Example #1
def run():
    c = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
    filename = c['/filename']
    dir_path,basename = os.path.split(filename)
    basename = basename[0:-4]
    #print dir_path,base_name
    d = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD)
    data_field_id = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_DATA_FIELD_ID)
    meta_field = '/' + str(data_field_id) + '/meta'
    title = '/' + str(data_field_id) + '/data/title'
    channel = c[title]
    #print channel
    #meta = c[meta_field]
    #print meta.keys_by_name()
    #bias = meta['Bias']
    #bias, bu = bias.split(' ')
    #current = meta['Z controller Setpoint']
    #current, cu = current.split(' ')
    #current = float(current) * 1e12
    #cu = 'pA'
    #current_bias = 'pm'
    #xd = d.get_xreal() * 1e9
    #yd = d.get_yreal() * 1e9
    #xyu = 'nm'
    output_path = dir_path
    output_name = basename + '.png'
    output = os.path.join(output_path,output_name)
    gwy.gwy_file_save(c, output, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
Example #2
def savefilesasgwy(data, filename):
    # Turn rulers on
    s["/module/pixmap/xytype"] = 1

    # Get directory path and filename (including extension to avoid overwriting .000 type Bruker files)
    directory, filename = os.path.split(filename)

    # Create a saving name format/directory
    savedir = os.path.join(directory)

    # If the folder Processed doest exist make it here
    if not os.path.exists(savedir):

    # Save the data for the channels found above i.e. ZSensor/Height, as chosen_ids
    # Data is exported to a file of extension set in the main script
    # Data is exported with the string '_processed' added to the end of its filename
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, k)
    # change the colour map for all channels (k) in the image:
    palette = data.set_string_by_name("/" + str(k) + "/base/palette",
    # Determine the title of each channel
    # title = data["/%d/data/title" % k]
    # if not title:
    #     title = 'unknown'
    # Generate a filename to save to by removing the extension to the file, adding the suffix '_processed'
    # and an extension set in the main file
    savename = os.path.join(savedir, filename) + str(k) + '.gwy'
    # Save the file
    gwy.gwy_file_save(data, savename, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
Example #3
def save_image_file(container, save_file):
    """Saves image file through Gwyddion, with optional file dialog.

        container (gwy-container): Gwyddion container which will be exported.
        save_file (str): Filepath how the file will be saved.

    if config.export_image_dialog:
        gwy.gwy_file_save(container, save_file, gwy.RUN_INTERACTIVE)
        gwy.gwy_file_save(container, save_file, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
Example #4
def save_dfield_to_png(container, datafield_name, filename, run_type):
   Save desired datafield given by name stored in container to file.

   @param container: gwy.Container which has datafield of given name
   @param datafield_name: datafield name in string representation (like '/0/data')
   @param filename: expected filename
   @param run_type: select of interactive (RUN_INTERACTIVE) or noninteractive mode (RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
   gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_reset_visibility(container, gwy.VISIBILITY_RESET_SHOW_ALL)
   datafield_num = int(datafield_name.split('/')[1])
   gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(container, datafield_num)
   gwy.gwy_file_save(container, filename, run_type)
Example #5
def save_dfield_to_png(container, datafield_name, filename, run_type):
   Save desired datafield given by name stored in container to file.

   @param container: gwy.Container which has datafield of given name
   @param datafield_name: datafield name in string representation (like '/0/data')
   @param filename: expected filename
   @param run_type: select of interactive (RUN_INTERACTIVE) or noninteractive mode (RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
    datafield_num = int(datafield_name.split('/')[1])
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(container, datafield_num)
    gwy.gwy_file_save(container, filename, run_type)
Example #6
def run(container, mode):
    container = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_current(gwy.APP_CONTAINER)
    filename = container['/filename']
    path, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
    output_path = path + OUTPUT_SUFFIX
    if not os.path.exists(output_path):

    for i, id_ in enumerate(gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_data_ids(container)):
        title = container['/{}/data/title'.format(id_)]
        gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(container, id_)
        output_filename = '{:03d}_{}.{}'.format(id_, title, OUTPUT_FILESUFFIX)
        output_filename = os.path.join(output_path, output_filename)
        mode = gwy.RUN_INTERACTIVE if i == 0 else gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE
        print 'Exporting {} ...'.format(output_filename)
        gwy.gwy_file_save(container, output_filename, mode)
Example #7
    def save_topo_bwd_data(self, path):
        """Save backward topography data file.

            path (str): File path where the file should be save.

        self.dat_topo_bwd = os.path.join(
            str(self.m_id) + "_bwd." + config.dat_type_out)
        gwy.gwy_file_save(self.container, self.dat_topo_bwd,

        if config.dat_type_igor:
            self.file_igor = os.path.join(path,
                                          "g" + str(self.m_id) + "_ori.tb0")
            shutil.move(self.dat_topo_bwd, self.file_igor)
Example #8
def savecroppedfiles(directory, data, filename, extension, orig_ids, crop_ids,
                     minheightscale, maxheightscale):
    # Save the data for the cropped channels
    # Data is exported to a file of extension set in the main script
    # Data is exported with the string '_cropped' added to the end of its filename

    # Turn rulers off
    s["/module/pixmap/xytype"] = 0

    # Get directory path and filename (including extension to avoid overwriting .000 type Bruker files)
    directory, filename = os.path.split(filename)

    # Create a saving name format/directory
    savedir = os.path.join(directory, 'Cropped')

    # If the folder Cropped doest exist make it here
    if not os.path.exists(savedir):
        crop_directory = savedir
    # Otherwise set the existing Cropped directory as the directory to write to
        crop_directory = savedir

    # For each cropped file, save out the data with the suffix _Cropped_#
    for i in range(len(orig_ids), len(crop_ids), 1):
        # select each channel fo the file in turn
        gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, i)
        # change the colour map for all channels (k) in the image:
        palette = data.set_string_by_name("/" + str(i) + "/base/palette",
        # Set the image display to fixed range and the colour scale for the images
        maximum_disp_value = data.set_int32_by_name(
            "/" + str(i) + "/base/range-type", int(1))
        minimum_disp_value = data.set_double_by_name(
            "/" + str(i) + "/base/min", float(minheightscale))
        maximum_disp_value = data.set_double_by_name(
            "/" + str(i) + "/base/max", float(maxheightscale))
        # Generate a filename to save to by removing the extension to the file and a numerical identifier (the crop no)
        # The 'crop number' is the channel number minus the original number of channels, less one to avoid starting at 0
        savenumber = i - (len(orig_ids) - 1)
        # adding the suffix '_cropped' and adding the extension set in the main file
        savename = os.path.join(
            filename) + '_cropped_' + str(savenumber) + str(extension)
        # Save the file
        gwy.gwy_file_save(data, savename, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
Example #9
def savefiles(data, filename, extension):
    # Save file scale option: 1 - ruler, 2 - inset scale bar, 0 - none
    s["/module/pixmap/xytype"] = savefilesScale_option

    # Get directory path and filename (including extension to avoid overwriting .000 type Bruker files)
    directory, filename = os.path.split(filename)

    # Create a saving name format/directory
    savedir = os.path.join(directory, 'Processed')

    # If the folder Processed doest exist make it here
    if not os.path.exists(savedir):

    # Save the data for the channels found above i.e. ZSensor/Height, as chosen_ids
    # Data is exported to a file of extension set in the main script
    # Data is exported with the string '_processed' added to the end of its filename
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(data, k)
    # change the colour map for all channels (k) in the image:
    palette = data.set_string_by_name("/%s/base/palette" % k,
    # Determine the title of each channel
    title = data["/%d/data/title" % k]
    # Generate a filename to save to by removing the extension to the file, adding the suffix '_processed'
    # and an extension set in the main file
    savename = os.path.join(
        filename) + str(k) + '_' + str(title) + '_processed' + str(extension)
    # Save the file
    gwy.gwy_file_save(data, savename, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
    # Show the mask
    data['/%d/mask' % k] = mask
    # Add the sufix _masked to the previous filename
    savename = os.path.join(savedir, filename) + str(k) + '_' + str(
        title) + '_processed_masked' + str(extension)
    # Save the data
    gwy.gwy_file_save(data, savename, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
def save_all(containers, format="svg", palette="Gray", _id=0):
    Saves all open files to PNG image files in a folder in image directory.
    containers is a list of open containers...
    ...can be obtained by gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_containers()

    for c in containers:
        # set palette of datafield
        c.set_string_by_name("/{}/base/palette".format(_id), "Gray")

        # file name
        fname = gwy.gwy_file_get_filename_sys(c)
        fpath, image_name = os.path.split(fname)

        # save
        image_name_string = "{}.{}".format(
            os.path.splitext(image_name)[0], format)

        save_string = os.path.join(fpath, image_name_string)
        gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(c, _id)
        gwy.gwy_file_save(c, save_string, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
Example #11
def gwybas(filename):
    #add the gwyddion folders to the path, making sure they can be found
    import sys
    sys.path.append('C:\Program Files (x86)\Gwyddion\\bin')
    sys.path.append('C:\Program Files (x86)\Gwyddion\share\gwyddion\pygwy')

    #import gwyddion
    import gwy
    import gwyutils

    #load the file and add to data browser
    c = gwy.gwy_file_load(filename, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    #Set the right settings for the align_rows command
    settings = gwy.gwy_app_settings_get()

    settings['/module/linematch/direction'] = int(gwy.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)
    settings['/module/linematch/do_extract'] = False
    settings['/module/linematch/do_plot'] = False
        '/module/linematch/method'] = 0  # 0: poly, 1: median, 2: median of diff,3: modus,4: matching, 5: trimemd mean, 6: trimmed mean of diff
    settings['/module/linematch/masking'] = 2
    settings['/module/linematch/max_degree'] = 3  #Order of polynominal
    settings['/module/linematch/trim_fraction'] = 0.05

    #print the datafield ID's corresponding to the different channels of the AFM, such as height, phase and error, usually the first one (0) is the height
    # print gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_data_ids(c)

    #itterate over the different datafield ID's/AFM channels, and do processing on them
    for datafield_id in gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_data_ids(c):
        # datafield = c['/%d/data' % datafield_id]

        #set the color range to automatic with tials cut off (corresponding to number 2)
        c['/%d/base/range-type' % datafield_id] = 2

        #select the datafield_ID/AFM channel to process
        gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(c, datafield_id)

        #level the plane
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("level", c, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

        #align the rows, with settings chosen above line 19-25
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("align_rows", c, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

        #remove scars a couple of times (button bashing)
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("scars_remove", c, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("scars_remove", c, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("scars_remove", c, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("scars_remove", c, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("scars_remove", c, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

        #fix lowest point to zero
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run('fix_zero', c, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)

    #define new file names, I chose to simply add the wanted extention to the original filename
    newname = filename + '.gwy'
    newname2 = filename + '.jpg'

    #find the ID/Channel corresponding to the height, of this one a JPG will be created, .gwy will contain all channels
    ids = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_find_data_by_title(c, 'Height')
    gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(c, ids[0])
    gwy.gwy_file_save(c, newname, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
    gwy.gwy_file_save(c, newname2, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)

    #remove the current container, makes room for the next file
Example #12
            if chunk:  # filter out keep-alive new chunks
                #f.flush() commented by recommendation from J.F.Sebastian
    return local_filename

# Main program
## Create output folder
output_folder = "."
    os.makedirs("%s/" % (output_folder))
except OSError as exc:

## Download file
#rawFile = download_file("" % path)
rawFile = path

## Gywddion load
print("Gwyddion loading %s" % rawFile)
import gwy
container = gwy.gwy_file_load(rawFile, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)

## Save to gwy
gwy.gwy_file_save(container, "%s/data.gwy" % (output_folder),

print("%s/" % (output_folder))
Example #13
    # from array import array
    # output_file = open("%s/channel/%02d/binary" % (output_folder,i), 'wb')
    # float_array = array('d', data)
    # float_array.tofile(output_file)
    # output_file.close()

    # Save into JSON
    ch_meta["data"] = data

    # Save pickle
    #file = open("%s/channel/%02d/image.p" % (output_folder,i), "w" )

    # Save binary data
    #data = data_field.get_data()

    # Save PNG thumbnail
    gwy.gwy_file_save(container, "%s/channel/%02d/image.png" % (output_folder,i), gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)

    # Save metadata
    file = open("%s/channel/%02d/channel.json" % (output_folder,i), "w" )


print("%s" % (output_folder))
Example #14
meta = c[meta_field]
print meta.keys_by_name()
bias = meta['Bias']
bias, bu = bias.split(' ')
current = meta['Z controller Setpoint']
current, cu = current.split(' ')
current = float(current) * 1e12
cu = 'pA'
current_bias = 'pm'
xd = d.get_xreal() * 1e9
yd = d.get_yreal() * 1e9
xyu = 'nm'
print xd
print bias
temp_name = basename+'_temp.png'
gwy.gwy_file_save(c, temp_name, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)

# prepare to save
w = d.get_xres()
h = d.get_yres()
data_field = '/' + str(data_field_id) + '/data'
img = Image.open(temp_name)
I = np.asarray(img)
print len(I.shape)
if len(I.shape) > 2:
    new = np.zeros((w+40,h,3))
    new[:,:,:] = 256
    new[:w,:h,:] = I
    new = new.astype('int16')
  # Stupid bloody /0/data/nonsense
  key = "/"+str(data_set)+"/data"
  data = datafields[key]
  # Plane level
  a, bx, by = data.fit_plane()
  data.plane_level(a, bx, by)
  # Median line correction
  data = line_correct_median(data)
  # Fix zero
  data.add(-1.0 * data.get_min())
  # Set colour range
  base = "/"+str(data_set)+"/base"
  container.set_int32_by_name(base+"/range-type", 1)
  container.set_double_by_name(base+"/min", colour_min)
  container.set_double_by_name(base+"/max", colour_max)
  container.set_string_by_name(base+"/palette", palette)
  # Do silly things required to save
  gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_reset_visibility(container, gwy.VISIBILITY_RESET_SHOW_ALL)
  gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(container, data_set)
  if saved_once:
    gwy.gwy_file_save(container, out_file, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
    gwy.gwy_file_save(container, out_file, gwy.RUN_INTERACTIVE)
    saved_once = True
  gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_reset_visibility(container, gwy.VISIBILITY_RESET_HIDE_ALL)

        #Save all files as tiffs - this puts them all with the raw data annoyingly
        #Could put in some os commands to move everything around afterwards

        #Use blue and gold colour scheme with a sensible and consistent colour scale
        maximum_disp_value = gwy_rawdata.set_int32_by_name(
            "/" + str(i) + "/base/range-type", int(1))
        minimum_disp_value = gwy_rawdata.set_double_by_name(
            "/" + str(i) + "/base/min", float(1e-9))
        maximum_disp_value = gwy_rawdata.set_double_by_name(
            "/" + str(i) + "/base/max", float(20e-9))
        palette = gwy_rawdata.set_string_by_name(
            "/" + str(i) + "/base/palette", "BlueandGold")

        if i == 4:  #save trace and retrace seperately - presumably can do this more elegantly
            saved_filename = str(image[:-4] + '_trace.tiff')

            gwy.gwy_file_save(gwy_rawdata, saved_filename,

            saved_filename = str(image[:-4] + '_retrace.tiff')

            gwy.gwy_file_save(gwy_rawdata, saved_filename,

        gwy_rawdata)  #close the file once we've finished with it
Example #17
def runbatch(root, cwd, pdr, pngexp, ratio):
    # Export PNG with scalebar
    s = gwy.gwy_app_settings_get()
    s['/module/pixmap/title_type'] = 0
    s['/module/pixmap/ztype'] = 0
    s['/module/pixmap/xytype'] = 0
    s['/module/pixmap/draw_maskkey'] = False
    # ... (*lots* of possible settings, see ~/.gwyddion/settings)

    Files_To_Open = [ f for f in listdir(cwd) if isfile(join(cwd,f)) ]

    except Exception as sym:
        print ('Already Exist')
        Tobe_Saved = join(cwd, 'Processed')
        filename_save = cwd.split('/')[-1]
        print (Files_To_Open)
    #Load first file to use as Merged file
    for filename in Files_To_Open:
            Temp = gwy.gwy_file_load(join(cwd,filename), RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
            if type(Temp) == gwy.Container :
                print('right type')
                Cont_Dest = Temp
        except Exception as sym:
            print ("not proper file"+str(sym)+"\n")
	#Add into current browser and Make Visible on display
    Cont_Dest.set_boolean_by_name('/0/data/visible', 1)
    print (Files_To_Open)
    #File Merge
    #First Container
    DataFields = gwyutils.get_data_fields_dir(Cont_Dest)
    for key in DataFields.keys():
        title = Cont_Dest.get_string_by_name(key+"/title")
        if (title == 'Amplitude') : Cont_Dest.remove_by_prefix('/'+key.split('/')[1]+'/')
        Cont_Dest.set_string_by_name(key+'/title', title+'.'+Files_To_Open[0])

	#Rest of Containers
    for filename in Files_To_Open :
        #print (orgfile, join(cwd,filename))
            Temp_Source = gwy.gwy_file_load(join(cwd,filename), RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
            if type(Temp_Source) == gwy.Container:
                Cont_Source = Temp_Source
        except Exception as sym:
            print ("not proper file"+sym+"\n")
        DataFields = gwyutils.get_data_fields_dir(Cont_Source)
        for key in DataFields.keys():
            ID = key.split('/')[1]
            title = Cont_Source.get_string_by_name(key+"/title")
            if (title == 'Height') :
                Cont_Source.set_string_by_name(key+'/title', title+'.'+filename)
                gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_copy_channel(Cont_Source, int(ID), Cont_Dest)
                print (key, title)
            del Cont_Source
            print (gc.collect())

	#Change Palette, Flatten, Correct line, Remove Scars, Change Scale
    DataFields = gwyutils.get_data_fields_dir(Cont_Dest)
    for key in DataFields.keys():
        ID = key.split('/')[1]
        title = Cont_Dest.get_string_by_name(key+"/title")
        print (title+'\n')
        # Subtract polynomial background
        coeffs = DataFields[key].fit_polynom(3, 3)
        DataFields[key].subtract_polynom(3, 3, coeffs)
        #Get X Y scale
        si = {'x' : 'um' , 'y' : 'um'}
        size_x = DataFields[key].get_xreal()*1000000
        if (size_x < 1.0):
            size_x = size_x * 1000
            si['x'] = 'nm'
        size_y = DataFields[key].get_yreal()*1000000
        if (size_y < 1.0):
            size_y = size_y * 1000
            si['y'] = 'nm'
        scale = str(size_x)+si['x']+'by'+str(size_y)+si['y']
        title = title + '_'+ scale
        # Line and scar correction (run module functions)
        gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(Cont_Dest, int(ID))
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("line_correct_median", Cont_Dest, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("scars_remove", Cont_Dest, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
        gwy.gwy_process_func_run("fix_zero", Cont_Dest, gwy.RUN_IMMEDIATE)
        #Get Color Type
        colorr = Cont_Dest.get_int32_by_name('/'+ID+'/base/range-type')
        #Change_Color Palette
        Cont_Dest.set_string_by_name('/'+ID+'/base/palette', 'Gold')
        #Get Height Distribution and get Percentile color set range
        #Get CDH
        histogram = gwy.DataLine(1, 1, False)
        DataFields[key].cdh(histogram, 512)
        data = histogram.get_data()
        #Get Percentile Range	
        Data_Range = DataFields[key].get_min_max()
        Histogram_pct = [(float(index))/512 for index, value in enumerate(data) if (data[index] >= ratio[1] and data[index-1] <= ratio[1]) or (data[index] <= ratio[0] and data[index+1] >= ratio[0])]
        Range = Data_Range[1]-Data_Range[0]
        Color_Range = {'min': Data_Range[0]+Range*Histogram_pct[0], 'max':Data_Range[0]+Range*Histogram_pct[1]}
        Cont_Dest.set_int32_by_name('/0/base/range-type' , 1)
        Cont_Dest.set_double_by_name('/0/base/min', Color_Range['min'])
        Cont_Dest.set_double_by_name('/0/base/max', Color_Range['max'])
        #Change Color Range into (Full:0, Manual:1, Auto:2, Adaptive:3)
        Cont_Dest.set_int32_by_name('/'+ID+'/base/range-type', 2)
        print (title)
        gwy.gwy_file_save(Cont_Dest, Tobe_Saved+'/'+str(title)+'%d.png' % int(ID), gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
        Cont_Dest.set_boolean_by_name('/'+ID+'/data/visible', 0)
    gwy.gwy_file_save(Cont_Dest,Tobe_Saved+'/'+filename_save+'.gwy', gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
Example #18
    title = '/' + str(data_field_id) + '/data/title'
    channel = c[title]
    print channel
    meta = c[meta_field]
    print meta.keys_by_name()
    bias = meta['Bias']
    bias, bu = bias.split(' ')
    current = meta['Z controller Setpoint']
    current, cu = current.split(' ')
    current = float(current) * 1e12
    cu = 'pA'
    current_bias = 'pm'
    xd = d.get_xreal() * 1e9
    yd = d.get_yreal() * 1e9
    xyu = 'nm'
    print xd
    print bias
    count = 1
    output_name = basename+'_'+str(xd)+xyu+'_'+str(yd)+xyu+'_'+bias+bu+'_'+str(current)+cu+'_'+str(count)+'.png'
    while os.path.exists(output_name):
        count = count + 1
        output_name = basename+'_'+str(xd)+xyu+'_'+str(yd)+xyu+'_'+bias+bu+'_'+str(current)+cu+'_'+str(count)+'.png'
    output_path = os.path.join(dir_path,'temp')
    if not os.path.isdir(output_path):
    output = os.path.join(output_path,output_name)
    print output
    gwy.gwy_file_save(c, output, gwy.RUN_NONINTERACTIVE)
Example #19
import gwy
import gwyutils
import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
# '/Users/pabloherrero/sabat/stm_data/november19_experiments/QE1/2019-11-12-QE1_001.sxm'

f = open(filename, "r")
container = gwy.gwy_app_file_load(filename)
ids = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_data_ids(container)

cons = gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_get_containers()
for c in cons:
    dfields = gwyutils.get_data_fields_dir(c)
    for key in dfields.keys():
        datafield = dfields[key]

gwy.gwy_app_data_browser_select_data_field(container, ids[0])
container['/%u/base/palette' % ids[0]] = 'Gold'
gwy.gwy_process_func_run("level", container, gwy.RUN_INTERACTIVE)
gwy.gwy_process_func_run("scars_remove", container, gwy.RUN_INTERACTIVE)

gwy.gwy_file_save(container, '%s-%02u.png' % (basename, 0),