def _metadata_dict(el: gws.XmlElement) -> dict: if not el: return {} d = { 'abstract': xml2.text(el, 'Abstract'), 'accessConstraints': xml2.text(el, 'AccessConstraints'), 'attribution': xml2.text(el, 'Attribution Title'), 'fees': xml2.text(el, 'Fees'), 'keywords': xml2.text_list(el, 'Keywords', 'KeywordList', deep=True), 'name': xml2.text(el, 'Name') or xml2.text(el, 'Identifier'), 'title': xml2.text(el, 'Title'), 'metaLinks': gws.compact(_parse_link(e) for e in xml2.all(el, 'MetadataURL')), } e = xml2.first(el, 'AuthorityURL') if e: d['authorityUrl'] = _parse_url(e) d['authorityName'] = xml2.attr(e, 'name') e = xml2.first(el, 'Identifier') if e: d['authorityIdentifier'] = e.text return gws.strip(d)
def service_metadata(root_el: gws.XmlElement) -> gws.lib.metadata.Metadata: # wms # # <Capabilities # <Service... # <Name>... # <Title>... # <ContactInformation>... # # ows # # <Capabilities # <ows:ServiceIdentification> # <ows:Title>.... # <ows:ServiceProvider> # <ows:ProviderName>... # <ows:ServiceContact>... d = _metadata_dict(xml2.first(root_el, 'Service', 'ServiceIdentification')) d.update(_contact_dict(root_el)) d['contactProviderName'] = xml2.text(root_el, 'ServiceProvider ProviderName') d['contactProviderSite'] = xml2.text(root_el, 'ServiceProvider ProviderSite') # <Capabilities # <ServiceMetadataURL link = _parse_link(xml2.first(root_el, 'ServiceMetadataURL')) if link: d['metaLinks'] = [link] return gws.lib.metadata.from_dict(gws.strip(d))
def _find_records(self, rd: core.Request): flt = None if rd.xml_element: flt = xml2.first(xml2.first('Query.Constraint.Filter')) if not flt: return self.records.values() f = filter.Filter(self.index) return f.apply(flt, self.records.values())
def from_fes_element(el: gws.XmlElement) -> gws.SearchFilter: op = if op == 'filter': # root element, only allow a single child predicate if len(el.children) != 1: raise Error(f'invalid root predicate') return from_fes_element(el.children[0]) if op in ('and', 'or'): return gws.SearchFilter(operator=op, sub=[from_fes_element(c) for c in el.children]) if op not in _SUPPORTED_OPS: raise Error(f'unsupported filter operation {!r}') f = gws.SearchFilter( operator=_SUPPORTED_OPS[op], ) # @TODO support "prop = prop" v = xml2.first(el, 'ValueReference', 'PropertyName') if not v or not v.text: raise Error(f'invalid property name') # we only support `propName` or `ns:propName` m = re.match(r'^(\w+:)?(\w+)$', v.text) if not m: raise Error(f'invalid property name {v.text!r}') = if op == 'bbox': v = xml2.first(el, 'Envelope') if v: bounds = gws.gis.bounds.from_gml_envelope_element() f.shape = gws.gis.shape.from_bounds(bounds) return f v = xml2.first(el, 'Literal') if v: f.value = v.text.strip() return f raise Error(f'unsupported filter')
def _parse_bbox(el: gws.XmlElement): # note: bboxes are always converted to (x1, y1, x2, y2) with x1 < x2, y1 < y2 # <BoundingBox/LatLonBoundingBox CRS="..." minx="0" miny="1" maxx="2" maxy="3"/> if xml2.attr(el, 'minx'): return [ to_float(xml2.attr(el, 'minx')), to_float(xml2.attr(el, 'miny')), to_float(xml2.attr(el, 'maxx')), to_float(xml2.attr(el, 'maxy')), ] # <ows:BoundingBox/WGS84BoundingBox # <ows:LowerCorner> 0 1 # <ows:UpperCorner> 2 3 if xml2.first(el, 'LowerCorner'): x1, y1 = to_float_pair(xml2.text(el, 'LowerCorner')) x2, y2 = to_float_pair(xml2.text(el, 'UpperCorner')) return [ min(x1, x2), min(y1, y2), max(x1, x2), max(y1, y2), ] # <EX_GeographicBoundingBox> # <westBoundLongitude> 0 # <eastBoundLongitude> 2 # <southBoundLatitude> 1 # <northBoundLatitude> 3 if xml2.first(el, 'westBoundLongitude'): x1 = to_float(xml2.text(el, 'eastBoundLongitude')) y1 = to_float(xml2.text(el, 'southBoundLatitude')) x2 = to_float(xml2.text(el, 'westBoundLongitude')) y2 = to_float(xml2.text(el, 'northBoundLatitude')) return [ min(x1, x2), min(y1, y2), max(x1, x2), max(y1, y2), ]
def _parse_operation(el: gws.XmlElement) -> gws.OwsOperation: params = {} for param_el in xml2.all(el, 'Parameter'): values = xml2.text_list(param_el, 'Value', 'AllowedValues Value') if values: params[xml2.attr(param_el, 'name')] = values op = gws.OwsOperation( verb=xml2.attr(el, 'name') or, formats=xml2.text_list(el, 'Format'), get_url=_parse_url(xml2.first(el, 'DCP HTTP Get', 'DCPType HTTP Get')), post_url=_parse_url( xml2.first(el, 'DCP HTTP Post', 'DCPType HTTP Post')), params=params, ) if 'outputFormat' in params: op.formats.extend(params['outputFormat']) return op
def handle_request(self, req: gws.IWebRequest) -> gws.ContentResponse: rd = core.Request(req=req, project=None, service=self) if req.method == 'GET': return self.dispatch_request( rd, req.param('request', default='record')) # CSW should accept POST'ed xml, which can be wrapped in a SOAP envelope try: rd.xml_element = xml2.from_string(req.text) except xml2.Error: raise gws.base.web.error.BadRequest() if == 'envelope': rd.xml_is_soap = True try: rd.xml_element = xml2.first(xml2.first('body')) except Exception: raise gws.base.web.error.BadRequest() return self.dispatch_request( rd, xml2.unqualify_name(
def parse(xml: str) -> Caps: root_el = xml2.from_string(xml, sort_atts=True, strip_ns=True, to_lower=True) ver = root_el.attributes.get('version', '').split('-')[0] if not ver.startswith('3'): raise gws.Error(f'unsupported QGIS version {ver!r}') caps = Caps(version=ver) = _properties(xml2.first(root_el, 'properties')) caps.metadata = _project_meta_from_props( caps.project_crs = xml2.text(root_el, 'projectCrs spatialrefsys authid')) caps.print_templates = _layouts(root_el) map_layers = _map_layers(root_el, root_group = _map_layer_tree(xml2.first(root_el, 'layer-tree-group'), map_layers) caps.source_layers = gws.gis.source.check_layers(root_group.layers) return caps
def _contact_dict(el: gws.XmlElement) -> dict: contact_el = xml2.first(el, 'Service ContactInformation', 'ServiceProvider ServiceContact') if not contact_el: return {} texts = xml2.text_dict(contact_el, deep=True) d = {} for dst, src in _contact_mapping: val = texts.get(src, '').strip() if val: d[dst] = val return d
def parse_style(el: gws.XmlElement) -> gws.SourceStyle: # <Style> # <Name>default... # <Title>... # <LegendURL # <Format>... # <OnlineResource... st = gws.SourceStyle() st.metadata = element_metadata(el) = st.metadata.get('name', '').lower() st.legend_url = _parse_url(xml2.first(el, 'LegendURL')) st.is_default = (xml2.attr(el, 'IsDefault') == 'true' or == 'default' or':default')) return st
def _layouts(root_el: gws.XmlElement): tpls = [] for layout_el in xml2.all(root_el, 'Layouts Layout'): tpl = PrintTemplate( title=layout_el.attributes.get('name', ''), attributes=layout_el.attributes, index=len(tpls), elements=[], ) pc_el = xml2.first(layout_el, 'PageCollection') if pc_el: tpl.elements.extend( gws.compact(_layout_element(c) for c in pc_el.children)) tpl.elements.extend( gws.compact(_layout_element(c) for c in layout_el.children)) tpls.append(tpl) return tpls
def _parse_url(el: gws.XmlElement) -> str: def cleanup(s): return (s or '').strip(' ?&') # <ows:DCP> # <ows:HTTP> # <ows:Get xlink:href=... <-- we are here s = xml2.attr(el, 'href') or xml2.attr(el, 'onlineResource') if s: return cleanup(s) # <whatever <-- # <OnlineResource xlink:href=... e = xml2.first(el, 'OnlineResource') if e: return cleanup(xml2.attr(e, 'href', default=e.text)) return ''
def _map_layer(layer_el: gws.XmlElement): sl = gws.SourceLayer() sl.metadata = _map_layer_metadata(layer_el) sl.supported_bounds = [] crs =, 'srs spatialrefsys authid')) ext = xml2.first(layer_el, 'extent') if crs and ext: sl.supported_bounds.append( gws.Bounds(crs=crs, extent=( _parse_float(xml2.text(ext, 'xmin')), _parse_float(xml2.text(ext, 'ymin')), _parse_float(xml2.text(ext, 'xmax')), _parse_float(xml2.text(ext, 'ymax')), ))) if layer_el.attributes.get('hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag') == '1': # in qgis, maxScale < minScale a = _parse_float(layer_el.attributes.get('maxScale')) z = _parse_float(layer_el.attributes.get('minScale')) if z > a: sl.scale_range = [a, z] prov = xml2.text(layer_el, 'provider').lower() ds = _parse_datasource(prov, xml2.text(layer_el, 'datasource')) if ds and 'provider' not in ds: ds['provider'] = prov sl.data_source = ds s = xml2.text(layer_el, 'layerOpacity') if s: sl.opacity = _parse_float(s) s = xml2.text(layer_el, 'flags Identifiable') sl.is_queryable = s == '1' return sl
def service_operations(root_el: gws.XmlElement) -> t.List[gws.OwsOperation]: # <ows:OperationsMetadata> # <ows:Operation name="GetCapabilities"> # <ows:DCP><ows:HTTP><ows:Get xlink:href="...."/></ows:HTTP></ows:DCP> # <ows:Parameter name="AcceptVersions"> # <ows:AllowedValues><ows:Value>2.0.0</ows:Value></ows:AllowedValues> els = xml2.all(root_el, 'OperationsMetadata Operation') if els: return [_parse_operation(e) for e in els] # <Capability> # <Request> # <GetMap> # <Format>image/png</Format> # <Format>application/atom xml</Format> # <DCPType><HTTP><Get><OnlineResource .... el = xml2.first(root_el, 'Capability Request') if el: return [_parse_operation(e) for e in el.children] return []
def supported_bounds( layer_el: gws.XmlElement, extra_crsids: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None) -> t.List[gws.Bounds]: # <Layer... # <CRS>EPSG.... # <EX_GeographicBoundingBox... # <BoundingBox CRS="EPSG:" minx=.... # # <FeatureType... # <DefaultCRS>urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG... # <OtherCRS>urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG... # <ows:WGS84BoundingBox> # <ows:LowerCorner... # <ows:UpperCorner... if not layer_el: return [] crs_to_bounds = {} # enumerate explicitly listed bounds (WMS) for e in xml2.all(layer_el, 'BoundingBox'): crs =, 'srs') or xml2.attr(e, 'crs')) bbox = _parse_bbox(e) if crs and bbox: crs_to_bounds[crs] = gws.Bounds(crs=crs, extent=bbox) # NB prefer these for 4326 to avoid axis issues e = xml2.first(layer_el, 'EX_GeographicBoundingBox', 'WGS84BoundingBox', 'LatLonBoundingBox') if e: bbox = _parse_bbox(e) if bbox: wgs = crs_to_bounds[wgs] = gws.Bounds(crs=wgs, extent=bbox) # no bounds if not crs_to_bounds: return [] # collect other supported crs and add extras (e.g. wmts matrix sets) crsids = set() for tag in 'DefaultSRS', 'DefaultCRS', 'OtherSRS', 'OtherCRS', 'SRS', 'CRS': for e in xml2.all(layer_el, tag): if e.text: crsids.add(e.text) if extra_crsids: crsids.update(extra_crsids) # freeze the bounds list to prevent double reprojection bs = list(crs_to_bounds.values()) # compute bounds for those without bounds for crsid in crsids: new_crs = if not new_crs or new_crs in crs_to_bounds: continue bb =, bs) try: new_ext = gws.gis.extent.transform(bb.extent,, new_crs) except Exception as exc: gws.log.error(f'failed transform {}=>{new_crs.srid}') continue crs_to_bounds[new_crs] = gws.Bounds(crs=new_crs, extent=new_ext) return list(crs_to_bounds.values())