Example #1
    def parse(self, key, dest_key=None,
              timeoutSecs=300, retryDelaySecs=0.2, initialDelaySecs=None, pollTimeoutSecs=180,
              noise=None, benchmarkLogging=None, noPoll=False, **kwargs):

        # Call ParseSetup?source_frames=[keys] . . .

        if benchmarkLogging:

        # TODO: multiple keys
        parse_setup_params = {
            'source_frames': '["' + key + '"]'  # NOTE: quote key names
        # h2o_util.check_params_update_kwargs(params_dict, kwargs, 'parse_setup', print_params=H2O.verbose)
        setup_result = self.__do_json_request(jsonRequest="/3/ParseSetup", cmd='post', timeout=timeoutSecs, postData=parse_setup_params)
        H2O.verboseprint("ParseSetup result:", h2o_util.dump_json(setup_result))

        # and then Parse?source_frames=<keys list> and params from the ParseSetup result
        # Parse?source_frames=[nfs://Users/rpeck/Source/h2o2/smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv]&destination_frame=prostate.hex&parse_type=CSV&separator=44&number_columns=9&check_header=0&single_quotes=false&column_names=['ID',CAPSULE','AGE','RACE','DPROS','DCAPS','PSA','VOL','GLEASON]

        parse_params = {
            'source_frames': '["' + setup_result['source_frames'][0]['name'] + '"]', # TODO: cons up the whole list
            'destination_frame': dest_key if dest_key else setup_result['destination_frame'],
            'parse_type': setup_result['parse_type'],
            'separator': setup_result['separator'],
            'single_quotes': setup_result['single_quotes'],
            'check_header': setup_result['check_header'],
            'number_columns': setup_result['number_columns'],
            'column_names': setup_result['column_names'], # gets stringified inside __do_json_request()
            'column_types': setup_result['column_types'], # gets stringified inside __do_json_request()
	    'na_strings': setup_result['na_strings'],
            'chunk_size': setup_result['chunk_size'],
        H2O.verboseprint("parse_params: " + repr(parse_params))
        h2o_util.check_params_update_kwargs(parse_params, kwargs, 'parse', print_params=H2O.verbose)

        parse_result = self.__do_json_request(jsonRequest="/3/Parse", cmd='post', timeout=timeoutSecs, postData=parse_params, **kwargs)
        H2O.verboseprint("Parse result:", h2o_util.dump_json(parse_result))

        # print("Parse result:", repr(parse_result))
        job_key = parse_result['job']['key']['name']

        # TODO: dislike having different shapes for noPoll and poll
        if noPoll:
            return this.jobs(job_key)

        job_json = self.poll_job(job_key, timeoutSecs=timeoutSecs)

        if job_json:
            dest_key = job_json['jobs'][0]['dest']['name']
            return self.frames(dest_key)

        return None
Example #2
    def parse(self, key, dest_key=None,
              timeoutSecs=300, retryDelaySecs=0.2, initialDelaySecs=None, pollTimeoutSecs=180,
              noise=None, benchmarkLogging=None, noPoll=False, **kwargs):

        # Call ParseSetup?source_frames=[keys] . . .

        if benchmarkLogging:

        # TODO: multiple keys
        parse_setup_params = {
            'source_frames': '["' + key + '"]'  # NOTE: quote key names
        # h2o_util.check_params_update_kwargs(params_dict, kwargs, 'parse_setup', print_params=H2O.verbose)
        setup_result = self.__do_json_request(jsonRequest="/3/ParseSetup", cmd='post', timeout=timeoutSecs, postData=parse_setup_params)
        H2O.verboseprint("ParseSetup result:", h2o_util.dump_json(setup_result))

        # and then Parse?source_frames=<keys list> and params from the ParseSetup result
        # Parse?source_frames=[nfs://Users/rpeck/Source/h2o2/smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv]&destination_frame=prostate.hex&parse_type=CSV&separator=44&number_columns=9&check_header=0&single_quotes=false&column_names=['ID',CAPSULE','AGE','RACE','DPROS','DCAPS','PSA','VOL','GLEASON]

        parse_params = {
            'source_frames': '["' + setup_result['source_frames'][0]['name'] + '"]', # TODO: cons up the whole list
            'destination_frame': dest_key if dest_key else setup_result['destination_frame'],
            'parse_type': setup_result['parse_type'],
            'separator': setup_result['separator'],
            'single_quotes': setup_result['single_quotes'],
            'check_header': setup_result['check_header'],
            'number_columns': setup_result['number_columns'],
            'column_names': setup_result['column_names'], # gets stringified inside __do_json_request()
            'column_types': setup_result['column_types'], # gets stringified inside __do_json_request()
	    'na_strings': setup_result['na_strings'],
            'chunk_size': setup_result['chunk_size'],
        H2O.verboseprint("parse_params: " + repr(parse_params))
        h2o_util.check_params_update_kwargs(parse_params, kwargs, 'parse', print_params=H2O.verbose)

        parse_result = self.__do_json_request(jsonRequest="/3/Parse", cmd='post', timeout=timeoutSecs, postData=parse_params, **kwargs)
        H2O.verboseprint("Parse result:", h2o_util.dump_json(parse_result))

        # print("Parse result:", repr(parse_result))
        job_key = parse_result['job']['key']['name']

        # TODO: dislike having different shapes for noPoll and poll
        if noPoll:
            return this.jobs(job_key)

        job_json = self.poll_job(job_key, timeoutSecs=timeoutSecs)

        if job_json:
            dest_key = job_json['jobs'][0]['dest']['name']
            return self.frames(dest_key)

        return None
Example #3
 def split_frame(self, timeoutSecs=180, **kwargs):
     a = self.__do_json_request('/3/SplitFrame',
     H2O.verboseprint("\nsplit_frame result:", h2o_util.dump_json(a))
     return a
Example #4
 def create_frame(self, timeoutSecs=180, **kwargs):
     a = self.__do_json_request('3/CreateFrame',
     H2O.verboseprint("\ncreate_frame result:", h2o_util.dump_json(a))
     return a
Example #5
 def interaction(self, timeoutSecs=180, **kwargs):
     a = self.__do_json_request('/3/Interaction',
     H2O.verboseprint("\ninteraction result:", h2o_util.dump_json(a))
     return a
Example #6
 def interaction(self, timeoutSecs=180, **kwargs):
     a = self.__do_json_request('/3/Interaction', cmd="post",
     H2O.verboseprint("\ninteraction result:", h2o_util.dump_json(a))
     return a
Example #7
 def split_frame(self, timeoutSecs=180, **kwargs):
     a = self.__do_json_request('/3/SplitFrame', cmd="post",
     H2O.verboseprint("\nsplit_frame result:", h2o_util.dump_json(a))
     return a
Example #8
 def import_files(self, path, timeoutSecs=180):
     a = self.__do_json_request('/3/ImportFiles',
         params={"path": path}
     H2O.verboseprint("\nimport_files result:", h2o_util.dump_json(a))
     return a
Example #9
 def import_files(self, path, timeoutSecs=180):
     a = self.__do_json_request('2/ImportFiles.json',
         params={"path": path}
     H2O.verboseprint("\nimport_files result:", h2o_util.dump_json(a))
     return a
Example #10
 def create_frame(self, timeoutSecs=180, **kwargs):
     a = self.__do_json_request('3/CreateFrame', cmd="post",
     H2O.verboseprint("\ncreate_frame result:", h2o_util.dump_json(a))
     return a
Example #11
def cleanup(a_node, models=None, frames=None):
    # test delete_model
    if models is None:
        for model in models:

    ms = a_node.models()
    if models is None:
        assert 'models' in ms and 0 == len(
        ), "Called delete_models and the models list isn't empty: " + h2o_util.dump_json(
        for model in models:
            for m in ms['models']:
                assert m[
                    'key'] != model, 'Found model that we tried to delete in the models list: ' + model

    # test delete_frame
    if frames is not None:
        for frame in frames:
            ms = a_node.frames()

            found = False
            for m in ms['frames']:
                assert m[
                    'key'] != frame, 'Found frame that we tried to delete in the frames list: ' + frame
Example #12
def validate_predictions(result, model_name, frame_key, expected_rows, destination_key=None):
    Validate a /Predictions result.
    assert p is not None, "FAIL: Got a null result for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key
    assert 'model_metrics' in p, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain a model_metrics object."
    mm = p['model_metrics'][0]
    h2o.H2O.verboseprint('mm: ', repr(mm))
    #assert 'auc' in mm, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain an AUC."
    #assert 'cm' in mm, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain a CM."
    assert 'predictions' in mm, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain an predictions section."
    assert 'key' in mm['predictions'], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain a key."
    assert 'name' in mm['predictions']['key'], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain a key name."

    predictions_key = mm['predictions']['key']['name']
    f = a_node.frames(key=predictions_key, find_compatible_models=True, row_count=5)
    frames = f['frames']
    frames_dict = h2o_util.list_to_dict(frames, 'key/name')
    assert predictions_key in frames_dict, "FAIL: Failed to find predictions key" + predictions_key + " in Frames list."

    predictions = mm['predictions']
    h2o.H2O.verboseprint('p: ', repr(p))
    assert 'columns' in predictions, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain an columns section."
    assert len(predictions['columns']) > 0, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain any columns."
    assert 'label' in predictions['columns'][0], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " column 0 has no label element."
    assert 'predict' == predictions['columns'][0]['label'], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " column 0 is not 'predict'."
    assert expected_rows == predictions['rows'], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " has an unexpected number of rows."

    assert 'destination_key' in result, "FAIL: failed to find 'destination_key' in predict result:" + h2o_util.dump_json(result)
    assert 'name' in result['destination_key'], "FAIL: failed to find name in 'destination_key' in predict result:" + h2o_util.dump_json(result)

    if destination_key is not None:
        assert destination_key == result['destination_key']['name'], "FAIL: bad value for 'destination_key' in predict result; expected: " + destination_key + ", got: " + result['destination_key']['name']
Example #13
        if raiseIfNon200 and not r:
            raise Exception("Maybe bad url? no r in __do_json_request in %s:" % inspect.stack()[1][3])

        # this is used to open a browser on results, or to redo the operation in the browser
        # we don't' have that may urls flying around, so let's keep them all
        # if r.json():
        #     raise Exception("Maybe bad url? no r.json in __do_json_request in %s:" % inspect.stack()[1][3])

        rjson = None
        if returnFast:
            rjson = r.json()
            print h2o_util.dump_json(r.text)
            if not isinstance(r, (list, dict)):
                raise Exception("h2o json responses should always be lists or dicts, see previous for text")

            raise Exception("Could not decode any json from the request.")

        # TODO
        # TODO
        # TODO
        # TODO: we should really only look in the response object.  This check
        # prevents us from having a field called "error" (e.g., for a scoring result).
        for e in ['error', 'Error', 'errors', 'Errors']:
            # error can be null (python None). This happens in exec2
            if e in rjson and rjson[e]:
                H2O.verboseprint("rjson:" + h2o_util.dump_json(rjson))
                emsg = 'rjson %s in %s: %s' % (e, inspect.stack()[1][3], rjson[e])
Example #14
for frame in model['models'][0]['compatible_frames']['frames']:
    if frame['key']['name'] == prostate_key:
        found = True
assert found, "Failed to find " + prostate_key + " in compatible_frames list."

# test delete_model
models = a_node.models()

found_kmeans = False
for model in models['models']:
    if model['key'] == 'KMeansModel':
        found_kmeans = True

assert not found_kmeans, 'Found KMeansModel in the models list: ' + h2o_util.dump_json(

# test delete_models
jobs = a_node.build_model(algo='kmeans',
                          parameters={'K': 2},
                          timeoutSecs=240)  # synchronous
models = a_node.models()

assert 'models' in models and 0 == len(
), "Called delete_models and the models list isn't empty: " + h2o_util.dump_json(
def cleanup(a_node, models=None, frames=None):
    DELETE the specified models and frames from H2O.
    # test delete_model
    if models is None:
        for model in models:

    ms = a_node.models()
    if models is None:
        assert 'models' in ms and 0 == len(ms['models']), "FAIL: Called delete_models and the models list isn't empty: " + h2o_util.dump_json(ms)
        for model in models:
            for m in ms['models']:
                assert m['key'] != model, 'FAIL: Found model that we tried to delete in the models list: ' + model

    # test delete_frame
    if frames is not None:
        for frame in frames:
            ms = a_node.frames(len=5)

            found = False;
            for m in ms['frames']:
                assert m['key'] != frame, 'FAIL: Found frame that we tried to delete in the frames list: ' + frame
Example #16
found_kmeans = False;
h2o_util.assertKeysExist(model['models'][0], '', ['compatible_frames'])
h2o_util.assertKeysExist(model['models'][0]['compatible_frames'], '', ['frames'])

found = False
for frame in model['models'][0]['compatible_frames']['frames']:
    if frame['key']['name'] == prostate_key:
        found = True
assert found, "Failed to find " + prostate_key + " in compatible_frames list."

# test delete_model
models = a_node.models()

found_kmeans = False;
for model in models['models']:
    if model['key'] == 'KMeansModel':
        found_kmeans = True

assert not found_kmeans, 'Found KMeansModel in the models list: ' + h2o_util.dump_json(models)

# test delete_models
jobs = a_node.build_model(algo='kmeans', training_frame=prostate_key, parameters={'K': 2 }, timeoutSecs=240) # synchronous
models = a_node.models()

assert 'models' in models and 0 == len(models['models']), "Called delete_models and the models list isn't empty: " + h2o_util.dump_json(models)
Example #17
dl_prostate_bad_parameters = {'response_column': 'CAPSULE', 'hidden': "[10, 20, 10]", 'input_dropout_ratio': 27  }
parameters_validation = a_node.build_model(algo='deeplearning', destination_key='deeplearning_prostate_binomial_bad', training_frame='prostate_binomial', parameters=dl_prostate_bad_parameters, timeoutSecs=240) # synchronous
validate_validation_messages(parameters_validation, ['input_dropout_ratio'])
assert parameters_validation['__http_response']['status_code'] == requests.codes.precondition_failed, "FAIL: expected 412 Precondition Failed from a bad build request, got: " + str(parameters_validation['__http_response']['status_code'])
if verbose: print 'Done trying to build DeepLearning model with bad parameters.'

print("WARNING: Terminating test before the end because we don't have as.factor yet. . .")   # TODO: Remove after deeplearning_prostate_binomial is updated

# Compute and check ModelMetrics for 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial'
mm = a_node.compute_model_metrics(model='deeplearning_prostate_binomial', frame='prostate_binomial')
assert mm is not None, "FAIL: Got a null result for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial'
assert 'model_category' in mm, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " does not contain a model_category."
assert 'Binomial' == mm['model_category'], "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " model_category is not Binomial, it is: " + str(mm['model_category'])
assert 'AUC' in mm, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " does not contain an AUC element: " + h2o_util.dump_json(mm)
assert type(mm['AUC']) is float, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " AUC element is not a float: " + h2o_util.dump_json(mm)

assert 'confusion_matrices' in mm, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " does not contain a confusion_matrices element: " + h2o_util.dump_json(mm)
assert type(mm['confusion_matrices']) is list, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " confusion_matrices element is not a list: " + h2o_util.dump_json(mm)

# print h2o_util.dump_json(mm)
h2o.H2O.verboseprint("ModelMetrics for scoring: ", 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial', " on: ", 'prostate_binomial', ":  ", repr(mm))

# Check for ModelMetrics for 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' in full list
mms = a_node.model_metrics() # fetch all
assert 'model_metrics' in mms, 'FAIL: Failed to find model_metrics in result of /3/ModelMetrics.'
found_mm = False
for mm in mms['model_metrics']:
    assert 'model' in mm, "FAIL: mm does not contain a model element: " + repr(mm)
Example #18
            raise Exception("Maybe bad url? no r in __do_json_request in %s:" %

        # this is used to open a browser on results, or to redo the operation in the browser
        # we don't' have that may urls flying around, so let's keep them all
        # if r.json():
        #     raise Exception("Maybe bad url? no r.json in __do_json_request in %s:" % inspect.stack()[1][3])

        rjson = None
        if returnFast:
            rjson = r.json()
            print h2o_util.dump_json(r.text)
            if not isinstance(r, (list, dict)):
                raise Exception(
                    "h2o json responses should always be lists or dicts, see previous for text"

            raise Exception("Could not decode any json from the request.")

        # TODO
        # TODO
        # TODO
        # TODO: we should really only look in the response object.  This check
        # prevents us from having a field called "error" (e.g., for a scoring result).
        for e in ['error', 'Error', 'errors', 'Errors']:
            # error can be null (python None). This happens in exec2
            if e in rjson and rjson[e]:
Example #19
    def parse(self, key, key2=None,
              timeoutSecs=300, retryDelaySecs=0.2, initialDelaySecs=None, pollTimeoutSecs=180,
              noise=None, benchmarkLogging=None, noPoll=False, **kwargs):

        # Call ParseSetup?srcs=[keys] . . .

        if benchmarkLogging:

        # TODO: multiple keys
        parse_setup_params = {
            'srcs': "[" + key + "]"
        # h2o_util.check_params_update_kwargs(params_dict, kwargs, 'parse_setup', print_params=True)
        setup_result = self.__do_json_request(jsonRequest="ParseSetup.json", timeout=timeoutSecs, params=parse_setup_params)
        H2O.verboseprint("ParseSetup result:", h2o_util.dump_json(setup_result))

        # and then Parse?srcs=<keys list> and params from the ParseSetup result
        # Parse?srcs=[nfs://Users/rpeck/Source/h2o2/smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv]&hex=prostate.hex&pType=CSV&sep=44&ncols=9&checkHeader=0&singleQuotes=false&columnNames=[ID,%20CAPSULE,%20AGE,%20RACE,%20DPROS,%20DCAPS,%20PSA,%20VOL,%20GLEASON]

        first = True
        ascii_column_names = '['
        for s in setup_result['columnNames']:
            if not first: ascii_column_names += ', '
            ascii_column_names += str(s)
            first  = False
        ascii_column_names += ']'

        parse_params = {
            'srcs': "[" + setup_result['srcs'][0]['name'] + "]", # TODO: cons up the whole list
            'hex': setup_result['hexName'],
            'pType': setup_result['pType'],
            'sep': setup_result['sep'],
            'ncols': setup_result['ncols'],
            'checkHeader': setup_result['checkHeader'],
            'singleQuotes': setup_result['singleQuotes'],
            'columnNames': ascii_column_names,
        print "parse_params: ", parse_params
        h2o_util.check_params_update_kwargs(parse_params, kwargs, 'parse', print_params=True)

        parse_result = self.__do_json_request(jsonRequest="Parse.json", timeout=timeoutSecs, params=parse_params, **kwargs)
        H2O.verboseprint("Parse result:", h2o_util.dump_json(parse_result))

        job_key = parse_result['job']['name']

        # TODO: dislike having different shapes for noPoll and poll
        if noPoll:
            return this.jobs(job_key)

        job_json = self.poll_job(job_key, timeoutSecs=timeoutSecs)

        if job_json:
            dest_key = job_json['jobs'][0]['dest']['name']
            return self.frames(dest_key)

        return None
Example #20
def validate_predictions(result, model_name, frame_key, expected_rows, destination_key=None):
    Validate a /Predictions result.
    assert p is not None, "FAIL: Got a null result for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key
    assert 'model_metrics' in p, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain a model_metrics object."
    mm = p['model_metrics'][0]
    h2o.H2O.verboseprint('mm: ', repr(mm))
    #assert 'auc' in mm, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain an AUC."
    #assert 'cm' in mm, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain a CM."
    assert 'predictions' in mm, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain an predictions section."
    assert 'key' in mm['predictions'], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain a key."
    assert 'name' in mm['predictions']['key'], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain a key name."

    predictions_key = mm['predictions']['key']['name']
    f = a_node.frames(key=predictions_key, find_compatible_models=True, row_count=5)
    frames = f['frames']
    frames_dict = h2o_util.list_to_dict(frames, 'key/name')
    assert predictions_key in frames_dict, "FAIL: Failed to find predictions key" + predictions_key + " in Frames list."

    predictions = mm['predictions']
    h2o.H2O.verboseprint('p: ', repr(p))
    assert 'columns' in predictions, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain an columns section."
    assert len(predictions['columns']) > 0, "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " does not contain any columns."
    assert 'label' in predictions['columns'][0], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " column 0 has no label element."
    assert 'predict' == predictions['columns'][0]['label'], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " column 0 is not 'predict'."
    assert expected_rows == predictions['rows'], "FAIL: Predictions for scoring: " + model_name + " on: " + frame_key + " has an unexpected number of rows."

    assert 'destination_key' in result, "FAIL: failed to find 'destination_key' in predict result:" + h2o_util.dump_json(result)
    assert 'name' in result['destination_key'], "FAIL: failed to find name in 'destination_key' in predict result:" + h2o_util.dump_json(result)

    if destination_key is not None:
        assert destination_key == result['destination_key']['name'], "FAIL: bad value for 'destination_key' in predict result; expected: " + destination_key + ", got: " + result['destination_key']['name']
Example #21
validate_predictions(p, 'deeplearning_airlines_binomial', 'airlines_binomial', 43978, destination_key='deeplearning_airlines_binomial_predictions')
h2o.H2O.verboseprint("Predictions for scoring: ", 'deeplearning_airlines_binomial', " on: ", 'airlines_binomial', ":  ", repr(p))

# print h2o_util.dump_json(p)

print("WARNING: Terminating test before the end because we don't have as.factor yet. . .")   # TODO: Remove after deeplearning_prostate_binomial is updated

# Compute and check ModelMetrics for 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial'
mm = a_node.compute_model_metrics(model='deeplearning_prostate_binomial', frame='prostate_binomial')
assert mm is not None, "FAIL: Got a null result for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial'
assert 'model_category' in mm, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " does not contain a model_category."
assert 'Binomial' == mm['model_category'], "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " model_category is not Binomial, it is: " + str(mm['model_category'])
assert 'AUC' in mm, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " does not contain an AUC element: " + h2o_util.dump_json(mm)
assert type(mm['AUC']) is float, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " AUC element is not a float: " + h2o_util.dump_json(mm)

assert 'confusion_matrices' in mm, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " does not contain a confusion_matrices element: " + h2o_util.dump_json(mm)
assert type(mm['confusion_matrices']) is list, "FAIL: ModelMetrics for scoring: " + 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' + " on: " + 'prostate_binomial' + " confusion_matrices element is not a list: " + h2o_util.dump_json(mm)

# print h2o_util.dump_json(mm)
h2o.H2O.verboseprint("ModelMetrics for scoring: ", 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial', " on: ", 'prostate_binomial', ":  ", repr(mm))

# Check for ModelMetrics for 'deeplearning_prostate_binomial' in full list
mms = a_node.model_metrics() # fetch all
assert 'model_metrics' in mms, 'FAIL: Failed to find model_metrics in result of /3/ModelMetrics.'
found_mm = False
for mm in mms['model_metrics']:
    assert 'model' in mm, "FAIL: mm does not contain a model element: " + repr(mm)
Example #22
    def parse(self, key, key2=None,
              timeoutSecs=300, retryDelaySecs=0.2, initialDelaySecs=None, pollTimeoutSecs=180,
              noise=None, benchmarkLogging=None, noPoll=False, **kwargs):

        # Call ParseSetup?srcs=[keys] . . .

        if benchmarkLogging:

        # TODO: multiple keys
        parse_setup_params = {
            'srcs': "[" + key + "]"
        # h2o_util.check_params_update_kwargs(params_dict, kwargs, 'parse_setup', print_params=True)
        setup_result = self.__do_json_request(jsonRequest="ParseSetup.json", timeout=timeoutSecs, params=parse_setup_params)
        H2O.verboseprint("ParseSetup result:", h2o_util.dump_json(setup_result))

        # and then Parse?srcs=<keys list> and params from the ParseSetup result
        # Parse?srcs=[nfs://Users/rpeck/Source/h2o2/smalldata/logreg/prostate.csv]&hex=prostate.hex&pType=CSV&sep=44&ncols=9&checkHeader=0&singleQuotes=false&columnNames=[ID,%20CAPSULE,%20AGE,%20RACE,%20DPROS,%20DCAPS,%20PSA,%20VOL,%20GLEASON]

        first = True
        ascii_column_names = '['
        for s in setup_result['columnNames']:
            if not first: ascii_column_names += ', '
            ascii_column_names += str(s)
            first  = False
        ascii_column_names += ']'

        parse_params = {
            'srcs': "[" + setup_result['srcs'][0]['name'] + "]", # TODO: cons up the whole list
            'hex': setup_result['hexName'],
            'pType': setup_result['pType'],
            'sep': setup_result['sep'],
            'ncols': setup_result['ncols'],
            'checkHeader': setup_result['checkHeader'],
            'singleQuotes': setup_result['singleQuotes'],
            'columnNames': ascii_column_names,
        print "parse_params: ", parse_params
        h2o_util.check_params_update_kwargs(parse_params, kwargs, 'parse', print_params=True)

        parse_result = self.__do_json_request(jsonRequest="Parse.json", timeout=timeoutSecs, params=parse_params, **kwargs)
        H2O.verboseprint("Parse result:", h2o_util.dump_json(parse_result))

        job_key = parse_result['job']['name']

        # TODO: dislike having different shapes for noPoll and poll
        if noPoll:
            return this.jobs(job_key)

        job_json = self.poll_job(job_key, timeoutSecs=timeoutSecs)

        if job_json:
            dest_key = job_json['jobs'][0]['dest']['name']
            return self.frames(dest_key)

        return None