def __init__( self, num_spatial_dims: int, output_channels: int, kernel_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "SAME", with_bias: bool = True, w_init: Optional[hk.initializers.Initializer] = None, b_init: Optional[hk.initializers.Initializer] = None, data_format: str = "channels_last", mask: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, name: str = None, ): """Initializes the module. Args: num_spatial_dims: The number of spatial dimensions of the input. output_channels: Number of output channels. kernel_shape: The shape of the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. stride: Optional stride for the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. Defaults to 1. padding: Optional padding algorithm. Either "VALID" or "SAME". Defaults to "SAME". See: with_bias: Whether to add a bias. By default, true. w_init: Optional weight initialization. By default, truncated normal. b_init: Optional bias initialization. By default, zeros. data_format: The data format of the input. Can be either ``channels_first``, ``channels_last``, ``N...C`` or ``NC...``. By default, ``channels_last``. mask: Optional mask of the weights. name: The name of the module. """ super().__init__(name=name) if num_spatial_dims <= 0: raise ValueError( "We only support convolution operations for `num_spatial_dims` " f"greater than 0, received num_spatial_dims={num_spatial_dims}." ) self.num_spatial_dims = num_spatial_dims self.output_channels = output_channels self.kernel_shape = (utils.replicate(kernel_shape, num_spatial_dims, "kernel_shape")) self.with_bias = with_bias self.stride = utils.replicate(stride, num_spatial_dims, "strides") self.w_init = w_init self.b_init = b_init or jnp.zeros self.mask = mask # TODO(tomhennigan) Make use of hk.pad.create here? self.padding = padding self.data_format = data_format self.channel_index = utils.get_channel_index(data_format) self.dimension_numbers = to_dimension_numbers( num_spatial_dims, channels_last=(self.channel_index == -1), transpose=True)
def testIncorrectLength(self): v = [2, 2] with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, r"must be a scalar or sequence of length 1 or sequence of length 3" ): utils.replicate(v, 3, "value")
def create_from_padfn( padding: Union[hk.pad.PadFn, Sequence[hk.pad.PadFn]], kernel: Union[int, Sequence[int]], rate: Union[int, Sequence[int]], n: int, ) -> Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]: """Generates the padding required for a given padding algorithm. Args: padding: callable/tuple or a sequence of callables/tuples. The callables take an integer representing the effective kernel size (kernel size when the rate is 1) and return a sequence of two integers representing the padding before and padding after for that dimension. The tuples are defined with two elements, padding before and after. If `padding` is a sequence it must be of length 1 or `n`. kernel: int or sequence of ints of length ``n``. The size of the kernel for each dimension. If it is an int it will be replicated for the non channel and batch dimensions. rate: int or sequence of ints of length ``n``. The dilation rate for each dimension. If it is an int it will be replicated for the non channel and batch dimensions. n: the number of spatial dimensions. Returns: A sequence of length n containing the padding for each element. These are of the form ``[pad_before, pad_after]``. """ # The effective kernel size includes any holes/gaps introduced by the # dilation rate. It's equal to kernel_size when rate == 1. effective_kernel_size = map(lambda kernel, rate: (kernel - 1) * rate + 1, utils.replicate(kernel, n, "kernel"), utils.replicate(rate, n, "rate")) paddings = map(lambda x, y: x(y), utils.replicate(padding, n, "padding"), effective_kernel_size) return tuple(paddings)
def create( padding: Paddings, kernel: Union[int, Sequence[int]], rate: Union[int, Sequence[int]], n: int, ): """Generates the padding required for a given padding algorithm. Args: padding: callable or list of callables of length n. The callables take an integer representing the effective kernel size (kernel size when the rate is 1) and return a list of two integers representing the padding before and padding after for that dimension. kernel: int or list of ints of length n. The size of the kernel for each dimension. If it is an int it will be replicated for the non channel and batch dimensions. rate: int or list of ints of length n. The dilation rate for each dimension. If it is an int it will be replicated for the non channel and batch dimensions. n: the number of spatial dimensions. Returns: A list of length n containing the padding for each element. These are of the form [pad_before, pad_after]. """ # The effective kernel size includes any holes/gaps introduced by the # dilation rate. It's equal to kernel_size when rate == 1. effective_kernel_size = map( # pylint: disable=deprecated-lambda lambda kernel, rate: (kernel - 1) * rate + 1, utils.replicate(kernel, n, "kernel"), utils.replicate(rate, n, "rate")) paddings = map( # pylint: disable=deprecated-lambda lambda x, y: x(y), utils.replicate(padding, n, "padding"), effective_kernel_size) return tuple(paddings)
def __init__(self, num_spatial_dims, output_channels, kernel_shape, stride=1, padding="SAME", with_bias=True, w_init=None, b_init=None, data_format="channels_last", mask=None, name=None): """Initializes a Conv2DTranspose module. Args: num_spatial_dims: The number of spatial dimensions of the input. output_channels: Number of output channels. kernel_shape: The shape of the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length `num_spatial_dims`. stride: Optional stride for the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length `num_spatial_dims`. Defaults to 1. padding: Optional padding algorithm. Either "VALID" or "SAME". Defaults to "SAME". See: with_bias: Whether to add a bias. By default, true. w_init: Optional weight initialization. By default, truncated normal. b_init: Optional bias initialization. By default, zeros. data_format: The data format of the input. Can be either `channels_first`, `channels_last`, `N...C` or `NC...`. By default, `channels_last`. mask: Optional mask of the weights. name: The name of the module. """ super(ConvNDTranspose, self).__init__(name=name) if not 1 <= num_spatial_dims <= 3: raise ValueError( "We only support convolution operations for num_spatial_dims=1, 2 or " "3, received num_spatial_dims={}.".format(num_spatial_dims)) self._num_spatial_dims = num_spatial_dims self._output_channels = output_channels self._kernel_shape = utils.replicate(kernel_shape, num_spatial_dims, "kernel_shape") self._with_bias = with_bias self._stride = utils.replicate(stride, num_spatial_dims, "strides") self._w_init = w_init self._b_init = b_init or jnp.zeros self._mask = mask self._padding = padding self._data_format = data_format self._channel_index = utils.get_channel_index(data_format) if self._channel_index == -1: self._dn = DIMENSION_NUMBERS[self._num_spatial_dims] else: self._dn = DIMENSION_NUMBERS_NCSPATIAL[self._num_spatial_dims]
def __init__( self, channel_multiplier: int, kernel_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], num_spatial_dims: int, data_format: str, stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "SAME", with_bias: bool = True, w_init: Optional[hk.initializers.Initializer] = None, b_init: Optional[hk.initializers.Initializer] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Construct an ND Depthwise Convolution. Args: channel_multiplier: Multiplicity of output channels. To keep the number of output channels the same as the number of input channels, set 1. kernel_shape: The shape of the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. num_spatial_dims: The number of spatial dimensions of the input data. data_format: The data format of the input. Can be either ``channels_first``, ``channels_last``, ``N...C`` or ``NC...``. By default, ``channels_last``. See :func:`get_channel_index`. stride: Optional stride for the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. Defaults to 1. padding: Optional padding algorithm. Either ``VALID``, ``SAME`` or a sequence of ``before, after`` pairs. Defaults to ``SAME``. See: with_bias: Whether to add a bias. By default, true. w_init: Optional weight initialization. By default, truncated normal. b_init: Optional bias initialization. By default, zeros. name: The name of the module. """ super().__init__(name=name) self.num_spatial_dims = num_spatial_dims self.kernel_shape = utils.replicate(kernel_shape, self.num_spatial_dims, "kernel_shape") self.lhs_dilation = (1, ) * len(self.kernel_shape) self.rhs_dilation = (1, ) * len(self.kernel_shape) self.channel_multiplier = channel_multiplier self.padding = padding self.stride = utils.replicate(stride, self.num_spatial_dims, "strides") self.data_format = data_format self.channel_index = hk.get_channel_index(data_format) self.with_bias = with_bias self.w_init = w_init self.b_init = b_init or jnp.zeros if self.channel_index == -1: self.dn = DIMENSION_NUMBERS[self.num_spatial_dims] else: self.dn = DIMENSION_NUMBERS_NCSPATIAL[self.num_spatial_dims]
def __init__(self, channel_multiplier, kernel_shape, stride=1, padding="SAME", with_bias=True, w_init=None, b_init=None, data_format="NHWC", name=None): """Construct a 2D Depthwise Convolution. Args: channel_multiplier: Multiplicity of output channels. To keep the number of output channels the same as the number of input channels, set 1. kernel_shape: The shape of the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length `num_spatial_dims`. stride: Optional stride for the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length `num_spatial_dims`. Defaults to 1. padding: Optional padding algorithm. Either "VALID" or "SAME" or a callable or sequence of callables of size `num_spatial_dims`. Any callables must take a single integer argument equal to the effective kernel size and return a list of two integers representing the padding before and after. See haiku.pad.* for more details and example functions. Defaults to "SAME". See: with_bias: Whether to add a bias. By default, true. w_init: Optional weight initialization. By default, truncated normal. b_init: Optional bias initialization. By default, zeros. data_format: The data format of the input. Can be either `channels_first`, `channels_last`, `N...C` or `NC...`. By default, `channels_last`. name: The name of the module. """ super(DepthwiseConv2D, self).__init__(name=name) self._kernel_shape = utils.replicate(kernel_shape, 2, "kernel_shape") self._lhs_dilation = (1, ) * len(self._kernel_shape) self._rhs_dilation = (1, ) * len(self._kernel_shape) self._channel_multiplier = channel_multiplier self._padding = padding self._stride = utils.replicate(stride, 2, "strides") self._data_format = data_format self._channel_index = utils.get_channel_index(data_format) self._with_bias = with_bias self._w_init = w_init self._b_init = b_init or jnp.zeros self._num_spatial_dims = 2
def __init__( self, channel_multiplier: int, kernel_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, int]]] = "SAME", with_bias: bool = True, w_init: Optional[hk.initializers.Initializer] = None, b_init: Optional[hk.initializers.Initializer] = None, data_format: str = "NHWC", name: Optional[str] = None, ): """Construct a Separable 2D Depthwise Convolution module. Args: channel_multiplier: Multiplicity of output channels. To keep the number of output channels the same as the number of input channels, set 1. kernel_shape: The shape of the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. stride: Optional stride for the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. Defaults to 1. padding: Optional padding algorithm. Either ``VALID``, ``SAME`` or a sequence of ``before, after`` pairs. Defaults to ``SAME``. See: with_bias: Whether to add a bias. By default, true. w_init: Optional weight initialization. By default, truncated normal. b_init: Optional bias initialization. By default, zeros. data_format: The data format of the input. Can be either ``channels_first``, ``channels_last``, ``N...C`` or ``NC...``. By default, ``channels_last``. name: The name of the module. """ super().__init__(name=name) kernel_shape = utils.replicate(kernel_shape, 2, "kernel_shape") self._conv1 = DepthwiseConv2D(channel_multiplier=channel_multiplier, kernel_shape=[kernel_shape[0], 1], stride=stride, padding=padding, with_bias=False, w_init=w_init, b_init=b_init, data_format=data_format) self._conv2 = DepthwiseConv2D(channel_multiplier=1, kernel_shape=[1, kernel_shape[1]], stride=1, padding=padding, with_bias=with_bias, w_init=w_init, b_init=b_init, data_format=data_format)
def testListLengthOne(self, value): result = utils.replicate([value], 3, "value") self.assertLen(result, 3) self.assertEqual(result, (value, ) * 3)
def testSingleValue(self, value): result = utils.replicate(value, 3, "value") self.assertLen(result, 3) self.assertEqual(result, (value, ) * 3)
def testListLengthN(self, value): v = list((value, ) * 3) result = utils.replicate(v, 3, "value") self.assertLen(result, 3) self.assertEqual(result, (value, ) * 3)
def testTupleLengthN(self, value): v = (value, ) * 3 result = utils.replicate(v, 3, "value") self.assertLen(result, 3) self.assertEqual(result, (value, ) * 3)
def __init__(self, num_spatial_dims, output_channels, kernel_shape, stride=1, rate=1, padding="SAME", with_bias=True, w_init=None, b_init=None, data_format="channels_last", mask=None, name=None): """Constructs a `ConvND` module. Args: num_spatial_dims: The number of spatial dimensions of the input. output_channels: Number of output channels. kernel_shape: The shape of the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length `num_spatial_dims`. stride: Optional stride for the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length `num_spatial_dims`. Defaults to 1. rate: Optional kernel dilation rate. Either an integer or a sequence of length `num_spatial_dims`. 1 corresponds to standard ND convolution, `rate > 1` corresponds to dilated convolution. Defaults to 1. padding: Optional padding algorithm. Either "VALID" or "SAME" or a callable or sequence of callables of size `num_spatial_dims`. Any callables must take a single integer argument equal to the effective kernel size and return a list of two integers representing the padding before and after. See haiku.pad.* for more details and example functions. Defaults to "SAME". See: with_bias: Whether to add a bias. By default, true. w_init: Optional weight initialization. By default, truncated normal. b_init: Optional bias initialization. By default, zeros. data_format: The data format of the input. Can be either `channels_first`, `channels_last`, `N...C` or `NC...`. By default, `channels_last`. mask: Optional mask of the weights. name: The name of the module. """ super(ConvND, self).__init__(name=name) if not 1 <= num_spatial_dims <= 3: raise ValueError( "We only support convolution operations for num_spatial_dims=1, 2 or " "3, received num_spatial_dims={}.".format(num_spatial_dims)) self._num_spatial_dims = num_spatial_dims self._output_channels = output_channels self._kernel_shape = utils.replicate(kernel_shape, num_spatial_dims, "kernel_shape") self._with_bias = with_bias self._stride = utils.replicate(stride, num_spatial_dims, "strides") self._w_init = w_init self._b_init = b_init or jnp.zeros self._mask = mask self._lhs_dilation = utils.replicate(1, num_spatial_dims, "lhs_dilation") self._kernel_dilation = utils.replicate(rate, num_spatial_dims, "kernel_dilation") self._data_format = data_format self._channel_index = utils.get_channel_index(data_format) if self._channel_index == -1: self._dn = DIMENSION_NUMBERS[self._num_spatial_dims] else: self._dn = DIMENSION_NUMBERS_NCSPATIAL[self._num_spatial_dims] if isinstance(padding, str): self._padding = padding.upper() else: self._padding = pad.create( padding=padding, kernel=self._kernel_shape, rate=self._kernel_dilation, n=self._num_spatial_dims)
def __init__( self, num_spatial_dims: int, output_channels: int, kernel_shape: tp.Union[int, tp.Sequence[int]], stride: tp.Union[int, tp.Sequence[int]] = 1, rate: tp.Union[int, tp.Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: tp.Union[str, tp.Sequence[tp.Tuple[int, int]], types.PadFnOrFns] = "SAME", with_bias: bool = True, w_init: tp.Optional[types.Initializer] = None, b_init: tp.Optional[types.Initializer] = None, data_format: str = "channels_last", mask: tp.Optional[np.ndarray] = None, groups: int = 1, **kwargs, ): """ Initializes the module. Args: num_spatial_dims: The number of spatial dimensions of the input. output_channels: Number of output channels. kernel_shape: The shape of the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. stride: tp.Optional stride for the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. Defaults to 1. rate: tp.Optional kernel dilation rate. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. 1 corresponds to standard ND convolution, ``rate > 1`` corresponds to dilated convolution. Defaults to 1. padding: tp.Optional padding algorithm. Either ``VALID`` or ``SAME`` or a sequence of n ``(low, high)`` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. or a callable or sequence of callables of size ``num_spatial_dims``. Any callables must take a single integer argument equal to the effective kernel size and return a sequence of two integers representing the padding before and after. See ``haiku.pad.*`` for more details and example functions. Defaults to ``SAME``. See: with_bias: Whether to add a bias. By default, true. w_init: tp.Optional weight initialization. By default, truncated normal. b_init: tp.Optional bias initialization. By default, zeros. data_format: The data format of the input. Can be either ``channels_first``, ``channels_last``, ``N...C`` or ``NC...``. By default, ``channels_last``. mask: tp.Optional mask of the weights. groups: A positive integer specifying the number of groups in which the input is split along the channel axis. Each group is convolved separately with filters / groups filters. The output is the concatenation of all the groups results along the channel axis. Input channels and filters must both be divisible by groups. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to Module. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if num_spatial_dims <= 0: raise ValueError( "We only support convolution operations for `num_spatial_dims` " f"greater than 0, received num_spatial_dims={num_spatial_dims}." ) self.num_spatial_dims = num_spatial_dims self.output_channels = output_channels self.kernel_shape = hk_utils.replicate(kernel_shape, num_spatial_dims, "kernel_shape") self.with_bias = with_bias self.stride = hk_utils.replicate(stride, num_spatial_dims, "strides") self.w_init = w_init self.b_init = b_init or jnp.zeros self.mask = mask self.lhs_dilation = hk_utils.replicate(1, num_spatial_dims, "lhs_dilation") self.kernel_dilation = hk_utils.replicate(rate, num_spatial_dims, "kernel_dilation") self.data_format = data_format self.channel_index = hk_utils.get_channel_index(data_format) self.dimension_numbers = to_dimension_numbers( num_spatial_dims, channels_last=(self.channel_index == -1), transpose=False) self.groups = groups if isinstance(padding, str): self.padding = padding.upper() else: self.padding = hk.pad.create( padding=padding, kernel=self.kernel_shape, rate=self.kernel_dilation, n=self.num_spatial_dims, )
def __init__( self, output_channels: int, uniform_init_minval: float, uniform_init_maxval: float, kernel_shape: Union[int, Sequence[int]], num_spatial_dims: int = 2, stride: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, rate: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = 1, padding: Union[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, int]], hk.pad.PadFn, Sequence[hk.pad.PadFn]] = "SAME", with_bias: bool = True, w_init: Union[Optional[hk.initializers.Initializer], str] = "uniform", b_init: Union[Optional[hk.initializers.Initializer], str] = "uniform", data_format: str = "channels_last", mask: Optional[jnp.ndarray] = None, feature_group_count: int = 1, name: Optional[str] = None, stochastic_parameters: bool = False, ): """Initializes the module. Args: output_channels: Number of output channels. uniform_init_minval: TODO(nband). uniform_init_maxval: TODO(nband). kernel_shape: The shape of the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. num_spatial_dims: The number of spatial dimensions of the input. stride: Optional stride for the kernel. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. Defaults to 1. rate: Optional kernel dilation rate. Either an integer or a sequence of length ``num_spatial_dims``. 1 corresponds to standard ND convolution, ``rate > 1`` corresponds to dilated convolution. Defaults to 1. padding: Optional padding algorithm. Either ``VALID`` or ``SAME`` or a sequence of n ``(low, high)`` integer pairs that give the padding to apply before and after each spatial dimension. or a callable or sequence of callables of size ``num_spatial_dims``. Any callables must take a single integer argument equal to the effective kernel size and return a sequence of two integers representing the padding before and after. See ``haiku.pad.*`` for more details and example functions. Defaults to ``SAME``. See: with_bias: Whether to add a bias. By default, true. w_init: Optional weight initialization. By default, truncated normal. b_init: Optional bias initialization. By default, zeros. data_format: The data format of the input. Can be either ``channels_first``, ``channels_last``, ``N...C`` or ``NC...``. By default, ``channels_last``. mask: Optional mask of the weights. feature_group_count: Optional number of groups in group convolution. Default value of 1 corresponds to normal dense convolution. If a higher value is used, convolutions are applied separately to that many groups, then stacked together. This reduces the number of parameters and possibly the compute for a given ``output_channels``. See: name: The name of the module. stochastic_parameters: TODO(nband). """ super().__init__(name=name) if num_spatial_dims <= 0: raise ValueError( "We only support convolution operations for `num_spatial_dims` " f"greater than 0, received num_spatial_dims={num_spatial_dims}." ) self.num_spatial_dims = num_spatial_dims self.output_channels = output_channels self.kernel_shape = utils.replicate(kernel_shape, num_spatial_dims, "kernel_shape") self.with_bias = with_bias self.stride = utils.replicate(stride, num_spatial_dims, "strides") self.w_init = w_init self.b_init = b_init self.uniform_init_minval = uniform_init_minval self.uniform_init_maxval = uniform_init_maxval self.mask = mask self.feature_group_count = feature_group_count self.lhs_dilation = utils.replicate(1, num_spatial_dims, "lhs_dilation") self.kernel_dilation = utils.replicate(rate, num_spatial_dims, "kernel_dilation") self.data_format = data_format self.channel_index = utils.get_channel_index(data_format) self.dimension_numbers = to_dimension_numbers( num_spatial_dims, channels_last=(self.channel_index == -1), transpose=False) self.stochastic_parameters = stochastic_parameters if isinstance(padding, str): self.padding = padding.upper() else: self.padding = hk.pad.create( padding=padding, kernel=self.kernel_shape, rate=self.kernel_dilation, n=self.num_spatial_dims, )