Example #1
 def __init__(self):
     Initialize the class
     self._partytool = habiticatool.PartyTool(HEADER)
     self._wikireader = WikiReader(conf.PARTY_WIKI_URL)
Example #2
def test_find_elements_with_matching_subelement():
    Test that a list of elements with the correct content is returned.

    The method is currently only tested using a query that returns a single
    element, but it is ensured that the element is of the right type and has
    the expected content.
    reader = WikiReader("https://habitica.fandom.com/wiki/test_article")
    quest_list = reader.find_elements_with_matching_subelement("ul",
    assert len(quest_list) == 1
    assert quest_list[0].tag == "ul"

    li_elements = quest_list[0].getchildren()
    assert len(li_elements) == 8
    assert li_elements[0].text == "(CURRENT) Robot (collection)"

    for element in li_elements:
        assert element.tag == "li"
Example #3
def test_get_wiki_page():
    Test using WikiReader to get a page.

    Ensure that it has real content elements from start and end of the page.
    reader = WikiReader("https://habitica.fandom.com/wiki/test_article")
    assert reader.page
    assert ("The Keep:Mental Health Warriors Unite" in
            [h.text for h in reader.page.xpath("//h1")])
    assert (reader.page.xpath("//span")[-1].text ==
            "Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.")
Example #4
class UpdatePartyDescription(Functionality):
    Replace the quest queue in the party description with an updated one.

    The quest queue contents are fetched from the party wiki page (determined
    in `conf.PARTY_WIKI_URL`).

    The response contains the old and new contents of the party description.
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize the class
        self._partytool = habiticatool.PartyTool(HEADER)
        self._wikireader = WikiReader(conf.PARTY_WIKI_URL)

    def help(self):
        Return a help string
        # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        return ("Fetch new quest queue from the party wiki page and update it "
                "to the party description.")

    def act(self, message):
        Update the quest queue in party description.

        :returns: A response containing the old and new party descriptions.
        old_description = self._partytool.party_description()
        new_queue = self._parse_quest_queue_from_wiki()
        new_description = self._replace_quest_queue(old_description, new_queue)
        return ("Updated the party description. Old description:\n\n"
                "New description:\n\n"
                "".format(old_description, new_description))

    def _parse_quest_queue_from_wiki(self):
        Return a string containing a Habitica markdown formatted quest queue.

        The returned quest queue begins with a "header" containing the date and
        time at which the queue was read from the wiki.

        The data is fetched from an unordered list in the wiki page, identified
        by it containing an item containing "(CURRENT)". It is returned in
        Habitica ordered list format with the first quest shown as the
        "zeroeth", e.g.
        The Quest Queue (as in Wiki on Apr 24 at 14:18 UTC):

         0. (CURRENT) Wind-Up Hatching Potions (Boss 1000)
         1. Dolphin (Boss 300)
         2. Seahorse (Boss 300)
         3. Monkey (Boss 400)
         4. Cheetah (Boss 600)
         5. Kangaroo (Boss 700)
         6. Silver Hatching Potions (collection)
         7. Ferret (Boss 400)

        :returns: A string containing the current quest queue.
        ols = self._wikireader.find_elements_with_matching_subelement(
            "ol", "(CURRENT)")
        if len(ols) != 1:
            raise WikiParsingError("Identifying a single quest queue in party "
                                   "wiki page {} failed: {} queue candidates "

        current_time = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc)
        quest_queue_header = (
            "The Quest Queue (as in Wiki on {}):"
            "".format(current_time.strftime("%b %d at %H:%M UTC%z")))
        quest_queue_content = HtmlToMd(ol_starting_index=0).convert(ols[0])
        return "{}\n\n{}".format(quest_queue_header, quest_queue_content)

    def _replace_quest_queue(self, old_description, new_queue):
        Return the old description with everything in it starting with "The
        Quest queue" replaced with the given new_queue.
        # pylint: disable=no-self-use
        return old_description.split("The Quest Queue ")[0] + new_queue