Example #1
    def __init__(self, lwffile, utilization_length, annotationfile, verbose = False):
        # Arbitrary start time
        self.starttime = DateTime(2006,11,25,13)
        self.workload = LeaseWorkload.from_xml_file(lwffile, self.starttime)
        self.site = Site.from_lwf_file(lwffile)
        if utilization_length == None:
            self.utilization_length = self.workload.get_leases()[-1].submit_time - self.starttime
            self.utilization_length = utilization_length

        if annotationfile != None:
            annotations = LeaseAnnotations.from_xml_file(annotationfile)
        self.verbose = verbose
Example #2
class Manager(object):
    """The root of Haizea
    This class is the root of Haizea. Pretty much everything else (scheduler,
    enactment modules, etc.) is contained in this class. The Manager
    class is meant to be a singleton.
    __metaclass__ = Singleton
    def __init__(self, config, daemon=False, pidfile=None, logging_handler=None, site=None):
        """Initializes the manager.
        config -- a populated instance of haizea.common.config.RMConfig
        daemon -- True if Haizea must run as a daemon, False if it must
                  run in the foreground
        pidfile -- When running as a daemon, file to save pid to
        self.config = config
        self.logging_handler = logging_handler
        # Create the RM components
        mode = config.get("mode")
        self.daemon = daemon
        self.pidfile = pidfile

        if mode == "simulated":
            # Simulated-time simulations always run in the foreground
            clock = self.config.get("clock")
            if clock == constants.CLOCK_SIMULATED:
                self.daemon = False
        elif mode == "opennebula":
            clock = constants.CLOCK_REAL        
        if clock == constants.CLOCK_SIMULATED:
            starttime = self.config.get("starttime")
            self.clock = SimulatedClock(self, starttime)
            self.rpc_server = None
        elif clock == constants.CLOCK_REAL:
            wakeup_interval = self.config.get("wakeup-interval")
            non_sched = self.config.get("non-schedulable-interval")
            if mode == "opennebula":
                fastforward = self.config.get("dry-run")
                fastforward = False
            self.clock = RealClock(self, wakeup_interval, non_sched, fastforward)
            if fastforward:
                # No need for an RPC server when doing a dry run
                self.rpc_server = None
                self.rpc_server = RPCServer(self)
        # Create the RPC singleton client for OpenNebula mode
        if mode == "opennebula":
            host = self.config.get("one.host")
            port = self.config.get("one.port")
            rv = OpenNebulaXMLRPCClient.get_userpass_from_env()
            if rv == None:
                print "ONE_AUTH environment variable is not set"
                user, passw = rv[0], rv[1]
                    OpenNebulaXMLRPCClientSingleton(host, port, user, passw)
                except socket.error, e:
                    print "Unable to connect to OpenNebula"
                    print "Reason: %s" % e
        # Enactment modules
        if mode == "simulated":
            if not site:
                resources = self.config.get("simul.resources")
                if resources == "in-tracefile":
                    tracefile = os.path.expanduser(self.config.get("tracefile"))
                    self.site = Site.from_lwf_file(tracefile)
                elif resources.startswith("file:"):
                    sitefile = resources.split(":")
                    self.site = Site.from_xml_file(sitefile)
                    self.site = Site.from_resources_string(resources)
                self.site = site
            deploy_bandwidth = config.get("imagetransfer-bandwidth")
            info_enact = SimulatedResourcePoolInfo(self.site)
            vm_enact = SimulatedVMEnactment()
            deploy_enact = SimulatedDeploymentEnactment(deploy_bandwidth)
        elif mode == "opennebula":
            # Enactment modules
            info_enact = OpenNebulaResourcePoolInfo()
            vm_enact = OpenNebulaVMEnactment()
            # No deployment in OpenNebula. Using dummy one for now.
            deploy_enact = OpenNebulaDummyDeploymentEnactment()            

        if mode == "simulated":
            preparation_type = self.config.get("lease-preparation")
        elif mode == "opennebula":
            # No deployment in OpenNebula.
            preparation_type = constants.PREPARATION_UNMANAGED

        # Resource pool
        if preparation_type == constants.PREPARATION_TRANSFER:
            if self.config.get("diskimage-reuse") == constants.REUSE_IMAGECACHES:
                resourcepool = ResourcePoolWithReusableImages(info_enact, vm_enact, deploy_enact)
                resourcepool = ResourcePool(info_enact, vm_enact, deploy_enact)
            resourcepool = ResourcePool(info_enact, vm_enact, deploy_enact)
        # Slot table
        slottable = SlotTable(info_enact.get_resource_types())
        for n in resourcepool.get_nodes() + resourcepool.get_aux_nodes():
            rt = slottable.create_resource_tuple_from_capacity(n.capacity)
            slottable.add_node(n.id, rt)

        # Policy manager
        admission = self.config.get("policy.admission")
        admission = admission_class_mappings.get(admission, admission)
        admission = import_class(admission)
        admission = admission(slottable)
        preemption = self.config.get("policy.preemption")
        preemption = preemption_class_mappings.get(preemption, preemption)
        preemption = import_class(preemption)
        preemption = preemption(slottable)

        host_selection = self.config.get("policy.host-selection")
        host_selection = host_class_mappings.get(host_selection, host_selection)
        host_selection = import_class(host_selection)
        host_selection = host_selection(slottable)
        matchmaking = self.config.get("policy.matchmaking")
        matchmaking = matchmaking_class_mappings.get(matchmaking, matchmaking)
        matchmaking = import_class(matchmaking)
        matchmaking = matchmaking(slottable)
        self.policy = PolicyManager(admission, preemption, host_selection, matchmaking)

        # Preparation scheduler
        if preparation_type == constants.PREPARATION_UNMANAGED:
            preparation_scheduler = UnmanagedPreparationScheduler(slottable, resourcepool, deploy_enact)
        elif preparation_type == constants.PREPARATION_TRANSFER:
            preparation_scheduler = ImageTransferPreparationScheduler(slottable, resourcepool, deploy_enact)    
        # VM mapper and scheduler
        mapper = self.config.get("mapper")
        mapper = mapper_mappings.get(mapper, mapper)
        mapper = import_class(mapper)
        mapper = mapper(slottable, self.policy)
        # When using backfilling, set the number of leases that can be
        # scheduled in the future.
        backfilling = self.config.get("backfilling")
        if backfilling == constants.BACKFILLING_OFF:
            max_in_future = 0
        elif backfilling == constants.BACKFILLING_AGGRESSIVE:
            max_in_future = 1
        elif backfilling == constants.BACKFILLING_CONSERVATIVE:
            max_in_future = -1 # Unlimited
        elif backfilling == constants.BACKFILLING_INTERMEDIATE:
            max_in_future = self.config.get("backfilling-reservations")
        vm_scheduler = VMScheduler(slottable, resourcepool, mapper, max_in_future)
        # Statistics collection 
        attrs = dict([(attr, self.config.get_attr(attr)) for attr in self.config.get_attrs()])    
        self.accounting = AccountingDataCollection(os.path.expanduser(self.config.get("datafile")), attrs)
        # Load probes
        probes = self.config.get("accounting-probes")
        probes = probes.split()
        for probe in probes:
            probe_class = probe_class_mappings.get(probe, probe)
            probe_class = import_class(probe_class)
            probe_obj = probe_class(self.accounting)
        # Lease Scheduler
        self.scheduler = LeaseScheduler(vm_scheduler, preparation_scheduler, slottable, self.accounting)
        # Lease request frontends
        if mode == "simulated":
            if clock == constants.CLOCK_SIMULATED:
                # In pure simulation, we can only use the tracefile frontend
                self.frontends = [TracefileFrontend(self.clock.get_start_time())]
            elif clock == constants.CLOCK_REAL:
                # In simulation with a real clock, only the RPC frontend can be used
                self.frontends = [RPCFrontend()]             
        elif mode == "opennebula":
            self.frontends = [OpenNebulaFrontend()]               

        persistence_file = self.config.get("persistence-file")
        if persistence_file == "none":
            persistence_file = None
        self.persistence = PersistenceManager(persistence_file)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("RM")
Example #3
    def generate(self):
        lwf = ET.Element("lease-workload")
        lwf.set("name", self.outfile)
        description = ET.SubElement(lwf, "description")
        description.text = "Created with haizea-generate"
        attributes_elem = ET.SubElement(lwf, "attributes")
        attributes = self._get_attributes()
        for name, value in attributes.items():
            attr_elem = ET.SubElement(attributes_elem, "attr")
            attr_elem.set("name", name)
            attr_elem.set("value", value)
        site = self.config.get(LWFGenerator.GENERAL_SEC, LWFGenerator.SITE_OPT)
        if site.startswith("file:"):
            sitefile = site.split(":")
            site = Site.from_xml_file(sitefile[1])
            site = Site.from_resources_string(site)

        time = TimeDelta(seconds=0)
        requests = ET.SubElement(lwf, "lease-requests")   
        if self.numleases_type == LWFGenerator.NUMLEASES_TYPE_INTERVAL:
            leases = []            
            numleases = self.config.getint(LWFGenerator.NUMLEASES_SEC, LWFGenerator.NUMLEASES_OPT)
            for i in xrange(numleases):
            for l in leases:
                interval = TimeDelta(seconds=self._get_interval())
                time += interval
                l.start.requested += time
                lease_request = ET.SubElement(requests, "lease-request")
                lease_request.set("arrival", str(time))            
        elif self.numleases_type == LWFGenerator.NUMLEASES_TYPE_UTILIZATION:
            utilization = self.config.getfloat(LWFGenerator.NUMLEASES_SEC, LWFGenerator.NUMLEASES_UTILIZATION_OPT)
            utilization /= 100.0
            last_request = self.config.get(LWFGenerator.NUMLEASES_SEC, LWFGenerator.NUMLEASES_LAST_REQUEST_OPT)
            last_request = Parser.DateTimeDeltaFromString(last_request)
            max_utilization = 0
            for res in site.nodes.get_all_nodes().values():
                for i in range(1,res.get_ninstances("CPU") + 1):
                    max_utilization += (res.get_quantity_instance("CPU", i)/100.0) * last_request.seconds
            target_utilization = int(max_utilization * utilization)
            accum_utilization = 0
            leases = []            

            while accum_utilization < target_utilization:
                lease = self.__gen_lease()
                duration = lease.duration.requested.seconds
                lease_utilization = 0
                for res in lease.requested_resources.values():
                    for i in range(1,res.get_ninstances("CPU") + 1):
                        lease_utilization += (res.get_quantity_instance("CPU", i) / 100.0) * duration                
                accum_utilization += lease_utilization

            time = TimeDelta(seconds=0)            
            avg_interval = int(last_request.seconds / len(leases))
            for l in leases:
                interval = avg_interval + TimeDelta(seconds=self._get_interval())
                time = max(time + interval, TimeDelta(seconds=0))
                arrival = max(time - l.start.requested, TimeDelta(seconds=0))
                l.start.requested = time
                lease_request = ET.SubElement(requests, "lease-request")
                lease_request.set("arrival", str(arrival))            
        tree = ET.ElementTree(lwf)
        outfile = open(self.outfile, "w")