def test_extract_identifier_from_line_shift_instructions(gass):
    # Shift instructions
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("shl r1, r2, 0x2") == GasmLine(
        None, "shl", "r1", "r2", 2)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("shr r1, r2, 0x2") == GasmLine(
        None, "shr", "r1", "r2", 2)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("rol r1, r2, 0x2") == GasmLine(
        None, "rol", "r1", "r2", 2)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("ror r1, r2, 0x2") == GasmLine(
        None, "ror", "r1", "r2", 2)
def test_assemble_source_line_shift_instructions(gass):
    # Shift instructions
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "shl", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x30A40
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "shr", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x30A41
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "rol", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x30A42
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "ror", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x30A43
def test_extract_identifier_from_line_branch_instructions(gass):
    # Branch instructions
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("bz 12") == GasmLine(
        None, "bz", 12, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("bz -12") == GasmLine(
        None, "bz", 244, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("bnz 12") == GasmLine(
        None, "bnz", 12, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("bnz -12") == GasmLine(
        None, "bnz", 244, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("bc 12") == GasmLine(
        None, "bc", 12, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("bc -12") == GasmLine(
        None, "bc", 244, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("bnc 12") == GasmLine(
        None, "bnc", 12, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("bnc -12") == GasmLine(
        None, "bnc", 244, None, None)
def test_assemble_source_line_memory_io_instructions(gass):
    # Memory and I/O instructions
    # Direct offset
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "ldm", "r1", 0x12,
                                               None)) == 0x20812
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "stm", "r1", 0x12,
                                               None)) == 0x24812
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "inp", "r1", 0x12,
                                               None)) == 0x28812
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "out", "r1", 0x12,
                                               None)) == 0x2C812
    # Register + offset
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "ldm", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x20A12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "stm", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x24A12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "inp", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x28A12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "out", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x2CA12
def test_assemble_source_line_misc_instructions(gass):
    # Misc instructions
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "ret", None, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3F000
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "reti", None, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3F100
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "enai", None, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3F200
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "disi", None, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3F300
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "wait", None, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3F400
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "stby", None, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3F500
def test_assemble_source_line_jump_instructions(gass):
    # Jump instructions
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "jmp", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3C000
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "jmp", 0xFFF, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3CFFF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "jmp", 0xFFFF, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3CFFF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "jsb", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3D000
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "jsb", 0xFFF, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3DFFF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "jsb", 0xFFFF, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3DFFF
def test_extract_identifier_from_line_arithmetic_instructions(gass):
    # Arithemtic and logical instructions
    # Register access
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("add r0, r0, r0") == GasmLine(
        None, "add", "r0", "r0", "r0")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("add r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine(
        None, "add", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("addc r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine(
        None, "addc", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("sub r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine(
        None, "sub", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("subc r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine(
        None, "subc", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("and r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine(
        None, "and", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("or r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine(
        None, "or", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("xor r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine(
        None, "xor", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("mask r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine(
        None, "mask", "r0", "r1", "r2")

    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("add r8, r9, r10") == GasmLine(
        None, "add", "r8", "r9", "r10")
    # Immediate access
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("add r0, r0, 0x0") == GasmLine(
        None, "add", "r0", "r0", 0)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("add r0, r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "add", "r0", "r1", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("addc r0, r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "addc", "r0", "r1", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("sub r0, r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "sub", "r0", "r1", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("subc r0, r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "subc", "r0", "r1", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("and r0, r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "and", "r0", "r1", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("or r0, r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "or", "r0", "r1", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("xor r0, r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "xor", "r0", "r1", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("mask r0, r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "mask", "r0", "r1", 18)
def test_assemble_source_line_branch_instructions(gass):
    # Branch instructions
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bz", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E0FF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bz", 0x01, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E000
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bz", 0x80, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E07F
    gass.InstrMemPointer = 0x10
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bz", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E0EF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bz", 0x01, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E0F0
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bz", 0x80, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E06F
    gass.InstrMemPointer = 0x00
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnz", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E4FF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnz", 0x01, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E400
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnz", 0x80, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E47F
    gass.InstrMemPointer = 0x10
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnz", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E4EF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnz", 0x01, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E4F0
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnz", 0x80, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E46F
    gass.InstrMemPointer = 0x00
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bc", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E8FF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bc", 0x01, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E800
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bc", 0x80, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E87F
    gass.InstrMemPointer = 0x10
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bc", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E8EF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bc", 0x01, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E8F0
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bc", 0x80, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3E86F
    gass.InstrMemPointer = 0x00
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnc", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3ECFF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnc", 0x01, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3EC00
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnc", 0x80, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3EC7F
    gass.InstrMemPointer = 0x10
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnc", 0x00, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3ECEF
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnc", 0x01, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3ECF0
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "bnc", 0x80, None,
                                               None)) == 0x3EC6F
def test_assemble_source_line_arithmetic_instructions(gass):
    # Arithemtic and logical instructions
    # Register access
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "add", "r1", "r2",
                                               "r3")) == 0x38A60
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "addc", "r1", "r2",
                                               "r3")) == 0x38A61
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "sub", "r1", "r2",
                                               "r3")) == 0x38A62
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "subc", "r1", "r2",
                                               "r3")) == 0x38A63
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "and", "r1", "r2",
                                               "r3")) == 0x38A64
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "or", "r1", "r2",
                                               "r3")) == 0x38A65
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "xor", "r1", "r2",
                                               "r3")) == 0x38A66
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "mask", "r1", "r2",
                                               "r3")) == 0x38A67
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "add", "r8", "r9",
                                               "r10")) == 248128

    # Immediate access
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "add", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0xA12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "addc", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x4A12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "sub", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x8A12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "subc", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0xCA12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "and", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x10A12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "or", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x14A12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "xor", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x18A12
    assert gass._assemble_source_line(GasmLine(None, "mask", "r1", "r2",
                                               0x12)) == 0x1CA12
def test_extract_identifier_from_line_misc_instructions(gass):
    # Empty lines, comments and labels
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("") == GasmLine(
        None, None, None, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(";Comment") == GasmLine(
        None, None, None, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(" ; Comment") == GasmLine(
        None, None, None, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("; Comment org 0x1") == GasmLine(
        None, None, None, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        " ; Comment org 0x1") == GasmLine(None, None, None, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("label:") == GasmLine(
        "label", None, None, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "label: add r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine("label", "add", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("label: bz 0x12") == GasmLine(
        "label", "bz", 18, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "label: ldm r1, 0x12") == GasmLine("label", "ldm", "r1", 18, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "label: add r0, r1, r2") == GasmLine("label", "add", "r0", "r1", "r2")
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "label: out r1, (r2) + 0x12") == GasmLine("label", "out", "r1", "r2",

    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("org 0x1") == GasmLine(
        None, "org", 1, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "bigdec1024: byte 1024") == GasmLine("bigdec1024", "byte", 1024, None,
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("null0: byte 0") == GasmLine(
        "null0", "byte", 0, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("neg_1: byte -1") == GasmLine(
        "neg_1", "byte", 0xFF, None, None)

    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("char_a: equ 'a'") == GasmLine(
        "char_a", "equ", ord('a'), None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("char_a: equ 'A'") == GasmLine(
        "char_a", "equ", ord('A'), None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("char_a: equ '0'") == GasmLine(
        "char_a", "equ", ord('0'), None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("char_a: equ 'Z'") == GasmLine(
        "char_a", "equ", ord('Z'), None, None)

    with pytest.raises(InvalidInstruction):
def test_extract_identifier_from_line_jump_instructions(gass):
    # Jump instructions
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("jmp 0xFC12") == GasmLine(
        None, "jmp", 64530, None, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("jsb 0xFC12") == GasmLine(
        None, "jsb", 64530, None, None)
def test_extract_identifier_from_line_memory_io_instructions(gass):
    # Memory and I/O instructions
    # Direct access
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("ldm r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "ldm", "r1", 18, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("stm r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "stm", "r1", 18, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("inp r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "inp", "r1", 18, None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("out r1, 0x12") == GasmLine(
        None, "out", "r1", 18, None)
    # Register + offset
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "ldm r1, (r2) + 0x12") == GasmLine(None, "ldm", "r1", "r2", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "ldm r1, (r2) - 0x12") == GasmLine(None, "ldm", "r1", "r2", 0xEE)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "stm r1, (r2) + 0x12") == GasmLine(None, "stm", "r1", "r2", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "inp r1, (r2) + 0x12") == GasmLine(None, "inp", "r1", "r2", 18)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "out r1, (r2) + 0x12") == GasmLine(None, "out", "r1", "r2", 18)
    # Reference
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line("ldm r1, start_val") == GasmLine(
        None, "ldm", "r1", "start_val", None)
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "ldm r1, (start_val)+0x12") == GasmLine(None, "ldm", "r1", "start_val",
    assert gass._extract_identifier_from_line(
        "ldm r1, (start_val)-0x12") == GasmLine(None, "ldm", "r1", "start_val",