def txgrpshift(infile, outfile, subtri, shift, grpmap): ''' Open the input file infile as a WaveformSet and apply the specified nonzero integer sample shift (positive is a time advance) to all transmissions from subtriangle subtri. The modified WaveformSet will be stored in outfile or, if outfile is None or an empty string, back to infile. If grpmap is not None, it specifies the location of a transmit-group file that is used to map subtriangle indices to transmission numbers. The grpmap must be provided if WaveformSet(infile).txgrps is not None and must be omitted if WaveformSet(infile).txgrps is None. ''' # Validate numeric inputs try: subtri = subtridx(subtri) except (argparse.ArgumentTypeError, ValueError) as e: raise ValueError('Invalid subtriangle index: %s' % (e, )) try: shift = nonzero(shift) except (argparse.ArgumentTypeError, ValueError) as e: raise ValueError('Invalid shift index: %s' % (e, )) if not outfile: outfile = infile print('Will overwrite input file', infile) else: print('Will create new input file', outfile) wset = WaveformSet.load(infile) if wset.txgrps and not grpmap: raise ValueError( 'Argument "grpmap" required when input uses transmit groups') # Attempt to assign a group map if grpmap: wset.groupmap = loadkeymat(grpmap) # Map transmit subtriangle indices to record rows txrows = [ wset.tx2row(wset.element2tx(i)) for i in range(64 * subtri, 64 * (subtri + 1)) ] # Perform the shifts for each receive-channel record for hdr, data in wset.allrecords(): # Copy the tail of the data tail = data[txrows, shift:].copy() # Now do the cyclic shift data[txrows, -shift:] = data[txrows, :shift] data[txrows, :-shift] = tail # Store the record (no need to make another copy) wset.setrecord(hdr, data, copy=False) # Store the output
def getatimes(atarg, freq=1, scalar=True, cols=None): ''' Given a list of files or globs, try to open arrival-time maps matching the globs with habis.formats.loadkeymat() and pull the columns specified in the sequence cols. If cols is None, all columns will be picked. Keys of each map should be transmit-receive pairs (t, r). Files are loaded in lexical order. If the same key is present in multiple files, the values for that key will a concatenation of the values for individual files (each considered as a list) that preserves the lexical ordering. If the lengths of value lists for keys in the composite arrivla-time map, only those keys with maximum-length values will be retained. The times are scaled by the frequency to convert the times to samples. If scalar is True, values in the returned map will be scalars if a single column is pulled. Otherwise, the returned values will always be arrays. ''' # Try to load the files one-by-one atfiles = sorted(matchfiles(atarg, forcematch=True)) # Concatenate values to accommodate repeat keys, track max column count ncols = 0 atmap = defaultdict(list) for atfile in atfiles: for k, v in loadkeymat(atfile, scalar=False, nkeys=2).items(): atmap[k].extend(vv for vv in v) ncols = max(ncols, len(atmap[k])) if cols is None: acols = list(range(ncols)) else: acols = cols print(f'Using columns {acols} from arrival-time records') if scalar: if len(acols) != 1: raise ValueError( 'Scalar arrival-time map requires a single column specification' ) acols = acols[0] return { k: freq * np.array(v)[acols] for k, v in atmap.items() if len(v) == ncols }
parser.add_argument('-b' ,'--backscatter', action='store_true', help='Extract backscatter waveforms, not arbitrary T-R pairs') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, default=None, help='Output file (default: replace extension with extract.wmz)') parser.add_argument('inputs', type=str, nargs='+', help='Input WaveformMap files from which to extract') args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # Try to read all input WaveformMap files infiles = matchfiles(args.inputs) # Read a defined receive-to-transmit-list map if args.trmap: args.trmap = loadkeymat(args.trmap, scalar=False) # At first, clobber the output append = False for infile in infiles: wmap = WaveformMap.load(infile) # Build the appropriate subset of the WaveformMap if not args.backscatter: wvs = trextract(wmap, args.trmap, args.random) else: wvs = ((k, v) for k, v in wmap.items() if k[0] == k[1]) omap = WaveformMap(wvs) if args.output: # Save to common output and switch to append mode, compression=args.compression, append=append)
def exdelayEngine(config): ''' Use positions of elements and reflectors specified in the provided config, combined with a specified sound speed and reflector radius, to estimate the round-trip arrival times from every element to the reflector and back. ''' msection = 'measurement' esection = 'exdelays' try: # Try to grab the input and output files eltfiles = config.getlist(esection, 'elements') rflfile = config.get(esection, 'reflectors') timefile = config.get(esection, 'timefile') except Exception as e: err = 'Configuration must specify elements, reflectors and timefile in [%s]' % esection raise HabisConfigError.fromException(err, e) # Grab the sound speed and reflector radius try: c = config.get(msection, 'c', mapper=float) r = config.get(msection, 'radius', mapper=float) except Exception as e: err = 'Configuration must specify c and radius in [%s]' % msection raise HabisConfigError.fromException(err, e) try: # Read an optional global time offset offset = config.get(esection, 'offset', mapper=float, default=0.) except Exception as e: err = 'Invalid optional offset in [%s]' % esection raise HabisConfigError.fromException(err, e) # Read the element and reflector positions eltspos = dict(kp for efile in eltfiles for kp in loadkeymat(efile).items()) reflpos = np.loadtxt(rflfile, ndmin=2) nrefl, nrdim = reflpos.shape times = {} for elt, epos in eltspos.items(): nedim = len(epos) if not nedim <= nrdim <= nedim + 2: raise ValueError( 'Incompatible reflector and element dimensionalities') # Determine one-way distances between element and reflector centers dx = norm(epos[np.newaxis, :] - reflpos[:, :nedim], axis=-1) # Use encoded wave speed if possible, otherwise use global speed try: lc = reflpos[:, nedim] except IndexError: lc = c # Use encoded radius if possible, otherwise use global radius try: lr = reflpos[:, nedim + 1] except IndexError: lr = r # Convert distances to round-trip arrival times times[elt, elt] = 2 * (dx - lr) / lc + offset # Save the estimated arrival times savez_keymat(timefile, times)
type=str, help='Integral output, keymap or binary matrix (with -c)') args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # Load the tracer configuration try: config = HabisConfigParser(args.tracer) except Exception as e: err = f'Unable to load configuration {args.tracer}' raise HabisConfigError.fromException(err, e) tracer = PathTracer.fromconf(config) # Load the element coordinates and target list elements = loadkeymat(args.elements) if args.trlist: # Load the r-[t] keymap and flatten to a trlist targets = loadkeymat(args.targets) targets = [(t, r) for r, tl in targets.items() for t in tl] else: targets = mio.readbmat(args.targets) s = np.load(args.slowness) comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank, size = comm.rank, comm.size args.quiet = rank or args.quiet times = tracetimes(tracer, s, elements, targets[rank::size], args.trlist,
def atimesEngine(config): ''' Use habis.trilateration.ArrivalTimeFinder to determine a set of round-trip arrival times from a set of one-to-many multipath arrival times. Multipath arrival times are computed as the maximum of cross-correlation with a reference pulse, plus some constant offset. ''' asec = 'atimes' msec = 'measurement' ssec = 'sampling' kwargs = {} def _throw(msg, e, sec=None): if not sec: sec = asec raise HabisConfigError.fromException(f'{msg} in [{sec}]', e) try: # Read all target input lists targets = sorted(k for k in config.options(asec) if k.startswith('target')) targetfiles = OrderedDict() for target in targets: targetfiles[target] = matchfiles(config.getlist(asec, target)) if len(targetfiles[target]) < 1: raise HabisConfigError(f'Key {target} matches no inputs') except Exception as e: _throw('Configuration must specify at least one unique "target" key', e) try: efiles = config.getlist(asec, 'elements', default=None) if efiles: efiles = matchfiles(efiles) kwargs['elements'] = loadmatlist(efiles, nkeys=1) except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional elements', e) # Grab the reference file try: reffile = config.get(msec, 'reference', default=None) except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional reference', e, msec) # Grab the output file try: outfile = config.get(asec, 'outfile') except Exception as e: _throw('Configuration must specify outfile', e) try: # Grab the number of processes to use (optional) nproc = config.get('general', 'nproc', mapper=int, failfunc=process.preferred_process_count) except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional nproc', e, 'general') try: # Determine the sampling period and a global temporal offset dt = config.get(ssec, 'period', mapper=float) t0 = config.get(ssec, 'offset', mapper=float) except Exception as e: _throw('Configuration must specify period and offset', e, ssec) # Override the number of samples in WaveformMap try: kwargs['nsamp'] = config.get(ssec, 'nsamp', mapper=int) except HabisNoOptionError: pass except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional nsamp', e, ssec) # Determine the oversampling rate to use when cross-correlating try: osamp = config.get(ssec, 'osamp', mapper=int, default=1) except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional osamp', e, ssec) try: neighbors = config.get(asec, 'neighbors', default=None) if neighbors: kwargs['neighbors'] = loadkeymat(neighbors, dtype=int) except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional neighbors', e) # Determine the range of elements to use; default to all (as None) try: kwargs['minsnr'] = config.getlist(asec, 'minsnr', mapper=int) except HabisNoOptionError: pass except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional minsnr', e) # Determine a temporal window to apply before finding delays try: kwargs['window'] = config.get(asec, 'window') except HabisNoOptionError: pass except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional window', e) # Determine an energy leakage threshold try: kwargs['eleak'] = config.get(asec, 'eleak', mapper=float) except HabisNoOptionError: pass except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional eleak', e) # Determine a temporal window to apply before finding delays try: kwargs['bandpass'] = config.get(asec, 'bandpass') except HabisNoOptionError: pass except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional bandpass', e) # Determine peak-selection criteria try: kwargs['peaks'] = config.get(asec, 'peaks') except HabisNoOptionError: pass except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional peaks', e) # Determine IMER criteria try: kwargs['imer'] = config.get(asec, 'imer') except HabisNoOptionError: pass except Exception as e: _throw('Invalid optional imer', e) maskoutliers = config.get(asec, 'maskoutliers', mapper=bool, default=False) optimize = config.get(asec, 'optimize', mapper=bool, default=False) kwargs['negcorr'] = config.get(asec, 'negcorr', mapper=bool, default=False) kwargs['signsquare'] = config.get(asec, 'signsquare', mapper=bool, default=False) kwargs['flipref'] = config.get(asec, 'flipref', mapper=bool, default=False) # Check for delay cache specifications as boolean or file suffix cachedelay = config.get(asec, 'cachedelay', default=True) if isinstance(cachedelay, bool) and cachedelay: cachedelay = 'delays.npz' try: # Remove the nearmap file key guesses = shsplit(kwargs['peaks'].pop('nearmap')) guesses = loadmatlist(guesses, nkeys=2, scalar=False) except IOError as e: guesses = None print(f'WARNING - Ignoring nearmap: {e}', file=sys.stderr) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): guesses = None else: # Adjust delay time scales guesses = {k: (v - t0) / dt for k, v in guesses.items()} # Adjust the delay time scales for the neardefault, if provided try: v = kwargs['peaks']['neardefault'] except KeyError: pass else: kwargs['peaks']['neardefault'] = (v - t0) / dt try: # Load the window map, if provided winmap = shsplit(kwargs['window'].pop('map')) winmap = loadmatlist(winmap, nkeys=2, scalar=False) except IOError as e: winmap = None print(f'WARNING - Ignoring window map: {e}', file=sys.stderr) except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError): winmap = None else: # Replace the map argument with the loaded array kwargs['window']['map'] = winmap times = OrderedDict() # Process each target in turn for i, (target, datafiles) in enumerate(targetfiles.items()): if guesses: # Pull the column of the nearmap for this target nearmap = {k: v[i] for k, v in guesses.items()} kwargs['peaks']['nearmap'] = nearmap if cachedelay: delayfiles = buildpaths(datafiles, extension=cachedelay) else: delayfiles = [None] * len(datafiles) times[target] = dict() dltype = 'IMER' if kwargs.get('imer', None) else 'cross-correlation' ftext = 'files' if len(datafiles) != 1 else 'file' print( f'Finding {dltype} delays for {target} ({len(datafiles)} {ftext})') for (dfile, dlayfile) in zip(datafiles, delayfiles): kwargs['cachefile'] = dlayfile delays = finddelays(nproc, dfile, reffile, osamp, **kwargs) # Note the receive channels in this data file lrx = set(k[1] for k in delays.keys()) # Convert delays to arrival times delays = {k: v * dt + t0 for k, v in delays.items()} if any(dv < 0 for dv in delays.values()): raise ValueError('Non-physical, negative delays exist') if maskoutliers: # Remove outlying values from the delay dictionary delays = stats.mask_outliers(delays) if optimize: # Prepare the arrival-time finder atf = trilateration.ArrivalTimeFinder(delays) # Compute the optimized times for this data file optimes = {(k, k): v for k, v in atf.lsmr() if k in lrx} else: # Just pass through the desired times optimes = delays times[target].update(optimes) # Build the combined times list for tmap in times.values(): try: rxset.intersection_update(tmap.keys()) except NameError: rxset = set(tmap.keys()) if not len(rxset): raise ValueError( 'Different targets have no common receive-channel indices') # Cast to Python float to avoid numpy dependencies in pickled output ctimes = {i: [float(t[i]) for t in times.values()] for i in sorted(rxset)} # Save the output as a pickled map savez_keymat(outfile, ctimes)
def finddelays(nproc=1, *args, **kwargs): ''' Distribute, among nproc processes, delay analysis for waveforms using calcdelays(). All *args and **kwargs, are passed to calcdelays on each participating process. This function explicitly sets the "queue", "rank", "grpsize", and "delaycache" arguments of calcdelays, so *args and **kwargs should not contain these values. The delaycache argument is built from an optional file specified in cachefile, which should be a map from transmit-receive pair (t, r) to a precomputed delay, loadable with habis.formats.loadkeymat. ''' forbidden = {'queue', 'rank', 'grpsize', 'delaycache'} forbidden.intersection_update(kwargs) if forbidden: raise TypeError("Forbidden argument '{next(iter(forbidden))}'") cachefile = kwargs.pop('cachefile', None) # Try to read an existing delay map try: kwargs['delaycache'] = loadkeymat(cachefile) except (KeyError, ValueError, IOError): pass # Create a result queue and a dictionary to accumulate results queue = multiprocessing.Queue(nproc) delays = {} # Extend the kwargs to include the result queue kwargs['queue'] = queue # Extend the kwargs to include the group size kwargs['grpsize'] = nproc # Keep track of waveform statistics stats = defaultdict(int) # Spawn the desired processes to perform the cross-correlation with process.ProcessPool() as pool: for i in range(nproc): # Pick a useful process name procname = process.procname(i) # Add the group rank to the kwargs kwargs['rank'] = i # Extend kwargs to contain the queue (copies kwargs) pool.addtask(target=calcdelays, name=procname, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) pool.start() # Wait for all processes to respond responses, deadpool = 0, False while responses < nproc: try: results = queue.get(timeout=0.1) except pyqueue.Empty: # Loosely join to watch for a dead pool pool.wait(timeout=0.1, limit=1) if not pool.unjoined: # Note a dead pool, give read one more try if deadpool: break else: deadpool = True else: delays.update(results[0]) for k, v in results[1].items(): if v: stats[k] += v responses += 1 if responses != nproc: print(f'WARNING: Proceeding with {responses} of {nproc} ' 'subprocess results. A subprocess may have died.') pool.wait() if stats: print(f'For file {os.path.basename(args[0])} ' f'({len(delays)} identfied times):') for k, v in sorted(stats.items()): if v: wfn = 'waveforms' if v > 1 else 'waveform' print(f' {v} {k} {wfn}') if len(delays) and cachefile: # Save the computed delays, if desired try: savez_keymat(cachefile, delays) except (ValueError, IOError): pass return delays
tfiles = matchfiles(config.getlist(tsec, 'timefile'), forcematch=False) # Determine the local shares of every file tfiles = flocshare(tfiles, MPI.COMM_WORLD) # Pull out local share of locally available arrival times atimes = {} for tf, (st, ln) in tfiles.items(): atimes.update( getatimes(tf, elements, 0, False, vclip, mask_outliers, st, ln)) with watchConfigErrors('exclusions', tsec): # Try to load a list of arrival times to exclude efiles = matchfiles(config.getlist(tsec, 'exclusions', default=[]), forcematch=False) exclusions = {(t, r) for f in efiles for r, tl in loadkeymat(f).items() for t in tl} if exclusions: if not rank: print( f'{len(exclusions)} measurement pairs marked for exclusion' ) goodpairs = set(atimes).difference(exclusions) atimes = {k: atimes[k] for k in goodpairs} # Convert the scalar slowness or file name into a matrix try: s = float(s) except (ValueError, TypeError): s = np.load(s).astype(np.float64) else: