Example #1
def random_schedule(root_func,
    Generate Schedule for all functions called by root_func (recursively). Same arguments as schedules_func().
    if vars is None:
        vars = halide.func_varlist(root_func)
    d_new_vars = {}
    schedule = {}

    def callback(f, parent):
        extra_caller_vars = d_new_vars.get(
            parent.name() if parent is not None else None, [])
        #        print 'schedule', f.name(), extra_caller_vars
        #        ans = schedules_func(root_func, f, min_depth, max_depth, random=True, extra_caller_vars=extra_caller_vars, vars=vars).next()
        max_depth_sel = max_depth if f.name() != 'f' else 0
        ans = schedules_func(root_func,
        d_new_vars[f.name()] = ans.new_vars()
        schedule[f.name()] = ans

    halide.visit_funcs(root_func, callback)
    return Schedule(root_func, schedule)
Example #2
def schedules_func(root_func,
    Generator of valid schedules for a function, each of which is a list of schedule fragments (FragmentList).
    If random is True then instead generate exactly one schedule randomly chosen.
    if vars is None:
        vars = halide.func_varlist(func)
    #if func.name() == 'f':
    #    yield FragmentList(func, [random_module.choice(FragmentChunk.fragments(root_func, func, FragmentChunk, vars, extra_caller_vars))])
    #    return
    for depth in range(min_depth, max_depth + 1):
        if random:
            depth = random_module.randrange(min_depth, max_depth + 1)
        for L in schedules_depth(root_func, func, vars, depth, random,
            if L.check():
                yield L.randomized()
                if random:
Example #3
def test_schedules():
    f = halide.Func('f')
    x = halide.Var('x')
    y = halide.Var('y')
    g = halide.Func('g')
    v = halide.Var('v')
    f[x,y] = 1
    g[v] = f[v,v]

    print halide.func_varlist(f)
    print 'caller_vars(f) =', caller_vars(g, f)
    print 'caller_vars(g) =', caller_vars(g, g)
    validL = list(valid_schedules(g, f, 3))
    for L in validL:
        print repr(repr(L))

    print 'number valid: ', len(validL)
Example #4
def valid_schedules(root_func, func, max_depth=4):
    "A sequence of valid schedules for a function, each of which is a list of schedule fragments (up to a maximum depth)."
    vars = halide.func_varlist(func)    
    for depth in range(max_depth+1):
        for L in schedules_depth(root_func, func, vars, depth):
            ok = True
            for x in L:
                #print 'at depth=%d, checking'%depth, str(L)#, len(L)
                if not x.check(L):
                    #print 'check failed'
                    ok = False
            if ok:
                yield L
def autotune(func, test, scope):
    Autotunes func, using test(func) as a testing function that returns a time in seconds.
    sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], 'dirname']
    info = {}
    cfg = HalideConfigAccessor()
    func_d = halide.all_funcs(func)
    hl = HalideHighLevelConfig(info, [(key, halide.func_varlist(value)) for (key, value) in func_d.items()])
    hl.randomize(cfg, 1)

    sgatuner.main(tester_lambda=lambda *a: HalideCandidateTester(hl, *a, test_func=test, func_d=func_d, func=func, scope=scope), pop_lambda=lambda *a: HalidePopulation(hl, *a),
                  hlconfig_lambda=lambda: hl, config_lambda=lambda: cfg)
Example #6
def autotune(func, test, scope):
    Autotunes func, using test(func) as a testing function that returns a time in seconds.
    sys.argv = [sys.argv[0], 'dirname']
    info = {}
    cfg = HalideConfigAccessor()
    func_d = halide.all_funcs(func)
    hl = HalideHighLevelConfig(info, [(key, halide.func_varlist(value)) for (key, value) in func_d.items()])
    hl.randomize(cfg, 1)

    sgatuner.main(tester_lambda=lambda *a: HalideCandidateTester(hl, *a, test_func=test, func_d=func_d, func=func, scope=scope), pop_lambda=lambda *a: HalidePopulation(hl, *a),
                  hlconfig_lambda=lambda: hl, config_lambda=lambda: cfg)
Example #7
    def added_or_edited(self, root_func, extra_caller_vars, vars=None, delta=0):
        if vars is None:
            vars = halide.func_varlist(self.func)
        for j in range(MUTATE_TRIES):
            L = copy.copy(list(self))
            i = random.randrange(len(L)+1-delta)
            all_vars = list(vars)
            for fragment in L[:i]:
            L[i:i+delta] = [random_fragment(root_func, self.func, all_vars, extra_caller_vars)]
            ans = FragmentList(self.func, L)
#            print ans, ans.check()
            if ans.check():
#                print '-'*40
                return ans
        raise MutateFailed
Example #8
def schedules_func(root_func, func, min_depth=0, max_depth=DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, random=False, extra_caller_vars=[], vars=None):
    Generator of valid schedules for a Func, each of which is a FragmentList (e.g. f.root().vectorize(x).parallel(y)).
    If random is True then instead generate exactly one schedule randomly chosen.
    if vars is None:
        vars = halide.func_varlist(func)    
    #if func.name() == 'f':
    #    yield FragmentList(func, [random_module.choice(FragmentChunk.fragments(root_func, func, FragmentChunk, vars, extra_caller_vars))])
    #    return
    for depth in range(min_depth, max_depth+1):
        if random:
            depth = random_module.randrange(min_depth, max_depth+1)
        for L in schedules_depth(root_func, func, vars, depth, random, extra_caller_vars):
            if L.check():
                yield L.randomized_const()
                if random:
Example #9
def random_schedule(root_func, min_depth=0, max_depth=DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, vars=None):
    Generate Schedule for all functions called by root_func (recursively). Same arguments as schedules_func().
    if vars is None:
        vars = halide.func_varlist(root_func)
    d_new_vars = {}
    schedule = {}
    def callback(f, parent):
        extra_caller_vars = d_new_vars.get(parent.name() if parent is not None else None,[])
#        print 'schedule', f.name(), extra_caller_vars
#        ans = schedules_func(root_func, f, min_depth, max_depth, random=True, extra_caller_vars=extra_caller_vars, vars=vars).next()
        max_depth_sel = max_depth if f.name() != 'f' else 0
        ans = schedules_func(root_func, f, min_depth, max_depth_sel, random=True, extra_caller_vars=extra_caller_vars).next()
        d_new_vars[f.name()] = ans.new_vars()
        schedule[f.name()] = ans
    halide.visit_funcs(root_func, callback)
    return Schedule(root_func, schedule)
Example #10
def get_xy(f, bounds):
    Given func object and bounds returned by get_bounds(), return vars suitable for interpretation as (x, y).
    If this is not possible then just returns the var list for func.
    varlist = halide.func_varlist(f)
    bounds = bounds[f.name()]
    assert len(varlist) == len(bounds), (len(varlist), len(bounds))
    allowed = [True]*len(varlist)
    for i in range(len(bounds)):
        if bounds[i] < 10 and bounds[i] >= 0:
            allowed[i] = False

    ans = []
    for i in range(len(bounds)-1):
        if allowed[i] and allowed[i+1]:
            ans.append((varlist[i], varlist[i+1]))
    if len(ans) > 0:
        return random.choice(ans)
    return varlist
Example #11
 def added_or_edited(self,
     if vars is None:
         vars = halide.func_varlist(self.func)
     for j in range(MUTATE_TRIES):
         L = copy.copy(list(self))
         i = random.randrange(len(L) + 1 - delta)
         all_vars = list(vars)
         for fragment in L[:i]:
         L[i:i + delta] = [
             random_fragment(root_func, self.func, all_vars,
         ans = FragmentList(self.func, L)
         #            print ans, ans.check()
         if ans.check():
             #                print '-'*40
             return ans
     raise MutateFailed
Example #12
def get_bounds(root_func, scope):
    Returns map of func name => list of bounds for each dim, with -1 indicating unbounded. Does not do bound inference.
    bounds = {}
    varlist = {}
    for (name, f) in halide.all_funcs(root_func).items():
        varlist[name] = halide.func_varlist(f)
        bounds[name] = [-1] * len(varlist[name])
    if 'tune_constraints' in scope:
        constraints = autotune.Schedule.fromstring(root_func, scope['tune_constraints'])
        return bounds
    for (name, L) in constraints.d.items():
        for x in L:
            if isinstance(x, autotune.FragmentBound):
                    i = varlist[name].index(x.var)
                except IndexError:
                    raise ValueError('could not find var %s to bound in func %s (varlist is %r)' % (x.var, name, varlist[name]))
                bounds[name][i] = x.size
    print 'bounds is:', bounds
    return bounds
Example #13
def mutate(a, p, constraints):
    "Mutate existing schedule using AutotuneParams p."
    a0 = a
    a = copy.copy(a0)
    extra_caller_vars = []      # FIXME: Implement extra_caller_vars, important for chunk().
    dmutate0 = p.dict_prob_mutate()
    while True:
#        for name in a.d.keys():
#            if random.random() < p.mutation_rate:
        name = random.choice(a.d.keys())
        dmutate = dict(dmutate0)
        if len(a.d[name]) <= p.min_depth:
            del dmutate['remove']
        if len(a.d[name]) >= p.max_depth:
            del dmutate['add']
        if len(a.d[name]) == 0:
            del dmutate['edit']
#                if 'remove' in dmutate:
#                    del dmutate['remove']
#                if 'edit' in dmutate:
#                    del dmutate['edit']
        mode = sample_prob(dmutate)
            if mode == 'consts':
                a.d[name] = a.d[name].randomized_const()
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_consts(%s)'%a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'replace':
                constraints_d = a.d
                del constraints_d[name]
                all_d = random_schedule(a.root_func, p.min_depth, p.max_depth, None, constraints_d)
                a.d[name] = all_d.d[name]
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_replace(%s)'%a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'add':
                assert len(a.d[name]) < p.max_depth
                #raise NotImplementedError
                a.d[name] = a.d[name].added(a.root_func, extra_caller_vars)
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_add(%s)'%a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'remove':
                assert len(a.d[name]) > p.min_depth
                #raise NotImplementedError
                a.d[name] = a.d[name].removed()
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_remove(%s)'%a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'edit':
#                        raise NotImplementedError
                a.d[name] = a.d[name].edited(a.root_func, extra_caller_vars)
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_edit(%s)'%a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'template':
                s = autotune_template.sample(halide.func_varlist(a.d[name].func)) # TODO: Use parent variables if chunk...
                a.d[name] = FragmentList.fromstring(a.d[name].func, s)
                a.genomelog = 'replace_template(%s)'%a0.identity()
                raise ValueError('Unknown mutation mode %s'%mode)
        except MutateFailed:
            #print 'Mutated schedule:' + '\n' + '-'*40 + '\n' + str(a) + '\n' + '-' * 40 + '\n'
            a.apply(constraints)       # Apply schedule to determine if random_schedule() invalidated new variables that were referenced
        except (NameError, halide.ScheduleError):
        return a
Example #14
def test_schedules(verbose=False, test_random=False):
    #random_module.seed(int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv)>1 else 0)
    f = halide.Func('f')
    x = halide.Var('x')
    y = halide.Var('y')
    c = halide.Var('c')
    g = halide.Func('g')
    v = halide.Var('v')
    input = halide.UniformImage(halide.UInt(16), 3)
    int_t = halide.Int(32)
    f[x, y, c] = input[
        halide.clamp(x, halide.cast(int_t, 0
                                    ), halide.cast(int_t,
                                                   input.width() - 1)),
        halide.clamp(y, halide.cast(int_t, 0
                                    ), halide.cast(int_t,
                                                   input.height() - 1)),
        halide.clamp(c, halide.cast(int_t, 0), halide.cast(int_t, 2))]
    #g[v] = f[v,v]
    g[x, y, c] = f[x, y, c] + 1
    assert sorted(halide.all_vars(g).keys()) == sorted(['x', 'y',
                                                        'c'])  #, 'v'])

    if verbose:
        print halide.func_varlist(f)
        print 'caller_vars(f) =', caller_vars(g, f)
        print 'caller_vars(g) =', caller_vars(g, g)

#    validL = list(valid_schedules(g, f, 4))
#    validL = [repr(_x) for _x in validL]
#    for L in sorted(validL):
#        print repr(L)
    T0 = time.time()
    if not test_random:
        random = True  #False
        nvalid_determ = 0
        for L in schedules_func(g, f, 0, 3):
            nvalid_determ += 1
            if verbose:
                print L
        nvalid_random = 0
        for i in range(100):
            for L in schedules_func(
                    g, f, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, random=True
            ):  #sorted([repr(_x) for _x in valid_schedules(g, f, 3)]):
                if verbose and 0:
                    print L  #repr(L)
                nvalid_random += 1
    s = []
    for i in range(400):
        d = random_schedule(g, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH)
        si = str(d)
        if verbose:
            print 'Schedule:', si

        evaluate = d.test((36, 36, 3), input)
        print 'evaluate'
        if test_random:
            print 'Success'
    T1 = time.time()

    s = '\n'.join(s)
    assert 'f.chunk(_c0)' in s
    assert 'f.root().vectorize' in s
    assert 'f.root().unroll' in s
    assert 'f.root().split' in s
    assert 'f.root().tile' in s
    assert 'f.root().parallel' in s
    assert 'f.root().transpose' in s

    assert nvalid_random == 100
    if verbose:
        print 'generated in %.3f secs' % (T1 - T0)
    print 'random_schedule: OK'
Example #15
def mutate(a, p, constraints):
    "Mutate existing schedule using AutotuneParams p."
    a0 = a
    a = copy.copy(a0)
    extra_caller_vars = [
    ]  # FIXME: Implement extra_caller_vars, important for chunk().
    dmutate0 = p.dict_prob_mutate()

    while True:
        #        for name in a.d.keys():
        #            if random.random() < p.mutation_rate:
        name = random.choice(a.d.keys())
        dmutate = dict(dmutate0)
        if len(a.d[name]) <= p.min_depth:
            del dmutate['remove']
        if len(a.d[name]) >= p.max_depth:
            del dmutate['add']
        if len(a.d[name]) == 0:
            del dmutate['edit']

#                if 'remove' in dmutate:
#                    del dmutate['remove']
#                if 'edit' in dmutate:
#                    del dmutate['edit']

        mode = sample_prob(dmutate)
            if mode == 'consts':
                a.d[name] = a.d[name].randomized_const()
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_consts(%s)' % a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'replace':
                constraints_d = a.d
                del constraints_d[name]
                all_d = random_schedule(a.root_func, p.min_depth, p.max_depth,
                                        None, constraints_d)
                a.d[name] = all_d.d[name]
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_replace(%s)' % a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'add':
                assert len(a.d[name]) < p.max_depth
                #raise NotImplementedError
                a.d[name] = a.d[name].added(a.root_func, extra_caller_vars)
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_add(%s)' % a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'remove':
                assert len(a.d[name]) > p.min_depth
                #raise NotImplementedError
                a.d[name] = a.d[name].removed()
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_remove(%s)' % a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'edit':
                #                        raise NotImplementedError
                a.d[name] = a.d[name].edited(a.root_func, extra_caller_vars)
                a.genomelog = 'mutate_edit(%s)' % a0.identity()
            elif mode == 'template':
                s = autotune_template.sample(
                )  # TODO: Use parent variables if chunk...
                a.d[name] = FragmentList.fromstring(a.d[name].func, s)
                a.genomelog = 'replace_template(%s)' % a0.identity()
                raise ValueError('Unknown mutation mode %s' % mode)
        except MutateFailed:

            #print 'Mutated schedule:' + '\n' + '-'*40 + '\n' + str(a) + '\n' + '-' * 40 + '\n'
            )  # Apply schedule to determine if random_schedule() invalidated new variables that were referenced
        except (NameError, halide.ScheduleError):
        return a
Example #16
def test_schedules(verbose=False, test_random=False):
    #random_module.seed(int(sys.argv[1]) if len(sys.argv)>1 else 0)
    f = halide.Func('f')
    x = halide.Var('x')
    y = halide.Var('y')
    c = halide.Var('c')
    g = halide.Func('g')
    v = halide.Var('v')
    input = halide.UniformImage(halide.UInt(16), 3)
    int_t = halide.Int(32)
    f[x,y,c] = input[halide.clamp(x,halide.cast(int_t,0),halide.cast(int_t,input.width()-1)),
    #g[v] = f[v,v]
    g[x,y,c] = f[x,y,c]+1
    assert sorted(halide.all_vars(g).keys()) == sorted(['x', 'y', 'c']) #, 'v'])

    if verbose:
        print halide.func_varlist(f)
        print 'caller_vars(f) =', caller_vars(g, f)
        print 'caller_vars(g) =', caller_vars(g, g)
#    validL = list(valid_schedules(g, f, 4))
#    validL = [repr(_x) for _x in validL]
#    for L in sorted(validL):
#        print repr(L)
    T0 = time.time()
    if not test_random:
        random = True #False
        nvalid_determ = 0
        for L in schedules_func(g, f, 0, 3):
            nvalid_determ += 1
            if verbose:
                print L
        nvalid_random = 0
        for i in range(100):
            for L in schedules_func(g, f, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH, random=True): #sorted([repr(_x) for _x in valid_schedules(g, f, 3)]):
                if verbose and 0:
                    print L#repr(L)
                nvalid_random += 1
    s = []
    for i in range(400):
        d = random_schedule(g, 0, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH)
        si = str(d)
        if verbose:
            print 'Schedule:', si

        evaluate = d.test((36, 36, 3), input)
        print 'evaluate'
        if test_random:
            print 'Success'
    T1 = time.time()
    s = '\n'.join(s)
    assert 'f.chunk(_c0)' in s
    assert 'f.root().vectorize' in s
    assert 'f.root().unroll' in s
    assert 'f.root().split' in s
    assert 'f.root().tile' in s
    assert 'f.root().parallel' in s
    assert 'f.root().transpose' in s

    assert nvalid_random == 100
    if verbose:
        print 'generated in %.3f secs' % (T1-T0)
    print 'random_schedule: OK'