def h13cn_Tex_vs_density_A_myradex(save=True, column=1e16, print_timing=False): """ Generates a clone of Fig. 9 from Goldsmith+'97 for h13cn. Parameters chosen for similarity with Goldsmith '97. """ start = time.time() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) density_array = np.logspace(1, 6.5, 100) Tex_array_1_0 = np.zeros_like(density_array) Tex_array_3_2 = np.zeros_like(density_array) Tex_array_4_3 = np.zeros_like(density_array) for i, density in enumerate(density_array): od = h13cn_myradex_interface.myradex_h13cn(kinetic_temperature=20, column_density=column, collider_density=density) new_T = od['table'] Tex_array_1_0[i] = new_T[0]['Tex'] Tex_array_3_2[i] = new_T[2]['Tex'] Tex_array_4_3[i] = new_T[3]['Tex'] ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), Tex_array_1_0, '-', lw=1.5, color='b') ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), Tex_array_3_2, '--', lw=1.5, color='r') ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), Tex_array_4_3, '-.', lw=2, color='purple') ax.set_ylim(0, 25) ax.set_xlim(1, 6.5) fontdict = {'family': 'serif'} ax.set_ylabel("EXCITATION TEMPERATURE/K", fontdict=fontdict) ax.set_xlabel("LOG (MOLECULAR HYDROGEN DENSITY/CM$^{-3}$)", fontdict=fontdict) ax.text(1.5, 20, "H$^{13}$CN, T = 20 K", fontsize=18, family='serif') ax.text(5, 22, "$J = 1 - 0$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='b') ax.text(3.6, 7, "$J = 4 - 3$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='purple') ax.text(5.6, 4, "$J = 3 - 2$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='r') ax.set_title("version A.myradex") ax.minorticks_on() if save: fig.savefig("h13cn_Tex_vs_density_A_myradex.pdf") end = time.time() if print_timing: print(end - start) return fig
def h13cn_fc_vs_temperature_myradex(save=True, print_timing=False, n_points=20): """ Generates a clone of Fig. 3 from Plume+'12 for h13cn Parameters chosen to match astrophysical hot corino. """ # Plume '12 claims to use an abundance of 2e-7 (i.e. one C18O for every 500 x 10^4 H2 atoms) # but I find that 5e-7 matches the appearance much more closely. column = 1e10 start = time.time() # J_upper_list = [2,3,5,7,8,9,11,15] # J_lower_list = [x-1 for x in J_upper_list] fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) density_list = [1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9] temperature_array = np.linspace(10, 400, n_points) f_c_array_n6 = np.zeros_like(temperature_array) f_c_array_n7 = np.zeros_like(temperature_array) f_c_array_n8 = np.zeros_like(temperature_array) f_c_array_n9 = np.zeros_like(temperature_array) f_c_array_list = [f_c_array_n6, f_c_array_n7, f_c_array_n8, f_c_array_n9] for j, density in enumerate(density_list): for i, temp in enumerate(temperature_array): od = h13cn_myradex_interface.myradex_h13cn( kinetic_temperature=temp, column_density=column, collider_density=density) new_T = od['table'] # use the correction_factor code here! f_c = correction_factor_given_myradex_output( od['f_occupations'], h13cn_J_lower_list) f_c_array_list[j][i] = f_c ax.plot(temperature_array, f_c_array_n6, 'g--', lw=1.5, label=r'$n = 10^6\ \rm{cm}^{-3}$') ax.plot(temperature_array, f_c_array_n7, 'b-', lw=1.5, label=r'$n = 10^7\ \rm{cm}^{-3}$') ax.plot(temperature_array, f_c_array_n8, 'r:', lw=2, label=r'$n = 10^8\ \rm{cm}^{-3}$') ax.plot(temperature_array, f_c_array_n9, '-.', color='purple', lw=2, label=r'$n = 10^9\ \rm{cm}^{-3}$') ax.legend(frameon=False, loc='upper center', fontsize=18) ax.set_xlim(0, 400) # ax.set_ylim(1.6, 2) # ax.set_xticks([0,100,200,300,400]) # ax.set_yticks([1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2]) fontdict = {'family': 'serif', 'fontsize': 16} ax.set_ylabel("Correction Factor", fontdict=fontdict) ax.set_xlabel("Temp (K)", fontdict=fontdict) ax.minorticks_on() if save: ax.set_ylim(1, 4) fig.savefig("h13cn_fc_vs_temperature_myradex.pdf") np.savetxt("h13cn_fc_v_T_myr_temperature_array.txt", temperature_array) np.savetxt("h13cn_fc_v_T_myr_fc_array_n6.txt", f_c_array_n6) np.savetxt("h13cn_fc_v_T_myr_fc_array_n7.txt", f_c_array_n7) np.savetxt("h13cn_fc_v_T_myr_fc_array_n8.txt", f_c_array_n8) np.savetxt("h13cn_fc_v_T_myr_fc_array_n9.txt", f_c_array_n9) end = time.time() if print_timing: print(end - start) return fig
def h13cn_fc_vs_density_A_myradex(save=True, print_timing=False): """ Generates a clone of Fig. 10 from Goldsmith+'97 for h13cn Parameters chosen for similarity with Goldsmith '97. """ start = time.time() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) density_array = np.logspace(1, 7, 100) temperature_list = [10, 30, 50] column = 1e10 f_c_array_10K = np.zeros_like(density_array) f_c_array_30K = np.zeros_like(density_array) f_c_array_50K = np.zeros_like(density_array) f_c_array_list = [f_c_array_10K, f_c_array_30K, f_c_array_50K] for j, temp in enumerate(temperature_list): for i, rho in enumerate(density_array): od = h13cn_myradex_interface.myradex_h13cn( kinetic_temperature=temp, column_density=column, collider_density=rho) new_T = od['table'] # use the correction_factor code here! f_c = correction_factor_given_myradex_output( od['f_occupations'], h13cn_J_lower_list) f_c_array_list[j][i] = f_c ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), f_c_array_10K, '-', lw=1.5) ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), f_c_array_30K, ':', lw=2) ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), f_c_array_50K, '--', lw=1.5) ax.set_ylim(1, 3) ax.set_xlim(2, 7.5) fontdict = {'family': 'serif'} ax.set_ylabel("CORRECTION FACTOR FOR COLUMN DENSITY", fontdict=fontdict) ax.set_xlabel("LOG (MOLECULAR HYDROGEN DENSITY/CM$^{-3}$)", fontdict=fontdict) ax.text(3, 2, "H$^{13}$CN", fontsize=18, family='serif') ax.text(4.5, 2.5, r"$T_k = 10\ \rm{K}$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='b') ax.text(4.6, 2.25, r"$T_k = 30\ \rm{K}$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='g') ax.text(6, 1.5, r"$T_k = 50\ \rm{K}$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='r') ax.text(2.5, 1.2, r"$J_u=1,\ 3,\ 4,\ 6,\ 7,\ 8,\ 9,\ 10$ OBSERVED", fontsize=14, family='serif') ax.set_title("version A.myradex") ax.minorticks_on() if save: fig.savefig("h13cn_fc_vs_density_A_myradex.pdf") end = time.time() if print_timing: print(end - start) return fig
def h13cn_fc_vs_density_B_myradex(save=True, print_timing=False): """ Generates a clone of Fig. 10 from Goldsmith+'97 for h13cn Parameters chosen for similarity with astrophysical hot corino. """ start = time.time() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) density_array = np.logspace(4, 8.5, 100) temperature_list = [50, 100, 200] column = 1e10 f_c_array_50K = np.zeros_like(density_array) f_c_array_100K = np.zeros_like(density_array) f_c_array_200K = np.zeros_like(density_array) f_c_array_list = [f_c_array_50K, f_c_array_100K, f_c_array_200K] for j, temp in enumerate(temperature_list): for i, rho in enumerate(density_array): od = h13cn_myradex_interface.myradex_h13cn( kinetic_temperature=temp, column_density=column, collider_density=rho) new_T = od['table'] # use the correction_factor code here! f_c = correction_factor_given_myradex_output( od['f_occupations'], h13cn_J_lower_list) f_c_array_list[j][i] = f_c ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), f_c_array_50K, 'b-', lw=1.5) ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), f_c_array_100K, 'g:', lw=2) ax.plot(np.log10(density_array), f_c_array_200K, 'r--', lw=1.5) ax.set_ylim(1, 2.5) ax.set_xlim(4, 8.5) fontdict = {'family': 'serif'} ax.set_ylabel("CORRECTION FACTOR FOR COLUMN DENSITY", fontdict=fontdict) ax.set_xlabel("LOG (MOLECULAR HYDROGEN DENSITY/CM$^{-3}$)", fontdict=fontdict) ax.text(4.5, 2, "H$^{13}$CN", fontsize=18, family='serif') ax.text(6.75, 1.65, r"$T_k = 50\ \rm{K}$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='b') ax.text(7.5, 1.3, r"$T_k = 100\ \rm{K}$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='g') ax.text(7.75, 1.75, r"$T_k = 200\ \rm{K}$", fontsize=16, family='serif', color='r') string_of_J_uppers = r'\ ,'.join([str(x) for x in h13cn_J_upper_list]) ax.text(4.5, 1.2, r"$J_u={0}$ OBSERVED".format(string_of_J_uppers), fontsize=14, family='serif') ax.set_title("version B.myradex") ax.minorticks_on() if save: fig.savefig("h13cn_fc_vs_density_B_myradex.pdf") end = time.time() if print_timing: print(end - start) return fig
print correction_factor_given_myradex_output(f_occupations, observed_lines) # now let's do something fancier temp_array = [10, 80, 200, 400] fig2 = plt.figure() ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111) for T in temp_array: loop_params = params.copy() loop_params['tkin'] = T od = h13cn_myradex_interface.myradex_h13cn( kinetic_temperature=T, column_density=loop_params['ncol_x_cgs'], collider_density=loop_params['h2_density_cgs']) ax2.plot(od['energies'], od['f_occupations'], marker='o') print "fcorr at T={0}:".format(T) print correction_factor_given_myradex_output(od['f_occupations'], observed_lines) ax2.set_xlabel('E (K)') ax2.set_ylabel('Occupation')