Example #1
File: tasks.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
def insert_table_attributes(attribute_data, **kwargs):
    """Write attributes to summary database.

    Keyword arguments:
       table_name (str) - name of SQLite table to write to
       shot_number (int) - shot number
       *args - remaining args should be (attr, data) pairs

    e.g. write_attributes_to_table('my_table', 12345, ('dens',10), ('Ti',9))

    # We use **kwargs because celery chaining pushes previous results to the
    # first argument of successive tasks, and kwargs let us set up a partial
    # where not arguments are not interchangeable (here, table_name and shot_number)
    table_name = kwargs.get('table_name')
    shot_number = kwargs.get('shot_number')
    shot_timestamp = kwargs.get('shot_timestamp')

    cursor = get_summary_cursor()
    attr_str = 'shot,timestamp'
    value_str = "{},'{}'".format(shot_number, shot_timestamp)
    for attr in attribute_data:
        attr_str += ',{}'.format(attr[0])
        if attr[1] is None:
            value_str += ',NULL'
            value_str += ',{}'.format(attr[1])

    cursor.execute('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {} ({}) VALUES ({})'.format(table_name, attr_str, value_str))
Example #2
File: tasks.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
def update_table_attributes(attribute_data, **kwargs):
    """Write attributes to summary database.

    Keyword arguments:
       table_name (str) - name of SQLite table to write to
       shot_number (int) - shot number
       *args - remaining args should be (attr, data) pairs  (TODO: BUG: currently all implementations provide args=(((a, d), (a, d)),) )

    e.g. write_attributes_to_table('my_table', 12345, ('dens',10), ('Ti',9))

    # We use **kwargs because celery chaining pushes previous results to the
    # first argument of successive tasks, and kwargs let us set up a partial
    # where not arguments are not interchangeable (here, table_name and shot_number)
    table_name = kwargs.get("table_name")
    shot_number = kwargs.get("shot_number")
    shot_timestamp = kwargs.get("shot_timestamp")

    cursor = get_summary_cursor()
    attribute_data += (("timestamp", "'{}'".format(shot_timestamp)), )

    set_str = ",".join("{}=NULL".format(a[0]) if (a[1] is None) else "{}={}".format(a[0], a[1]) for a in attribute_data)

    cursor.execute("UPDATE {} SET {} WHERE shot={}".format(table_name, set_str, shot_number))
Example #3
File: db.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
    def get_max_shot(self):
        """Get the maximum shot number in the database table."""

        cursor = get_summary_cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT MAX(shot) FROM {}".format(self.table_name))
        result = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        return result
Example #4
File: tasks.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
def insert_or_update_single_table_attribute(device_slug, shot_number, shot_timestamp, attribute_slug):
    cursor = get_summary_cursor()
    table_name = TABLE_NAME_TEMPLATE.format(device_slug)
    if shot_exists(cursor, table_name, shot_number):
        update_single_table_attribute(device_slug, shot_number, shot_timestamp, attribute_slug)
        insert_single_table_attribute(device_slug, shot_number, shot_timestamp, attribute_slug)
Example #5
File: db.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
    def delete_shot(self, shot_number):
        """Delete shot from summary table.

            shot_number (int) - shot number.


        cursor = get_summary_cursor()
        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM {} WHERE shot={}".format(self.table_name,  shot_number))
Example #6
File: db.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
    def table_exists(self):
        """Check whether table exists.

            Bool: True if table exists, false if it does not.

        cursor = get_summary_cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='{}'".format(self.table_name))
        table = cursor.fetchone()
        return bool(table)
Example #7
File: db.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
    def get_attributes_from_table(self, filter_initial_attributes=False):
        """Get the attributes of the summary table.

        Keyword arguments:
            filter_initial_attributes (bool) - if True, then exclude attributes in INITIAL_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES

        cursor = get_summary_cursor()
        cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info({})".format(self.table_name))
        attr_list = [a[1] for a in cursor.fetchall()]

        if filter_initial_attributes:
            for initial_attr in INITIAL_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES:

        return attr_list
Example #8
File: db.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
    def shot_exists(self, shot):
        """Check whether or not a shot already exists in the summary datbase.

            shot - either an instance of h1ds.models.Shot or an integer (shot number)

            bool - True if shot exists in the summary database, False if it does not.

            shot_number = shot.number
        except AttributeError:
            shot_number = shot

        cursor = get_summary_cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT shot from {} WHERE shot={}".format(self.table_name, shot_number))
        return bool(cursor.fetchone())
Example #9
File: db.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
    def create_attribute(self, summary_attribute):
        """Add summary attribute to table.

            summary_attribute: a SummaryAttribute instance or slug

        This does nothing if the attribute already exists in the table

            attr_slug = summary_attribute.slug
        except AttributeError:
            attr_slug = summary_attribute

        if attr_slug in self.get_attributes_from_table():

        cursor = get_summary_cursor()
        cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE {} ADD COLUMN {}".format(self.table_name, attr_slug))
Example #10
File: db.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
    def create_table(self):
        """Create summary table."""
        from h1ds_summary.models import SummaryAttribute

        cursor = get_summary_cursor()
        summary_attrs = SummaryAttribute.objects.filter(device=self.device).values_list('slug', flat=True)

        table_attrs = ""

        for attr_i, attr in enumerate(INITIAL_TABLE_ATTRIBUTES):
            if attr_i > 0:
                table_attrs += ","
            table_attrs += "{} {}".format(attr[0], attr[1])

        summary_attr_arg = ",".join(summary_attrs)

        if summary_attr_arg:
            table_attrs = ",".join([table_attrs, summary_attr_arg])

        cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE %(table)s (%(attrs)s)" % {'table': self.table_name, 'attrs': table_attrs})
Example #11
File: db.py Project: h1ds/h1ds
    def do_query(self, select=['shot', 'timestamp'], where=None, as_dict=True):
        """Simple interface to SQL for given select and where statements

        Keywork arguments:
            select (list)  - list of attributes to select
            where (str)    - optional SQL where statement
            as_dict (bool) - if true then the responses will be returned as list of dicts: [{'attr':value, }, ]

            list of dicts (if as_dict is True)
            raw response from sqlite (if as_dict is False)

        select_str = ",".join(select)
        cursor = get_summary_cursor()
            "SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {} ORDER BY -shot".format(select_str, self.table_name, where)

        data = cursor.fetchall()
        if as_dict:
            return [OrderedDict(zip(select, row)) for row in data]
            return data