Example #1
def getOutOfTheCircle(centerX, centerY, targetH, doForce=False, radius=40):
    selfX, selfY = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    dist = hMath.getDistanceBetween(centerX, centerY, selfX, selfY)
    heading = hMath.getHeadingBetween(centerX, centerY, selfX, selfY)

    if amIInTheCircle(centerX,centerY,radius)\
        or doForce:

        if dist > radius:
            relX = dist * 2 * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(heading))
            relY = dist * 2 * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(heading))

            relX = radius * 2 * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(heading))
            relY = radius * 2 * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(heading))

        destX = centerX + relX
        destY = centerY + relY

        hTrack.saGoToTargetFacingHeading(destX, destY, targetH)

        Indicator.showFacePattern([0, 2, 0, 2, 0])
        return Constant.STATE_EXECUTING

    return Constant.STATE_SUCCESS
Example #2
def trackVisualBallByProj(adjX=0, adjY=0, adjZ=0, isTurning=False, adjPos=1.0):
    ballPos = VisionLink.getProjectedBall()

    # If projection returns infinity, then use gps.
    if abs(ballPos[0]) >= Constant.LARGE_VAL\
        or abs(ballPos[1]) >= Constant.LARGE_VAL:
        # We should divide the velocity adjustment by half.
        trackVisualBallByTrig(adjX, adjY, adjZ, adjPos=adjPos)

    ballPosX = ballPos[0] * adjPos
    ballPosY = ballPos[1] * adjPos

    #print " track by proj ",
    # Note that xyz in getPointProjection is different from xyz to headMotion
    if isTurning and abs(Global.ballH) > 80:
        d = hMath.getDistanceBetween(0, 0, ballPosX, ballPosY)
        x = d * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(10))
        y = d * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(10))
        if Global.ballH < 0:
            x = -x
        Action.setHeadParams(x + adjX, adjY, y + adjZ, Action.HTAbs_xyz)

        Action.setHeadParams(ballPosX + adjX, adjY, ballPosY + adjZ,
Example #3
def saGoToTargetFacingHeading(targetX, targetY, targetH, \
        maxSpeed = Action.MAX_FORWARD, maxTurn = Action.MAX_TURN):

    # Variables relative to self localisation.
    selfPos = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    selfH = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()
    cosSelf = math.cos(math.radians(selfH))
    sinSelf = math.sin(math.radians(selfH))

    relX = targetX - selfPos[0]
    relY = targetY - selfPos[1]
    relH = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(targetH - selfH)
    # now take into account that as we turn, the position of our head will change
    relX += Constant.DOG_LENGTH / 2.0 * (cosSelf -
    relY += Constant.DOG_LENGTH / 2.0 * (sinSelf -
    relD = hMath.getLength((relX, relY))

    # Calculate approximate coordinates of all the dog's legs
    legs = []
    for legNum in range(4):
        legPos = list(selfPos)

        if legNum >= 2:
            legPos[0] = legPos[0] - DOG_RECT_LENGTH * cosSelf
            legPos[1] = legPos[1] - DOG_RECT_LENGTH * sinSelf

        if (legNum % 2) == 0:
            legPos[0] = legPos[0] - DOG_RECT_WIDTH * sinSelf
            legPos[1] = legPos[1] + DOG_RECT_WIDTH * cosSelf
            legPos[0] = legPos[0] + DOG_RECT_WIDTH * sinSelf
            legPos[1] = legPos[1] - DOG_RECT_WIDTH * cosSelf


    # If a leg coordinate lies within the rear wall, clip the Y movement
    clipMove = False
    for legPos in legs:
        if abs(legPos[0] - Constant.FIELD_WIDTH / 2) > Constant.GOAL_WIDTH and\
            legPos[1] < 2:
            clipMove = True

    if clipMove and (relY < 0):
        relY = 0

    if relX == 0 and relY == 0:
        #on the dog, math.atan2(0,0) give "Value Error: math domain error"
        relTheta = 0
        relTheta = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(
            hMath.RAD2DEG(math.atan2(relY, relX)) - selfH)

    forward = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(relTheta))
    left = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(relTheta))
    turnCCW = hMath.CLIP(relH, maxTurn)

    Action.walk(forward, left, turnCCW, minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)
Example #4
def isHeadRightOk():
    if not Global.vBall.isVisible():
        return False

    ballx = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD
    bally = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD
    return -2.0 < ballx < 3.2\
        and bally < 3.4*Constant.BallRadius\
        and Global.ballD < 12\
        and abs(Global.pan) < 30
Example #5
def isGoalieUPleftOk():
    if hTrack.canSeeBall():
        ballx = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD
        bally = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD

        if (ballx < 3.0 and ballx > -5.0 and bally < 4.4 * Constant.BallRadius
                and Global.ballD < 18 and Global.tilt < -9
                and abs(Global.pan) < 30):
            return True

    return False
Example #6
def isUpennRightOk():
    if not Global.vBall.isVisible():
        return False

    ballx = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD
    bally = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD

    maxBallRadiiAway = 4.5

    return -5.0 < ballx < 3.0\
        and bally < maxBallRadiiAway * Constant.BallRadius\
        and abs(Global.ballH) < 30
Example #7
def findByWeightedVisBall(): 
    d = Global.weightedVisBallDist 
    h = Global.weightedVisBallHead
    if abs(h) < 90:
        x = d * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(h))
        y = d * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(h))

    if not gHeadOnly:
        # Make sure we use gps's information, not wireless 
        # FIXME: if we are going to dodgy dog then don't get behind
        walkToBall(d,h,getBehind = gGetBehind)
Example #8
def perform(paw=AUTO_PAW_KICK):

    global pawKickType

    if Global.lostBall > Constant.LOST_BALL_GPS:
        return Constant.STATE_FAILED

    # Head ball tracking movement

    PAW_KICK_Y_OFFSET = Constant.BallRadius

    ballX = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD
    ballY = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD

    # The 2003 offset is 6 and it is not too bad.
    if paw == AUTO_PAW_KICK:
        if pawKickType == LEFT_PAW_KICK and ballX < -PAW_KICK_X_OFFSET / 2:
            pawKickType = RIGHT_PAW_KICK
        elif pawKickType == RIGHT_PAW_KICK and ballX > PAW_KICK_X_OFFSET / 2:
            pawKickType = LEFT_PAW_KICK
        pawKickType = paw

    if pawKickType == RIGHT_PAW_KICK:
        targetX = ballX + PAW_KICK_X_OFFSET
        targetX = ballX - PAW_KICK_X_OFFSET

    targetY = ballY - PAW_KICK_Y_OFFSET
    targetD = math.sqrt(hMath.SQUARE(targetX) + hMath.SQUARE(targetY))
    targetH = hMath.RAD2DEG(math.asin(targetX / targetD))

    # Once the ball is lined up and well within range for the forward, the
    # robot should commit to charge at the ball at full speed.
    if abs(targetX) <= 1.0 and targetD < Constant.BallRadius * 1.5:
        turnccw = hMath.CLIP(targetH, 10)


    return Constant.STATE_EXECUTING
Example #9
def clipFireballPanHack():
    global gLastClipFireballFrame
    if Global.vBall.isVisible():

        ballx = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD
        bally = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD

        ##~         print "local x %.2f,  y%.2f   ballH %.2f" % (ballx, bally,Global.ballH)
        if abs(ballx) <= 2.5 and 0 <= bally <= 5.0 * Constant.BallRadius:
            Action.finalValues[Action.Panx] = 0
            gLastClipFireballFrame = Global.frame
        elif False and gLastClipFireballFrame >= Global.frame - 1 \
            and abs(ballx) <= 3.2 and 0 <= bally <= 5.0 * Constant.BallRadius:
            Action.finalValues[Action.Panx] = 0
            gLastClipFireballFrame = Global.frame
Example #10
def areWeAboveTheLine(offset, angle, includeYou, tx, ty):
    global targetX, targetY
    # Draw the line.
    ang = 90 - angle / 2.0
    m = math.tan(hMath.DEG2RAD(ang))
    bpos = (ty + offset) - m * tx
    bneg = (ty + offset) + m * tx

    selfX, selfY = Global.selfLoc.getX(), Global.selfLoc.getY()

    # If you are far back then you are ok (hysterisis).
    if (includeYou and selfY < Constant.GOALBOX_DEPTH)\
        or selfY < 40:
        if Debug.defenderTriggerDebug:
            print "No problem because enough back!"
        return False

    # If I am behind the threshold line, no need to trigger.
    if includeYou and (selfY < m * selfX + bpos) and (selfY <
                                                      -m * selfX + bneg):
        if Debug.defenderTriggerDebug:
            print "False because of the line!"
        return False

    return True
Example #11
def saGoToTargetFacingHeading(targetX, targetY, targetH, \
                maxSpeed = Action.MAX_FORWARD, maxTurn = Action.MAX_TURN):

    # ariables relative to self localisation.
    selfX = Global.selfLoc.getX()
    selfY = Global.selfLoc.getY()
    selfH = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()
    relX = targetX - selfX
    relY = targetY - selfY
    relH = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(targetH - selfH)
    relX            += Constant.DOG_LENGTH/2.0/10.0*(math.cos(math.radians(selfH)) \
                            - math.cos(math.radians(targetH)))
    relY            += Constant.DOG_LENGTH/2.0/10.0*(math.sin(math.radians(selfH)) \
                            - math.sin(math.radians(targetH)))
    relD = hMath.getLength((relX, relY))
    distanceSquared = hMath.getDistSquaredBetween(targetX, targetY, selfX,
    inCircle = distanceSquared <= hMath.SQUARE(40)
    faceH = hMath.getHeadingToFaceAt(Global.selfLoc, targetX, targetY)

    ##~     print "faceH: ", faceH

    if not inCircle:
        if abs(faceH) >= 30:
            Action.walk(0, 0, faceH)
            #if sStealthDog.stealthDog(True):
            #    hFWHead.compulsoryAction = hFWHead.mustSeeBall
            #    hTrack.trackVisualBall()
            #    return
            Action.walk(maxSpeed, 0, hMath.CLIP(faceH / 1.5, maxTurn))

        if relX == 0 and relY == 0:
            # On the dog, math.atan2(0,0) give "Value Error: math domain error".
            relTheta = 0
            relTheta = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(
                hMath.RAD2DEG(math.atan2(relY, relX)) - selfH)

        forward = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.cos(
        left = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(relTheta))
        turnCCW = hMath.CLIP(relH, maxTurn)
        Action.walk(forward, left, turnCCW)
Example #12
def trackVisualBallByTrig(adjX=0, adjY=0, adjZ=0, isTurning=False, adjPos=1.0):
    #print " track by trig ",
    ballD, ballH = Global.ballD, Global.ballH
    ballX = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(ballH)) * ballD
    ballY = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(ballH)) * ballD

    ballX = ballX * adjPos
    ballY = ballY * adjPos

    if isTurning and abs(Global.ballH) > 80:
        d = Global.ballD
        x = d * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(10))
        y = d * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(10))
        if Global.ballH < 0:
            x = -x
        Action.setHeadParams(x + adjX, Constant.BallDiameter + adjY, y + adjZ,
        Action.setHeadParams(ballX + adjX, Constant.BallDiameter + adjY,
                             ballY + adjZ, Action.HTAbs_xyz)
Example #13
def saGoToTarget(targetX, targetY, maxSpeed=None, maxTurn=None):

    if maxSpeed == None:
        maxSpeed = Action.MAX_FORWARD
    if maxTurn == None:
        maxTurn = Action.MAX_TURN

    selfPos = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    selfH = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()
    relX = targetX - selfPos[0]
    relY = targetY - selfPos[1]
    relD = hMath.getLength((relX, relY))

    if relX == 0 and relY == 0:
        relH = 0
        relH = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(
            hMath.RAD2DEG(math.atan2(relY, relX)) - selfH)

    forward = 0
    left = 0
    turnccw = 0
    if relD < CLOSE_WALK_RANGE and abs(relH) > 50:
        forward = relY
        left = relX
        turnccw = relH * 0.8
#        print "close walk and turn",relY,left,turnccw
        if abs(relH) > 80:  # stop and turn
            turnccw = relH * 0.8
        elif abs(relH) > 25:  # walk and turn
            turnccw = relH * 0.8
            forward = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.cos(
#            print "walk and turn",forward, 0, turnccw
        else:  # ellipticalwalk and turn
            turnccw = hMath.CLIP(relH * 0.8, 25)
            forward = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.cos(
    # finally, we walk
    Action.walk(forward, left, turnccw, minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)
Example #14
def saGoToTarget(targetX, targetY, maxSpeed = Action.MAX_FORWARD, \
                    maxTurn = Action.MAX_TURN):

    selfX, selfY = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    selfH = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()
    relX = targetX - selfX
    relY = targetY - selfY
    relD = hMath.getLength((relX, relY))
    distanceSquared = hMath.getDistSquaredBetween(targetX, targetY, selfX,
    inCircle = distanceSquared <= hMath.SQUARE(40)
    faceH = hMath.getHeadingToFaceAt(Global.selfLoc, targetX, targetY)

    if not inCircle and abs(faceH) >= 30:
        Action.walk(0, 0, hMath.CLIP(faceH, maxTurn))

    elif not inCircle:

        #if sStealthDog.stealthDog(True):
        #    hFWHead.compulsoryAction = hFWHead.mustSeeBall
        #    hTrack.trackVisualBall()
        #    return

        Action.walk(maxSpeed, 0, hMath.CLIP(faceH / 1.5, maxTurn))

        if relX == 0 and relY == 0:
            relTheta = 0
            relTheta = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(
                hMath.RAD2DEG(math.atan2(relY, relX)) - selfH)

        forward = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.cos(
        left = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(relTheta))
        turnCCW = hMath.CLIP(relTheta, maxTurn)
        Action.walk(forward, left, turnCCW)
Example #15
def saGoToTargetFacingHeading(targetX, targetY, targetH, \
                            maxSpeed = None, maxTurn = None):

    if maxSpeed == None:
        maxSpeed = Action.MAX_FORWARD
    if maxTurn == None:
        maxTurn = Action.MAX_TURN

    # Variables relative to self localisation.
    selfPos = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    selfH = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()
    relX = targetX - selfPos[0]
    relY = targetY - selfPos[1]
    relH = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(targetH - selfH)

    # take into account that as we turn, the position of our head will change
    relX  += Constant.DOG_NECK_TO_BODY_CENTER_OFFSET * \
             (math.cos(math.radians(selfH)) - math.cos(math.radians(targetH)))
    relY  += Constant.DOG_NECK_TO_BODY_CENTER_OFFSET * \
             (math.sin(math.radians(selfH)) - math.sin(math.radians(targetH)))
    relD = hMath.getLength((relX, relY))

    if relX == 0 and relY == 0:
        relTheta = 0
        relTheta = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(
            hMath.RAD2DEG(math.atan2(relY, relX)) - selfH)

    forward = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(relTheta))
    left = hMath.CLIP(relD, maxSpeed) * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(relTheta))
    turnccw = hMath.CLIP(relH, maxTurn)

Example #16
def walk(target, selfPos, selfH):
    relX    = target[0] - selfPos[0]
    relY    = target[1] - selfPos[1]
    relD     = hMath.getLength((relX, relY))
    if relX == 0 and relY == 0:
        relThetaRad = 0
        relThetaRad = hMath.DEG2RAD(hMath.normalizeAngle_180(hMath.RAD2DEG(math.atan2(relY, relX)) - selfH))

    sinTheta = math.sin(relThetaRad)
    cosTheta = math.cos(relThetaRad)
    leftSign = relD * sinTheta
    leftAbs1 = abs(leftSign)    #leftAbs1: the distance left component
    if cosTheta != 0:        #leftAbs2: the max capping due to max forward
        leftAbs2 = abs(maxFwd * (sinTheta / cosTheta))
        leftAbs2 = 100000 # huge number
    #print "left1:", leftAbs1, "left2:", leftAbs2
    leftAbs = min(leftAbs1, leftAbs2, maxLeft)        
    left = hMath.getSign(leftAbs, leftSign)

    if sinTheta != 0:
        forward = left * (cosTheta / sinTheta)
        fwdSign = relD
        fwdAbs = min(maxFwd, abs(relD))
        forward = hMath.getSign(fwdAbs, fwdSign)

    if turningLeft:
        turnCCW = maxTurn
        turnCCW = -maxTurn
    print __name__, forward, left, turnCCW  
    Action.walk(forward, left, turnCCW,walkType=Action.SkellipticalWalkWT)
Example #17
def canDoGrab(safe):
    global firedType, fired1, fired2
    global gLastGrabBallH
    global gLastGrabWeightedBallH

    # Ball must be visible
    if Global.vBall.isVisible():
        ballD = Global.vBall.getDistance()
        ballH = Global.vBall.getHeading()
        return False

    can = True

    # you are close to the ball
    can = can and 0 <= ballD <= GRAB_DIST

    # you are not turning right now!
    can = can and Global.frame - gLastTurnFrame > 6  # strictly speaking it's 11, because 23 * 8 * 2 / 1000 * 30

    # Check if the ball is really close (i.e. under the robot's chin.
    # Copied from hTrack.clipFireballPan()
    ballX = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(ballH)) * ballD
    ballY = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(ballH)) * ballD

    ballX1 = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(
        Global.weightedVisBallHead)) * Global.weightedVisBallDist
    #ballY1 = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.weightedVisBallHead)) * Global.weightedVisBallDist

    #can = can and abs(ballX) < 2.5
    can = can and ballY < 15

    #can = can and abs(ballX1) < 2.5
    #can = can and ballY1 < 15

    if abs(ballX) < 0.5 and ballY < 8:
        gLastGrabBallH = 0
        gLastGrabWeightedBallH = 0
        if can:
            firedType = 1
            fired1 += 1
        can = can and abs(Global.weightedVisBallHead) < 8
        can = can and abs(Global.ballH) < 8
        can = can and abs(Global.weightedVisBallHead - Global.ballH) < 6
        #can = can and abs(Global.fstVisBallHead - Global.thdVisBallHead) < 6

        gLastGrabBallH = Global.ballH
        gLastGrabWeightedBallH = Global.weightedVisBallHead

        if can:
            firedType = 2
            fired2 += 1

    # Force step complete, if all our grabbing criteria satisfies.
    # But, does this work?
    if can:

    if False and can:
        vel = VisionLink.getGPSBallVInfo(Constant.CTLocal)
        velx, vely = vel[0], vel[1]

        print ""
        print "Camera Frame : ", Global.cameraFrame
        print "ballX : ", ballX, "  ballY : ", math.cos(
            hMath.DEG2RAD(ballH)) * ballD
        print "gps ball d : ", Global.gpsLocalBall.getDistance()
        print "fst vis ball d : ", Global.fstVisBallDist, ", h : ", Global.fstVisBallHead
        print "snd vis ball d : ", Global.sndVisBallDist, ", h : ", Global.sndVisBallHead
        print "thd vis ball d : ", Global.thdVisBallDist, ", h : ", Global.thdVisBallHead
        print "Global.weightedVisBallHead : ", Global.weightedVisBallHead
        print "Global.ballH : ", Global.ballH
        print "vel : ", velx, ",", vely
        print "Since turned : ", Global.frame - gLastTurnFrame
        print "lostball : ", Global.lostBall
        print "Grab decision true : ", can
        print "fired Type : ", firedType
        print ""

    return can
Example #18
def approachBall(sGrabDoGetBehind=None):
    global gLastApproachFrame
    global gLastReallyCloseFrame
    global gLastTurnFrame


    if sGrabDoGetBehind == None:
        sGrabDoGetBehind = sFindBall.GET_BEHIND_DEFAULT

    # Setting default action values with sFindBall.
    # Action values are overwritten by the approach ball code below.

    if Global.ballD < TIME_CRITICAL_DIST and Global.lostBall <= 3:

    if Global.lostBall < Constant.LOST_BALL_GPS and Global.ballD < CLOSE_DIST:
        gLastApproachFrame = Global.frame

    if Global.frame - gLastApproachFrame < 5:

        # Try to step just the right amount, but limit the minimum step
        # length. Reduce max to shorten step time and improve reaction time
        #vel = VisionLink.getGPSBallVInfo(Constant.CTLocal)
        #velX, velY = vel[0], vel[1]

        rate = Action.SKE_FF_PG * 2.0 * 8.0 / 1000.0

        fwd = Global.ballD - BALL_AGAINST_CHEST_DIST
        fwd = hMath.EXTEND(fwd, Action.MAX_SKE_FF_FWD_STP * 0.7)
        # don't walk backward
        if fwd < 0:
            fwd = 0

        turnCCW = Global.ballH
        left = Global.ballD * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH))

        #if left > 0:
        #    left = hMath.CLIP(left,Action.MAX_SKE_FF_LEFT_STP * 0.8)
        #    left = hMath.CLIP(left,Action.MAX_SKE_FF_RIGHT_STP * 0.8)

        if Global.ballD < REALLY_CLOSE_DIST:
            gLastReallyCloseFrame = Global.frame

        mwt = Action.SkeNeckTurnWalkMWT
        if Global.frame - gLastReallyCloseFrame < 5:
            turnCCW = hMath.CLIP(turnCCW, 30)

            if abs(left) < 2:
                #print "branch 1"
                fwd = fwd / rate
                left = left / rate
                #turnCCW = hMath.CLIP(turnCCW * 0.4,30) / rate
                Action.walk(fwd, left, turnCCW, "sss", minorWalkType=mwt)
            elif abs(left) < 8:
                #print "branch 2"
                left = left * 1.2 / rate
                #turnCCW = hMath.CLIP(turnCCW * 0.4,30) / rate
                Action.walk(0, left, 0, "sss", minorWalkType=mwt)
                #print "branch 3"
                #turnCCW = hMath.CLIP(turnCCW * 0.5,30) / rate
                turnCCW = turnCCW * 0.7
                Action.walk(0, 0, turnCCW, minorWalkType=mwt)
                gLastTurnFrame = Global.frame

            if abs(turnCCW) < 30:
                #print "branch 5"
                #left = left * 0.6
                turnCCW = turnCCW * 1.1
                Action.walk(fwd, 0, turnCCW, "ddd", minorWalkType=mwt)

                if Global.ballD < 30:
                    #print "branch 6"
                    turnCCW = turnCCW * 0.8
                    Action.walk(0, 0, turnCCW, minorWalkType=mwt)
                    Action.walk(fwd, 0, turnCCW, minorWalkType=mwt)
                gLastTurnFrame = Global.frame

        # Use the hacked version of HTAbs_xyz
        if Action.finalValues[Action.HeadType] == Action.HTAbs_xyz:
            Action.finalValues[Action.HeadType] = Action.HTAbs_xyz_hack

        # Force high gain!!
        Global.forceHighGain = True

        # setting hTrack.panLow variable to true.
        hTrack.panLow = True
Example #19
def grabBall():
    global grabbingCount
    global isGrabbed
    global gLastGrabSelfLoc
    global gLastGrabTime


    # Hack lost ball here.
    Global.lostBall = 0

    # Force high gain!!
    Global.forceHighGain = True

    turnCCW = gLastGrabBallH * 1.2

    grabbingCount += 1

    if grabbingCount < GRAB_FORWARD_TIME:

        # If we can see the ball still and is lined up, delay the grabbingCount.
        # Experimenting!
        if Global.vBall.isVisible():
            ballX = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD
            ballY = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(Global.ballH)) * Global.ballD
            if abs(ballX) < 0.5 and ballY < 8:
                grabbingCount = hMath.EXTEND(grabbingCount - 1, 1)

        Action.setHeadParams(0, -25, 30, Action.HTAbs_h)
        debug("Going for the ball")

    elif grabbingCount < GRAB_NO_CHECK_TIME:

    elif grabbingCount < GRAB_COMPLETE_TIME:

        if Global.vBall.isVisible():
            #print "wait i can see the ball still.."
            sFindBall.setHint(25, 90)
            return Constant.STATE_FAILED


        isGrabbed = True
        grabbingCount = 0
        gLastGrabSelfLoc = Global.selfLoc.getCopy()
        gLastGrabTime = VisionLink.getCurrentTime()


    return Constant.STATE_EXECUTING
Example #20
def perform(dkd=90, dist=20, direction=None, bx=None, by=None, accuracy=20):
    global gDirection

    #if side != None:
    #    print "Warning: sGetBehindBall.perform: side is not yet implemented"

    if bx == None or by == None:
        (bx, by) = Global.gpsGlobalBall.getPos()
    (myx, myy) = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()

    # Work out if we are to the left or right of the ball (relative to DKD as 0)
    lRobotH = hMath.getHeadingToMe(bx, by, dkd, myx, myy)

    if direction == None and gDirection == None:
        if lRobotH < 0:  # robot to the left
            #print "robot to left of ball",
            gDirection = Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE
        else:  # robot to the right
            #print "robot to right of ball",
            gDirection = Constant.dCLOCKWISE

    elif direction != None:
        gDirection = direction

    # The circling point can be calculated as looking from the ball
    # towards the robot at CIRCLE_DEGREES to the left/right, and distance
    # dist. CircleAng is from the ball facing the robot with positive x
    # at zero degrees

#    if robotH > 180 - CIRCLE_DEGREES:
#        # If we are within CIRCLE_DEGREES of the target point don't overshoot
#        circleAng = 90 + (180 - robotH)
#    elif robotH < -180 + CIRCLE_DEGREES:
#        circleAng = 90 - (-180 + robotH)
#    else:
    if gDirection == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
        circleAng = 90 + CIRCLE_DEGREES
        circleAng = 90 - CIRCLE_DEGREES
    circleAng = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(circleAng)

    #print ""
    #print "local robot H ", lRobotH
    # relative to target facing robot

    # This factor is used to adjust the dodgyness of the sidewards and
    # backwards ability of fast skelliptical walk.
    factor = 1  #max(min(abs(180-lRobotH)/60.0,2),1)
    lcx = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * dist * factor
    lcy = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * dist * factor

    #print "circleAng", circleAng, "rel circle pos", circleRelX, circleRelY

    robotH = hMath.normalizeAngle_0_360(lRobotH + dkd)  # now global
    cx, cy = hMath.getGlobalCoordinate(bx, by, robotH, lcx, lcy)

    #print " local circle pos : (", lcx ,",",lcy,")"
    #print "my pos : (", myx, ",", myy, ",",myh,")"
    #print "global robotH ", robotH
    #print "global ball :(", bx, ",", by, ") global circle pos : (", cx ,",",cy,")"
    # circleX/Y now is the global coords of the circle point, so walk there.

    bh = hMath.getHeadingBetween(myx, myy, bx, by)  # global
    lbh = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(bh - myh)

    lcx, lcy = hMath.getLocalCoordinate(myx, myy, myh, cx, cy)
    #lcdSquared = hMath.getDistSquaredBetween(0,0,lcx,lcy)
    Action.walk(lcy, lcx, lbh, "ddd", minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)

    if abs(hMath.normalizeAngle_180(bh -
                                    dkd)) < accuracy and abs(lbh) < accuracy:
        return Constant.STATE_SUCCESS

    return Constant.STATE_EXECUTING
Example #21
def performBall(dkd=90, dist=20, direction=None, accuracy=20):
    global gLastCalledFrame
    global gDirection
    global gLastCalledFrame

    bx, by = Global.ballX, Global.ballY
    myx, myy = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()

    # If this function wasn't called in previous frame, then reset the direction.
    if Global.frame == gLastCalledFrame:
        gDirection = None
    gLastCalledFrame = Global.frame

    # Work out if we are to the left or right of the ball (relative to DKD as 0)
    lRobotH = hMath.getHeadingToMe(bx, by, dkd, myx, myy)
    if abs(lRobotH) > 70:
        gDirection = None

    if direction == None and gDirection == None:
        if lRobotH < 0:  # robot to the left
            #print "robot to left of ball",
            gDirection = Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE
        else:  # robot to the right
            #print "robot to right of ball",
            gDirection = Constant.dCLOCKWISE

    elif direction != None:
        gDirection = direction

    if gDirection == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
        circleAng = 90 + CIRCLE_DEGREES
        circleAng = 90 - CIRCLE_DEGREES
    circleAng = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(circleAng)

    # This factor is used to adjust the dodgyness of the sidewards and
    factor = max(min(abs(180 - lRobotH) / 90.0, 1), 0)
    lcx = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * dist * factor
    lcy = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * dist * factor

    robotH = hMath.normalizeAngle_0_360(lRobotH + dkd)  # now global
    cx, cy = hMath.getGlobalCoordinate(bx, by, robotH, lcx, lcy)

    bh = Global.ballH

    lcx, lcy = hMath.getLocalCoordinate(myx, myy, myh, cx, cy)

    if abs(bh) > 30 and Global.ballD > dist:
        Action.walk(0, 0, bh, minorWalkType=Action.SkeFastForwardMWT)
                    bh * 0.75,

    if abs(hMath.normalizeAngle_180(myh + bh -
                                    dkd)) < accuracy and abs(bh) < accuracy:
        return Constant.STATE_SUCCESS

    gLastCalledFrame = Global.frame

    return Constant.STATE_EXECUTING
Example #22
def perform(dkd = 90, side = None, bx = None, by = None):
    # This implementation is very similar to sGetBehindBall (based on 2003)
    # but the ball is on the bottom edge of the circle, not the centre.
    global onCircle

    if side != None:
        print "Warning: sGetBesideBall.perform: side is not yet implemented"

    if bx == None or by == None:
        (bx, by) = Global.gpsGlobalBall.getPos()
    (myx, myy) = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
    myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()

    # Determine the centre of the circle, which is CIRCLE_RADIUS towards
    # dkd from the ball. Global coords.
    cx = bx + math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(dkd)) * CIRCLE_RADIUS
    cy = by + math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(dkd)) * CIRCLE_RADIUS

    # If we are backward of the ball or really close just run at it
    ballRobotH = hMath.getHeadingToMe(bx, by, dkd, myx, myy)
    ballDSquared = hMath.getDistSquaredBetween(myx, myy, bx, by)
    if (abs(ballRobotH) > 90 or ballDSquared < hMath.SQUARE(20)):
        ballH = hMath.getHeadingBetween(myx, myy, bx, by)
        hTrack.saGoToTargetFacingHeading(bx, by, ballH)

    # Work out if we are left or right of the centre (relative to DKD as 0)
    robotH = hMath.getHeadingToMe(cx, cy, dkd, myx, myy)
    # FIXME: allow choice of direction
    if (robotH > 0):  # robot to the left
        #print "robot to left of ball",
        direction = Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE
    else:           # robot to the right
        #print "robot to right of ball",
        direction = Constant.dCLOCKWISE
    # The circling point can be calculated as looking from the centre
    # towards the robot at CIRCLE_DEGREES to the left/right, and distance
    # CIRCLE_RADIUS. CircleAng is from the centre facing the robot with
    # positive x at zero degrees.
    # There are two modes here. In the first we are well outside the and
    # running to make a tangent with the circle. In the second we are close
    # to or inside the circle and tracing the circumference
    centreDSquared = hMath.getDistSquaredBetween(myx, myy, cx, cy)
    if (centreDSquared > hMath.SQUARE(CIRCLE_RADIUS + 20)):
        #print "Outside circle, running to tangent"
        onCircle = False
        if direction == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
            circleAng = 90 + CIRCLE_DEGREES
            circleAng = 90 - CIRCLE_DEGREES
        circleAng = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(circleAng)
        #print "On circle, tracing circumference"
        onCircle = True
        if direction == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
            circleAng = 110
            circleAng = 70
#    print "me", int(myx), int(myy), "ball", int(bx), int(by), \
#        "centre", int(cx), int(cy), "robotH", int(robotH),
    # relative to centre facing robot
    circleRelX = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * CIRCLE_RADIUS
    circleRelY = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(circleAng)) * CIRCLE_RADIUS
    #print "circleAng", circleAng, "rel circle pos", circleRelX, circleRelY
    robotH = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(robotH + dkd) # now global
    (circleX, circleY) = hMath.getGlobalCoordinate(cx, cy, robotH, \
                                                    circleRelX, circleRelY)
#    print "gRobotH", robotH, "circle pos", int(circleX), int(circleY)
    # circleX/Y now is the global coords of the circle point, so walk there.

#    ballH = hMath.getHeadingBetween(myx, myy, bx, by)   # global
    if onCircle:
        # Calls the walk directly to ensure smoothness: no stopping to turn
        relX = circleX - myx
        relY = circleY - myy
        relD = hMath.getLength((relX, relY))
        relTheta = hMath.RAD2DEG(hMath.getHeadingToRelative(relX, relY))

        # Don't turn outwards much, even if we are inside the circle. Walking
        # forward will put us back on it. Nobu can you fix this?
#        print "relTheta", relTheta, "=>",
#        if direction == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE and relTheta < 0:
#            #relTheta = hMath.CLIP(relTheta, 15)
#            relTheta = 0
#        elif direction == Constant.dCLOCKWISE and relTheta > 0:
#            #relTheta = hMath.CLIP(relTheta, 15)
#            relTheta = 0
#        print relTheta
        left = 0
        if abs(relTheta) < 30:
            Action.walk(Action.MAX_FORWARD, left, relTheta)
            Action.walk(Action.MAX_FORWARD, left, relTheta)
        hTrack.saGoToTarget(circleX, circleY)
Example #23
def getDKDRange():

    nearEdgeDist = 40
    debugDKD = False
    length = Constant.FIELD_LENGTH
    width = Constant.FIELD_WIDTH

    # Make sure determine ballSource is called
    if Global.ballSource is None:
        print "Warning: in getDKDRange() havent determined the ball source before getDKD()"
        return None

    X_ = Global.ballX
    Y_ = Global.ballY
    if debugDKD:
        print "Ball Source: ", Global.ballSource, "   X_ ", X_, "  Y_ ", Y_

    # If you don't know where the ball is determine dkd based on where you are.
    if Global.ballSource == Constant.GPS_BALL\
        and VisionLink.getGPSBallMaxVar() >= hMath.get95var(35):

        X_, Y_ = Global.selfLoc.getPos()
        if debugDKD:
            print "Warning: in getDKDRange(): I dont trust GPS ball right now: use my own pos is X_ ", X_, "  Y_ ", Y_

    Y_ = hMath.CLIPTO(Y_, 0, length)
    X_ = hMath.CLIPTO(X_, 0, width)

    # If the ball is near one of the side edges and not in corners then the direction becomes up the field.
    if Y_ > nearEdgeDist:
        if X_ < nearEdgeDist:  # on the left edge
            if debugDKD:
                print "On the left edge"
            return (90, 70, 100, 10, 110)
        elif X_ > (width - nearEdgeDist):  #on the right edge
            if debugDKD:
                print "On the right edge"
            return (90, 80, 110, 70, 170)

    # upper 60%, can I use voak?

    if Y_ > 0.6 * length:

        # If target goal seen and is close and not many obstacles, it has a good heading, get the best heading like VOAK
        if (Global.vTGoal.getConfidence() > 3
                and Global.ballSource == Constant.VISION_BALL):
            toY = length - Y_
            toX = width / 2.0 - X_
            xRange = Constant.GOAL_WIDTH / 2.0 + (toY *
            inVOAKcal = abs(toX) < xRange

            if inVOAKcal:

                (lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax) = VisionLink.getHeadingToBestGap()
                lmin = hMath.normalizeAngle_0_360(lmin +
                lmax = hMath.normalizeAngle_0_360(lmax +
                rmin = hMath.normalizeAngle_0_360(rmin +
                rmax = hMath.normalizeAngle_0_360(rmax +
                if abs(lmax - lmin) > abs(rmax - rmin):
                    tdkdmin, tdkdmax = lmin, lmax
                    dkd = (lmin + lmax) / 2.0
                    tdkdmin, tdkdmax = rmin, rmax
                    dkd = (rmin + rmax) / 2.0
                if (dkd < 150 and dkd > 30):
                    return (dkd, tdkdmin, tdkdmax, 10, 170)

    # Find the dkd fron the center of the target and own goals
    dkdup = hMath.getHeadingBetween(X_, Y_, (width / 2.0), length)
    dkdbottom = hMath.getHeadingBetween((width / 2.0), 0, X_, Y_)

    # if i cant use voak, then the heading to the center of target goal is used as dkd
    if Y_ > 0.6 * length:

        tdkdmin = hMath.getHeadingBetween(X_, Y_, Constant.RIGHT_GOAL_POST,
        tdkdmax = hMath.getHeadingBetween(X_, Y_, Constant.LEFT_GOAL_POST,
        if debugDKD:
            print "close to target goal, dkd directed to the target goal", Global.DKD[
        return (dkdup, tdkdmin, tdkdmax, 10, 170)

    # if close to own goal, direted out of own goal
    elif Y_ < 0.4 * length:

        if debugDKD:
            print "close to own goal, dkd directed out of the own goal"
        return (dkdbottom, 20, 160, 10, 170)

    # Now, the middle 20% of the field should have a continous change of direction.
        myy = Y_ - 0.4 * length
        ratio = myy / (0.2 * length)
        dkd = dkdup * ratio + dkdbottom * (1 - ratio)

        if debugDKD:
            print "middle 20%, linear interpolation"
        return (dkd, 40, 140, 20, 160)
Example #24
def walkToMovingBall(ballD,ballH,velX,velY):
    #print ""
    #print "velocity X : ", velX
    #print "velocity Y : ", velY
    ballX = ballD * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(ballH))
    ballY = ballD * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(ballH))
    tx = ballX
    ty = ballY
    dx = velX
    dy = velY
    #print "ball : (", ballX, ",", ballY, ") ", ballH 

    # closest target point so far
    minTarget = (Constant.LARGE_VAL,0,0)
    # try out next 150 frames which is 5 seconds
    for i in range(150):         
        tty = ty / 1.5 # assuming we walking in 2 cm / frame (over-estimating)
        ttx = tx / 1.0
        tt = max(tty,ttx)        
        # If the robot can reach to the target point comfortably,
        # then go to the target point.        
        if tt + FRAME_TO_PREPARE < i:       

            #print "success"           
            #print "target : (", tx, ",", ty, ") "            
            fwd = ty
            left = tx
            if left > 0:
                left = hMath.EXTEND(left,Action.MAX_SKE_FF_LEFT_STP*0.7)
            elif left < 0:
                left = hMath.EXTEND(left,Action.MAX_SKE_FF_RIGHT_STP*0.7)
            th = hMath.getHeadingToRelative(tx,ty)
            turnCCW = hMath.normalizeAngle_180((th + ballH) / 2)
            return True
        # If this target point has the smallest difference of time for 
        # ball and time for robot to reach the point, then consider 
        # this target point.
        elif minTarget[0] > tt - i: 
            minTarget = (tt-i,tx,ty)            
        # updating next possible target point
        tx += dx
        ty += dy
        # updating velocity by decaying
        dx *= 0.98
        dy *= 0.98
    if minTarget[0] != Constant.LARGE_VAL:    
        fwd = minTarget[2] 
        left = minTarget[1]
        if left > 0:
            left = hMath.EXTEND(left,Action.MAX_SKE_FF_LEFT_STP*0.7)
        elif left < 0:
            left = hMath.EXTEND(left,Action.MAX_SKE_FF_RIGHT_STP*0.7) 
        th = hMath.getHeadingToRelative(tx,ty)
        turnCCW = hMath.normalizeAngle_180((th + ballH) / 2)         
        return True

    return False
Example #25
def DecideNextAction(radius, aa, turndir, taOff, raOff, kp, ki, kd):

    global lastBx, lastBy, sum_reqTurn, last_reqTurn, lastFrame, lastDir

    skippedFrames = Global.frame - (lastFrame + 1)

    # Reset the running sum if the routine is not called.
    lastFrame = Global.frame  # record the last frame


    # No need to showFacePattern, because rAttacker has called already before entering this.

    myx, myy = Global.selfLoc.getPos()  # My (the dog) position and its heading
    myh = Global.selfLoc.getHeading()

    if Global.vBall.getConfidence() > 2:
        bx, by = Global.vBall.getPos()  # ball position
        lastBx, lastBy = Global.vBall.getPos()
        bx = lastBx
        by = lastBy

    # Find the lp, given the ball position, taOff and the attack angle
    # aa+180 because u want the tagental offset extended to behind the ball
    # the point where the dog leaves the locus (leaving point)

    lpx, lpy = hMath.getPointRelative(bx, by, (aa + 180), taOff)

    # Find the center of the circle, given the lp, the radius and attack angle, and where u are.

    angleFromBall = hMath.getHeadingBetween(bx, by, myx, myy)
    angleRelativeToAA = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(angleFromBall - aa)

    if angleRelativeToAA >= 0 and angleRelativeToAA <= 180:
        turndir = Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE
        turndir = Constant.dCLOCKWISE

    if turndir == Constant.dCLOCKWISE:
        cx, cy = hMath.getPointRelative(lpx, lpy, (aa - 90), (radius + raOff))
        cx, cy = hMath.getPointRelative(lpx, lpy, (aa + 90), (radius + raOff))

    c2my = hMath.getDistanceBetween(cx, cy, myx,
                                    myy)  # distance btw me and center
    errL = radius - c2my  # Indicates inside or outside of the circle. Used as adjustment in vector field.

    # If not outside of the circle, no point to use alpha(Angle between center and cloest tangent point)
    if c2my <= radius:
        alpha = 0
        alpha = hMath.RAD2DEG(math.asin(radius / c2my))  # 0 <= alpha <= 90

    beta = hMath.getHeadingBetween(
        myx, myy, cx, cy)  # Angle between global x-axis and center

    # Fing the current vector
    if turndir == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE:
        vectorArr = beta - 90  # Find the tangent vector perp to the c2my line first
        if errL > 0:
            vectorArr = vectorArr - (errL / radius * 45.0
                                     )  # linear discrepency
        elif errL < 0:  # When outside of the circle, the vector is
            vectorArr = beta - alpha  # the tangent closest to the circle.
        vectorArr = beta + 90
        if errL > 0:
            vectorArr = vectorArr + (errL / radius * 45.0)
        elif errL < 0:
            vectorArr = beta + alpha

    b2my = hMath.getDistanceBetween(bx, by, myx, myy)
    angleFromCenToMe = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(
        hMath.getHeadingBetween(cx, cy, myx, myy) - aa)
    distanceToAALine = b2my * math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(angleRelativeToAA))
    ##~     verticalDistToBall = b2my * math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(angleRelativeToAA))

    if (raOff > 0 and abs(distanceToAALine) < raOff):
        vectorArr = aa
##~         leftAdjust = -hMath.CLIP(distanceToAALine,3)

    elif (turndir == Constant.dANTICLOCKWISE and angleFromCenToMe < 0
          and angleFromCenToMe > -90 and abs(distanceToAALine) <
          (raOff + radius)):
        Indicator.showFacePattern([1, 2, 1, 2, 0])
        ##~         reverse(aa,turndir,taOff,verticalDistToBall)

    elif (turndir == Constant.dCLOCKWISE and angleFromCenToMe < 90
          and angleFromCenToMe > 0 and abs(distanceToAALine) <
          (raOff + radius)):
        Indicator.showFacePattern([1, 2, 1, 2, 0])
        ##~         reverse(aa,turndir,taOff,verticalDistToBall)

    # After the vector is found, the PID controller will handle the job.

    # Note:
    # When u tune, first tune the KP to improve the rise time, then the KD to improve
    # the overshoot, finally the KI for better steady state.
    # better see http:##www.engin.umich.edu/group/ctm/PID/PID.html before u touch them

    # thisTurn - The vector that brings the dog heading to the vector arrow

    thisTurn = hMath.CLIP(hMath.normalizeAngle_180(vectorArr - myh), 30.0)

    # For normal walk , kp = 40 ki = 8 kd = 5

    KP = kp / 100.0  #0.5   ## Less Than 1
    KD = kd / 100.0  #0.1
    KI = ki / 100.0  #0.1  ## Has to be very small

    if skippedFrames > 0:
        sum_reqTurn = sum_reqTurn * math.pow(0.8, skippedFrames)
        last_reqTurn = 0

    # clip the running sum to be as most causing a 8 degree change.
    if abs(sum_reqTurn) > (3.0 / KI):
        sum_reqTurn = hMath.CLIP(sum_reqTurn, 3.0 / KI)

    # if far away, there is no I and D effects, only the P.

    if c2my > (4.0 * radius):
        sum_reqTurn = 0
        last_reqTurn = thisTurn

    # The real PID calculations
    #print thisTurn
    #print last_reqTurn
    #print sum_reqTurn

##~     print "==========new frame"
##~     print "ball pos %.2f , %.2f and my h %.2f" % (bx,by,myh)
##~     print "lp pos %.2f , %.2f and cx pos %.2f , %.2f" % (lpx,lpy,cx,cy)
##~     print "vectorArr %.2f   and thisTurn %.2f " % (vectorArr,thisTurn)
##~     print "last  %.2f and sum_reqTurn  %.2f) " % (last_reqTurn,sum_reqTurn)
##~     print "P %.5f   I %.5f    D %.5f " % (KP * thisTurn,KI * sum_reqTurn,\
##~         KD * (thisTurn - last_reqTurn))
    reqTurn = (KP * thisTurn) + (KI *
                                 sum_reqTurn) + (KD *
                                                 (thisTurn - last_reqTurn))
    ##~     print "the reqTurn is %.2f" % (reqTurn)

    sum_reqTurn = sum_reqTurn + thisTurn  # The integral part
    last_reqTurn = thisTurn  # Used in the derivative part

    # Print the debugging info
    Action.walk(7, 0, hMath.CLIP(reqTurn, 30), Action.EllipticalWalk)

    ##~     print "Direction: " , turndir , "vectorArr %.2f" % (vectorArr)

    if ((angleRelativeToAA > 160 or angleRelativeToAA < -160)
            and abs(hMath.normalizeAngle_180(myh - aa)) < 20):
        Indicator.showFacePattern([1, 1, 1, 1, 0])
Example #26
def walkToBall(ballD, ballH, getBehind=False, useVelocity=False):
    vel = VisionLink.getGPSBallVInfo(Constant.CTLocal)
    velX, velY = vel[0], vel[1]

    if useVelocity\
        and (abs(velX) > 2 or abs(velY) > 2):


        velXY = hMath.getDistanceBetween(0, 0, velX, velY)
        if velXY == 0:
            velXY = 0.01

        ballX, ballY = Global.ballX, Global.ballY
        tx, ty = ballX, ballY
        offsetX = DISTANCE_CONSTANT * velX / velXY
        offsetY = DISTANCE_CONSTANT * velY / velXY

        for i in range(30):
            # time that the ball needs to get to the target point
            timeBall = (
                (DISTANCE_CONSTANT * i) / velXY) * (1 / 30.0)  # seconds

            # time that the robot needs to get to the target point
            tx += offsetX
            ty += offsetY
            td = hMath.getDistanceBetween(0, 0, tx, ty)
            timeRobot = (td / 30.0)  # seconds

            # If the robot can reach to the target point comfortably,
            # then go to the target point.
            if timeRobot + TIME_TO_PREPARE < timeBall:
                th = hMath.getHeadingToRelative(tx, ty)
                relh = hMath.normalizeAngle_180(th - ballH)

                fComp = math.cos(hMath.DEG2RAD(relh))
                lComp = math.sin(hMath.DEG2RAD(relh))

                if fComp > 0:
                    maxF = Action.MAX_FORWARD_SKE
                    maxF = Action.MAX_BACKWARD_SKE

                if lComp > 0:
                    maxL = Action.MAX_LEFT_SKE
                    maxL = Action.MAX_RIGHT_SKE

                if maxF * abs(fComp) >= maxL * abs(lComp):
                    scale = 1.0 / abs(fComp)
                    scale = 1.0 / abs(lComp)

                fComp = scale * fComp
                lComp = scale * lComp

                fwd = maxF * fComp
                left = maxL * lComp

                Action.walk(fwd, left, ballH / 2, "ddd")

    walkToStillBall(ballD, ballH, getBehind)