.split('?', 1)[0]+'.json'+url.split('?', 1)[1] #log(repr(url.split('?', 1)[0])) #log(repr(url.split('?', 1)[1])) #log(repr(url.split('?', 1)[0]+'.json?'+url.split('?', 1)[1])) #url='' + '.json' #only get up to "". # do not include "/bonnie_tyler_total_eclipse_of_the_heart_80s_pop/" # because we'll have problem when it looks like this: "éjà _vu/" #url=re.findall(r'(.*/comments/[A-Za-z0-9]+)',url)[0] #UPDATE you need to convert this:éjà_vu/ # to this: # #use safe='' argument in quoteplus to encode only the weird chars part url = urllib.quote_plus(url, safe=':/?&') if '?' in url: url = url.split('?', 1)[0] + '.json?' + url.split('?', 1)[1] else: url += '.json' xbmc_busy() loading_indicator = progressBG('Loading...') loading_indicator.update(0, 'Retrieving comments') content = reddit_request(url) loading_indicator.update(10, 'Parsing') if not content: loading_indicator.end() return try: xbmc_busy() content = json.loads(content) del harvest[:] #harvest links in the post text (just 1) r_linkHunter(content[0]['data']['children']) #submitter=content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['author'] submitter = clean_str(content, [0, 'data', 'children', 0, 'data', 'author']) #the post title is provided in json, we'll just use that instead of messages from addLink() #post_title=content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['title'] post_title = clean_str(content, [0, 'data', 'children', 0, 'data', 'title']) #harvest links in the post itself r_linkHunter(content[1]['data']['children']) #for i, h in enumerate(harvest): # log( ' %d %s %d -%s link[%s]' % ( i, h[7].ljust(8)[:8], h[0], h[3].ljust(20)[:20],h[2] ) ) c_threads = [] q_liz = Queue() comments_count = len(harvest) filtered_posts = 0 for idx, h in enumerate(harvest): comment_score = h[0] if comment_score < int_CommentTreshold: log(' comment score %d < %d, skipped' % (comment_score, int_CommentTreshold)) filtered_posts += 1 continue #have threads process each comment post t = threading.Thread(target=reddit_comment_worker, args=(idx, h, q_liz, submitter), name='#t%.2d' % idx) c_threads.append(t) t.start() #check the queue to determine progress break_counter = 0 #to avoid infinite loop expected_listitems = (comments_count - filtered_posts) if expected_listitems > 0: loading_indicator.set_tick_total(expected_listitems) last_queue_size = 0 while q_liz.qsize() < expected_listitems: if break_counter >= 100: break #each change in the queue size gets a tick on our progress track if last_queue_size < q_liz.qsize(): items_added = q_liz.qsize() - last_queue_size loading_indicator.tick(items_added) else: break_counter += 1 last_queue_size = q_liz.qsize() xbmc.sleep(50) #wait for all threads to finish before collecting the list items for idx, t in enumerate(c_threads): #log(' joining %s' %t.getName()) t.join(timeout=20) xbmc_busy(False) #compare the number of entries to the returned results #log( "queue:%d entries:%d" %( q_liz.qsize() , len(content['data']['children'] ) ) ) if q_liz.qsize() != expected_listitems: log('some threads did not return a listitem. total comments:%d expecting(%d) but only got(%d)' % (comments_count, expected_listitems, q_liz.qsize())) #for t in threads: log('isAlive %s %s' %(t.getName(), repr(t.isAlive()) ) ) li = [liz for idx, liz in sorted(q_liz.queue)] #log(repr(li)) with q_liz.mutex: q_liz.queue.clear() except Exception as e: log(' ' + str(e)) loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG # this portion is abandoned for now. initial plan was to textbox with auto-height in a grouplist to mimic the comment tree but cannot figure out how links can be followed. # from guis import comments_GUI2 # ui = comments_GUI2('view_464_comments_grouplist.xml' , addon_path, defaultSkin='Default', defaultRes='1080i', listing=li) # ui.doModal() # del ui # return from guis import commentsGUI #ui = commentsGUI('view_463_comments.xml' , addon_path, defaultSkin='Default', defaultRes='1080i', listing=li, id=55) ui = commentsGUI('view_461_comments.xml', addon_path, defaultSkin='Default', defaultRes='1080i', listing=li, id=55) #NOTE: the subreddit selection screen and comments screen use the same gui. there is a button that is only for the comments screen ui.setProperty( 'comments', 'yes' ) #the links button is visible/hidden in xml by checking for this property ui.title_bar_text = post_title ui.include_parent_directory_entry = False ui.doModal() del ui
def listLinksInComment(url, name, type_): from domains import parse_reddit_link, build_DirectoryItem_url_based_on_media_type from utils import markdown_to_bbcode, unescape from guis import progressBG log('listLinksInComment:%s:%s' %(type_,url) ) directory_items=[] author="" ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink=False if type_=='linksOnly': ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink=True url=urllib.quote_plus(url,safe=':/?&') if '?' in url: url=url.split('?', 1)[0]+'.json?'+url.split('?', 1)[1] else: url+= '.json' loading_indicator=progressBG(translation(30024)) loading_indicator.update(0,'Retrieving comments') content = reddit_request(url) if not content: loading_indicator.end() return loading_indicator.update(10,'Parsing') content = json.loads(content) del harvest[:] r_linkHunter(content[0]['data']['children']) try:submitter=content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['author'] except: submitter='' try:post_title=content[0]['data']['children'][0]['data']['title'] except:post_title='' r_linkHunter(content[1]['data']['children']) comment_score=0 loading_indicator.set_tick_total(len(harvest)) for i, h in enumerate(harvest): try: comment_score=h[0] link_url=h[2] desc100=h[3].replace('\n',' ')[0:100] #first 100 characters of description kind=h[6] #reddit uses t1 for user comments and t3 for OP text of the post. like a poster describing the post. d=h[5] #depth of the comment tab=" "*d if d>0 else "-" from urlparse import urlparse domain = '{uri.netloc}'.format( uri=urlparse( link_url ) ) author=h[7] DirectoryItem_url='' if comment_score < int_CommentTreshold: continue ld=parse_reddit_link(link_url=link_url, assume_is_video=False, needs_preview=True, get_playable_url=True ) if kind=='t1': list_title=r"[COLOR cadetblue]%3d[/COLOR] %s" %( h[0], tab ) elif kind=='t3': list_title=r"[COLOR cadetblue]Title [/COLOR] %s" %( tab ) plot=h[3].replace('](', '] (') plot= markdown_to_bbcode(plot) plot=unescape(plot) #convert html entities e.g.:(') liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(label=list_title +': '+ desc100) liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": h[1], "plot": plot, "studio": domain, "votes": str(comment_score), "director": author } ) isFolder=False if link_url: DirectoryItem_url, setProperty_IsPlayable, isFolder, title_prefix = build_DirectoryItem_url_based_on_media_type(ld, link_url) liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', setProperty_IsPlayable) liz.setProperty('url', DirectoryItem_url) #<-- needed by the xml gui skin liz.setPath(DirectoryItem_url) if domain: plot= " [COLOR greenyellow][%s] %s"%(domain, plot ) + "[/COLOR]" else: plot= " [COLOR greenyellow][%s]"%( plot ) + "[/COLOR]" liz.setLabel(list_title+plot) if ld: liz.setArt({"thumb": ld.poster, "poster":ld.poster, "banner":ld.poster, "fanart":ld.poster, "landscape":ld.poster }) if DirectoryItem_url: directory_items.append( (DirectoryItem_url, liz, isFolder,) ) else: if not ShowOnlyCommentsWithlink: result=h[3].replace('](', '] (') result=markdown_to_bbcode(result) liz=xbmcgui.ListItem(label=list_title + desc100) liz.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels={ "Title": h[1], "plot": result, "studio": domain, "votes": str(h[0]), "director": author } ) liz.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'false') directory_items.append( ("", liz, False,) ) except Exception as e: log(' EXCEPTION:' + str(e) ) loading_indicator.tick(1, desc100) loading_indicator.end() xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, "movies") #files, songs, artists, albums, movies, tvshows, episodes, musicvideos xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(pluginhandle,'Comments') xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(handle=pluginhandle, items=directory_items ) xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(pluginhandle) if comments_viewMode: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(%s)' %comments_viewMode)
def listSubReddit(url, name, subreddit_key): from guis import progressBG from utils import post_is_filtered_out, set_query_field from reddit import has_multiple global GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit,GCXM_hasmultipledomain,GCXM_hasmultipleauthor,GCXM_subreddit_key log("listSubReddit subreddit=%s url=%s" %(subreddit_key,url) ) currentUrl = url xbmcplugin.setContent(pluginhandle, "movies") #files, songs, artists, albums, movies, tvshows, episodes, musicvideos loading_indicator=progressBG('Loading...') loading_indicator.update(8,'Retrieving '+subreddit_key) content = reddit_request(url) loading_indicator.update(11,subreddit_key ) if not content: loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG return page_title="[COLOR cadetblue]%s[/COLOR]" %subreddit_key xbmcplugin.setPluginCategory(pluginhandle, page_title) info_label={ "plot": translation(30013) } #Automatically play videos if autoplayAll: addDir("[B]- "+translation(30016)+"[/B]", url, 'autoPlay', "", "ALL", info_label) if autoplayUnwatched: addDir("[B]- "+translation(30017)+"[/B]" , url, 'autoPlay', "", "UNWATCHED", info_label) threads = [] q_liz = Queue() #output queue (listitem) content = json.loads(content) posts_count=len(content['data']['children']) filtered_out_posts=0 GCXM_hasmultiplesubreddit=has_multiple('subreddit', content['data']['children']) GCXM_hasmultipledomain=has_multiple('domain', content['data']['children']) GCXM_hasmultipleauthor=has_multiple('author', content['data']['children']) GCXM_subreddit_key=subreddit_key for idx, entry in enumerate(content['data']['children']): try: if post_is_filtered_out( entry.get('data') ): filtered_out_posts+=1 continue t = threading.Thread(target=reddit_post_worker, args=(idx, entry,q_liz), name='#t%.2d'%idx) threads.append(t) t.start() except Exception as e: log(" EXCEPTION:="+ str( sys.exc_info()[0]) + " " + str(e) ) break_counter=0 #to avoid infinite loop expected_listitems=(posts_count-filtered_out_posts) if expected_listitems>0: loading_indicator.set_tick_total(expected_listitems) last_queue_size=0 while q_liz.qsize() < expected_listitems: if break_counter>=100: break if last_queue_size < q_liz.qsize(): items_added=q_liz.qsize()-last_queue_size loading_indicator.tick(items_added) else: break_counter+=1 last_queue_size=q_liz.qsize() xbmc.sleep(50) for idx, t in enumerate(threads): t.join(timeout=20) xbmc_busy(False) if q_liz.qsize() != expected_listitems: log('some threads did not return a listitem') li=[ liz for idx,liz in sorted(q_liz.queue) ] #list of (url, listitem[, isFolder]) as a tuple with q_liz.mutex: q_liz.queue.clear() xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems(pluginhandle, li) loading_indicator.end() #it is important to close xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG try: after=content['data']['after'] o = urlparse.urlparse(currentUrl) current_url_query = urlparse.parse_qs(o.query) nextUrl=set_query_field(currentUrl, field='after', value=after, replace=True) #(url, field, value, replace=False): count=current_url_query.get('count') if current_url_query.get('count')==None: count=itemsPerPage else: try: count=int(current_url_query.get('count')[0]) + int(itemsPerPage) except ValueError: count=itemsPerPage nextUrl=set_query_field(nextUrl,'count', count, True) info_label={ "plot": translation(30004) + '[CR]' + page_title} addDir(translation(30004), nextUrl, 'listSubReddit', "", subreddit_key,info_label) #Next Page except Exception as e: log(' Exception: '+ str(e)) subreddit_key=subreddit_key.replace(' ','+') viewID=WINDOW.getProperty( "viewid-"+subreddit_key ) if viewID: log(" custom viewid %s for %s " %(viewID,subreddit_key) ) xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode(%s)' %viewID ) else: if forceViewMode: xbmc.executebuiltin('Container.SetViewMode('+viewMode+')') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(handle=pluginhandle, succeeded=True, updateListing=False, #setting this to True causes the ".." entry to quit the plugin cacheToDisc=True)