Example #1
def Test(EOS,

    if type_set == 'BNS_chirp_q':
        type_set = 'BNS'
    if not chirp_q:
        m1 = np.random.normal(m1, .05, 100)
        m2 = np.random.normal(m2, .05, 100)
        q = m2 / m1
        mchirp = np.power((m1 * m2), 3 / 5) / np.power((m1 + m2), 1 / 5)
        eta = m1 * m2 / ((m1 + m2) * (m1 + m2))
    if chirp_q:
        print('running chirp_q')
        m1 = np.random.normal(m1, .05, 100)
        m2 = np.random.normal(m2, .05, 100)
        #m1 = np.ones(100) * m1
        #m2 = np.ones(100) * m2
        q = m2
        mchirp = m1
        eta = lightcurve_utils.q2eta(q)
        m1, m2 = lightcurve_utils.mc2ms(mchirp, eta)

    dist = np.ones(100)
    #chi_eff = np.random.uniform(-1,1,100)
    chi_eff = np.ones(100) * chi
    Xlan = 1e-3 * np.ones(100)

    if lan_override:
        Xlan = lan_override_val * np.ones(100)

    c1 = np.ones(1000)
    c2 = np.ones(1000)
    mb1 = np.ones(1000)
    mb2 = np.ones(1000)
    mej = np.ones(1000)
    vej = np.ones(1000)

    data = np.vstack((m1, m2, dist, chi_eff, Xlan, mchirp, eta, q)).T
    samples_tmp = KNTable(
        names=('m1', 'm2', 'dist', 'chi_eff', 'Xlan', 'mchirp', 'eta', 'q'))

    if twixie:
        samples_tmp = KNTable.read_mchirp_samples(opts.mchirp_samples,

    lambda1s = []
    lambda2s = []
    m1s = []
    m2s = []
    dists = []
    chi_effs = []
    Xlans = []
    qs = []
    etas = []
    mchirps = []
    mbnss = []
    term1_list, term2_list, term3_list, term4_list = [], [], [], []

    if EOS == "gp":
        # read Phil + Reed's EOS files
        filenames = glob.glob(
        idxs = []
        for filename in filenames:
            filenameSplit = filename.replace(".csv",
        idxs = np.array(idxs)
    elif EOS == "Sly":
        eosname = "SLy"
        eos = EOS4ParameterPiecewisePolytrope(eosname)

    for ii, row in enumerate(samples_tmp):
        if not twixie:
            m1, m2, dist, chi_eff, q, mchirp, eta, Xlan = row["m1"], row[
                "m2"], row["dist"], row["chi_eff"], row['q'], row[
                    'mchirp'], row['eta'], row['Xlan']
        if twixie:
            m1, m2, dist, chi_eff, q, mchirp, eta = row["m1"], row["m2"], row[
                "dist_mbta"], row["chi_eff"], row['q'], row['mchirp'], row[
        nsamples = 10
        if EOS == "spec":
            indices = np.random.randint(0, 2395, size=nsamples)
        elif EOS == "gp":
            indices = np.random.randint(0, len(idxs), size=nsamples)
        for jj in range(nsamples):
            if (EOS == "spec") or (EOS == "gp"):
                index = indices[jj]

            # samples lambda's from Phil + Reed's files
            if EOS == "spec":
                eospath = "/home/philippe.landry/gw170817eos/spec/macro/macro-spec_%dcr.csv" % index
                data_out = np.genfromtxt(eospath, names=True, delimiter=",")
                marray, larray = data_out["M"], data_out["Lambda"]
                f = interp.interp1d(marray,
                lambda1, lambda2 = f(m1), f(m2)
                mbns = np.max(marray)

            elif EOS == "Sly":
                lambda1, lambda2 = eos.lambdaofm(m1), eos.lambdaofm(m2)
                mbns = eos.maxmass()

            elif EOS == "gp":
                lambda1, lambda2 = 0.0, 0.0
                phasetr = 0
                while (lambda1 == 0.0) or (lambda2 == 0.0):
                    eospath = "/home/philippe.landry/gw170817eos/gp/macro/MACROdraw-%06d-%d.csv" % (
                        idxs[index], phasetr)
                    if not os.path.isfile(eospath):
                    data_out = np.genfromtxt(eospath,
                    marray, larray = data_out["M"], data_out["Lambda"]
                    f = interp.interp1d(marray,
                    lambda1_tmp, lambda2_tmp = f(m1), f(m2)
                    if (lambda1_tmp > 0) and (lambda1 == 0.0):
                        lambda1 = lambda1_tmp
                    if (lambda2_tmp > 0) and (lambda2 == 0.0):
                        lambda2 = lambda2_tmp
                    phasetr = phasetr + 1
                    mbns = np.max(marray)


    if twixie:
        Xlans = np.ones(1000) * 1e-3

    data = np.vstack((m1s, m2s, dists, lambda1s, lambda2s, chi_effs, Xlans, c1,
                      c2, mb1, mb2, mchirps, etas, qs, mej, vej, mbnss)).T
    samples = KNTable((data),
                      names=('m1', 'm2', 'dist', 'lambda1', 'lambda2',
                             'chi_eff', 'Xlan', 'c1', 'c2', 'mb1', 'mb2',
                             'mchirp', 'eta', 'q', 'mej', 'vej', 'mbns'))

    #calc compactness
    samples = samples.calc_compactness(fit=True)

    #clac baryonic mass
    samples = samples.calc_baryonic_mass(EOS=None, TOV=None, fit=True)

    if type_set == 'BNS':

        from gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.CoDi2019 import calc_meje, calc_vej
        #from gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.PaDi2019 import calc_meje, calc_vej
        # calc the mass of ejecta
        mej = calc_meje(samples['m1'], samples['c1'], samples['m2'],
        # calc the velocity of ejecta
        vej = calc_vej(samples['m1'], samples['c1'], samples['m2'],

        samples['mchirp'], samples['eta'], samples[
            'q'] = lightcurve_utils.ms2mc(samples['m1'], samples['m2'])

        samples['q'] = 1.0 / samples['q']

        samples['mej'] = mej
        samples['vej'] = vej

        if model_set == 'Bu2019inc':
            idx = np.where(samples['mej'] <= 1e-6)[0]
            samples['mej'][idx] = 1e-6
            idx2 = np.where(samples['mej'] >= 1)[0]
            samples['mej'][idx2] = 1e-6
        print('mej = ' + str(samples['mej'][0]))

    if type_set == 'NSBH':

        from gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.KrFo2019 import calc_meje, calc_vave
        # calc the mass of ejecta
        mej = calc_meje(samples['q'], samples['chi_eff'], samples['c2'],
        # calc the velocity of ejecta
        vej = calc_vave(samples['q'])

        samples['mej'] = mej
        samples['vej'] = vej

        if model_set == 'Bu2019inc':
            idx = np.where(samples['mej'] <= 1e-6)[0]
            samples['mej'][idx] = 1e-6
            idx2 = np.where(samples['mej'] >= 1)[0]
            samples['mej'][idx2] = 1e-6

        print('mej = ' + str(samples['mej'][0]))

    if type_set == 'BNS' or 'NSBH':
        # Add draw from a gaussian in the log of ejecta mass with 1-sigma size of 70%
        erroropt = 'none'
        if erroropt == 'none':
            print("Not applying an error to mass ejecta")
        elif erroropt == 'log':
            samples['mej'] = np.power(
                10., np.random.normal(np.log10(samples['mej']), 0.236))
        elif erroropt == 'lin':
            samples['mej'] = np.random.normal(samples['mej'],
                                              0.72 * samples['mej'])
        elif erroropt == 'loggauss':
            samples['mej'] = np.power(
                10., np.random.normal(np.log10(samples['mej']), 0.312))
        idx = np.where(samples['mej'] > 0)[0]
        samples = samples[idx]
    print(EOS + ' calculation finished')
    return samples
    cbcratio = float(cbccnt) / float(len(lines))

    # read in samples
    samples = KNTable.read_cbc_list(tmpfile)
    # limit masses
    #samples = samples.mass_cut(mass1=3.0,mass2=3.0)

    print "m1: %.5f +-%.5f" % (np.mean(samples["m1"]), np.std(samples["m1"]))
    print "m2: %.5f +-%.5f" % (np.mean(samples["m2"]), np.std(samples["m2"]))

    # Downsample
    #samples = samples.downsample(Nsamples=1000)

    eosname = "SLy"
    eos = EOS4ParameterPiecewisePolytrope(eosname)
    lambda1s, lambda2s = [], []
    for row in samples:
        lambda1, lambda2 = eos.lambdaofm(row["m1"]), eos.lambdaofm(row["m2"])
    samples["lambda1"] = lambda1s
    samples["lambda2"] = lambda2s
    samples["Xlan"] = 1e-3

    # Calc compactness
    samples = samples.calc_compactness(fit=True)
    # Calc baryonic mass
    samples = samples.calc_baryonic_mass(EOS=None, TOV=None, fit=True)

    if (not 'mej' in samples.colnames) and (not 'vej' in samples.colnames):
Example #3
def run_EOS(EOS, m1, m2, chi, type_set=Type, model_set = 'Bu2019inc', twixie = twixie_tf, lan_override=False, lan_override_val=None, chirp_q = False):
    #samples["dist"] = opts.distance
    #samples["phi"] = opts.phi_fixed
    #samples["Xlan"] = 10**opts.Xlan_fixed
    #samples['mbns'] = 0.
    N_EOS = 1
    if type_set == 'BNS_chirp_q':
        type_set = 'BNS' 
    if not chirp_q:
        #m1 = np.random.normal(m1, .05, 100)
        #m2 = np.random.normal(m2, .05, 100)
        #m1 = np.random.normal(m1, .001, 100)
        #m2 = np.random.normal(m2, .001, 100)
        m1 = np.ones(N_EOS) * m1
        m2 = np.ones(N_EOS) * m2
        q = m2/m1
        mchirp = np.power((m1*m2), 3/5) / np.power((m1+m2), 1/5)
        eta = m1*m2/( (m1+m2)*(m1+m2) )
    if chirp_q:
        print('running chirp_q')
        m1 = np.random.normal(m1, .05, N_EOS)
        m2 = np.random.normal(m2, .05, N_EOS)
        #m1 = np.ones(100) * m1
        #m2 = np.ones(100) * m2
        q = m2 
        mchirp = m1
        eta = lightcurve_utils.q2eta(q) 
        m1, m2 = lightcurve_utils.mc2ms(mchirp, eta)

    dist = np.ones(N_EOS)
    #chi_eff = np.random.uniform(-1,1,100)
    chi_eff = np.ones(N_EOS)*chi
    Xlan = 1e-3 * np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    if lan_override:
        Xlan = lan_override_val * np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    c1 = np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    c2 = np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    mb1 = np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    mb2 = np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    mej = np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    vej = np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    dyn_mej = np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    wind_mej = np.ones(N_EOS*10)
    data = np.vstack((m1,m2,dist,chi_eff,mchirp,eta,q)).T
    samples = KNTable((data), names = ('m1','m2','dist','chi_eff','mchirp','eta','q') )

    #data = np.vstack((m1s,m2s,dists,lambda1s,lambda2s,chi_effs,Xlans,c1,c2,mb1,mb2,mchirps,etas,qs,mej,vej, dyn_mej, wind_mej, mbnss)).T
    #samples = KNTable((data), names = ('m1','m2','dist','lambda1','lambda2','chi_eff','Xlan','c1','c2','mb1','mb2','mchirp','eta','q','mej','vej', 'dyn_mej', 'wind_mej', 'mbns'))    

    #if twixie:
        #samples_tmp = KNTable.read_mchirp_samples(opts.mchirp_samples, Nsamples=100, twixie_flag = twixie_tf)

    #if (opts.analysisType == "posterior") or (opts.analysisType == "mchirp"):
    #need to fix indents
    if True:
        if True: 
            nsamples = 10
            if opts.nsamples < 1:
                print('Please set nsamples >= 1')
            # read samples from template analysis
            #samples = KNTable.read_mchirp_samples(opts.mchirp_samples, Nsamples=opts.nsamples, twixie_flag = twixie_tf) 
            m1s, m2s, dists_mbta = [], [], []
            lambda1s, lambda2s, chi_effs = [], [], []
            Xlans = []
            mbnss = []
            if EOS == "gp":
                # read Phil + Reed's EOS files
                eospostdat = np.genfromtxt("/home/philippe.landry/nseos/eos_post_PSRs+GW170817+J0030.csv",names=True,dtype=None,delimiter=",")
                idxs = np.array(eospostdat["eos"])
                weights = np.array([np.exp(weight) for weight in eospostdat["logweight_total"]])
            elif EOS == "Sly":
                eosname = "SLy"
                eos = EOS4ParameterPiecewisePolytrope(eosname)
            Xlan_min, Xlan_max = -9, -1 
            for ii, row in enumerate(samples): 
                #m1, m2, dist_mbta, chi_eff = row["m1"], row["m2"], row["dist_mbta"], row["chi_eff"]
                m1, m2, chi_eff = row["m1"], row["m2"], row["chi_eff"]
                nsamples = 10
                if EOS == "spec":
                    indices = np.random.randint(0, 2396, size=nsamples)
                elif EOS == "gp":
                    indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(0,len(idxs)), size=nsamples,replace=True,p=weights/np.sum(weights))
                for jj in range(nsamples):
                    if (EOS == "spec") or (EOS == "gp"):
                        index = indices[jj] 
                        lambda1, lambda2 = -1, -1
                        mbns = -1
                    # samples lambda's from Phil + Reed's files
                    if EOS == "spec":
                        while (lambda1 < 0.) or (lambda2 < 0.) or (mbns < 0.):
                            eospath = "/home/philippe.landry/nseos/eos/spec/macro/macro-spec_%dcr.csv" % index
                            data_out = np.genfromtxt(eospath, names=True, delimiter=",")
                            marray, larray = data_out["M"], data_out["Lambda"]
                            f = interp.interp1d(marray, larray, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
                            if float(f(m1)) > lambda1: lambda1 = f(m1)
                            if float(f(m2)) > lambda2: lambda2 = f(m2)
                            if np.max(marray) > mbns: mbns = np.max(marray)
                            if (lambda1 < 0.) or (lambda2 < 0.) or (mbns < 0.):
                                index = int(np.random.randint(0, 2396, size=1)) # pick a different EOS if it returns negative Lambda or Mmax
                                lambda1, lambda2 = -1, -1
                                mbns = -1
                    elif EOS == "gp":
                        while (lambda1 < 0.) or (lambda2 < 0.) or (mbns < 0.):
                            phasetr = 0
                            eospath = "/home/philippe.landry/nseos/eos/gp/mrgagn/DRAWmod1000-%06d/MACROdraw-%06d/MACROdraw-%06d-%d.csv" % (idxs[index]/1000, idxs[index], idxs[index], phasetr)
                            while os.path.isfile(eospath):
                                data_out = np.genfromtxt(eospath, names=True, delimiter=",")
                                marray, larray = data_out["M"], data_out["Lambda"]
                                f = interp.interp1d(marray, larray, fill_value=0, bounds_error=False)
                                if float(f(m1)) > lambda1: lambda1 = f(m1) # pick lambda from least compact stable branch
                                if float(f(m2)) > lambda2: lambda2 = f(m2)
                                if np.max(marray) > mbns: mbns = np.max(marray) # get global maximum mass
                                phasetr += 1 # check all stable branches
                                eospath = "/home/philippe.landry/nseos/eos/gp/mrgagn/DRAWmod1000-%06d/MACROdraw-%06d/MACROdraw-%06d-%d.csv" % (idxs[index]/1000, idxs[index], idxs[index], phasetr)
                            if (lambda1 < 0.) or (lambda2 < 0.) or (mbns < 0.):
                                index = int(np.random.choice(np.arange(0,len(idxs)), size=1,replace=True,p=weights/np.sum(weights))) # pick a different EOS if it returns negative Lambda or Mmax
                                lambda1, lambda2 = -1, -1
                                mbns = -1
                    elif EOS == "Sly":
                        lambda1, lambda2 = eos.lambdaofm(m1), eos.lambdaofm(m2)
                        mbns = eos.maxmass()
                    #Xlans.append(10**np.random.uniform(Xlan_min, Xlan_max))
            #Xlans = [10**opts.Xlan_fixed] * len(samples) * nsamples
            #phis = [opts.phi_fixed] * len(samples) * nsamples 
            thetas = 180. * np.arccos(np.random.uniform(-1., 1., len(samples) * nsamples)) / np.pi
            idx_thetas = np.where(thetas > 90.)[0]
            thetas[idx_thetas] = 180. - thetas[idx_thetas]
            thetas = list(thetas)
            # make final arrays of masses, distances, lambdas, spins, and lanthanide fractions 
            data = np.vstack((m1s,m2s,lambda1s,lambda2s, Xlan, chi_effs,thetas, mbnss)).T
            samples = KNTable(data, names=('m1', 'm2', 'lambda1', 'lambda2','Xlan','chi_eff','theta', 'mbns'))       
        # limit masses
        #samples = samples.mass_cut(mass1=3.0,mass2=3.0)
        print("m1: %.5f +-%.5f"%(np.mean(samples["m1"]),np.std(samples["m1"])))
        print("m2: %.5f +-%.5f"%(np.mean(samples["m2"]),np.std(samples["m2"])))
        # Downsample 
        #samples = samples.downsample(Nsamples=100)
        samples = samples.calc_tidal_lambda(remove_negative_lambda=True)
        # Calc compactness
        samples = samples.calc_compactness(fit=True)
        # Calc baryonic mass 
        samples = samples.calc_baryonic_mass(EOS=None, TOV=None, fit=True)
        if (not 'mej' in samples.colnames) and (not 'vej' in samples.colnames):
            #mbns = 2.1
            #idx1 = np.where((samples['m1'] < mbns) & (samples['m2'] < mbns))[0]
            #idx2 = np.where((samples['m1'] > mbns) | (samples['m2'] > mbns))[0]
            idx1 = np.where((samples['m1'] <= samples['mbns']) & (samples['m2'] <= samples['mbns']))[0]
            idx2 = np.where((samples['m1'] > samples['mbns']) & (samples['m2'] <= samples['mbns']))[0]
            idx3 = np.where((samples['m1'] > samples['mbns']) & (samples['m2'] > samples['mbns']))[0]
            mej, vej = np.zeros(samples['m1'].shape), np.zeros(samples['m1'].shape)
            from gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.CoDi2019 import calc_meje, calc_vej
            # calc the mass of ejecta
            mej1, dyn_mej1, wind_mej1 = calc_meje(samples['m1'], samples['c1'], samples['m2'], samples['c2'], split_mej=True)
            # calc the velocity of ejecta
            vej1 = calc_vej(samples['m1'],samples['c1'],samples['m2'],samples['c2'])
            samples['mchirp'], samples['eta'], samples['q'] = lightcurve_utils.ms2mc(samples['m1'], samples['m2'])
            #samples['q'] = 1.0 / samples['q']
            from gwemlightcurves.EjectaFits.KrFo2019 import calc_meje, calc_vave
            # calc the mass of ejecta
            mej2, dyn_mej2, wind_mej2 = calc_meje(samples['q'],samples['chi_eff'],samples['c2'], samples['m2'], split_mej=True)
            # calc the velocity of ejecta
            vej2 = calc_vave(samples['q'])
            # calc the mass of ejecta
            mej3 = np.zeros(samples['m1'].shape)

            dyn_mej3 = np.zeros(samples['m1'].shape)
            wind_mej3 = np.zeros(samples['m1'].shape)
            # calc the velocity of ejecta
            vej3 = np.zeros(samples['m1'].shape) + 0.2
            mej[idx1], vej[idx1] = mej1[idx1], vej1[idx1]
            mej[idx2], vej[idx2] = mej2[idx2], vej2[idx2]
            mej[idx3], vej[idx3] = mej3[idx3], vej3[idx3]
            wind_mej[idx1], dyn_mej[idx1] = wind_mej1[idx1], dyn_mej1[idx1]
            wind_mej[idx2], dyn_mej[idx2] = wind_mej2[idx2], dyn_mej2[idx2]
            wind_mej[idx3], dyn_mej[idx3] = wind_mej3[idx3], dyn_mej3[idx3]   
            samples['mej'] = mej
            samples['vej'] = vej
            samples['dyn_mej'] = dyn_mej
            samples['wind_mej'] = wind_mej
            # Add draw from a gaussian in the log of ejecta mass with 1-sigma size of 70%
            erroropt = 'none'
            if erroropt == 'none':
                print("Not applying an error to mass ejecta")
            elif erroropt == 'log':
                samples['mej'] = np.power(10.,np.random.normal(np.log10(samples['mej']),0.236))
            elif erroropt == 'lin':
                samples['mej'] = np.random.normal(samples['mej'],0.72*samples['mej'])
            elif erroropt == 'loggauss':
                samples['mej'] = np.power(10.,np.random.normal(np.log10(samples['mej']),0.312))
            #idx = np.where(samples['mej'] > 0)[0]
            #samples = samples[idx]
            idx = np.where(samples['mej'] <= 0)[0]
            samples['mej'][idx] = 1e-11
            if (opts.model == "Bu2019inc"):  
                    idx = np.where(samples['mej'] <= 1e-6)[0]
                    samples['mej'][idx] = 1e-11
            elif (opts.model == "Ka2017"):
                    idx = np.where(samples['mej'] <= 1e-3)[0]
                    samples['mej'][idx] = 1e-11
            print("Probability of having ejecta")
            print(100 * (len(samples) - len(idx)) /len(samples))
            return samples