def get_chart_data(loan_name): recovered = get_recovered_principal(loan_name) outstanding = get_outstanding_principal(loan_name) undisbursed = get_undisbursed_principal(loan_name) write_off_account = frappe.get_value('Microfinance Loan Settings', None, 'write_off_account') conds = [ "account = '{}'".format(write_off_account), "against_voucher = '{}'".format(loan_name), ] wrote_off = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT SUM(debit - credit) FROM `tabGL Entry` WHERE {conds} """.format(conds=join(" AND ")(conds)))[0][0] or 0 data = { 'labels': ['RC', 'OS', 'UD', 'WO'], 'datasets': [ { 'name': "Total", 'values': [recovered, outstanding, undisbursed, wrote_off] }, ] } return data
def get_chart_data(loan_name): recovered = get_recovered(loan_name) outstanding = get_unrecovered(loan_name) undisbursed = get_undisbursed_principal(loan_name) write_off_account = frappe.get_value( "Microfinance Loan Settings", None, "write_off_account" ) conds = [ "account = '{}'".format(write_off_account), "against_voucher = '{}'".format(loan_name), ] wrote_off = ( frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT SUM(debit - credit) FROM `tabGL Entry` WHERE {conds} """.format( conds=join(" AND ")(conds) ) )[0][0] or 0 ) data = { "labels": ["RC", "OS", "UD", "WO"], "datasets": [ { "name": "Total", "values": [recovered, outstanding, undisbursed, wrote_off], } ], } return data
def list(loan, from_date, to_date): if getdate(to_date) < getdate(from_date): return frappe.throw('To date cannot be less than From date') conds = [ "loan = '{}'".format(loan), "docstatus = 1", "start_date BETWEEN '{}' AND '{}'".format(from_date, to_date), ] existing = frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT name, status, period, posting_date, start_date, billed_amount, paid_amount, fine_amount FROM `tabMicrofinance Loan Interest` WHERE {conds} """.format(conds=join(" AND ")(conds)), as_dict=True, ) existing_dict = dict((, row) for row in existing) get_item = compose(existing_dict.get, partial(make_name, loan)) make_item = compose(_make_list_item, get_item) loan_end_date, loan_start_date = frappe.get_value( 'Microfinance Loan', loan, ['clear_date', 'posting_date']) def make_empty(d): return { 'name': make_name(loan, d), 'period': d.strftime('%b %Y'), 'start_date': max(loan_start_date, d), 'status': 'Unbilled' } effective_date = frappe.get_value('Microfinance Loan Settings', None, 'effective_date') is_not_sys_mgr = 'System Manager' not in frappe.permissions.get_roles() def change_status(row): start_date = row.get('start_date') status = 'Clear' \ if is_not_sys_mgr \ and getdate(effective_date) > getdate(start_date) \ else row.get('status') return update({ 'status': status, })(row) fd = compose(partial(max, loan_start_date), getdate) td = compose(partial(min, loan_end_date), getdate) \ if loan_end_date else getdate dates = _gen_dates(fd(from_date), td(to_date)) return compose( partial(map, change_status), partial(map, lambda x: make_item(x) if get_item(x) else make_empty(x)), )(dates)
def list(loan, from_date, to_date): if getdate(to_date) < getdate(from_date): return frappe.throw("To date cannot be less than From date") conds = [ "loan = '{}'".format(loan), "docstatus < 2", "start_date BETWEEN '{}' AND '{}'".format(from_date, to_date), ] existing = frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT name, status, period, posting_date, start_date, billed_amount, paid_amount, fine_amount FROM `tabMicrofinance Loan Interest` WHERE {conds} """.format(conds=join(" AND ")(conds)), as_dict=True, ) existing_dict = dict((, row) for row in existing) get_item = compose(existing_dict.get, partial(make_name, loan)) make_item = compose(_make_list_item, get_item) loan_end_date, loan_start_date = frappe.get_value( "Microfinance Loan", loan, ["clear_date", "posting_date"]) def make_empty(d): return { "name": make_name(loan, d), "period": d.strftime("%b %Y"), "start_date": max(loan_start_date, d), "status": "Unbilled", } effective_date = frappe.get_value("Microfinance Loan Settings", None, "effective_date") is_not_sys_mgr = "System Manager" not in frappe.permissions.get_roles() def change_status(row): start_date = row.get("start_date") status = ("Clear" if is_not_sys_mgr and getdate(effective_date) > getdate(start_date) else row.get("status")) return update({"status": status})(row) fd = compose(partial(max, loan_start_date), getdate) td = compose(partial(min, loan_end_date), getdate) if loan_end_date else getdate dates = _gen_dates(fd(from_date), td(to_date)) return compose( partial(map, change_status), partial(map, lambda x: make_item(x) if get_item(x) else make_empty(x)), )(dates)
def _make_address_text(customer=None): """Returns formatted address of Customer""" if not customer: return None address = frappe.get_value( 'Address', get_default_address('Customer', customer), ['address_line1', 'city'], as_dict=True ) if not address: return None return join(', ')([address.get('address_line1'), address.get('city')])
def _make_address_text(customer=None): """Returns formatted address of Customer""" if not customer: return None address = frappe.get_value( "Address", get_default_address("Customer", customer), ["address_line1", "city"], as_dict=True, ) if not address: return None return join(", ")([address.get("address_line1"), address.get("city")])
def execute(filters=None): columns = [ _("Customer") + ":Link/Customer:180", _("Loan No") + ":Link/Microfinance Loan:90", _("Status") + "::90", _("Last Payment Date") + ":Date:90", _("Last Paid Interest") + "::90", _("Outstanding") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Curent Interest") + ":Currency/currency:90", ] conds = compose( _set_filter(filters, "name"), _set_filter(filters, "customer"), _set_filter(filters, "loan_plan"), )(["loan.disbursement_status != 'Sanctioned'"]) result = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT loan.customer,, loan.recovery_status, max(recovery.posting_date), interest.period, loan.posting_date FROM `tabMicrofinance Loan` AS loan LEFT JOIN `tabMicrofinance Recovery` AS recovery ON recovery.docstatus = 1 AND = LEFT JOIN `tabMicrofinance Loan Interest` AS interest ON interest.docstatus = 1 AND = AND interest.billed_amount = interest.paid_amount WHERE loan.docstatus = 1 AND {conds} GROUP BY """.format(conds=join(" AND ")(conds))) data = compose( list, partial(map, _result_to_data), partial(filter, _display_filter(filters.get("display"))), )(result) return columns, data
def execute(filters={}): columns = [ _("Posting Date") + ":Date:90", _("Account") + ":Link/Account:150", _("Credit") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Debit") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Amount") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Cummulative") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Remarks") + "::240", ] company, loan_account = frappe.get_value("Microfinance Loan", filters.get("loan"), ["company", "loan_account"]) accounts_to_exclude = [ loan_account, "Temporary Opening - {}".format( frappe.db.get_value("Company", company, "abbr")), ] conds = [ "against_voucher_type = 'Microfinance Loan'", "against_voucher = '{}'".format(filters.get("loan")), "account NOT IN ({})".format(_stringify_accounts(accounts_to_exclude)), ] opening_entries = frappe.db.sql( """ SELECT sum(credit) AS credit, sum(debit) AS debit, sum(credit - debit) as amount FROM `tabGL Entry` WHERE {conds} AND posting_date <'{from_date}' """.format(conds=join(" AND ")(conds), from_date=filters.get("from_date")), as_dict=True, )[0] results = frappe.db.sql(""" SELECT posting_date, account, sum(credit) as credit, sum(debit) as debit, sum(credit - debit) as amount, remarks FROM `tabGL Entry` WHERE {conds} AND posting_date BETWEEN '{from_date}' AND '{to_date}' GROUP BY posting_date, account, voucher_no, remarks ORDER BY posting_date ASC, name ASC """.format( conds=join(" AND ")(conds), from_date=filters.get("from_date"), to_date=filters.get("to_date"), )) opening_credit = opening_entries.get("credit") or 0 opening_debit = opening_entries.get("debit") or 0 opening_amount = opening_entries.get("amount") or 0 total_credit = _col_sum(2)(results) total_debit = _col_sum(3)(results) total_amount = _col_sum(4)(results) opening = ( None, _("Opening"), opening_credit, opening_debit, opening_amount, opening_amount, None, ) total = (None, _("Total"), total_credit, total_debit, total_amount, None, None) closing = ( None, _("Closing"), opening_credit + total_credit, opening_debit + total_debit, opening_amount + total_amount, get_outstanding_principal(filters.get("loan"), filters.get("to_date")), None, ) data = reduce(_accum_reducer, results, [opening]) + [total, closing] return columns, data
from gwi_customization.microfinance.utils.fp import compose, join from import get_outstanding_principal def _accum_reducer(acc, row): return acc + [row[:-1] + (acc[-1][5] + row[4], ) + row[-1:]] def _col_sum(idx): def fn(rows): return reduce(lambda a, x: a + x[idx], rows, 0) return fn _stringify_accounts = compose(join(", "), partial(map, lambda x: "'{}'".format(x))) def execute(filters={}): columns = [ _("Posting Date") + ":Date:90", _("Account") + ":Link/Account:150", _("Credit") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Debit") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Amount") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Cummulative") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Remarks") + "::240", ] company, loan_account = frappe.get_value("Microfinance Loan",
paid_amount = (doc.paid_amount - opts.get("paid_amount") if update else doc.paid_amount + opts.get("paid_amount")) doc.update({"paid_amount": paid_amount}) if submit and doc.docstatus == 0: doc.submit() else: doc = frappe.new_doc("Microfinance Loan Interest") doc.update(opts) doc.insert() doc.submit() return name _stringify_periods = compose(join(", "), partial(map, lambda x: x.period_label)) class MicrofinanceRecovery(AccountsController): def validate(self): if self.total_interests and "NPA" == frappe.db.get_value( "Microfinance Loan",, "recovery_status"): frappe.throw("Cannot recover interests for NPA loans") def allocate_amount(self): self.total_amount = (self.paid_amount if self.loan_type == "EMI" else flt(self.total_interests) + flt(self.principal_amount)) self.total_charges = reduce(lambda a, x: a + x.charge_amount, self.get("charges", []), 0)
from gwi_customization.microfinance.utils.fp import compose, join from import get_outstanding_principal def _accum_reducer(acc, row): return acc + [row[:-1] + (acc[-1][5] + row[4], ) + row[-1:]] def _col_sum(idx): def fn(rows): return reduce(lambda a, x: a + x[idx], rows, 0) return fn _stringify_accounts = compose(join(', '), partial(map, lambda x: "'{}'".format(x))) def execute(filters={}): columns = [ _("Posting Date") + ":Date:90", _("Account") + ":Link/Account:150", _("Credit") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Debit") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Amount") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Cummulative") + ":Currency/currency:90", _("Remarks") + "::240", ] company, loan_account = frappe.get_value('Microfinance Loan',