Example #1
  def _message(self, data):
    if type(data) != dict:
      logger.error("Cannot parse message data: %s", str(data))
      return {}

    n = {}
    if data.has_key("retweeted_status"):
      n["retweeted_by"] = self._user(data["user"] if "user" in data else data["sender"])
      if data.has_key("created_at"):
        n["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created_at"])
      data = data["retweeted_status"]
      n["retweeted_by"] = None
      if data.has_key("created_at"):
        n["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created_at"])

    m = self._common(data)

    for k in n:
      m[k] = n[k]
    if data.has_key("in_reply_to_status_id"):
      if data["in_reply_to_status_id"]:
        m["reply"] = {}
        m["reply"]["id"] = data["in_reply_to_status_id"]
        m["reply"]["nick"] = data["in_reply_to_screen_name"]
        if m["reply"]["id"] and m["reply"]["nick"]:
          m["reply"]["url"] = "/".join((self.url_prefix, "notice", str(m["reply"]["id"])))
          m["reply"]["url"] = None

    m["sender"] = self._user(data["user"] if "user" in data else data["sender"])
    m["url"] = "/".join((self.url_prefix, "notice", str(m["mid"])))

    return m
Example #2
  def _common(self, data):
    m = {}
      m["mid"] = str(data["id"])
      m["service"] = "identica"
      m["account"] = self.account["id"]
      m["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created_at"])
      m["source"] = data.get("source", False)
      m["text"] = data["text"]
      m["to_me"] = ("@%s" % self.account["username"]) in data["text"]

      m["html"] = util.linkify(m["text"],
        ((util.PARSE_HASH, '#<a class="hash" href="%s#search?q=\\1">\\1</a>' % self.url_prefix),
        (util.PARSE_NICK, '@<a class="nick" href="%s/\\1">\\1</a>' % self.url_prefix)))

      m["content"] = util.linkify(m["text"],
        ((util.PARSE_HASH, '#<a class="hash" href="gwibber:/tag?acct=%s&query=\\1">\\1</a>' % m["account"]),
        (util.PARSE_NICK, '@<a class="nick" href="gwibber:/user?acct=%s&name=\\1">\\1</a>' % m["account"])))

      images = []
      if data.get("attachments", 0):
        for a in data["attachments"]:
          mime = a.get("mimetype", "")
          if mime and mime.startswith("image") and a.get("url", 0):
            images.append({"src": a["url"], "url": a["url"]})

      if images:
        m["images"] = images
        m["type"] = "photo"
      log.logger.error("%s failure - %s", PROTOCOL_INFO["name"], data)

    return m
Example #3
  def _common(self, data):
    m = {};

      m["mid"] = str(data["id"])
      m["service"] = "twitter"
      m["account"] = self.account["id"]
      if data.has_key("created_at"):
        m["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created_at"])
      m["text"] = util.unescape(data["text"])
      m["to_me"] = ("@%s" % self.account["username"]) in data["text"]

      m["html"] = util.linkify(m["text"],
        ((util.PARSE_HASH, '#<a class="hash" href="%s#search?q=\\1">\\1</a>' % URL_PREFIX),
        (util.PARSE_NICK, '@<a class="nick" href="%s/\\1">\\1</a>' % URL_PREFIX)), escape=False)

      m["content"] = util.linkify(m["text"],
        ((util.PARSE_HASH, '#<a href="gwibber:/tag?acct=%s&query=\\1">\\1</a>' % m["account"]),
        (util.PARSE_NICK, '@<a href="gwibber:/user?acct=%s&name=\\1">\\1</a>' % m["account"])), escape=True)

      m["favorited"] = data.get("favorited", False)

      images = util.imgpreview(m["text"])
      if images:
        m["images"] = images
        m["type"] = "photo"
      log.logger.error("%s failure - %s", PROTOCOL_INFO["name"], data)
      return {}
    return m
Example #4
    def _common(self, data):
        m = {}
        m["mid"] = str(data["id"])
        m["service"] = "qaiku"
        m["account"] = self.account["id"]
        m["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created_at"])
        m["text"] = data["text"]
        m["to_me"] = ("@%s" % self.account["username"]) in data["text"]

        m["html"] = data["html"]

        # TODO: Change Qaiku's @-links to people to Gwibber-internal ones
        m["content"] = data["html"]

        if (data["external_url"]):
            # Qaiku posts can have external links in them, display that under the message
            m["content"] += "<p><a href=\"" + data[
                "external_url"] + "\">" + data["external_url"] + "</a></p>"

        # TODO: Display picture Qaikus

        if "channel" in data and data["channel"]:
            # Put message's Qaiku channel as "source" so it will be displayed in the UI
            m["source"] = "<a href=\"http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/" + data[
                "channel"] + "/\">#" + data["channel"] + "</a>"

        if "in_reply_to_status_id" in data and data["in_reply_to_status_id"]:
            m["reply"] = {}
            m["reply"]["id"] = data["in_reply_to_status_id"]
            m["reply"]["nick"] = data["in_reply_to_screen_name"]
            m["reply"]["url"] = data["in_reply_to_status_url"]

        return m
  def _common(self, data):
    m = {}; 
    m["mid"] = str(data["id"])
    m["service"] = "qaiku"
    m["account"] = self.account["id"]
    m["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created_at"])
    m["text"] = data["text"]
    m["to_me"] = ("@%s" % self.account["username"]) in data["text"]

    m["html"] = data["html"]

    # TODO: Change Qaiku's @-links to people to Gwibber-internal ones
    m["content"] = data["html"]

    if (data["external_url"]):
      # Qaiku posts can have external links in them, display that under the message
      m["content"] += "<p><a href=\"" + data["external_url"] + "\">" + data["external_url"] + "</a></p>"

    # TODO: Display picture Qaikus

    if "channel" in data and data["channel"]:
      # Put message's Qaiku channel as "source" so it will be displayed in the UI
      m["source"] = "<a href=\"http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/" + data["channel"] + "/\">#" + data["channel"] + "</a>"

    if "in_reply_to_status_id" in data and data["in_reply_to_status_id"]:
      m["reply"] = {}
      m["reply"]["id"] = data["in_reply_to_status_id"]
      m["reply"]["nick"] = data["in_reply_to_screen_name"]
      m["reply"]["url"] = data["in_reply_to_status_url"]

    return m
  def _message(self, data):
    m = {
      "mid": data["id"],
      "service": "friendfeed",
      "account": self.account["id"],
      "time": util.parsetime(data["published"]),
      "source": data.get("via", {}).get("name", None),
      "text": data["title"],
      "html": util.linkify(data["title"]),
      "content": util.linkify(data["title"]),
      "url": data["link"],
      "sender": self._sender(data["user"]),
    if data.get("service", 0):
      m["origin"] = {
        "id": data["service"]["id"],
        "name": data["service"]["name"],
        "icon": data["service"]["iconUrl"],
        "url": data["service"]["profileUrl"],

    if data.get("likes", 0):
      m["likes"] = {"count": len(data["likes"])}

    if data.get("comments", 0):
      m["comments"] = []
      for item in data["comments"][-3:]:
          "text": item["body"],
          "time": util.parsetime(item["date"]),
          "sender": self._sender(item["user"]),

    for i in data["media"]:
      if i.get("thumbnails", 0):
        m["images"] = []
        for t in i["thumbnails"]:
          m["images"].append({"src": t["url"], "url": i["link"]})

    if data.get("geo", 0):
      m["location"] = data["geo"]

    return m
Example #7
    def _message(self, data):
        m = {
            "mid": data["id"],
            "service": "friendfeed",
            "account": self.account["id"],
            "time": util.parsetime(data["published"]),
            "source": data.get("via", {}).get("name", None),
            "text": data["title"],
            "html": util.linkify(data["title"]),
            "content": util.linkify(data["title"]),
            "url": data["link"],
            "sender": self._sender(data["user"]),

        if data.get("service", 0):
            m["origin"] = {
                "id": data["service"]["id"],
                "name": data["service"]["name"],
                "icon": data["service"]["iconUrl"],
                "url": data["service"]["profileUrl"],

        if data.get("likes", 0):
            m["likes"] = {"count": len(data["likes"])}

        if data.get("comments", 0):
            m["comments"] = []
            for item in data["comments"][-3:]:
                    "text": item["body"],
                    "time": util.parsetime(item["date"]),
                    "sender": self._sender(item["user"]),

        for i in data["media"]:
            if i.get("thumbnails", 0):
                m["images"] = []
                for t in i["thumbnails"]:
                    m["images"].append({"src": t["url"], "url": i["link"]})

        if data.get("geo", 0):
            m["location"] = data["geo"]

        return m
Example #8
  def _message(self, data):
    m = {
        "mid": data["id"],
        "service": "buzz",
        "account": self.account["id"],
        "time": util.parsetime(data["published"]),
        "url": data.get("links", {})["alternate"][0].get("href", ""),
        "source": data.get("source", {}).get("title", None),
        "sender": self._actor(data["actor"]),

    m["text"] = data["object"]["content"]

    if data.get("source", {}).get("title", 0) == "Twitter":
      m["text"] = m["text"].split(">:", 1)[1].strip()
    m["html"] = m["text"]
    m["content"] = m["text"]

    if data.get("geocode", 0):
      m["location"] = {
          "lat": data["geocode"].split()[0],
          "lon": data["geocode"].split()[1],

      if data.get("address", 0):
        m["location"]["address"] = data["address"]

    m["images"] = []
    for a in data["object"].get("attachments", []):
      if a["type"] == "photo":
          "src": a["links"]["preview"][0]["href"],
          "url": a["links"]["enclosure"][0]["href"]

      if a["type"] == "video":
          "src": a["links"]["preview"][0]["href"],
          "url": a["links"]["alternate"][0]["href"],

      if a["type"] == "article":
        m["content"] += "<p><b><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></b></p>" % (a["links"]["alternate"][0]["href"], a["title"])

    return m
Example #9
  def _message(self, data):
    m = {
        "mid": data["id"],
        "service": "buzz",
        "account": self.account["id"],
        "time": util.parsetime(data["published"]),
        "url": data.get("links", {})["alternate"][0].get("href", ""),
        "source": data.get("source", {}).get("title", None),
        "sender": self._actor(data["actor"]),

    m["text"] = data["object"]["content"]

    if data.get("source", {}).get("title", 0) == "Twitter":
      m["text"] = m["text"].split(">:", 1)[1].strip()
    m["html"] = m["text"]
    m["content"] = m["text"]

    if data.get("geocode", 0):
      m["location"] = {
          "lat": data["geocode"].split()[0],
          "lon": data["geocode"].split()[1],

      if data.get("address", 0):
        m["location"]["address"] = data["address"]

    m["images"] = []
    for a in data["object"].get("attachments", []):
      if a["type"] == "photo":
          "src": a["links"]["preview"][0]["href"],
          "url": a["links"]["enclosure"][0]["href"]

      if a["type"] == "video":
          "src": a["links"]["preview"][0]["href"],
          "url": a["links"]["alternate"][0]["href"],

      if a["type"] == "article":
        m["content"] += "<p><b><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></b></p>" % (a["links"]["alternate"][0]["href"], a["title"])

    return m
Example #10
    def _common(self, data):
        m = {}
            m["mid"] = str(data["id"])
            m["service"] = "twitter"
            m["account"] = self.account["id"]
            m["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created_at"])
            m["text"] = unescape(data["text"])
            m["to_me"] = ("@%s" % self.account["username"]) in data["text"]

            m["html"] = util.linkify(
                  '#<a class="hash" href="%s#search?q=\\1">\\1</a>' %
                  '@<a class="nick" href="%s/\\1">\\1</a>' % URL_PREFIX)),

            m["content"] = util.linkify(data["text"], ((
                '#<a class="hash" href="gwibber:/tag?acct=%s&query=\\1">\\1</a>'
                % m["account"]
            ), (util.PARSE_NICK,
                '@<a class="nick" href="gwibber:/user?acct=%s&name=\\1">\\1</a>'
                % m["account"])),

            if data.has_key("retweeted_status"):
                m["retweeted_status"] = data["retweeted_status"]
                m["retweeted_status"] = None

            images = util.imgpreview(m["text"])
            if images:
                m["images"] = images
                m["type"] = "photo"
            log.logger.error("%s failure - %s", PROTOCOL_INFO["name"], data)
            return {}

        return m
Example #11
  def _common(self, data):
    m = {}
      m["mid"] = str(data["id"])
      m["service"] = "twitter"
      m["account"] = self.account["id"]
      if data.has_key("created_at"):
        m["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created_at"])
      m["text"] = util.unescape(data["text"])
      m["text"] = cgi.escape(m["text"])
      m["content"] = m["text"]
      # Go through the entities in the tweet and use them to linkify/filter tweeks as appropriate
      if data.has_key("entities"):

        #Get mention entries
        if data["entities"].has_key("user_mentions"):
          names = []
          for mention in data["entities"]["user_mentions"]:
            if not mention["screen_name"] in names:
                m["content"] = m["content"].replace("@" + mention["screen_name"], "@<a href='gwibber:/user?acct=" + m["account"] + "&name=@" + mention["screen_name"] + "'>" + mention["screen_name"] + "</a>")

        #Get hashtag entities
        if data["entities"].has_key("hashtags"):
          hashtags = []
          for tag in data["entities"]["hashtags"]:
            if not tag["text"] in hashtags:
                m["content"] = m["content"].replace("#" + tag["text"], "#<a href='gwibber:/tag?acct=" + m["account"] + "&query=#" + tag["text"] + "'>" + tag["text"] + "</a>")
        # Get url entities - These usually go in the link stream, but if they're picturesor videos, they should go in the proper stream
        if data["entities"].has_key("urls"):
          for urls in data["entities"]["urls"]:
              url = cgi.escape (urls["url"])
              expanded_url = url
              if urls.has_key("expanded_url"):
                if not urls["expanded_url"] is None:
                  expanded_url = cgi.escape(urls["expanded_url"])

              display_url  = url
              if urls.has_key("display_url"):
                display_url = cgi.escape (urls["display_url"])
              if url == m["content"]:
                m["content"] = "<a href='" + url + "' title='" + expanded_url + "'>" + display_url + "</a>"
                  startindex = m["content"].index(url)
                  endindex   = startindex + len(url)
                  start      = m["content"][0:startindex]
                  end        = m["content"][endindex:]
                  m["content"] = start + "<a href='" + url + "' title='" + expanded_url + "'>" + display_url + "</a>" + end
                  logger.debug ("Failed to set url for ID: %s",  m["mid"])

              m["type"] = "link"

              images = util.imgpreview(expanded_url)
              videos = util.videopreview(expanded_url)
              if images:
                m["images"] = images
                m["type"] = "photo"
              elif videos:
                m["images"] = videos
                m["type"] = "video"
                # Well, it's not anything else, so it must be a link
                m["link"] = {}
                m["link"]["picture"] = ""
                m["link"]["name"] = ""
                m["link"]["description"] = m["content"]
                m["link"]["url"] = url
                m["link"]["icon"] = ""
                m["link"]["caption"] = ""
                m["link"]["properties"] = {}
        if data["entities"].has_key("media"):
          for media in data["entities"]["media"]:
              url = cgi.escape (media["url"])
              media_url_https = media["media_url_https"]
              expanded_url = url
              if media.has_key("expanded_url"):
                expanded_url = cgi.escape(media["expanded_url"])
              display_url  = url
              if media.has_key("display_url"):
                display_url = cgi.escape (media["display_url"])
              startindex = m["content"].index(url)
              endindex   = startindex + len(url)
              start      = m["content"][0:startindex]
              end        = m["content"][endindex:]
              m["content"] = start + "<a href='" + url + "' title='" + expanded_url  + "'>" + display_url + "</a>" + end
              if media["type"] == "photo":
                m["type"] = "photo"
                m["photo"] = {}
                m["photo"]["picture"] = media_url_https
                m["photo"]["url"] = None
                m["photo"]["name"] = None


        m["content"] = util.linkify(util.unescape(m["text"]),
          ((util.PARSE_HASH, '#<a href="gwibber:/tag?acct=%s&query=\\1">\\1</a>' % m["account"]),
          (util.PARSE_NICK, '@<a href="gwibber:/user?acct=%s&name=\\1">\\1</a>' % m["account"])), escape=True)

      m["html"] = m["content"]
      m["to_me"] = ("@%s" % self.account["username"]) in data["text"]   # Check if it's a reply directed at the user
      m["favorited"] = data.get("favorited", False)                     # Check if the tweet has been favourited

      logger.error("%s failure - %s", PROTOCOL_INFO["name"], data)
      return {}
    return m
Example #12
    def _message(self, data):

        m = {}
        m["mid"] = str(data["id"])
        m["service"] = "foursquare"
        m["account"] = self.account["id"]
        m["time"] = util.parsetime(data["created"])

        shouttext = ""
        text = ""
        if data.has_key("venue"):
            if data.has_key("shout"):
                shouttext += data["shout"] + "<br/><br/>"
                text += data["shout"] + "\n"
            if data["venue"].has_key("id"):
                m["url"] = "http://foursquare.com/venue/%s" % data["venue"][
                m["url"] = "http://foursquare.com"

            if data["venue"].has_key("primarycategory"):
                img = "<table><tr><td><img src='%s'/></td><td>" % data[
                img = "<table><tr><td><img src='http://foursquare.com/img/categories/none.png'/></td><td>"
            shouttext += img + "Checked in at <a href='" + m[
                "url"] + "'>" + data["venue"]["name"] + "</a>"
            text += "Checked in at " + data["venue"]["name"]
            if data["venue"].has_key("address"):
                shouttext += ", " + data["venue"]["address"]
                text += ", " + data["venue"]["address"]
            if data["venue"].has_key("crossstreet"):
                shouttext += " and " + data["venue"]["crossstreet"]
                text += " and " + data["venue"]["crossstreet"]
            if data["venue"].has_key("city"):
                shouttext += ", " + data["venue"]["city"]
                text += ", " + data["venue"]["city"]
            if data["venue"].has_key("state"):
                shouttext += ", " + data["venue"]["state"]
                text += ", " + data["venue"]["state"]
            if data.has_key("shout"):
                shouttext += data["shout"] + "<br/><br/>"
                text += data["shout"] + "\n"
                text = "Checked in off the grid"
                shouttext = "<table><tr><td><img src='http://foursquare.com/img/categories/question.png'/></td><td>Checked in off the grid"

        m["text"] = text
        m["content"] = shouttext + "</td></tr></table>"
        m["html"] = shouttext + "</td></tr></table>"

        m["sender"] = {}
        m["sender"]["id"] = data["user"]["id"]
        m["sender"]["image"] = data["user"]["photo"]
            "url"] = "http://foursquare.com/user/-%s" % data["user"]["id"]
        if data["user"]["friendstatus"] == "self": m["sender"]["is_me"] = True
        fullname = ""
        if data["user"].has_key("firstname"):
            fullname += data["user"]["firstname"] + " "
        if data["user"].has_key("lastname"):
            fullname += data["user"]["lastname"]

        m["sender"]["name"] = fullname
        m["sender"]["nick"] = fullname

        m["source"] = "<a href='http://foursquare.com/'>Foursquare</a>"

        return m