Example #1
def _validate_request(request):
    Check that the passed request is appropriate for proceeding with account
    claim. Asserts that:

    - the 'claim' feature is toggled on
    - no-one is logged in
    - the claim token is provided and authentic
    - the user referred to in the token exists
    - the user referred to in the token has not already claimed their account

    and raises for redirect or 404 otherwise.
    if not request.feature('claim'):
        raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

    # If signed in, redirect to stream
    if request.authenticated_userid is not None:

    payload = _validate_token(request)
    if payload is None:
        raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

    user = User.get_by_userid(request.domain, payload['userid'])
    if user is None:
        log.warn('got claim token with invalid userid=%r', payload['userid'])
        raise exc.HTTPNotFound()

    # User already has a password? Claimed already.
    if user.password:

    return user
Example #2
File: views.py Project: ningyifan/h
    def edit_profile(self):
        """Handle POST payload from profile update form."""
        if self.request.method != 'POST':
            return httpexceptions.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()

        # Nothing to do here for non logged-in users
        if self.request.authenticated_userid is None:
            return httpexceptions.HTTPUnauthorized()

        err, appstruct = validate_form(self.form, self.request.POST.items())
        if err is not None:
            return err

        user = User.get_by_userid(self.request.domain,
        response = {'model': {'email': user.email}}

        # We allow updating subscriptions without validating a password
        subscriptions = appstruct.get('subscriptions')
        if subscriptions:
            data = json.loads(subscriptions)
            err = _update_subscription_data(self.request, data)
            if err is not None:
                return err
            return response

        # Any updates to fields below this point require password validation.
        #   `pwd` is the current password
        #   `password` (used below) is optional, and is the new password
        if not User.validate_user(user, appstruct.get('pwd')):
            return {'errors': {'pwd': _('Invalid password')}, 'code': 401}

        email = appstruct.get('email')
        if email:
            email_user = User.get_by_email(email)

            if email_user:
                if email_user.id != user.id:
                    return {
                        'errors': {
                            'pwd': _('That email is already used')

            response['model']['email'] = user.email = email

        password = appstruct.get('password')
        if password:
            user.password = password

        return response
Example #3
    def edit_profile(self):
        """Handle POST payload from profile update form."""
        if self.request.method != 'POST':
            return httpexceptions.HTTPMethodNotAllowed()

        # Nothing to do here for non logged-in users
        if self.request.authenticated_userid is None:
            return httpexceptions.HTTPUnauthorized()

        err, appstruct = validate_form(self.form, self.request.POST.items())
        if err is not None:
            return err

        user = User.get_by_userid(
            self.request.domain, self.request.authenticated_userid)
        response = {'model': {'email': user.email}}

        # We allow updating subscriptions without validating a password
        subscriptions = appstruct.get('subscriptions')
        if subscriptions:
            data = json.loads(subscriptions)
            err = _update_subscription_data(self.request, data)
            if err is not None:
                return err
            return response

        # Any updates to fields below this point require password validation.
        #   `pwd` is the current password
        #   `password` (used below) is optional, and is the new password
        if not User.validate_user(user, appstruct.get('pwd')):
            return {'errors': {'pwd': _('Invalid password')}, 'code': 401}

        email = appstruct.get('email')
        if email:
            email_user = User.get_by_email(email)

            if email_user:
                if email_user.id != user.id:
                    return {
                        'errors': {'pwd': _('That email is already used')},

            response['model']['email'] = user.email = email

        password = appstruct.get('password')
        if password:
            user.password = password

        return response
Example #4
    def profile(self):
        Return a serialisation of the user's profile.

        For use by the frontend. Includes current email and subscriptions data.
        request = self.request
        userid = request.authenticated_userid
        model = {}
        if userid:
            model["email"] = User.get_by_userid(request.domain, userid).email
        if request.feature('notification'):
            model['subscriptions'] = Subscriptions.get_subscriptions_for_uri(
        return {'model': model}
Example #5
File: views.py Project: ningyifan/h
    def profile(self):
        Return a serialisation of the user's profile.

        For use by the frontend. Includes current email and subscriptions data.
        request = self.request
        userid = request.authenticated_userid
        model = {}
        if userid:
            model["email"] = User.get_by_userid(request.domain, userid).email
        if request.feature('notification'):
            model['subscriptions'] = Subscriptions.get_subscriptions_for_uri(
        return {'model': model}
Example #6
    def disable_user(self):
        """Disable the user by setting a random password."""
        if self.request.authenticated_userid is None:
            return httpexceptions.HTTPUnauthorized()

        err, appstruct = validate_form(self.form, self.request.POST.items())
        if err is not None:
            return err

        user = User.get_by_userid(
            self.request.domain, self.request.authenticated_userid)

        if User.validate_user(user, appstruct['pwd']):  # Password check.
            # TODO: maybe have an explicit disabled flag in the status
            user.password = User.generate_random_password()
            self.request.session.flash(_('Account disabled.'), 'success')
            return {}
            return dict(errors={'pwd': _('Invalid password')}, code=401)
Example #7
File: views.py Project: ningyifan/h
    def disable_user(self):
        """Disable the user by setting a random password."""
        if self.request.authenticated_userid is None:
            return httpexceptions.HTTPUnauthorized()

        err, appstruct = validate_form(self.form, self.request.POST.items())
        if err is not None:
            return err

        user = User.get_by_userid(self.request.domain,

        if User.validate_user(user, appstruct['pwd']):  # Password check.
            # TODO: maybe have an explicit disabled flag in the status
            user.password = User.generate_random_password()
            self.request.session.flash(_('Account disabled.'), 'success')
            return {}
            return dict(errors={'pwd': _('Invalid password')}, code=401)