Example #1
    def _query_kdtree(self, node: cKDTreeNode,
                      bb: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        def substitute_dim(bound: np.ndarray, sub_dim: int, sub: float):
            # replace bound[sub_dim] with sub
            return np.array(
                [bound[i] if i != sub_dim else sub for i in range(3)])

        if node is None:
            return []

        if node.split_dim != -1:
            # if the split location is above the roi, no need to split (cannot be above None)
            if bb[1][node.split_dim] is not None and node.split > bb[1][
                return self._query_kdtree(node.lesser, bb)
            elif (bb[0][node.split_dim] is not None
                  and node.split < bb[0][node.split_dim]):
                return self._query_kdtree(node.greater, bb)
                return self._query_kdtree(
                    node.greater, bb) + self._query_kdtree(node.lesser, bb)
            # handle leaf node
            bbox = Roi(
                    tuple(y - x if x is not None and y is not None else y
                          for x, y in zip(*bb))),
            points = [
                ind for ind, point in zip(node.indices, node.data_points)
                if bbox.contains(np.round(point))
            return points
Example #2
    def _query_kdtree(
        self, node: cKDTreeNode, bb: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]
    ) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        def substitute_dim(bound: np.ndarray, sub_dim: int, sub: float):
            # replace bound[sub_dim] with sub
            return np.array([bound[i] if i != sub_dim else sub for i in range(3)])

        if node is None:
            return []

        if node.split_dim != -1:
            # recursive handling of child nodes
            greater_roi = (substitute_dim(bb[0], node.split_dim, node.split), bb[1])
            lesser_roi = (bb[0], substitute_dim(bb[1], node.split_dim, node.split))
            return self._query_kdtree(node.greater, greater_roi) + self._query_kdtree(
                node.lesser, lesser_roi
            # handle leaf node
            # TODO: handle bounding box properly. bb[0], and bb[1] may not be integers.
            bbox = Roi(Coordinate(bb[0]), Coordinate(bb[1] - bb[0]))
            points = [point for point in node.data_points if bbox.contains(point)]
            return points
    def _grow_tree(self, root: np.ndarray, roi: Roi) -> nx.DiGraph:
        tree = nx.DiGraph()
        tree.add_node(0, pos=root)
        leaves = deque([0])
        next_id = 1

        while len(leaves) > 0 and len(tree.nodes) < self.num_nodes[1]:
            current_id = leaves.pop()
            current_loc = tree.nodes[current_id]["pos"]

            tail = [current_loc]
            while len(tail) < self.ma and len(list(tree.predecessors(current_id))) == 1:
                preds = list(tree.predecessors(current_id))

            if len(tail) == 1:
                tail.append(np.random.random(tail[0].shape)-0.5 + tail[0])

            moving_direction = np.array(tail[0] - tail[-1])

            if len(tree.nodes) >= self.num_nodes[0] and random.random() < self.p_die:
                num_branches = np.random.choice(
                    range(1, self.max_split + 1), p=self.split_ps
                next_points = self._gen_n(num_branches, current_loc, moving_direction)
                for point in next_points:
                    if not roi.contains(point):
                    tree.add_node(next_id, pos=point)
                    tree.add_edge(current_id, next_id)
                    next_id += 1

        return tree