Example #1
    def start(jar_path=None, nthreads=-1, enable_assertions=True, max_mem_size=None, min_mem_size=None,
              ice_root=None, port="54321+", verbose=True):
        Start new H2O server on the local machine.

        :param jar_path: Path to the h2o.jar executable. If not given, then we will search for h2o.jar in the
            locations returned by `._jar_paths()`.
        :param nthreads: Number of threads in the thread pool. This should be related to the number of CPUs used.
            -1 means use all CPUs on the host. A positive integer specifies the number of CPUs directly.
        :param enable_assertions: If True, pass `-ea` option to the JVM.
        :param max_mem_size: Maximum heap size (jvm option Xmx), in bytes.
        :param min_mem_size: Minimum heap size (jvm option Xms), in bytes.
        :param ice_root: A directory where H2O stores its temporary files. Default location is determined by
        :param port: Port where to start the new server. This could be either an integer, or a string of the form
            "DDDDD+", indicating that the server should start looking for an open port starting from DDDDD and up.
        :param verbose: If True, then connection info will be printed to the stdout.

        :returns: a new H2OLocalServer instance
        assert_is_type(jar_path, None, str)
        assert_is_type(port, None, int, str)
        assert_is_type(nthreads, -1, BoundInt(1, 4096))
        assert_is_type(enable_assertions, bool)
        assert_is_type(min_mem_size, None, int)
        assert_is_type(max_mem_size, None, BoundInt(1 << 25))
        assert_is_type(ice_root, None, I(str, os.path.isdir))
        if jar_path:
            assert_satisfies(jar_path, jar_path.endswith("h2o.jar"))

        if min_mem_size is not None and max_mem_size is not None and min_mem_size > max_mem_size:
            raise H2OValueError("`min_mem_size`=%d is larger than the `max_mem_size`=%d" % (min_mem_size, max_mem_size))
        if port is None: port = "54321+"
        baseport = None
        # TODO: get rid of this port gimmick and have 2 separate parameters.
        if is_type(port, str):
            if port.isdigit():
                port = int(port)
                if not(port[-1] == "+" and port[:-1].isdigit()):
                    raise H2OValueError("`port` should be of the form 'DDDD+', where D is a digit. Got: %s" % port)
                baseport = int(port[:-1])
                port = 0

        hs = H2OLocalServer()
        hs._verbose = bool(verbose)
        hs._jar_path = hs._find_jar(jar_path)
        hs._ice_root = ice_root
        if not ice_root:
            hs._ice_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            hs._tempdir = hs._ice_root

        if verbose: print("Attempting to start a local H2O server...")
        hs._launch_server(port=port, baseport=baseport, nthreads=int(nthreads), ea=enable_assertions,
                          mmax=max_mem_size, mmin=min_mem_size)
        if verbose: print("  Server is running at %s://%s:%d" % (hs.scheme, hs.ip, hs.port))
        atexit.register(lambda: hs.shutdown())
        return hs
Example #2
    def start(jar_path=None,
        Start new H2O server on the local machine.

        :param jar_path: Path to the h2o.jar executable. If not given, then we will search for h2o.jar in the
            locations returned by `._jar_paths()`.
        :param nthreads: Number of threads in the thread pool. This should be related to the number of CPUs used.
            -1 means use all CPUs on the host. A positive integer specifies the number of CPUs directly.
        :param enable_assertions: If True, pass `-ea` option to the JVM.
        :param max_mem_size: Maximum heap size (jvm option Xmx), in bytes.
        :param min_mem_size: Minimum heap size (jvm option Xms), in bytes.
        :param log_dir: Directory for H2O logs to be stored if a new instance is started. Default directory is determined
            by H2O internally.
        :param log_level: The logger level for H2O if a new instance is started.
        :param max_log_file_size: Maximum size of INFO and DEBUG log files. The file is rolled over after a specified 
            size has been reached. (The default is 3MB. Minimum is 1MB and maximum is 99999MB)
        :param ice_root: A directory where H2O stores its temporary files. Default location is determined by
        :param port: Port where to start the new server. This could be either an integer, or a string of the form
            "DDDDD+", indicating that the server should start looking for an open port starting from DDDDD and up.
        :param name: name of the h2o cluster to be started
        :param extra_classpath: List of paths to libraries that should be included on the Java classpath.
        :param verbose: If True, then connection info will be printed to the stdout.
        :param jvm_custom_args: Custom, user-defined arguments for the JVM H2O is instantiated in
        :param bind_to_localhost: A flag indicating whether access to the H2O instance should be restricted to the local
            machine (default) or if it can be reached from other computers on the network.
            Only applicable when H2O is started from the Python client.

        :returns: a new H2OLocalServer instance
        assert_is_type(jar_path, None, str)
        assert_is_type(port, None, int, str)
        assert_is_type(name, None, str)
        assert_is_type(nthreads, -1, BoundInt(1, 4096))
        assert_is_type(enable_assertions, bool)
        assert_is_type(min_mem_size, None, int)
        assert_is_type(max_mem_size, None, BoundInt(1 << 25))
        assert_is_type(log_dir, str, None)
        assert_is_type(log_level, str, None)
            log_level, log_level
            in [None, "TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERRR", "FATA"])
        assert_is_type(max_log_file_size, str, None)
        assert_is_type(ice_root, None, I(str, os.path.isdir))
        assert_is_type(extra_classpath, None, [str])
        assert_is_type(jvm_custom_args, list, None)
        assert_is_type(bind_to_localhost, bool)
        if jar_path:
            assert_satisfies(jar_path, jar_path.endswith("h2o.jar"))

        if min_mem_size is not None and max_mem_size is not None and min_mem_size > max_mem_size:
            raise H2OValueError(
                "`min_mem_size`=%d is larger than the `max_mem_size`=%d" %
                (min_mem_size, max_mem_size))
        if port is None: port = "54321+"
        baseport = None
        # TODO: get rid of this port gimmick and have 2 separate parameters.
        if is_type(port, str):
            if port.isdigit():
                port = int(port)
                if not (port[-1] == "+" and port[:-1].isdigit()):
                    raise H2OValueError(
                        "`port` should be of the form 'DDDD+', where D is a digit. Got: %s"
                        % port)
                baseport = int(port[:-1])
                port = 0

        hs = H2OLocalServer()
        hs._verbose = bool(verbose)
        hs._jar_path = hs._find_jar(jar_path)
        hs._extra_classpath = extra_classpath
        hs._ice_root = ice_root
        hs._name = name
        if not ice_root:
            hs._ice_root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            hs._tempdir = hs._ice_root

        if verbose: print("Attempting to start a local H2O server...")
        if verbose:
            print("  Server is running at %s://%s:%d" %
                  (hs.scheme, hs.ip, hs.port))
        atexit.register(lambda: hs.shutdown())
        return hs