Example #1
def test_xdot_json():
  check the output of xdot’s JSON API

    # find our collocated C helper
    c_src = Path(__file__).parent / "xdot2json.c"

    # some valid xdot commands to process
    input = "c 9 -#fffffe00 C 7 -#ffffff P 4 0 0 0 36 54 36 54 0"

    # ask our C helper to process this
        ret, output, err = run_c(c_src, input=input, link=["xdot"])
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        # FIXME: Remove this try-catch when
        # https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/1777 is fixed
        if os.getenv("build_system") == "msbuild":
            pytest.skip("Windows MSBuild release does not contain any header "
                        "files (#1777)")
    assert ret == 0
    assert err == ""

    if os.getenv("build_system") == "msbuild":
        pytest.fail("Windows MSBuild unexpectedly passed compilation of a "
                    "Graphviz header. Remove the above try-catch? (#1777)")

    # confirm the output was what we expected
    assert output == '[\n'                                                   \
                     '{c : "#fffffe00"},\n'                                  \
                     '{C : "#ffffff"},\n'                                    \
                     '{P : [0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,36.000000,54.000000,' \
                       '36.000000,54.000000,0.000000]}\n'                    \
Example #2
def test_2089_2():
  HTML-like and non-HTML-like strings should peacefully coexist

    # find co-located test source
    c_src = (Path(__file__).parent / "2089.c").resolve()
    assert c_src.exists(), "missing test case"

    # run it
    ret, stdout, stderr = run_c(c_src, link=["cgraph"])
    assert ret == 0
Example #3
def test_itos():
  """run the itos unit tests"""

  # locate the itos unit tests
  src = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "../lib/cgraph/test_itos.c"
  assert src.exists()

  # locate lib directory that needs to be in the include path
  lib = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "../lib"

  # extra C flags this compilation needs
  cflags = ['-I', lib]

  ret, _, _ = run_c(src, cflags=cflags)

  assert ret == 0
Example #4
def test_vmalloc():
    """run the vmalloc unit tests"""

    # locate the vmalloc unit tests
    src = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "../lib/vmalloc/test.c"
    assert src.exists()

    # locate lib directory that needs to be in the include path
    lib = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "../lib"

    # extra C flags this compilation needs
    cflags = ["-I", lib]
    if platform.system() != "Windows":
        cflags += ["-std=gnu99", "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-Werror"]

    ret, _, _ = run_c(src, cflags=cflags)

    assert ret == 0
Example #5
def test_package_version():
  The graphviz_version.h header should define a non-empty PACKAGE_VERSION

    # FIXME: Remove skip when
    # https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/1777 is fixed
    if os.getenv("build_system") == "msbuild":
            "Windows MSBuild release does not contain any header files (#1777)"

    # find co-located test source
    c_src = (Path(__file__).parent / "check-package-version.c").resolve()
    assert c_src.exists(), "missing test case"

    # run the test
    ret, _, _ = run_c(c_src)
    assert ret == 0
Example #6
def test_1910():
  Repeatedly using agmemread() should have consistent results

    # FIXME: Remove skip when
    # https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/1777 is fixed
    if os.getenv("build_system") == "msbuild":
            "Windows MSBuild release does not contain any header files (#1777)"

    # find co-located test source
    c_src = (Path(__file__).parent / "1910.c").resolve()
    assert c_src.exists(), "missing test case"

    # run the test
    ret, _, _ = run_c(c_src, link=["cgraph", "gvc"])
    assert ret == 0
Example #7
def test_2057():
  gvToolTred should be usable by user code

    # FIXME: Remove skip when
    # https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/1777 is fixed
    if os.getenv("build_system") == "msbuild":
            "Windows MSBuild release does not contain any header files (#1777)"

    # find co-located test source
    c_src = (Path(__file__).parent / "2057.c").resolve()
    assert c_src.exists(), "missing test case"

    # run the test
    ret, _, _ = run_c(c_src, link=["gvc"])
    assert ret == 0
Example #8
def test_compile_example(src):
  """try to compile the example"""

  # construct an absolute path to the example
  filepath = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / ".." / "dot.demo" / src

  libs = ["cgraph", "gvc"]

  # FIXME: Remove skip of execution of neatopack.c example when
  # https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/1800 has been fixed
  if src == "neatopack.c":
    pytest.skip("Executing neatopack gives segmentation fault (#1800)")

  # run the example
  args = ["-Kneato"] if src in ["demo.c", "dot.c"] else []

  ret, out, err = run_c(filepath, args, "graph {a -- b}", link=libs)

  print(f"returncode: {ret} = 0x{ret:08x}")
  if ret != 0:
  assert ret == 0
Example #9
def test_1767():
  using the Pango plugin multiple times should produce consistent results

    # FIXME: Remove skip when
    # https://gitlab.com/graphviz/graphviz/-/issues/1777 is fixed
    if os.getenv("build_system") == "msbuild":
            "Windows MSBuild release does not contain any header files (#1777)"

    # find co-located test source
    c_src = (Path(__file__).parent / "1767.c").resolve()
    assert c_src.exists(), "missing test case"

    # find our co-located dot input
    dot = (Path(__file__).parent / "1767.dot").resolve()
    assert dot.exists(), "missing test case"

    ret, stdout, _ = run_c(c_src, [dot], link=["cgraph", "gvc"])
    assert ret == 0