def configure(): rules.append(init_comment) FILE = open("/etc/default/monit", "w") FILE.write(init_comment + "\nstartup=1\n") FILE.close() #TODO: Make this part automatic. #Configure each component for Mon-IT #Apache Config: logger.subsection("adding apache config") rules.append("\n") rules.append(apache.configure()) #Sshd Config: logger.subsection("adding sshd config") rules.append("\n") rules.append(ssh.configure()) #Syslog Config: logger.subsection("adding syslog config") rules.append("\n") rules.append(syslog.configure()) #TODO: Back up previous version of monitrc #We can now write out to config file FILE = open("/etc/monit/monitrc", "w") try: for line in rules: FILE.write(line) FILE.close() except IOError:"could not write monit rules") return 0
def configure(): rules.append(init_comment) FILE = open("/etc/default/monit", "w") FILE.write(init_comment+"\nstartup=1\n") FILE.close() #TODO: Make this part automatic. #Configure each component for Mon-IT #Apache Config: logger.subsection("adding apache config") rules.append("\n") rules.append(apache.configure()) #Sshd Config: logger.subsection("adding sshd config") rules.append("\n") rules.append(ssh.configure()) #Syslog Config: logger.subsection("adding syslog config") rules.append("\n") rules.append(syslog.configure()) #TODO: Back up previous version of monitrc #We can now write out to config file FILE = open("/etc/monit/monitrc", "w") try: for line in rules: FILE.write(line) FILE.close() except IOError:"could not write monit rules") return 0
def server(self, hash_data, ip): hash_data['TYPE'] = self.data_type #Control flag #We serialize the data to be sent = dumps(hash_data) #Create server and bind to ourselves try: server = SocketServer.TCPServer((ip, self.port), RemoteSystem) server.handle_request() except socket.error, err:"address already in use!")
def client(self, ip): #Create a TCP socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) retry = True count = 0 #Initiate connection while(retry == True): try: retry = False sock.connect((ip,self.port)) except socket.error: if(count < 5 ): retry = True count += 1 logger.subsection("listening server not ready. retrying in 2 mins...") time.sleep(120) except socket.timeout:"could not connect to remote server") except:"a major connection error has occured. check your address and retry installation.") #Receive data from server = sock.recv(self.port) sock.close() #Convert serialized object to dictionary self.hash_data = loads( try: if(hash_data['TYPE'] != self.data_type):"primary and secondary server out of sync, restart installation") except:"failed to read remote data configuration restart installation") return self.hash_data
def getActiveModules(): #Some globals all_modules = [] active_modules = [] temp_module = dict() database_driver = ddriver.DbDriver() #retreive all modules and check if state is 1 or 0 try: all_modules = database_driver.select_db("Gather_Modules") try: for index in xrange(len(all_modules)): temp_module = all_modules[index] if (temp_module["STATE"] != "0"): active_modules.append(temp_module) except: logger.subsection("an error occured when processing module state") except:"fatal error, failed to load gather modules!") return active_modules
def client(self, ip): #Create a TCP socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) retry = True count = 0 #Initiate connection while (retry == True): try: retry = False sock.connect((ip, self.port)) except socket.error: if (count < 5): retry = True count += 1 logger.subsection( "listening server not ready. retrying in 2 mins...") time.sleep(120) except socket.timeout:"could not connect to remote server") except: "a major connection error has occured. check your address and retry installation." ) #Receive data from server = sock.recv(self.port) sock.close() #Convert serialized object to dictionary self.hash_data = loads( try: if (hash_data['TYPE'] != self.data_type): "primary and secondary server out of sync, restart installation" ) except: "failed to read remote data configuration restart installation" ) return self.hash_data"failed to read remote data configuration restart installation") return self.hash_data #@des: The server is responsible for listening for connections from a # client and sending data. In the event of # an error, it resends then quits #@param: hash_data, data packet to be sent #@param: ip, external ip address of localhost def server(self, hash_data, ip): hash_data['TYPE'] = self.data_type #Control flag #We serialize the data to be sent = dumps(hash_data) #Create server and bind to ourselves try: server = SocketServer.TCPServer((ip, self.port), RemoteSystem) server.handle_request() except socket.error, err:"address already in use!") except:"some un-anticipated error occured!") finally: try: server.socket.close() except: pass logger.subsection("connection closed") def handle(self): self.request.send(
) return self.hash_data #@des: The server is responsible for listening for connections from a # client and sending data. In the event of # an error, it resends then quits #@param: hash_data, data packet to be sent #@param: ip, external ip address of localhost def server(self, hash_data, ip): hash_data['TYPE'] = self.data_type #Control flag #We serialize the data to be sent = dumps(hash_data) #Create server and bind to ourselves try: server = SocketServer.TCPServer((ip, self.port), RemoteSystem) server.handle_request() except socket.error, err:"address already in use!") except:"some un-anticipated error occured!") finally: try: server.socket.close() except: pass logger.subsection("connection closed") def handle(self): self.request.send(