Example #1
def measure_nbar_clustering(Mr):
    '''measure wp for the galaxy catalog
       with the luminosity threshold Mr'''

    #Corrfunc settings for wp measurements:

    boxsize = 250
    nthreads = 4
    pimax = 40.0
    binfile = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)),
                        "../", "bin")
    autocorr = 1

    filename = util.dat_dir()+'AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'dat'
    cat = np.loadtxt(filename)
    pos = cat[:,1:4]
    x, y, z = pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2] 
    vel = cat[:,4:7]
    vx, vy, vz =  vel[:,0], vel[:,1], vel[:,2] 
    #applying RSD:
    pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')
    #enforcing periodic boundary conditions:
    pos = enforce_periodicity_of_box(pos, boxsize)
    pos = pos.astype(np.float32)
    x, y, z = pos[:,0] , pos[:,1] , pos[:,2]
    wp_result = _countpairs.countpairs_wp(boxsize, pimax, 
                                   nthreads, binfile, 
				   x, y, z)
    nbar = 1.*len(pos)/boxsize**3.
    wp = np.array(wp_result)[:,3]

    return nbar , wp    
Example #2
    def _sum_stat(self, theta, prior_range=None):
        self.model.param_dict['logM0'] = theta[0]
        self.model.param_dict['sigma_logM'] = theta[1]
        self.model.param_dict['logMmin'] = theta[2]
        self.model.param_dict['alpha'] = theta[3]
        self.model.param_dict['logM1'] = theta[4]

        x = self.model.mock.galaxy_table['x']
        y = self.model.mock.galaxy_table['y']
        z = self.model.mock.galaxy_table['z']
        vz = self.model.mock.galaxy_table['vz']
        # applying RSD
        pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')
        # enforcing PBC
        pos = enforce_periodicity_of_box(pos, self.boxsize)
        pos = pos.astype(np.float32)
        x, y, z = pos[:,0] , pos[:,1] , pos[:,2]
        results_wp = _countpairs.countpairs_wp(self.boxsize, self.pimax, 
                                           self.binfile, x, y, z)
        wp = np.array(results_wp)[:,3]
        nbar = 1.*len(pos)/(self.boxsize)**3.

        return nbar , wp
Example #3
    def _sum_stat(self, theta, prior_range=None):
        self.model.param_dict['logM0'] = theta[0]
        self.model.param_dict['sigma_logM'] = theta[1]
        self.model.param_dict['logMmin'] = theta[2]
        self.model.param_dict['alpha'] = theta[3]
        self.model.param_dict['logM1'] = theta[4]
        gmff = []
        for i in xrange(1):
          x = self.model.mock.galaxy_table['x']
          y = self.model.mock.galaxy_table['y']
          z = self.model.mock.galaxy_table['z']
          vz = self.model.mock.galaxy_table['vz']
          # applying RSD
          pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')
          # enforcing PBC
          pos = enforce_periodicity_of_box(pos, self.boxsize)
          bperp = 0.14
          bpar = 0.75
          Lbox = np.array([self.boxsize, self.boxsize, self.boxsize])
          period = Lbox
          groups = FoFGroups(pos, b_perp=bperp, b_para=bpar, Lbox = Lbox , period=Lbox) 
          group_ids = groups.group_ids
          group_richness = richness(group_ids)
          gmff.append(np.histogram(np.array(group_richness) ,self.data_gmf_bin)[0] / (self.data_gmf_bin_width * self.boxsize**3.))
        gmf = np.mean(np.array(gmff) , axis = 0)
        nbar = 1.*len(pos)/(self.boxsize)**3.

        return nbar , gmf
Example #4
def compute_jackknife_covariance(Mr , nsub):
    box_size = 250.
    filename = util.dat_dir()+'AM_Mr'+str(Mr)+'dat'
    cat = np.loadtxt(filename)
    pos = cat[:,1:4]  #positions of all galaxies in the box
    vel = cat[:,4:7]  #velocities of all galaxies
    x , y , z = pos[:,0], pos[:,1], pos[:,2]
    vx, vy, vz = vel[:,0], vel[:,1], vel[:,2]
    rsd_pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')
    rsd_pos = enforce_periodicity_of_box(rsd_pos, box_size)
    number_of_subboxes = nsub ** 3
    #Corrfunc settings for wp measurements:
    subbox_size = box_size / nsub
    nthreads = 4
    pimax = 25.0
    binfile = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)),
                        "../", "bin")
    len_wp = len(np.loadtxt(binfile))
    wps = np.zeros((number_of_subboxes , len_wp)) 
    nbars = np.zeros((number_of_subboxes , 1))

    for subvol_index in xrange(number_of_subboxes):

        sub_rsd_pos = mask_positions(rsd_pos , subvol_index , nsub)
        sub_rsd_pos = sub_rsd_pos.astype(np.float32)
        sub_x, sub_y, sub_z = sub_rsd_pos[:,0] , sub_rsd_pos[:,1] , sub_rsd_pos[:,2]
        wp_result = _countpairs.countpairs_wp(subbox_size, pimax, 
                                   nthreads, binfile, 
				   sub_x, sub_y, sub_z)
        nbars[subvol_index] = 1.*len(sub_rsd_pos)/subbox_size**3.
        wps[subvol_index] = np.array(wp_result)[:,3]
    nbar_covar = np.array([np.var(nbars)])    
    wp_covar = np.cov(wps.T)    

    return nbar_covar , wp_covar
Example #5
def main():
    cov = np.loadtxt("../../data/wpxicov_dr72_bright0_mr21.0_z0.159_nj400")
    f_MD = (1. + 71.74*10**6. / (1000.)**3.)
    f_bol = (1. + 71.74*10.**6. / (250.)**3.)
    print("covariance correction factor=" , f_bol/f_MD)
    cov = cov*f_bol/f_MD
    model.param_dict['logM0'] =  12.59
    model.param_dict['sigma_logM'] =  0.49
    model.param_dict['logMmin'] =  12.78
    model.param_dict['alpha'] =  1.14
    model.param_dict['logM1'] =  13.99

    model.param_dict['mean_occupation_satellites_assembias_param1'] = 0.0
    halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(simname = 'bolplanck', redshift = 0, halo_finder = 'rockstar')
    model.populate_mock(halocat, enforce_PBC = True)
    pos = three_dim_pos_bundle(model.mock.galaxy_table, 'x', 'y', 'z')
    print("modelnumber density=" , len(pos)/halocat.Lbox**3.)
    print("data number density=" , 1.16*10**-3.) 
    x = model.mock.galaxy_table['x']
    y = model.mock.galaxy_table['y']
    z = model.mock.galaxy_table['z']
    vz = model.mock.galaxy_table['vz']

    # applying RSD
    pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')
    # enfprcing PBC
    pos =  enforce_periodicity_of_box(pos, halocat.Lbox)

    tstart = time.time()
    t0 = tstart
    pos = pos.astype(np.float32)
    x, y, z = pos[:,0] , pos[:,1] , pos[:,2]
    t1 = time.time()
    print("Done reading the data - time taken = {0:10.1f} seconds"
          .format(t1 - t0))
    print("Beginning Correlation functions calculations")
    boxsize = halocat.Lbox
    nthreads = 4
    pimax = 40.0
    binfile = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)),
                        "../../", "bin")
    autocorr = 1
    numbins_to_print = 12
    print("\nRunning 2-D projected correlation function wp(rp)")
    results_wp = _countpairs.countpairs_wp(boxsize, pimax, nthreads,
                                           binfile, x, y, z)
    print("\n#            ******    wp: first {0} bins  *******         "
    print("#      rmin        rmax       rpavg        wp       npairs")
    for ibin in range(numbins_to_print):
        items = results_wp[ibin]
        print("{0:12.4f} {1:12.4f} {2:10.4f} {3:10.1f} {4:10d}"
              .format(items[0], items[1], items[2], items[3], items[4]))
    data_wp = np.loadtxt("../../data/wpxi_dr72_bright0_mr21.0_z0.159_nj400")[:,1]
    data_wp_error = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)[:12])
    rbins = np.loadtxt(binfile)
    rs = np.mean(rbins , axis = 1)
    plt.errorbar(rs , data_wp , data_wp_error , fmt=".k" , capsize = 2)
    plt.plot(rs , np.array(results_wp)[:,3])
Example #6
def main():
    #cov = np.loadtxt("../../data/wpxicov_dr72_bright0_mr21.0_z0.159_nj400")
    #f_MD = (1. + 71.74*10**6. / (1000.)**3.)
    #f_bol = (1. + 71.74*10.**6. / (250.)**3.)
    #print("covariance correction factor=" , f_bol/f_MD)
    #cov = cov*f_bol/f_MD

    gmf_cat = np.loadtxt("gmf20.dat")
    data_gmf = gmf_cat[:,2]
    data_gmf_err = (gmf_cat[:,3]**2. + gmf_cat[:,4]**2.)**.5
    data_gmf_bin = np.hstack([gmf_cat[:,0],gmf_cat[-1,1]])
    model.param_dict['logM0'] =  11.16
    model.param_dict['sigma_logM'] =  0.61
    model.param_dict['logMmin'] =  12.10	
    model.param_dict['alpha'] =  1.08
    model.param_dict['logM1'] =  13.33
    model.param_dict['mean_occupation_centrals_assembias_param1'] = -1.
    halocat = CachedHaloCatalog(simname = 'bolplanck', redshift = 0, halo_finder = 'rockstar')
    pos = three_dim_pos_bundle(model.mock.galaxy_table, 'x', 'y', 'z')
    print("modelnumber density=" , len(pos)/halocat.Lbox**3.)
    print("data number density=" , 1.16*10**-3.) 

    x = model.mock.galaxy_table['x']
    y = model.mock.galaxy_table['y']
    z = model.mock.galaxy_table['z']
    vz = model.mock.galaxy_table['vz']

    # applying RSD
    pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')
    # enfprcing PBC
    #pos =  enforce_periodicity_of_box(pos, halocat.Lbox)

    from halotools.mock_observables import FoFGroups

    bperp = 0.14
    bpar = 0.75
    Lbox = np.array([halocat.Lbox,halocat.Lbox,halocat.Lbox])
    period = Lbox
    groups = FoFGroups(pos, b_perp=bperp, b_para=bpar, Lbox = Lbox , period=Lbox) 
    #model.mock.galaxy_table['fof_group_id'] = groups.group_ids
    #from halotools.utils import group_member_generator

    #grouping_key = 'fof_group_id'
    #requested_columns = []

    #group_gen = group_member_generator(model.mock.galaxy_table, grouping_key, requested_columns)

    #group_richness = np.zeros(len(model.mock.galaxy_table), dtype=int)
    #for first, last, member_props in group_gen:
    #    group_richness[first:last] = last-first
    group_ids = groups.group_ids
    group_richness = richness(group_ids)        
    gmf = np.histogram(np.array(group_richness) , data_gmf_bin)[0] / halocat.Lbox**3.
    chi = np.sum(((gmf - data_gmf)**2. / data_gmf_err**2.)[:-1])

    bin_centers = 0.5 * (data_gmf_bin[1:] + data_gmf_bin[:-1])

    plt.errorbar(bin_centers , data_gmf , data_gmf_err , fmt=".k" , capsize = 2)
    plt.plot(bin_centers , gmf)
Example #7
            lower_assembias_bound = 0,
            upper_assembias_bound = np.inf,

cens_occ_model =  Zheng07Cens(threshold = -21)
cens_prof_model = TrivialPhaseSpace()

from halotools.empirical_models import NFWPhaseSpace
sats_occ_model =  AssembiasZheng07Sats()
sats_prof_model = NFWPhaseSpace()

model_instance = HodModelFactory(
        centrals_occupation = cens_occ_model,
        centrals_profile = cens_prof_model,
        satellites_occupation = sats_occ_model,
        satellites_profile = sats_prof_model)

model_instance.param_dict['mean_occupation_satellites_assembias_param1'] = -1.
model_instance.populate_mock(simname = 'multidark')

x = model_instance.mock.galaxy_table['x']
y = model_instance.mock.galaxy_table['y']
z = model_instance.mock.galaxy_table['z']
vz = model_instance.mock.galaxy_table['vz']

pos = return_xyz_formatted_array(x, y, z, velocity = vz, velocity_distortion_dimension = 'z')